Global burden of cardiovascular diseases: Part I: general considerations, the epidemiologic transition, risk factors, and impact of urbanization. Yusuf, S., Reddy, S., Ounpuu, S., & Anand, S. Circulation, 104(22):2746-2753, 2001.
  author = {Yusuf, S. and Reddy, S. and Ounpuu, S. and Anand, S.},
 journal = {Circulation},
 number = {22},
 pages = {2746-2753},
 title = {Global burden of cardiovascular diseases: {P}art I: general considerations, the epidemiologic transition, risk factors, and impact of urbanization},
 volume = {104},
 year = {2001},
 title_with_no_special_chars = {Global burden of cardiovascular diseases Part I general considerations the epidemiologic transition risk factors and impact of urbanization}

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