Protein Corona Fingerprinting Predicts the Cellular Interaction of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles. Walkey, C. D., Olsen, J. B., Song, F., Liu, R., Guo, H., Olsen, D. W. H., Cohen, Y., Emili, A., & Chan, W. C. W. ACS Nano, 8(3):2439–2455, March, 2014. Publisher: American Chemical Society
Protein Corona Fingerprinting Predicts the Cellular Interaction of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles [link]Paper  Protein Corona Fingerprinting Predicts the Cellular Interaction of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles [pdf]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   3 downloads  
Using quantitative models to predict the biological interactions of nanoparticles will accelerate the translation of nanotechnology. Here, we characterized the serum protein corona ‘fingerprint’ formed around a library of 105 surface-modified gold nanoparticles. Applying a bioinformatics-inspired approach, we developed a multivariate model that uses the protein corona fingerprint to predict cell association 50% more accurately than a model that uses parameters describing nanoparticle size, aggregation state, and surface charge. Our model implicates a set of hyaluronan-binding proteins as mediators of nanoparticle–cell interactions. This study establishes a framework for developing a comprehensive database of protein corona fingerprints and biological responses for multiple nanoparticle types. Such a database can be used to develop quantitative relationships that predict the biological responses to nanoparticles and will aid in uncovering the fundamental mechanisms of nano–bio interactions.

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