Third International Workshop on Location and the Web (LocWeb 2010). Wilde, E., Boll, S., & Scḧoning, J. In pages 1-3.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
The Third International Workshop on Location and the Web (LocWeb 2010) focuses on research and development that targets the intersection of Internet-enabled location-aware and/or located devices, and services based on Web technologies and Web architecture. The rapid rise of multi-sensory mobile devices and Internet-enabled "things" equipped with sensors and ubiquitous connectivity opens new possibilities and provides the foundations to capture, share and use Web services and applications in ways which go beyond the traditional scenarios of stationary or even mobile computer-like devices. Increasingly, applications will have to bridge the physical world and the Web space, and location is one of the major connecting links. When Web services will "surround" users, designers have to address the challenges of scalability and interoperability on the Web, and designers also have to look at policy, regulatory, and legislative responses to the privacy and security challenges created by something as sensitive as location information.
@inproceedings{ wil10b,
  crossref = {locweb2010},
  author = {Erik Wilde and Susanne Boll and Johannes Scḧoning},
  title = {Third International Workshop on Location and the Web (LocWeb 2010)},
  pages = {1-3},
  doi = {10.1145/1899662.1899663},
  uri = {},
  abstract = {The Third International Workshop on Location and the Web (LocWeb 2010) focuses on research and development that targets the intersection of Internet-enabled location-aware and/or located devices, and services based on Web technologies and Web architecture. The rapid rise of multi-sensory mobile devices and Internet-enabled "things" equipped with sensors and ubiquitous connectivity opens new possibilities and provides the foundations to capture, share and use Web services and applications in ways which go beyond the traditional scenarios of stationary or even mobile computer-like devices. Increasingly, applications will have to bridge the physical world and the Web space, and location is one of the major connecting links. When Web services will "surround" users, designers have to address the challenges of scalability and interoperability on the Web, and designers also have to look at policy, regulatory, and legislative responses to the privacy and security challenges created by something as sensitive as location information.}

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