Integer-Ordered Simulation Optimization using R-SPLINE: Retrospective Search using Piecewise-Linear Interpolation and Neighborhood Enumeration. Wang, H., Pasupathy, R., & Schmeiser, B. W. ACM TOMACS, 23(3), 2013.
Integer-Ordered Simulation Optimization using R-SPLINE: Retrospective Search using Piecewise-Linear Interpolation and Neighborhood Enumeration [pdf]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
We consider simulation-optimization (SO) models where the decision variables are integer ordered and the objective function is defined implicitly via a simulation oracle, which for any feasible solution can be called to compute a point estimate of the objective-function value. We develop R-SPLINE—a Retrospective-search algorithm that alternates between a continuous Search using Piecewise-Linear Interpolation and a discrete Neighborhood Enumeration, to asymptotically identify a local minimum. R-SPLINE appears to be among the first few gradient-based search algorithms tailored for solving integer-ordered local SO problems. In addition to proving the almost-sure convergence of R-SPLINE?s iterates to the set of local minima, we demonstrate that the probability of R-SPLINE returning a solution outside the set of true local minima decays exponentially in a certain precise sense. R-SPLINE, with no parameter tuning, compares favorably with popular existing algorithms.

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