Use of Summary Measures to Adjust for Informative Missingness in Repeated Measures Data with Random Effects. Wu, M. C. & Follmann, D. A. Biometrics, 55:75-84, 1999.
  title = {Use of Summary Measures to Adjust for Informative Missingness in Repeated Measures Data with Random Effects},
  volume = {55},
  journal = {Biometrics},
  author = {Wu, Margaret C. and Follmann, Dean A.},
  year = {1999},
  keywords = {serial-data,non-random-dropout,repeated-measurements,informative-missingness},
  pages = {75-84},
  citeulike-article-id = {13265171},
  posted-at = {2014-07-14 14:09:51},
  priority = {0},
  annote = {summary measures of dropout times used as covariables}

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