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@article{liu_visual_2025, title = {Visual mental imagery in typical imagers and in aphantasia: {A} millimeter-scale 7-{T} {fMRI} study}, copyright = {© 2023, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International), CC BY-NC 4.0, as described at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/}, shorttitle = {Visual mental imagery in typical imagers and in aphantasia}, url = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.06.14.544909v4}, doi = {10.1101/2023.06.14.544909}, abstract = {Most of us effortlessly describe visual objects, whether seen or remembered. Yet, around 4\% of people report congenital aphantasia: they struggle to visualize objects despite being able to describe their visual appearance. What neural mechanisms create this disparity between subjective experience and objective performance? Aphantasia can provide novel insights into conscious processing and awareness. We used ultra-high field 7T fMRI to establish the neural circuits involved in visual mental imagery and perception, and to elucidate the neural mechanisms associated with the processing of internally generated visual information in the absence of imagery experience in congenital aphantasia. Ten typical imagers and 10 aphantasic individuals performed imagery and perceptual tasks in five domains: object shape, object color, written words, faces, and spatial relationships. In typical imagers, imagery tasks activated left-hemisphere fronto-parietal areas, the relevant domain-preferring areas in the ventral temporal cortex partly overlapping with the perceptual domain-preferring areas, and a domain-general area in the left fusiform gyrus (the Fusiform Imagery Node). In aphantasic individuals, imagery activated similar areas, but the Fusiform Imagery Node was functionally disconnected from fronto-parietal areas. Our results unveil the domain-general and domain-specific circuits of visual mental imagery, their functional disorganization in aphantasia, and support the general hypothesis that conscious visual experience - whether perceived or imagined - depends on the integrated activity of high-level visual cortex and fronto-parietal networks.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-12-13}, journal = {Cortex}, author = {Liu, Jianghao and Zhan, Minye and Hajhajate, Dounia and Spagna, Alfredo and Dehaene, Stanislas and Cohen, Laurent and Bartolomeo, Paolo}, year = {2025}, note = {Pages: 2023.06.14.544909 Section: New Results}, keywords = {⚠️ Invalid DOI, ⛔ No DOI found}, }
@article{messaoud_low-dimensional_2025, title = {Low-dimensional controllability of brain networks}, volume = {21}, issn = {1553-7358}, url = {https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1012691}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pcbi.1012691}, abstract = {Identifying the driver nodes of a network has crucial implications in biological systems from unveiling causal interactions to informing effective intervention strategies. Despite recent advances in network control theory, results remain inaccurate as the number of drivers becomes too small compared to the network size, thus limiting the concrete usability in many real-life applications. To overcome this issue, we introduced a framework that integrates principles from spectral graph theory and output controllability to project the network state into a smaller topological space formed by the Laplacian network structure. Through extensive simulations on synthetic and real networks, we showed that a relatively low number of projected components can significantly improve the control accuracy. By introducing a new low-dimensional controllability metric we experimentally validated our method on N = 6134 human connectomes obtained from the UK-biobank cohort. Results revealed previously unappreciated influential brain regions, enabled to draw directed maps between differently specialized cerebral systems, and yielded new insights into hemispheric lateralization. Taken together, our results offered a theoretically grounded solution to deal with network controllability and provided insights into the causal interactions of the human brain.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2025-01-08}, journal = {PLOS Computational Biology}, author = {Messaoud, Remy Ben and Du, Vincent Le and Bousfiha, Camile and Corsi, Marie-Constance and Gonzalez-Astudillo, Juliana and Kaufmann, Brigitte Charlotte and Venot, Tristan and Couvy-Duchesne, Baptiste and Migliaccio, Lara and Rosso, Charlotte and Bartolomeo, Paolo and Chavez, Mario and Fallani, Fabrizio De Vico}, month = jan, year = {2025}, note = {Publisher: Public Library of Science}, keywords = {Attention, Centrality, Connectomics, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Left hemisphere, Neural networks, Right hemisphere}, pages = {e1012691}, }
@article{overman_recovery_2024, title = {Recovery of {Visuospatial} {Neglect} {With} {Standard} {Treatment}: {A} {Systematic} {Review} and {Meta}-{Analysis}}, volume = {55}, shorttitle = {Recovery of {Visuospatial} {Neglect} {With} {Standard} {Treatment}}, url = {https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.046760}, doi = {10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.046760}, abstract = {BACKGROUND:Visuospatial neglect is a common consequence of stroke and is characterized by impaired attention to contralesional space. Currently, the extent and time course of recovery from neglect are not clearly established. