CARACaS Multi-Agent Maritime Autonomy for Unmanned Surface Vehicles in the Swarm II Harbor Patrol Demonstration. Wolf, M. T., Rahmani, A., de la Croix, J., Woodward, G., Vander Hook, J., Brown, D., Schaffer, S., Lim, C., Bailey, P., Tepsuporn, S., Pomerantz, M., Nguyen, V., Sorice, C., & Sandoval, M. In SPIE 10195, Anaheim, CA, April, 2017.
CARACaS Multi-Agent Maritime Autonomy for Unmanned Surface Vehicles in the Swarm II Harbor Patrol Demonstration [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   25 downloads  
	title        = {CARACaS Multi-Agent Maritime Autonomy for Unmanned Surface Vehicles in the Swarm II Harbor Patrol Demonstration},
	author       = {Michael T. Wolf and Amir Rahmani and Jean-Pierre de la Croix and Gail Woodward and Vander Hook, Joshua and David Brown and Steve Schaffer and Christopher Lim and Philip Bailey and Scott Tepsuporn and Marc Pomerantz and Viet Nguyen and Cristina Sorice and Michael Sandoval},
	year         = 2017,
	month        = {April},
	booktitle    = {SPIE 10195},
	address      = {Anaheim, CA},
	doi          = {10.1117/12.2262067},
	url          = {},
	clearance    = {CL\#17-1581}

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