Numeral systems across languages support efficient communication: From approximate numerosity to recursion. Xu, Y. & Regier, T. In Bello, P., Guarini, M., McShane, M., & Scassellati, & B., editors, Proceedings of the 36th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, pages 1802–1807, Austin, TX, 2014. Cognitive Science Society.
	address = {Austin, TX},
	title = {Numeral systems across languages support efficient communication: {From} approximate numerosity to recursion},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 36th annual meeting of the {Cognitive} {Science} {Society}},
	publisher = {Cognitive Science Society},
	author = {Xu, Yang and Regier, Terry},
	editor = {Bello, P. and Guarini, M. and McShane, M. and Scassellati, \& B.},
	year = {2014},
	pages = {1802--1807}

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