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to determine the recovery trajectory of poststroke neglect with standard treatment.METHODS:PsycInfo, Embase, and MEDLINE were searched for articles reporting recovery rates of neglect after stroke. Time since stroke was categorized into early (0–3 months), mid (3–6 months), and late ({\textgreater}6 months) recovery phases. Random-effects models for pooled prevalence were generated for each phase, and potential sources of heterogeneity were explored with metaregressions. Methodological quality of each study was assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute checklist, with low-quality studies excluded in sensitivity analyses.RESULTS:The search captured 4130 articles including duplicates, and 111 full-text reviews were undertaken. A total of 27 studies reporting data from 839 stroke survivors with neglect were included for review. Meta-analyses indicated a recovery rate of 42\% in the early phase, which increased to 53\% in the mid-recovery phase. Additional recovery in the late phase was minimal, with an estimated 56\% recovery rate. Heterogeneity of studies was high (I2{\textgreater}75\%) in all 3 phases of recovery. Estimates were robust to sensitivity analyses. Metaregressions showed significantly greater recovery in studies that included patients with left-hemisphere lesions (β=0.275, P{\textless}0.05, I2=84\%).CONCLUSIONS:Most recovery from neglect occurs in the first 3 months, although additional gains can be expected up to 6 months poststroke. While a large proportion of patients recover from neglect, over 40\% show persistent symptoms. Further research is needed on effective rehabilitation interventions, particularly focusing on patients most at risk of chronic visuospatial neglect.REGISTRATION:URL: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/; Unique identifier: CRD42023388763.}, number = {9}, urldate = {2025-02-04}, journal = {Stroke}, author = {Overman, Margot Juliëtte and Binns, Elena and Milosevich, Elise T. and Demeyere, Nele}, month = sep, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: American Heart Association}, pages = {2325--2339}, }
@article{bartolomeo_frontoparietal_2024, title = {Frontoparietal asymmetries leading to conscious perception}, issn = {1364-6613}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364661324003231}, doi = {10.1016/j.tics.2024.12.002}, abstract = {Recent human intracerebral recordings reveal that frontoparietal circuits linked by the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF) have critical, hemisphere-asymmetric contributions to conscious perception. Right-hemisphere networks are crucial for attention-based prioritization of information; left-hemisphere regions contribute to perceptual decisions and model building. These asymmetries confirm and specify clinical evidence from neglect patients.}, urldate = {2025-01-20}, journal = {Trends in Cognitive Sciences}, author = {Bartolomeo, Paolo and Liu, Jianghao and Seidel Malkinson, Tal}, month = dec, year = {2024}, keywords = {attention, frontoparietal networks, hemispheric asymmetries, perceptual decision-making, superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF)}, }
@article{chea_listening_2024, title = {Listening to classical music influences brain connectivity in post-stroke aphasia: {A} pilot study}, volume = {67}, issn = {1877-0657}, shorttitle = {Listening to classical music influences brain connectivity in post-stroke aphasia}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877065724000095}, doi = {∞}, number = {4}, urldate = {2024-03-12}, journal = {Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine}, author = {Chea, Maryane and Ben Salah, Amina and Toba, Monica N. and Zeineldin, Ryan and Kaufmann, Brigitte and Weill-Chounlamountry, Agnès and Naccache, Lionel and Bayen, Eléonore and Bartolomeo, Paolo}, month = may, year = {2024}, keywords = {Aphasia, Brain connectivity, Music-assisted rehabilitation, Stroke rehabilitation}, pages = {101825}, }
@article{kaufmann_unveiling_2024, title = {Unveiling spatial and non-spatial aspects of neglect in everyday behavior}, issn = {00109452}, url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0010945224002624}, doi = {10.1016/j.cortex.2024.10.002}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-11-19}, journal = {Cortex}, author = {Kaufmann, Brigitte C. and Bartolomeo, Paolo and Toba, Monica N.}, month = oct, year = {2024}, pages = {S0010945224002624}, }
@article{martin-signes_streams_2024, title = {Streams of conscious visual experience}, volume = {7}, issn = {2399-3642}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s42003-024-06593-9}, doi = {10.1038/s42003-024-06593-9}, abstract = {Abstract Consciousness, a cornerstone of human cognition, is believed to arise from complex neural interactions. Traditional views have focused on localized fronto-parietal networks or broader inter-regional dynamics. In our study, we leverage advanced fMRI techniques, including the novel Functionnectome framework, to unravel the intricate relationship between brain circuits and functional activity shaping visual consciousness. Our findings underscore the importance of the superior longitudinal fasciculus within the fronto-parietal fibers, linking conscious perception with spatial neglect. Additionally, our data reveal the critical contribution of the temporo-parietal fibers and the splenium of the corpus callosum in connecting visual information with conscious representation and their verbalization. Central to these networks is the thalamus, posited as a conductor in synchronizing these interactive processes. Contrasting traditional fMRI analyses with the Functionnectome approach, our results emphasize the important explanatory power of interactive mechanisms over localized activations for visual consciousness. This research paves the way for a comprehensive understanding of consciousness, highlighting the complex network of neural connections that lead to awareness.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2024-07-28}, journal = {Communications Biology}, author = {Martín-Signes, Mar and Chica, Ana B. and Bartolomeo, Paolo and Thiebaut De Schotten, Michel}, month = jul, year = {2024}, pages = {908}, }
@article{zeraati_intrinsic_2023, title = {Intrinsic timescales in the visual cortex change with selective attention and reflect spatial connectivity}, volume = {14}, issn = {2041-1723}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-37613-7}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-023-37613-7}, abstract = {Abstract Intrinsic timescales characterize dynamics of endogenous fluctuations in neural activity. Variation of intrinsic timescales across the neocortex reflects functional specialization of cortical areas, but less is known about how intrinsic timescales change during cognitive tasks. We measured intrinsic timescales of local spiking activity within columns of area V4 in male monkeys performing spatial attention tasks. The ongoing spiking activity unfolded across at least two distinct timescales, fast and slow. The slow timescale increased when monkeys attended to the receptive fields location and correlated with reaction times. By evaluating predictions of several network models, we found that spatiotemporal correlations in V4 activity were best explained by the model in which multiple timescales arise from recurrent interactions shaped by spatially arranged connectivity, and attentional modulation of timescales results from an increase in the efficacy of recurrent interactions. Our results suggest that multiple timescales may arise from the spatial connectivity in the visual cortex and flexibly change with the cognitive state due to dynamic effective interactions between neurons.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2023-12-08}, journal = {Nature Communications}, author = {Zeraati, Roxana and Shi, Yan-Liang and Steinmetz, Nicholas A. and Gieselmann, Marc A. and Thiele, Alexander and Moore, Tirin and Levina, Anna and Engel, Tatiana A.}, month = apr, year = {2023}, keywords = {Attention, Extrastriate cortex, Network models}, pages = {1858}, }
