A modular controller for a class of uncertain MIMO nonlinear systems with non-symmetric input gain matrix. Zhang, X., Dawson, D. M., Behal, A., & Xian, B. Technical Report CU/CRB/9/10/04/1, Clemson University, College of Engineering and Science, Control and Robotics (CRB), 2004.
  author      = {Zhang, X. and Dawson, D. M. and Behal, A. and Xian, B.},
  title       = {A modular controller for a class of uncertain {MIMO} nonlinear systems with non-symmetric input gain matrix},
  institution = {Clemson University, College of Engineering and Science, Control and Robotics (CRB)},
  year        = {2004},
  number      = {CU/CRB/9/10/04/1},
  owner       = {parag},
  timestamp   = {2008.03.28},

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