Multi-level fast multipole method for thin plate spline evaluation. Zandifar, A., Lim, S., Duraiswami, R., Gumerov, N., & Davis, L. In ICIP '04: Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Image Proc., volume III, pages 1683-1686, 2004.
  author = {Zandifar, A. and Lim, S.N. and Duraiswami, R. and Gumerov, N.A. and Davis, L.S.},
 booktitle = {ICIP '04: Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Image Proc.},
 pages = {1683-1686},
 title = {Multi-level fast multipole method for thin plate spline evaluation},
 volume = {III},
 year = {2004},
 title_with_no_special_chars = {Multilevel fast multipole method for thin plate spline evaluation}

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