Separation and identification of photosynthetic antenna membrane proteins by high performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Zolla, L, Rinalducci, S, Timperio, A., & Huber, C. European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 10(3):321-333, 2004.
  Title                    = {Separation and identification of photosynthetic antenna membrane proteins by high performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry},
  Author                   = {Zolla, L and Rinalducci, S and Timperio, AM and Huber, CG},
  Journal                  = {European Journal of Mass Spectrometry},
  Year                     = {2004},
  Number                   = {3},
  Pages                    = {321-333},
  Volume                   = {10}

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