An enhanced framework for providing multimedia broadcast/multicast service over heterogeneous networks. Xu, Y., Chow, C., Tham, M., & Ishii, H. Journal of Zhejiang University - Science C (JZUSC), 15(1):63-80, 2014.
An enhanced framework for providing multimedia broadcast/multicast service over heterogeneous networks [link]Paper  bibtex   
@article{ dblp1452570,
  title = {An enhanced framework for providing multimedia broadcast/multicast service over heterogeneous networks},
  author = {Yi-Han Xu and Chee-Onn Chow and Mau-Luen Tham and Hiroshi Ishii},
  author_short = {Xu, Y. and Chow, C. and Tham, M. and Ishii, H.},
  bibtype = {article},
  type = {article},
  year = {2014},
  key = {dblp1452570},
  id = {dblp1452570},
  biburl = {},
  url = {},
  journal = {Journal of Zhejiang University - Science C (JZUSC)},
  pages = {63-80},
  number = {1},
  volume = {15},
  text = {Journal of Zhejiang University - Science C (JZUSC) 15(1):63-80 (2014)}

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