The integration of postrotatory nystagmus and illusionary body rotation. Zacher, J. E., Allison, R., & Howard, I. P. Poster presented at the International Conference on Visual Coding, (ICVC), North York, Ontario, 06, 1995.
	author = {Zacher, J. E. and Allison, R.S. and Howard, I. P.},
	date-added = {2011-05-09 17:12:03 -0400},
	date-modified = {2011-05-18 16:20:55 -0400},
	howpublished = {Poster presented at the International Conference on Visual Coding, (ICVC), North York, Ontario},
	keywords = {Optic flow & Self Motion (also Locomotion & Aviation)},
	month = {06},
	title = {The integration of postrotatory nystagmus and illusionary body rotation},
	year = {1995}}

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