Accelerating Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis for Large Brain Imaging Genetics Data. Yan, J., Zhang, H., Du, L., Wernert, E., A., Saykin, A., J., & Shen, L. In Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment, 2014. ACM.
Accelerating Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis for Large Brain Imaging Genetics Data [link]Website  bibtex   
 title = {Accelerating Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis for Large Brain Imaging Genetics Data},
 type = {inproceedings},
 year = {2014},
 keywords = {AVL,PTI,RT,RTV},
 websites = {},
 publisher = {ACM},
 city = {Atlanta, GA USA},
 id = {00756580-b50e-3bc4-9d8a-4cddb219a7bf},
 created = {2018-02-27T18:07:31.707Z},
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 profile_id = {42d295c0-0737-38d6-8b43-508cab6ea85d},
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 last_modified = {2018-02-27T18:07:31.707Z},
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 source_type = {inproceedings},
 private_publication = {false},
 bibtype = {inproceedings},
 author = {Yan, Jingwen and Zhang, Hui and Du, Lei and Wernert, Eric A and Saykin, Andrew J and Shen, Li},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment}

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