Augmenting XHTML for Help and Documentation. Wilde, E. In pages 251-255.
abstract   bibtex   
Providing users with help and other documentation is essential for any software targeted at end users. Authoring help and documentation in a platform-independent way is hard, because different help systems have different conventions for structuring and organizing the documents. The Help System Generator (HSG) presented in this paper provides an easy and platform-independent way of preparing and publishing help and documentation. Using HSG, software creators can easily author, reuse, and publish help and documentation for different platforms.
@inproceedings{ wil05t,
  crossref = {iawtic2005},
  author = {Erik Wilde},
  title = {Augmenting XHTML for Help and Documentation},
  pages = {251-255},
  uri = {},
  abstract = {Providing users with help and other documentation is essential for any software targeted at end users. Authoring help and documentation in a platform-independent way is hard, because different help systems have different conventions for structuring and organizing the documents. The Help System Generator (HSG) presented in this paper provides an easy and platform-independent way of preparing and publishing help and documentation. Using HSG, software creators can easily author, reuse, and publish help and documentation for different platforms.}

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