Tailored mutation-based software fault injection tool (IM-FIT). Yayan, U. & Baglum, C. Elsevier.
  author       = {Yayan, Ugur and Baglum, Cem},
  date         = {2023},
  journaltitle = {SoftwareX},
  title        = {Tailored mutation-based software fault injection tool (IM-FIT)},
  pages        = {101463},
  comment      = {- fig. 1 good for quick overview
- for evaluating robustness of safety-critical systems
- specifically Python and Robotic Operating System (ROS)

  - # ? should we stop reading here

- propose tool "IM-FIT"
- mutation-based testing based on regex and AST

  - only mentioned in abstract
  - faults seem to be defined as triple (file, match code, mutated code)

    - ? re-usability

- runs mutants, compares and scores outputs

  - the less mutants undetected, the better

- monitoring module collects and shows stats to user
- uniqueness appears to be efficiency

  - mention other tools as related work

    - but no related work section in common sense

- classifies output (valid, invalid, detected, undetected, timeout,
  survived, … mutants)
- source code available (https://github.com/ESOGU-SRLAB/imfit)

  - including screen shots
  - meaningless commit messages
  - dead since two years},
  file         = {:yayan23tailored - Tailored mutation-based software fault injection tool (IM-FIT).pdf:PDF},
  publisher    = {Elsevier},

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