Presenting in HTML. Wilde, E. & Cattin, P. In
abstract   bibtex   
The management and publishing of complex presentations is poorly supported by available presentation software. This makes it hard to publish usable and accessible presentation material, and to reuse that material for continuously evolving events. XSLidy provides a XSLT-based approach to generate presentations out of a mix of HTML and structural elements. Using XSLidy, the management and reuse of complex presentations becomes easier, and the results are more user-friendly in terms of usability and accessibility.
@inproceedings{ wil07m,
  crossref = {doceng07},
  author = {Erik Wilde and Philippe Cattin},
  title = {Presenting in HTML},
  uri = {},
  topic = {xslidy[0.9]},
  abstract = {The management and publishing of complex presentations is poorly supported by available presentation software. This makes it hard to publish usable and accessible presentation material, and to reuse that material for continuously evolving events. XSLidy provides a XSLT-based approach to generate presentations out of a mix of HTML and structural elements. Using XSLidy, the management and reuse of complex presentations becomes easier, and the results are more user-friendly in terms of usability and accessibility.}

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