@article{liu_probing_2023, title = {Probing the unimaginable: {The} impact of aphantasia on distinct domains of visual mental imagery and visual perception}, volume = {166}, issn = {00109452}, shorttitle = {Probing the unimaginable}, url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0010945223001569}, doi = {10.1016/j.cortex.2023.06.003}, abstract = {Different individuals experience varying degrees of vividness in their visual mental images. The distribution of these variations across different imagery domains, such as object shape, color, written words, faces, and spatial relationships, remains unknown. To address this issue, we conducted a study with 117 healthy participants who reported different levels of imagery vividness. Of these participants, 44 reported experiencing absent or nearly absent visual imagery, a condition known as “aphantasia”. These individuals were compared to those with typical (N ¼ 42) or unusually vivid (N ¼ 31) imagery ability. We used an online version of the French-language Batterie Imagination-Perception (eBIP), which consists of tasks tapping each of the above-mentioned domains, both in visual imagery and in visual perception. We recorded the accuracy and response times (RTs) of participants' responses. Aphantasic participants reached similar levels of accuracy on all tasks compared to the other groups (Bayesian repeated measures ANOVA, BF ¼ .02). However, their RTs were slower in both imagery and perceptual tasks (BF ¼ 266), and they had lower confidence in their responses on perceptual tasks (BF ¼ 7.78e5). A Bayesian regression analysis revealed that there was an inverse correlation between subjective vividness and RTs for the entire participant group: higher levels of vividness were associated with faster RTs. The pattern was similar in all the explored domains. The findings suggest that individuals with congenital aphantasia experience a slowing in processing visual information in both imagery and perception, but the precision of their processing remains unaffected. The observed performance pattern lends support to the hypotheses that congenital aphantasia is primarily a deficit of phenomenal consciousness, or that it employs alternative strategies other than visualization to access preserved visual information. © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-08-03}, journal = {Cortex}, author = {Liu, Jianghao and Bartolomeo, Paolo}, month = sep, year = {2023}, keywords = {Visual perception, aphantasia, phenomenal consciousness, visual mental imagery}, pages = {338--347}, }
@article{bartolomeo_motor_2021, title = {Motor neglect}, volume = {136}, issn = {00109452}, url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0010945220304500}, doi = {10.1016/j.cortex.2020.12.009}, language = {en}, urldate = {2025-01-30}, journal = {Cortex}, author = {Bartolomeo, Paolo}, month = mar, year = {2021}, pages = {159}, }
@article{quentin_visual_2016, title = {Visual {Contrast} {Sensitivity} {Improvement} by {Right} {Frontal} {High}-{Beta} {Activity} {Is} {Mediated} by {Contrast} {Gain} {Mechanisms} and {Influenced} by {Fronto}-{Parietal} {White} {Matter} {Microstructure}}, volume = {26}, copyright = {All rights reserved}, issn = {1047-3211}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhv060}, doi = {10.1093/cercor/bhv060}, abstract = {Behavioral and electrophysiological studies in humans and non-human primates have correlated frontal high-beta activity with the orienting of endogenous attention and shown the ability of the latter function to modulate visual performance. We here combined rhythmic transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and diffusion imaging to study the relation between frontal oscillatory activity and visual performance, and we associated these phenomena to a specific set of white matter pathways that in humans subtend attentional processes. High-beta rhythmic activity on the right frontal eye field (FEF) was induced with TMS and its causal effects on a contrast sensitivity function were recorded to explore its ability to improve visual detection performance across different stimulus contrast levels. Our results show that frequency-specific activity patterns engaged in the right FEF have the ability to induce a leftward shift of the psychometric function. This increase in visual performance across different levels of stimulus contrast is likely mediated by a contrast gain mechanism. Interestingly, microstructural measures of white matter connectivity suggest a strong implication of right fronto-parietal connectivity linking the FEF and the intraparietal sulcus in propagating high-beta rhythmic signals across brain networks and subtending top-down frontal influences on visual performance.}, number = {6}, urldate = {2024-06-16}, journal = {Cerebral Cortex}, author = {Quentin, Romain and Elkin Frankston, Seth and Vernet, Marine and Toba, Monica N. and Bartolomeo, Paolo and Chanes, Lorena and Valero-Cabré, Antoni}, month = jun, year = {2016}, pages = {2381--2390}, }
