Adaptive Multi-Task Transfer Learning for Chinese Word Segmentation in Medical Text. Xing, J., Zhu, K., & Zhang, S. In Bender, E. M., Derczynski, L., & Isabelle, P., editors, COLING, pages 3619-3630, 2018. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Adaptive Multi-Task Transfer Learning for Chinese Word Segmentation in Medical Text. [link]Link  Adaptive Multi-Task Transfer Learning for Chinese Word Segmentation in Medical Text. [link]Paper  bibtex   
  added-at = {2019-09-13T00:00:00.000+0200},
  author = {Xing, Junjie and Zhu, Kenny and Zhang, Shaodian},
  biburl = {},
  booktitle = {COLING},
  crossref = {conf/coling/2018},
  editor = {Bender, Emily M. and Derczynski, Leon and Isabelle, Pierre},
  ee = {},
  interhash = {0a1b0d838632aa87a7eb74e8858dd7ac},
  intrahash = {d952f23e3a01359d77f69d4852434a8b},
  isbn = {978-1-948087-50-6},
  keywords = {dblp},
  pages = {3619-3630},
  publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
  timestamp = {2019-09-17T12:23:29.000+0200},
  title = {Adaptive Multi-Task Transfer Learning for Chinese Word Segmentation in Medical Text.},
  url = {},
  year = 2018

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