Continuous-time system identification of a food extruder: experiment design and data analysis. Wang, L., Gawthrop, P. J, Chessari, C., & Podsiadly, T. In pages 629–634.
abstract   bibtex   
The introduction of product quality self-regulation to food-cooking extrusion is an important aspect of process control within food manufacturing industries. In order to design an automatic control system for product quality, a mathematical model of the food extruder is required. As first-principles models are difficult to obtain in this context, a food extruder is a good candidate for applying system identification tools. This paper presents the application of continuous time system identification to such a food cooking extruder. More specifically, the reported application features an automated identification experiment apparatus designed using relay feedback control mechanisms and instrumented through existing real time supervisory system for the extruder. Experimental data from the food extruder are obtained and analysed using our identification approach.
  author = {Liuping Wang and Peter J Gawthrop and Charlie Chessari and Tony Podsiadly},
  title = {Continuous-time system identification of a food
                  extruder: experiment design and data analysis},
  crossref = {SYSID03},
  pages = {629--634},
  abstract = {The introduction of product quality self-regulation to food-cooking
  extrusion is an important aspect of process control within food
  manufacturing industries. In order to design an automatic control
  system for product quality, a mathematical model of the food
  extruder is required.  As first-principles models are difficult to
  obtain in this context, a food extruder is a good candidate for
  applying system identification tools.
  This paper presents the application of continuous time system
  identification to such a food cooking extruder.  More specifically,
  the reported application features an automated identification
  experiment apparatus designed using relay feedback control
  mechanisms and instrumented through existing real time supervisory
  system for the extruder. Experimental data from the food extruder
  are obtained and analysed using our identification approach.},
  pdf = {../../Publications/csc2003/WanGaw03.pdf}

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