Huge Variations in US Postdoc Salaries Point to Undervalued Workforce. Woolston, C.
Huge Variations in US Postdoc Salaries Point to Undervalued Workforce [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Rare effort to track wages reveals inconsistencies and a gender pay gap. [Excerpt] A peer-reviewed report on the salaries of nearly 14,000 postdoctoral researchers working at 52 US institutions has revealed wide disparities. [...] Historically, it has been difficult to track postdoc wages, because individuals might be paid through their principal investigator's grant, through their own fellowship award or directly by the university where they work. Furthermore, postdocs can be classified variously as postdoctoral scientists, research fellows, research associates or other titles, even within a single institution or organization. [...] The data also suggest that female postdocs are relatively underpaid, at least in some parts of the country. [...]
  title = {Huge Variations in {{US}} Postdoc Salaries Point to Undervalued Workforce},
  author = {Woolston, Chris},
  date = {2019-02},
  journaltitle = {Nature},
  issn = {0028-0836},
  doi = {10.1038/d41586-019-00587-y},
  url = {},
  abstract = {Rare effort to track wages reveals inconsistencies and a gender pay gap.

[Excerpt] A peer-reviewed report on the salaries of nearly 14,000 postdoctoral researchers working at 52 US institutions has revealed wide disparities. [...] Historically, it has been difficult to track postdoc wages, because individuals might be paid through their principal investigator's grant, through their own fellowship award or directly by the university where they work. Furthermore, postdocs can be classified variously as postdoctoral scientists, research fellows, research associates or other titles, even within a single institution or organization. [...] The data also suggest that female postdocs are relatively underpaid, at least in some parts of the country. [...]},
  keywords = {*imported-from-citeulike-INRMM,~INRMM-MiD:c-14694061,discrimination,inequality,research-management,science-ethics,science-society-interface,united-states}

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