@article{cristinzio_attentional_2013, title = {Attentional {Networks} in {Parkinson}’s {Disease}}, volume = {27}, copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/}, issn = {0953-4180, 1875-8584}, url = {http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bn/2013/312426/}, doi = {10.1155/2013/312426}, abstract = {We tested the efficiency of three attentional systems (spatial orienting, phasic alerting and executive control) in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), by using a modified version of the Attention Network Test, which employs acoustic tones to modulate phasic alertness. PD patients were generally slower than age-matched controls, but they showed a similar pattern of effects and interactions. Responses were faster with congruent than with incongruent stimuli (executive control), with valid visual cues than with invalid or no cues (orienting), and when acoustic tones preceded the target (alerting). This last effect was significantly larger in PD patients than in controls. We concluded that, for the present group of patients, the activity of attentional networks was relatively normal, if slowed. Slowed responses in PD may be improved by the use of acoustic stimuli, with potential clinical implications.}, language = {en}, number = {4}, urldate = {2025-01-30}, journal = {Behavioural Neurology}, author = {Cristinzio, Chiara and Bononi, Monica and Piacentini, Sylvie and Albanese, Alberto and Bartolomeo, Paolo}, year = {2013}, pages = {495--500}, }
@article{andrade_visuospatial_2012, title = {Visuospatial deficits and hemispheric perfusion asymmetries in posterior cortical atrophy}, volume = {49}, issn = {1973-8102}, url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22513341}, doi = {10.1016/j.cortex.2012.03.010}, abstract = {We studied visuospatial performance and obtained brain perfusion scintigraphy in 27 patients with posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) and 24 healthy controls, with two aims: (1) to determine inter-hemispheric perfusion imbalances underlying signs of spatial neglect and (2) to establish the functional substrates of patients' performance on distinct visuospatial tasks (line bisection and target cancellation). Between-groups and correlation analyses were performed on a voxel-wise basis with Statistical Parametric Mapping, and right-to-left hemispheric perfusion ratios were calculated in anatomical regions of interest. Nineteen patients had pathological spatial biases. Compared with controls, patients with signs of left-sided and right-sided neglect presented prominent hypoperfusion in the right and left parietal cortex, respectively. Importantly, hypoperfusion extended to the ipsilateral prefrontal regions. Correlation analyses between task scores and brain perfusion showed that shifts in line bisection correlated with hypoperfusion in parieto-frontal regions, whereas omissions on target cancellation mainly correlated with hypoperfusion in prefrontal structures. Overall, the results indicate that spatial neglect in PCA is related to inter-hemispheric perfusion asymmetries in fronto-parietal networks, with partially different neural correlates for line bisection and target cancellation.}, urldate = {2012-05-18}, journal = {Cortex}, author = {Andrade, Katia and Kas, Aurélie and Samri, Dalila and Sarazin, Marie and Dubois, Bruno and Habert, Marie-Odile and Bartolomeo, Paolo}, month = mar, year = {2012}, pmid = {22513341}, keywords = {\#nosource}, pages = {940--947}, }
@article{migliaccio_ventral_2011, title = {Ventral and dorsal visual streams in posterior cortical atrophy}, volume = {258}, url = {://000289992800044}, journal = {Journal of Neurology}, author = {Migliaccio, R. and Agosta, F. and Scola, E. and Magnani, G. and Cappa, S. and Pagani, E. and Comi, G. and Falini, A. and Bartolomeo, P. and Filippi, M.}, year = {2011}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {17--18}, }
@article{chica_exogenous_2010, title = {Exogenous attention can capture perceptual consciousness: {ERP} and behavioural evidence}, volume = {51}, issn = {1095-9572}, shorttitle = {Exogenous attention can capture perceptual consciousness}, url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20211272}, doi = {10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.03.002}, abstract = {Attention has often been conceived as the gateway to consciousness. However, recent research points to the independence of top-down or endogenous attention and conscious perception, while the role of bottom-up or exogenous attention in conscious perception remains largely unexplored. Here, we present behavioural and electrophysiological evidence exploring the role of exogenous attention in conscious perception. Using peripheral non-informative cues, exogenous attention was oriented either to the same location of a near-threshold target (valid cues), or to the opposite location (invalid cues). Confirming previous research, consciously perceived targets elicited a larger P300 than unseen targets. Importantly, analysis of cue-locked potentials revealed the novel finding that there was a systematic relationship between the amplitude of a P100 component elicited by the cues and the conscious perception of the targets. Valid cues led to the conscious perception of the subsequent targets when they captured attention to their location, as indexed by the P100 component distributed over occipito-parietal areas. On the other hand, invalid cues led to the conscious perception of the subsequent targets only when they failed to capture attention at their location (opposite to the target location). These results suggest that exogenous orienting plays a crucial role in conscious perception.}, number = {3}, urldate = {2012-05-18}, journal = {NeuroImage}, author = {Chica, Ana B and Lasaponara, Stefano and Lupiáñez, Juan and Doricchi, Fabrizio and Bartolomeo, Paolo}, month = jul, year = {2010}, pmid = {20211272}, keywords = {\#nosource, *Attention, *Discrimination Learning, *Inhibition (Psychology), *Orientation, *Reaction Time, Adolescent, Adult, Attention, Brain, Consciousness, Cues, Electroencephalography, Evoked Potentials, Visual, Eye Movements, Female, Human, Humans, Male, Psychophysics, Visual Perception, Young Adult, consciousness}, pages = {1205--1212}, }
@article{thiebaut_de_schotten_inhibition_2008, title = {Inhibition of return after damage to the frontal eye fields}, number = {Annual Meeting Program of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society}, journal = {Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience}, author = {Thiebaut de Schotten, M. and Levy, R. and Duffau, H. and Bartolomeo, P.}, year = {2008}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, }
@article{antonietti_rapporti_2008, title = {Rapporti tra capacità percettive e immaginative nell'anziano}, volume = {1-2}, journal = {Ricerche di Psicologia}, author = {Antonietti, A. and Bartolomeo, P. and Colombi, A. and Incorpora, C. and Oliveri, S.}, year = {2008}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {105--120}, }
