Day-roosting activity budgets of the eastern pipistrelle bat, Pipistrellus subflavus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Winchell, J. M. & Kunz, T. H. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 74(3):431–441, 1996. Publisher: NRC Research Press Ottawa, Canada
	title = {Day-roosting activity budgets of the eastern pipistrelle bat, {Pipistrellus} subflavus ({Chiroptera}: {Vespertilionidae})},
	volume = {74},
	shorttitle = {Day-roosting activity budgets of the eastern pipistrelle bat, {Pipistrellus} subflavus ({Chiroptera}},
	number = {3},
	journal = {Canadian Journal of Zoology},
	author = {Winchell, Jane M. and Kunz, Thomas H.},
	year = {1996},
	note = {Publisher: NRC Research Press Ottawa, Canada},
	pages = {431--441},

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