Design and implementation of fault injection based on abstract syntax tree of C Program. Yu, H., Gong, H., & Wang, Y. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, volume 715, pages 012034. IOP Publishing.
  author       = {Yu, Hang and Gong, Huiquan and Wang, Yawen},
  booktitle    = {IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering},
  date         = {2020},
  title        = {Design and implementation of fault injection based on abstract syntax tree of C Program},
  number       = {1},
  organization = {IOP Publishing},
  pages        = {012034},
  volume       = {715},
  comment      = {overall: too little information to be useful

* context: mutation testing

  * i.e., mutate code to test quality of tests

* address inefficiency of mutation testing

  * e.g., low compilation success rate of mutants

* approach: mutate code taking abstract syntax tree into account

  * i.e., mutate syntactically and semantically correct
  * \# ? is this a novelty

* process

  \#. parse code
  \#. identify fault locations (also based on "mutation operator")
  \#. generate faults per location (also based on "mutation operator")
  \#. generate faulty code

* use "mutation operators" from other publication

  * seems to be available in Chinese only …

* experiments

  * programs under test are opaque to me (cryptic names, no references)
  * results: ~ 97% compilation success rate
  * no comparison with non-AST-based approaches},
  file         = {:yu20design - Design and implementation of fault injection based on abstract syntax tree of C Program.pdf:PDF},
  groups       = {fault injection},
  timestamp    = {2021-01-05},

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