@article{thiebaut_de_schotten_networks_2007, title = {Networks for spatial attention in the human left hemisphere: evidence from intra-operative stimulation}, number = {Annual Meeting Program of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society}, journal = {Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience}, author = {Thiebaut de Schotten, M. and Urbanski, M. and Duffau, H. and Volle, E. and Dubois, B. and Levy, R. and Bartolomeo, P.}, year = {2007}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {212}, }
@article{urbanski_negligence_2007, title = {Négligence spatiale unilatérale : {Une} conséquence dramatique mais souvent négligée des lésions de l'hémisphère droit [{Unilateral} spatial neglect: {A} dramatic but often neglected consequence of right brain damage]}, volume = {162}, abstract = {Introduction. La Négligence Spatiale Unilatérale (NSU) est l'un des principaux syndromes observables après une lésion touchant l'hémisphère non dominant pour le langage. L'handicap important qu'elle produit justifie la nécessité d'un diagnostic et d'une prise en charge appropriés. Etats des connaissances. L'étude de la NSU est motivée par son lien avec des phénomènes cognitifs importants sur le plan théorique (attention visuo-spatiale et conscience perceptive). Les localisations cérébrales des lésions pouvant engendrer une NSU sont multiples mais souvent centrées sur la jonction temporo-pariétale droite et la substance blanche sous-jacente. Les manifestations de ce syndrome sont hétérogènes, mais on peut observer des régularités comme un biais d'orientation automatique de l'attention vers le côté de la lésion. Perspectives. Les progrès des techniques d'imagerie permettent de mieux comprendre les bases anatomiques de ce syndrome et d'appréhender les corrélats neuronaux de la conscience perceptive. Parallèlement, cela permet le développement d'outils cliniques d'évaluation et de rééducation. Conclusion. Après une description clinique de la NSU et de ses bases anatomiques, cette revue abordera l'état des connaissances sur le plan théorique (modèles anatomo-cliniques et simulatifs). Enfin seront présentées plusieurs méthodes de rééducations qui offrent des perspectives pour la prise en charge de ce syndrome.}, number = {11}, journal = {Revue Neurologique}, author = {Urbanski, M. and Angeli, V. and Bourlon, C. and Cristinzio, C. and Ponticorvo, M. and Rastelli, F. and Thiebaut de Schotten, M. and Bartolomeo, P.}, year = {2007}, keywords = {\#nosource, neglect, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {1--18}, }
@article{urbanski_brain_2007, title = {Brain networks of spatial awareness: {Evidence} from diffusion tensor imaging tractography}, issn = {1468330}, abstract = {Left unilateral neglect, a dramatic condition which impairs awareness of left-sided events, has been classically reported after right hemisphere cortical lesions involving the inferior parietal region. More recently, the involvement of long-range white matter tracts has been highlighted, consistent with the idea that awareness of events occurring in space depends on the coordinated activity of anatomically distributed brain regions. Damage to the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF), linking parietal to frontal cortical regions, or to the inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF), connecting occipital and temporal lobes, have been described in neglect patients. In this study four right-handed patients with right-hemisphere strokes were submitted to a high-definition anatomical MRI with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) sequences and to a paper-and-pencil neglect battery. We used DTI tractography to visualize the SLF, the ILF and the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF), a pathway running in the depth of the temporal lobe, not hitherto associated with neglect. Two patients with cortical involvement of the inferior parietal and superior temporal regions, but intact and symmetrical fasciculi, showed no signs of neglect. The other two patients with signs of left neglect had superficial damage to the inferior parietal cortex and white matter damage involving the IFOF. These findings suggest that superficial damage to the inferior parietal cortex per se may not be sufficient to produce visual neglect. In some cases, a lesion to the direct connections between ventral occipital and frontal regions (i.e. IFOF) may contribute to the manifestation of neglect by impairing the top-down modulation of visual areas from frontal cortex.}, journal = {J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry}, author = {Urbanski, Marika and Thiebaut de Schotten, Michel and Rodrigo, Sebastian and Catani, Marco and Oppenheim, Catherine and Touze, Emmanuel and Chokron, Sylvie and Meder, Jean-Francois and Levy, Richard and Dubois, Bruno and Bartolomeo, Paolo}, month = nov, year = {2007}, keywords = {\#nosource, Aged, 80 and over, Awareness, Cerebral Cortex, Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Dominance, Cerebral, Female, Humans, Image Processing, Computer-Assisted, Imaging, Three-Dimensional, Kinesthesis, Male, Middle Aged, Nerve Fibers, Myelinated, Nerve Net, Perceptual Disorders, Stroke, Unilateral Neglect, Spatial Attention, Diffusion MRI, awareness, ⛔ No DOI found}, }
@article{thiebaut_de_schotten_over-track_2006, title = {{OVER}-{TRACK}: {A} new tool to visualize the white matter organization in {Talairach} space}, volume = {31}, number = {Supplement 1}, journal = {Neuroimage}, author = {Thiebaut de Schotten, M. and Kinkingnéhun, S.R. and Delmaire, C. and Lévy, R. and Volle, E. and Dubois, B. and Lehéricy, S. and Duffau, H. and Bartolomeo, P.}, year = {2006}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {S110}, }
@article{thiebaut_de_schotten_unilateral_2006, title = {Unilateral neglect and parieto-frontal disconnection: a reappraisal of lesion overlapping studies}, number = {Annual Meeting Program of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society}, journal = {Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience}, author = {Thiebaut de Schotten, M. and Bartolomeo, P.}, year = {2006}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {212}, }
