KVLight: A Lightweight Key-Value Store for Distributed Access in Cloud. Zeng, J. & Plale, B. In Proceedings - 2016 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing, CCGrid 2016, 2016.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
© 2016 IEEE. Key-value stores (KVS) are finding use in Big Data applications as the store offers a flexible data model, scalability in number of distributed nodes, and high availability. In a cloud environment, a distributed KVS is often deployed over the local file system of the nodes in a cluster of virtual machines (VMs). Parallel file system (PFS) offers an alternate approach to disk storage, however a distributed key value store running over a parallel file system can experience overheads due to its unawareness of the PFS. Additionally, distributed KVS requires persistent running services which is not cost effective under the pay-as-you-go model of cloud computing because resources have to be held even under periods of no workload. We propose KVLight, a lightweight KVS that runs over PFS. It is lightweight in the sense that it shifts the responsibility of reliable data storage to the PFS and focuses on performance. Specifically, KVLight is built on an embedded KVS for high performance but uses novel data structures to support concurrent writes, giving capability that embedded KVSs are not currently designed for. Furthermore, it allows on-demand access without running persistent services in front of the file system. Empirical results show that KVLight outperforms Cassandra and Voldemort, two state-of-the-art KVSs, under both synthetic and realistic workloads.
 title = {KVLight: A Lightweight Key-Value Store for Distributed Access in Cloud},
 type = {inproceedings},
 year = {2016},
 id = {f0873ec4-5214-3910-b864-9e33ecc349a7},
 created = {2019-10-01T17:20:47.809Z},
 file_attached = {false},
 profile_id = {42d295c0-0737-38d6-8b43-508cab6ea85d},
 last_modified = {2019-10-01T17:23:36.854Z},
 read = {false},
 starred = {false},
 authored = {true},
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 citation_key = {Zeng2016},
 folder_uuids = {73f994b4-a3be-4035-a6dd-3802077ce863},
 private_publication = {false},
 abstract = {© 2016 IEEE. Key-value stores (KVS) are finding use in Big Data applications as the store offers a flexible data model, scalability in number of distributed nodes, and high availability. In a cloud environment, a distributed KVS is often deployed over the local file system of the nodes in a cluster of virtual machines (VMs). Parallel file system (PFS) offers an alternate approach to disk storage, however a distributed key value store running over a parallel file system can experience overheads due to its unawareness of the PFS. Additionally, distributed KVS requires persistent running services which is not cost effective under the pay-as-you-go model of cloud computing because resources have to be held even under periods of no workload. We propose KVLight, a lightweight KVS that runs over PFS. It is lightweight in the sense that it shifts the responsibility of reliable data storage to the PFS and focuses on performance. Specifically, KVLight is built on an embedded KVS for high performance but uses novel data structures to support concurrent writes, giving capability that embedded KVSs are not currently designed for. Furthermore, it allows on-demand access without running persistent services in front of the file system. Empirical results show that KVLight outperforms Cassandra and Voldemort, two state-of-the-art KVSs, under both synthetic and realistic workloads.},
 bibtype = {inproceedings},
 author = {Zeng, J. and Plale, B.},
 doi = {10.1109/CCGrid.2016.55},
 booktitle = {Proceedings - 2016 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing, CCGrid 2016}

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