Paul and his recent interpreters: some contemporary debates. Wright, N. T Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 2015.
	address = {Minneapolis},
	title = {Paul and his recent interpreters: some contemporary debates},
	isbn = {978-0-8006-9964-2},
	shorttitle = {Paul and his recent interpreters},
	language = {eng},
	publisher = {Fortress Press},
	author = {Wright, N. T},
	year = {2015},
	keywords = {Apostolos Paulos, Bible. Epistles of Paul Criticism, interpretation, etc., Būlus, the Apostle, Saint, Pablo, the Apostle, Saint, Paolo di Tarso, the Apostle, Saint, Paul, of Tarsus, the Apostle, Saint, Paul, the Apostle, Saint, Paulo de Tarso, the Apostle, Saint, Paulos, Apostolos, Saint, Paulos, the Apostle, Saint, Paulus von Tarsus, the Apostle, Saint, Pavel, the Apostle, Saint, Pavol, the Apostle, Saint, Paweł z Tarsu, the Apostle, Saint, Paweł, the Apostle, Saint, Pál, the Apostle, Saint, Pōghos, the Apostle, Saint, Saul, de Tarse, Saul, of Tarsus, القديس بولس الرسول, بولس، The Apostle, Saint, 사도바울},

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