@article{bartolomeo_reseau_2006, title = {Un réseau pariéto-frontal droit dédié au traitement de l’espace}, volume = {1}, abstract = {Un réseau pariéto-frontal droit dédié au traitement de l’espace C’est sans effort apparent que nous pouvons explorer notre bureau à la recherche d’un stylo ou lire ce texte. Cela pourrait nous donner l’impression que les mécanismes cérébraux que nous utilisons pour percevoir la multitude d’objets situés dans notre espace visuel ou pour agir sur eux sont relativement simples. Cette impression est illusoire, comme le montrent d’une part les problèmes rencontrés par ceux qui essayent de simuler ces fonctions chez des robots, et d’autre part la complexité d’architecture fonctionnelle des aires visuelles dans le cerveau. Les troubles rencontrés dans la pathologie cérébrale montrent la variété des fonctions et des mécanismes qui sont impliqués dans ces fonctions visuelles « de haut niveau » (par opposition aux processus plus « élémentaires » assumés par les étapes d’élaboration visuelle qui vont de la rétine aux aires visuelles primaires). Certains patients porteurs d’une lésion cérébrale n’arrivent pas à trouver leur stylo s’il est à gauche d’une tasse, bien que leur champ visuel puisse être intact. Environ la moitié des patients porteurs d’une lésion hémisphérique droite, soit plusieurs milliers de cas par an en France, souffre de ce trouble, appelé négligence spatiale unilatérale. Ces patients se comportent comme si la moitié gauche du monde n’existait plus (Fig. 1). Fig. 1. Copie d’un dessin et bissection d’une ligne par un patient présentant une négligence gauche Sur le plan de la santé publique la négligence pose des problèmes importants, du fait qu’elle aggrave le handicap en gênant la rééducation motrice (1). La compréhension des mécanismes de la négligence est importante pour fournir aux cliniciens des outils adaptés au diagnostic et au traitement (rééducation). La recherche sur la négligence peut en outre contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes cérébraux du traitement de l’espace et des corrélats neuronaux de la conscience perceptive. Il faut cependant remarquer que l’étude de la négligence spatiale unilatérale est l’un des domaines les plus controversés en neurosciences cognitives, car il n’existe pas de consensus parmi les chercheurs sur les mécanismes de ce syndrome, ni même sur la localisation anatomique des lésions pouvant provoquer une négligence. Après avoir testé différentes hypothèses sur l’origine fonctionnelle des signes de négligence, les résultats de nos travaux ont conclu à une association de déficits attentionnels qui interviennent selon une séquence temporelle spécifique : une attraction « automatique » de l’attention vers la droite suivie d’une difficulté de réorientation vers la gauche (2). L'attention spatiale s’oriente grâce à deux systèmes : le système d’orientation endogène, volontaire et le système de capture exogène, automatique de l’attention. Nos travaux ont démontré que l’orientation exogène est spécialement atteinte dans la négligence gauche, alors que l’orientation endogène est relativement épargnée, mais ralentie (3). Un défi important consiste maintenant à lier les déficits fonctionnels des patients négligents à leurs bases neurales spécifiques. Notre hypothèse d’une atteinte prédominante de l’orientation exogène de l’attention est cohérente avec les résultats de la neuroimagerie fonctionnelle, qui montrent une implication de la jonction temporo-pariétale droite, avec le cortex frontal inférieur, dans la capture exogène de l’attention par un stimulus visuel (4). La jonction temporo-pariétale droite semble effectivement être la localisation lésionnelle typique de la négligence gauche (5). Toutefois, d’autres auteurs, en faisant référence à la distinction entre voie visuelle corticale occipito-pariétale, dédiée aux mouvements pour atteindre un objet visuel, et voie occipito-temporale, utilisée pour l’identification perceptive des objets, font la prédiction que la négligence gauche devrait plutôt résulter d’une atteinte de la voie occipito-temporale, car les mouvements de saisie des objets peuvent être normaux chez ces patients (6). En accord avec cette prédiction, une étude récente a indiqué le gyrus temporal supérieur droit comme base lésionnelle de la négligence (du moins chez les patients n’ayant pas de déficit de champ visuel associé) (7) (Fig. 2). Fig. 2. Lésions critiques donnant lieu à une négligence selon Vallar (5) (en pointillé) et selon Karnath et al. (7) (en blanc) Les lésions des voies de communications entre différentes zones corticales ont reçu moins d’attention (8), bien que la complexité des signes de négligence suggère qu’il s’agit d’une pathologie de réseau plutôt que d’un dysfonctionnement d’une région corticale unique (9). Jusqu’à présent, la méthode anatomo-clinique utilisée pour identifier les lésions donnant lieu à un déficit cognitif était la superposition de lésions vasculaires de plusieurs patients. Cette approche fournit une résolution spatiale assez grossière ; de plus, elle risque de mettre en évidence les territoires d’irroration vasculaire plutôt que les régions importantes d’un point de vue fonctionnel (10). Nous avons récemment pu utiliser une méthode avec une résolution spatio-temporelle bien supérieure. Nous avons testé des patients pendant l’ablation chirurgicale de gliomes cérébraux de bas grade (11). Pour éviter des séquelles cognitives lors de l’ablation de ces tumeurs, le chirurgien peut réveiller les patients pendant l'intervention et inactiver temporairement de petites régions du cerveau (environ 5 mm) avec des stimulations électriques. Si le patient arrête de parler ou produit des réponses incorrectes, le neurochirurgien laisse cette région intacte afin de préserver les fonctions cognitives du patient. Habituellement, seules les fonctions sensori-motrices et le langage sont testées à l’occasion de telles interventions. En appliquant cette procédure aux fonctions visuo-spatiales, nous avons pu explorer directement et précisément les bases neurales de la négligence gauche chez l’homme. Nous avons demandé à deux patients soumis à l’ablation de gliomes situés dans la région temporo-pariétale droite de marquer d’un trait de crayon le centre d’une ligne horizontale. Selon les zones du cerveau inactivées, les traits dessinés par les patients déviaient vers la droite, comme chez les patients avec négligence gauche (voir Fig. 1), ou restaient centrés. En particulier, l’inactivation de deux structures corticales déterminait une déviation. Il s’agissait du gyrus supramarginalis (la partie rostrale du lobule pariétal inférieur) et de la partie caudale du lobe temporal. En revanche, l’inactivation d’une partie plus rostrale du