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  2024 (1)
Streams of conscious visual experience. Martín-Signes, M.; Chica, A. B.; Bartolomeo, P.; and Thiebaut De Schotten, M. Communications Biology, 7(1): 908. July 2024.
Streams of conscious visual experience [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2023 (1)
Probing the unimaginable: The impact of aphantasia on distinct domains of visual mental imagery and visual perception. Liu, J.; and Bartolomeo, P. Cortex, 166: 338–347. September 2023.
Probing the unimaginable: The impact of aphantasia on distinct domains of visual mental imagery and visual perception [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2016 (1)
Visual Contrast Sensitivity Improvement by Right Frontal High-Beta Activity Is Mediated by Contrast Gain Mechanisms and Influenced by Fronto-Parietal White Matter Microstructure. Quentin, R.; Elkin Frankston, S.; Vernet, M.; Toba, M. N.; Bartolomeo, P.; Chanes, L.; and Valero-Cabré, A. Cerebral Cortex, 26(6): 2381–2390. June 2016.
Visual Contrast Sensitivity Improvement by Right Frontal High-Beta Activity Is Mediated by Contrast Gain Mechanisms and Influenced by Fronto-Parietal White Matter Microstructure [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2011 (1)
Ventral and dorsal visual streams in posterior cortical atrophy. Migliaccio, R.; Agosta, F.; Scola, E.; Magnani, G.; Cappa, S.; Pagani, E.; Comi, G.; Falini, A.; Bartolomeo, P.; and Filippi, M. Journal of Neurology, 258: 17–18. 2011.
Ventral and dorsal visual streams in posterior cortical atrophy [link]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2010 (1)
Exogenous attention can capture perceptual consciousness: ERP and behavioural evidence. Chica, A. B; Lasaponara, S.; Lupiáñez, J.; Doricchi, F.; and Bartolomeo, P. NeuroImage, 51(3): 1205–1212. July 2010.
Exogenous attention can capture perceptual consciousness: ERP and behavioural evidence [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2008 (2)
Inhibition of return after damage to the frontal eye fields. Thiebaut de Schotten, M.; Levy, R.; Duffau, H.; and Bartolomeo, P. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, (Annual Meeting Program of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society). 2008.
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Rapporti tra capacità percettive e immaginative nell'anziano. Antonietti, A.; Bartolomeo, P.; Colombi, A.; Incorpora, C.; and Oliveri, S. Ricerche di Psicologia, 1-2: 105–120. 2008.
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  2007 (3)
Networks for spatial attention in the human left hemisphere: evidence from intra-operative stimulation. Thiebaut de Schotten, M.; Urbanski, M.; Duffau, H.; Volle, E.; Dubois, B.; Levy, R.; and Bartolomeo, P. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, (Annual Meeting Program of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society): 212. 2007.
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Négligence spatiale unilatérale : Une conséquence dramatique mais souvent négligée des lésions de l'hémisphère droit [Unilateral spatial neglect: A dramatic but often neglected consequence of right brain damage]. Urbanski, M.; Angeli, V.; Bourlon, C.; Cristinzio, C.; Ponticorvo, M.; Rastelli, F.; Thiebaut de Schotten, M.; and Bartolomeo, P. Revue Neurologique, 162(11): 1–18. 2007.
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Brain networks of spatial awareness: Evidence from diffusion tensor imaging tractography. Urbanski, M.; Thiebaut de Schotten, M.; Rodrigo, S.; Catani, M.; Oppenheim, C.; Touze, E.; Chokron, S.; Meder, J.; Levy, R.; Dubois, B.; and Bartolomeo, P. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. November 2007.
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  2006 (4)
OVER-TRACK: A new tool to visualize the white matter organization in Talairach space. Thiebaut de Schotten, M.; Kinkingnéhun, S.; Delmaire, C.; Lévy, R.; Volle, E.; Dubois, B.; Lehéricy, S.; Duffau, H.; and Bartolomeo, P. Neuroimage, 31(Supplement 1): S110. 2006.
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Unilateral neglect and parieto-frontal disconnection: a reappraisal of lesion overlapping studies. Thiebaut de Schotten, M.; and Bartolomeo, P. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, (Annual Meeting Program of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society): 212. 2006.
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Un réseau pariéto-frontal droit dédié au traitement de l’espace. Bartolomeo, P. Actualités en Neurologie, 1(Juin 2006). 2006.
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Inhibitory after-effects in spatial processing: Experimental and theoretical issues on Inhibition of Return. Bartolomeo, P.; and Lupiáñez, J. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 23(7). 2006.
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  2005 (3)
A disengage deficit of attention in Huntington's disease?. Couette, M.; Bartolomeo, P.; Bachoud-Levi, A.; Brugières, P.; and Siéroff, E. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 76(Suppl. 4). 2005.
A disengage deficit of attention in Huntington's disease? [link]Paper   link   bibtex  
Twenty-five years of books on spatial neglect: What have we learned?. Bartolomeo, P. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 17(1): 151–158. 2005.
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Review of "The cognitive and neural bases of spatial neglect". Bartolomeo, P. Eur. J. Cogn. Psychol., 17(1): 151–155. 2005.
Review of "The cognitive and neural bases of spatial neglect" [link]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2004 (2)
Négligence spatiale unilatérale : compression de l'espace ou biais de l'attention ?. Bartolomeo, P.; Urbanski, M.; Chokron, S.; Chainay, H.; Moroni, C.; Siéroff, E.; Belin, C.; and Halligan, P. Revue Neurologique. 2004.
