Result Reuse in Design Space Exploration: A Study in System Support for Interactive Parallel Computing. Yau, S., Damevski, K., Zorin, D., Karamcheti, V., & Parker, S. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2008), pages 1–12, 2008.
  author =    "S. Yau and K. Damevski and D. Zorin and V.
              Karamcheti and S.G. Parker",
  title =     "Result Reuse in Design Space Exploration: A Study
              in System Support for Interactive Parallel
  booktitle = "Proceedings of the 22nd International Parallel and
              Distributed Processing Symposium ({IPDPS} 2008)",
  pages =     "1--12",
  year =      "2008",
  location =  "Miami, Florida",

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