lobe temporal, qui selon Karnath et al. (7) aurait dû être impliquée dans la négligence, ainsi que celle du champ oculomoteur frontal, ne provoquaient pas de déviation significative. Toutefois, les déviations les plus massives (de l’ordre de 30\% de la longueur de l’hémi-segment de droite de la ligne) étaient observées lors de l’inactivation de la substance blanche au fond du lobule pariétal inférieur. Grâce à une technique récente d'imagerie cérébrale, le tracking de fibres, nous avons pu identifier précisément cette région de la substance blanche (Fig. 3). Il s’agissait d’une voie de communication liant les lobes pariétaux et les lobes frontaux du cerveau peu connue à ce jour, appelée le faisceau occipito-frontal supérieur. Cette appellation, qui vient de travaux anciens, semble aujourd’hui impropre, car l’origine postérieure de ce faisceau semble bien être dans le lobe pariétal et non pas dans le lobe occipital du cerveau (12). Ces résultats indiquent que les atteintes de la jonction temporo-pariétale, et surtout des voies de communication pariéto-frontales, sont à l’origine de la survenue de la négligence spatiale unilatérale. De ce fait, ils confirment un modèle neurocognitif influent de la négligence et de l’attention visuo-spatiale chez l’homme (9). Sur le plan clinique, le test de bissection de lignes a permis au chirurgien de respecter les régions dont l'inactivation temporaire donnait lieu à une négligence; par conséquent, les patients étudiés n'ont pas développé de signes de négligence post-opératoire. Ce résultat souligne l'importance de tester en situation intra-opératoire les fonctions visuo-spatiales, et pas seulement les fonctions sensori-motrices ou le langage, chez les patients qui doivent subir l'ablation d'une tumeur cérébrale, afin d’éviter le développement de troubles invalidants du traitement de l’espace. Fig. 3. Reconstruction 3D du cerveau d'un des patients étudiés (11), avec l'exérèse chirurgicale et le faisceau occipito-frontale supérieur, la voie pariéto-frontale dont l'inactivation a provoqué une déviation à droite en bissection de lignes. Références 1. Denes G, Semenza C, Stoppa E, Lis A. Unilateral spatial neglect and recovery from hemiplegia: A follow-up study. Brain 1982;105(3):543-552. 2. Bartolomeo P, Chokron S. Orienting of attention in left unilateral neglect. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 2002;26(2):217-234. 3. Bartolomeo P, Siéroff E, Decaix C, Chokron S. Modulating the attentional bias in unilateral neglect: The effects of the strategic set. Experimental Brain Research 2001;137(3/4):424-431. 4. Corbetta M, Shulman GL. Control of goal-directed and stimulus-driven attention in the brain. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2002;3(3):201-215. 5. Vallar G. Extrapersonal visual unilateral spatial neglect and its neuroanatomy. Neuroimage 2001;14(1 Pt 2):S52-S58. 6. Milner AD, Goodale MA. The Visual Brain in Action. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1995. 7. Karnath HO, Ferber S, Himmelbach M. Spatial awareness is a function of the temporal not the posterior parietal lobe. Nature 2001;411(6840):950-963. 8. Doricchi F, Tomaiuolo F. The anatomy of neglect without hemianopia: a key role for parietal-frontal disconnection? NeuroReport 2003;14(17):2239-2243. 9. Mesulam MM. Spatial attention and neglect: parietal, frontal and cingulate contributions to the mental representation and attentional targeting of salient extrapersonal events. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 1999;354(1387):1325-1346. 10. Godefroy O, Duhamel A, Leclerc X, Saint Michel T, Henon H, Leys D. Brain-behaviour relationships. Some models and related statistical procedures for the study of brain-damaged patients. Brain 1998;121 (Pt 8):1545-1556. 11. Thiebaut de Schotten M, Urbanski M, Duffau H, Volle E, Lévy R, Dubois B, et al. Direct evidence for a parietal-frontal pathway subserving spatial awareness in humans. Science 2005;309(5744):2226-2228. 12. Catani M, Howard RJ, Pajevic S, Jones DK. Virtual in vivo interactive dissection of white matter fasciculi in the human brain. Neuroimage 2002;17(1):77-94.}, number = {Juin 2006}, journal = {Actualités en Neurologie}, author = {Bartolomeo, P.}, year = {2006}, keywords = {\#nosource, Unilateral neglect; Attention; Brain-damaged patients; Space processing, ⛔ No DOI found}, }
@article{bartolomeo_inhibitory_2006, title = {Inhibitory after-effects in spatial processing: {Experimental} and theoretical issues on {Inhibition} of {Return}}, volume = {23}, number = {7}, journal = {Cognitive Neuropsychology}, author = {Bartolomeo, P. and Lupiáñez, J.}, year = {2006}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, }
@article{couette_disengage_2005, title = {A disengage deficit of attention in {Huntington}'s disease?}, volume = {76}, url = {://000233316200057}, number = {Suppl. 4}, journal = {Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry}, author = {Couette, M. and Bartolomeo, P. and Bachoud-Levi, A.C. and Brugières, P. and Siéroff, E.}, year = {2005}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, }
@article{bartolomeo_twenty-five_2005, title = {Twenty-five years of books on spatial neglect: {What} have we learned?}, volume = {17}, number = {1}, journal = {European Journal of Cognitive Psychology}, author = {Bartolomeo, P.}, year = {2005}, keywords = {\#nosource, Book, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {151--158}, }
@article{bartolomeo_review_2005, title = {Review of "{The} cognitive and neural bases of spatial neglect"}, volume = {17}, url = {://000226664000007}, number = {1}, journal = {Eur. J. Cogn. Psychol.}, author = {Bartolomeo, P.}, year = {2005}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {151--155}, }