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The influence of limb crossing on left tactile extinction. Bartolomeo, P; Perri, R; and Gainotti, G Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, 75(1): 49–55. January 2004.
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  2003 (3)
Review of "Vision in the Brain", by Panagiotis G. Simos. Bartolomeo, P. Clinical Neurophysiology, 114(4): 750. 2003.
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Modèles cognitifs de la négligence spatiale unilatérale. Bartolomeo, P. Revue Neurologique, 159(Supplément au n° 3): 192. 2003.
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Right hemisphere contributions to residual reading in pure alexia: Evidence from a patient with subsequent bilateral strokes. Bartolomeo, P.; Bachoud-Lévi, A.; Degos, J.; and Boller, F. In Zaidel, E.; and Iacoboni, M., editor(s), The Parallel Brain: The Cognitive Neuroscience of the Corpus Callosum, pages 500–506. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2003.
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  2002 (1)
Négligence spatiale et référentiel égocentrique [Unilateral neglect and egocentric reference]. Lamargue, D.; Chokron, S.; and Bartolomeo, P. Glossa, 79: 50–67. 2002.
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  2001 (2)
[Presenting a battery for assessing spatial neglect. Norms and effects of age, educational level, sex, hand and laterality]. Rousseaux, M; Beis, J M; Pradat-Diehl, P; Martin, Y; Bartolomeo, P; Bernati, T; Chokron, S; Leclercq, M; Louis-Dreyfus, A; Marchal, F; Perennou, D; Prairial, C; Rode, G; Samuel, C; Siéroff, E; Wiart, L; and Azouvi, P Revue neurologique, 157(11 Pt 1): 1385–400. November 2001.
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Normalisation d'une batterie de dépistage de la négligence spatiale. Etude de l'effet de l'âge, du niveau d'éducation, du sexe, de la main et de la latéralité [Presenting a battery for assessing spatial neglect. Norms and effects of age, educational level, sex, hand and laterality]. Rousseaux, M.; Beis, J.; Pradat-Diehl, P.; Martin, Y.; Bartolomeo, P.; Chokron, S.; Leclercq, M.; Louis-Dreyfus, A.; Marchal, F.; Pérénnou, D.; Prairial, C.; Samuel, C.; Siéroff, E.; Wiart, L.; and Azouvi, P. Revue Neurologique, 157: 1385–1401. 2001.
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  2000 (3)
[Right parietal lesions, spatial neglect and egocentric reference]. Bartolomeo, P; Chokron, S; and Degos, J D Revue neurologique, 156(2): 139–43. February 2000.
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Orienting of attention in unilateral neglect. Bartolomeo, P. Neurological Sciences, (Supplement to Number 4): S132. 2000.
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Lésions pariétales droites, négligence spatiale et référentiel égocentrique [Right parietal lesions, unilateral neglect and egocentric reference]. Bartolomeo, P.; Chokron, S.; and Degos, J. Revue Neurologique, 156(2): 139–143. 2000.
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  1999 (4)
Réduire expérimentalement la négligence spatiale unilatérale : revue de la littérature et implications théoriques. Chokron, S.; and Bartolomeo, P. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 9(2-3): 129–165. 1999.
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Pointing straight-ahead: Reversed patterns of performance in right brain-damaged patients with or without extensive parietal lesion. Chokron, S.; and Bartolomeo, P. Brain and Cognition, 40: 79–84. 1999.
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L'héminégligence : biais de l'orientation exogène ou endogène de l'attention?. Decaix, C.; Bartolomeo, P.; Chokron, S.; and Siéroff, E. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 9(4): 431–432. 1999.
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Inhibition de retour et négligence spatiale unilatérale. Bartolomeo, P.; Chokron, S.; and Siéroff, E. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 9(4): 420. 1999.
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  1998 (5)
Conscience d'anosognosie. Dalla Barba, G.; Bartolomeo, P.; Ergis, A.; Boissé, M.; and Bachoud-Lévi, A. Revue Neurologique, 154(Suppl. 1): 95. 1998.
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Conoscenza implicita e anosognosia: verso una neuropsicologia della coscienza [Toward a neuropsychology of consciousness: implicit knowledge and anosognosia]. Dalla Barba, G.; and Bartolomeo, P. Archivio di Psicologia, Neurologia e Psichiatria, 59(6): 644–678. 1998.
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L'héminégligence spatiale de la perception à l'action [Spatial hemineglect between perception and action]. Bartolomeo, P. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 8(1): 83–99. 1998.
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Unilateral neglect: From perception to action. Bartolomeo, P. European Journal of Neuroscience, 10(Suppl. 10): 432. 1998.
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L’effet des lésions pariétales droites sur la position de la référence égocentrique. Bartolomeo, P.; Chokron, S.; and Degos, J. Revue Neurologique, 154(Suppl. 1): 93. 1998.
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  1996 (1)
Evoluzione di una "fovea" in un organismo artificiale ["FOVEA" evolution in an artificial organism]. Pagliarini, L.; Bartolomeo, P.; and Parisi, D. Riv. Neurobiologia, 42(3): 221–225. 1996.
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  1992 (1)
Incidenza dell'emi-negligenza in corso di compiti rappresentativi e visuo-percettivi in pazienti cerebrolesi [Incidence of hemi-neglect in representational and visuoperceptual tasks performed by brain damaged patients]. Bartolomeo, P.; D'Erme, P.; and Gainotti, G. Archivio di Psicologia, Neurologia e Psichiatria, 53(2): 165–189. 1992.
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