LDplayer: DNS Experimentation at Scale (poster abstract). Zhu, L. & Heidemann, J. In Proceedings of the SIGCOMM Posters and Demos, of SIGCOMM Posters and Demos '17, pages 60–62, August, 2017. ACM.
LDplayer: DNS Experimentation at Scale (poster abstract) [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
In the last 20 years the core of the Domain Name System (DNS) has improved in security and privacy, and DNS use broadened from name-to-address mapping to a critical roles in service discovery and anti-spam. However, protocol evolution and expansion of use has been slow because advances must consider a huge and diverse installed base. We suggest that experimentation at scale can fill this gap. To meet the need for experimentation at scale, this paper presents LDplayer, a configurable, general-purpose DNS testbed. LDplayer enables DNS experiments to scale in several dimensions: many zones, multiple levels of DNS hierarchy, high query rates, and diverse query sources. To meet these requirements while providing high fidelity experiments, LDplayer includes a distributed DNS query replay system and methods to rebuild the relevant DNS hierarchy from traces. We show that a single DNS server can correctly emulate multiple independent levels of the DNS hierarchy while providing correct responses as if they were independent. We show the importance of our system to evaluate pressing DNS design questions, using it to evaluate changes in DNSSEC key size.
	author = {Zhu, Liang and Heidemann, John},
	title = {LDplayer: DNS Experimentation at Scale (poster abstract)},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the SIGCOMM Posters and Demos},
	series = {SIGCOMM Posters and Demos '17},
	year = {2017},
	isbn = {978-1-4503-5057-0},
	jlocation = {Los Angeles, CA, USA},
	pages = {60--62},
	numpages = {3},
	acmid = {3131986},
	publisher = {ACM},
	keywords = {Domain Name System (DNS), experiments, performance, trace replay},
	month = 	aug,
	sortdate = 	"2017-08-22",
	project = "ant, retrofuture, lacrend",
	jsubject = "dns",
	jlocation = 	"johnh: pafile",
	url =		"https://ant.isi.edu/%7ejohnh/PAPERS/Zhu17b.html",
	pdfurl =	"https://ant.isi.edu/%7ejohnh/PAPERS/Zhu17b.pdf",
	doi = "https://doi.org/10.1145/3123878.3131986",
	acmdoi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3123878.3131986},
	codeurl = 	"https://ant.isi.edu/software/ldplayer/index.html",
	myorganization =	"USC/Information Sciences Institute",
	copyrightholder = "authors",
	abstract = " In the last 20 years the core of the Domain Name
                  System (DNS) has improved in security and privacy,
                  and DNS use broadened from name-to-address mapping
                  to a critical roles in service discovery and
                  anti-spam. However, protocol evolution and expansion
                  of use has been slow because advances must consider
                  a huge and diverse installed base. We suggest that
                  experimentation at scale can fill this gap. To meet
                  the need for experimentation at scale, this paper
                  presents LDplayer, a configurable, general-purpose
                  DNS testbed. LDplayer enables DNS experiments to
                  scale in several dimensions: many zones, multiple
                  levels of DNS hierarchy, high query rates, and
                  diverse query sources. To meet these requirements
                  while providing high fidelity experiments, LDplayer
                  includes a distributed DNS query replay system and
                  methods to rebuild the relevant DNS hierarchy from
                  traces. We show that a single DNS server can
                  correctly emulate multiple independent levels of the
                  DNS hierarchy while providing correct responses as
                  if they were independent. We show the importance of
                  our system to evaluate pressing DNS design
                  questions, using it to evaluate changes in DNSSEC
                  key size.",

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