Providing Structural Computing Services on the World Wide Web. Wiil, U. K. & Hicks, D. L. In pages 160-171.
abstract   bibtex   
The World Wide Web is one of the most successful software systems. The web provides a simple, extensible, and standardized hypermedia platform with millions of users that have access to millions of servers holding billions of documents. Hence, an increasing number of researchers and developers are making their systems and services available on the web. In conformance with this trend, this paper describes the first important results in the ongoing effort to provide the Construct structural computing services on the web. The paper is organized into five parts: an introduction to the research area, a brief overview of the Construct structural computing environment, a detailed description of the completed development effort to provide the Construct metadata services on the web, a quick overview of ongoing and future work in this area, and finally, our conclusions.
@inproceedings{ wii01,
  crossref = {ohs7},
  author = {Uffe Kock Wiil and David L. Hicks},
  title = {Providing Structural Computing Services on the World Wide Web},
  pages = {160-171},
  uri = {},
  abstract = {The World Wide Web is one of the most successful software systems. The web provides a simple, extensible, and standardized hypermedia platform with millions of users that have access to millions of servers holding billions of documents. Hence, an increasing number of researchers and developers are making their systems and services available on the web. In conformance with this trend, this paper describes the first important results in the ongoing effort to provide the Construct structural computing services on the web. The paper is organized into five parts: an introduction to the research area, a brief overview of the Construct structural computing environment, a detailed description of the completed development effort to provide the Construct metadata services on the web, a quick overview of ongoing and future work in this area, and finally, our conclusions.}

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