A derivative-free optimization algorithm combining line-search and trust-region techniques. Xie, P. & Yuan, Y. Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, 44(5):719-734, 2023.
A derivative-free optimization algorithm combining line-search and trust-region techniques [link]1  A derivative-free optimization algorithm combining line-search and trust-region techniques [link]2  A derivative-free optimization algorithm combining line-search and trust-region techniques [link]3  bibtex   5 downloads  
  author = {P. Xie and Y.-x. Yuan},
  title = {A derivative-free optimization algorithm combining line-search and trust-region techniques},
  journal = {Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B},
  volume = {44},
  number = {5},
  pages = {719-734},
  year = {2023},
  url1 = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11401-023-0040-y},
  url2 = {https://camath.fudan.edu.cn/camb/ch/reader/create_pdf.aspx?file_no=202305005&flag=1},
  url3 = {https://camath.fudan.edu.cn/camb/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=202305005&flag=1},
keywords = {optimization},

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