Harvesting Social Knowledge from Folksonomies. Wu, H., Zubair, M., & Maly, K. In pages 111-114.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Collaborative tagging systems, or folksonomies, have the potential of becoming technological infrastructure to support knowledge management activities in an organization or a society. There are many challenges, however. This paper presents designs that enhance collaborative tagging systems to meet some key challenges: community identification, ontology generation, user and document recommendation. Design prototypes, evaluation methodology and selected preliminary results are presented.
@inproceedings{ wu06,
  crossref = {acmht06},
  author = {Harris Wu and Mohammad Zubair and Kurt Maly},
  title = {Harvesting Social Knowledge from Folksonomies},
  pages = {111-114},
  doi = {10.1145/1149941.1149962},
  abstract = {Collaborative tagging systems, or folksonomies, have the potential of becoming technological infrastructure to support knowledge management activities in an organization or a society. There are many challenges, however. This paper presents designs that enhance collaborative tagging systems to meet some key challenges: community identification, ontology generation, user and document recommendation. Design prototypes, evaluation methodology and selected preliminary results are presented.}

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