@article{bartolomeo_negligence_2004, title = {Négligence spatiale unilatérale : compression de l'espace ou biais de l'attention ?}, abstract = {On considère souvent la négligence spatiale unilatérale gauche comme résultant d'un biais d'orientation de l'attention vers la droite. Dans les deux dernières décennies, il a cependant été proposé que la négligence puisse résulter d'un endommagement des processus neuronaux sous-tendant une représentation mentale de l'espace. Une version de l'hypothèse représentationnelle prévoit que le côté gauche de la représentation mentale de l'espace est " compressé ". Ainsi, une patiente avec négligence et hémianopsie gauche qui devait identifier parmi des chiffres disposés horizontalement celui correspondant à l'emplacement d'une flèche située plus bas, indiquait systématiquement un chiffre à droite de la cible, comme si une compression de l'espace gauche déplaçait ses réponses vers la droite (Halligan \& Marshall, Spatial compression in visual neglect: A case study. Cortex, 27(4), 623-629, 1991). Cependant, une interprétation attentionnelle de ces résultats est également possible. En effet, si l'attention de la patiente était attirée par les chiffres situés à droite, cela aurait pu biaiser ses réponses vers ce côté. Nous avons testé cette suggestion en étudiant des patients négligents avec ou sans hémianopsie gauche, des patients hémianopsiques sans négligence, des patients avec lésion cérébrale droite sans troubles visuels ou cognitifs et des sujets normaux. Ces sujets ont marqué dans la marge horizontale (supérieure ou inférieure) d'une feuille l'endroit indiqué par une flèche partant de la marge opposée sous trois conditions: la marge indiquée par la flèche est (1) vide ; (2) segmentée de petits traits verticaux ; (3) contient des chiffres comme dans l'étude originale de Halligan et Marshall. Si la représentation de l'espace est compressée dans la négligence, les performances des patients négligents ne devraient pas varier d'une condition à l'autre ; si la déviation provient d'un biais attentionnel, les patients devraient dévier plus dans la condition avec les cibles visuelles que dans la condition sans cibles, les cibles de droite constituant des objets perceptifs qui devraient attirer l'attention des patients négligents. Les résultats confirment cette dernière prédiction. Seuls les patients négligents dévient vers la droite, et seulement dans les conditions avec cibles visuelles (traits ou chiffres). La déviation est particulièrement importante chez les patients avec négligence plus hémianopsie, car le déficit de champ visuel réduit ultérieurement le nombre de cibles de gauche susceptibles de participer à la compétition. Nos résultats étayent les modèles de traitement de l'espace qui prennent explicitement en considération les interactions compétitives entre objets dans l'espace.}, journal = {Revue Neurologique}, author = {Bartolomeo, P. and Urbanski, M. and Chokron, S. and Chainay, H. and Moroni, C. and Siéroff, E. and Belin, C. and Halligan, P.}, year = {2004}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, }
@article{bartolomeo_influence_2004, title = {The influence of limb crossing on left tactile extinction}, volume = {75}, issn = {00223050}, abstract = {BACKGROUND: Previous research on patients with left tactile extinction has shown that crossing of hands, so that each hand is on the opposite side of the body midline relative to the other, improves detection of stimuli given to the left hand. OBJECTIVES: To study the influence of the spatial position of limbs on left tactile extinction, and its relations with left visual neglect. METHODS: Normal participants and patients with right cerebral hemisphere damage and left tactile extinction were asked to detect single or double light touch stimuli applied to their cheeks, hands, or knees with their arm and legs either in anatomical or in crossed position, increasing the attentional load of the task. RESULTS: In patients with left extinction, limb crossing caused a deterioration in performance for stimuli applied to right body parts, with only a tendency to an improvement in detection for left body parts (only two of 24 patients showed substantial ({\textgreater}20\%) improvement in left extinction after limb crossing). After crossing, left limb detections of double stimuli decreased with increasing degrees of visual neglect. CONCLUSIONS: In conditions of high attentional load, limb crossing may impair tactile detection in most patients with left extinction, and particularly in those showing signs of left visual neglect. These results underline the importance of general attentional capacity in determining tactile extinction. Attentional and somatotopic mechanisms of extinction may assume different weights in different patients.}, number = {1}, journal = {Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry}, author = {Bartolomeo, P and Perri, R and Gainotti, G}, month = jan, year = {2004}, keywords = {\#nosource, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Agnosia, Attention, Brain, Female, Functional Laterality, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Perceptual Disorders, Perceptual disorders, Attention, Somatosensory disorders, Right brain damage, Neglect, Task Performance and Analysis, Touch, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {49--55}, }
@article{bartolomeo_review_2003, title = {Review of "{Vision} in the {Brain}", by {Panagiotis} {G}. {Simos}}, volume = {114}, abstract = {As a neurologist interested in disorders of visual attention, I often looked for a reference book covering the neurosciences of the visual system. Panagiotis G. Simos has achieved the impressive task of collecting in a book of 200 pages in length a state-of-art review of such an intimidating topic. As a further bonus, the book offers a final section on the development of the visual system which conveys information which is difficult to find in such a concise form. The author has managed to integrate evidence coming from such disparate research fields as histology, neurophysiology, brain imaging and neuropsychology. After an introductory chapter dedicated to an overview of the methods of visual neuroscience and to terminological issues, there is an ample review of general neuronal functioning and synaptic transmission. The third chapter deals with psychophysical findings, always with reference to "wet" neurosciences. The following three chapters present the anatomy and physiology of the visual pathways, from the retina to the temporal and parietal visual association areas, with some useful reference to visual disorders (visual field defects, prosopagnosia). It is a pity that the author did not go a step further and address the relations between visual association areas and more anterior brain regions, such as the frontal lobes. This would have offered a more general idea - if perhaps speculative - of brain functioning, and of its relation to attentional processes and visual consciousness. The final three chapters are dedicated to the development of the visual brain. The book is written very clearly, and generously illustrated by 81 black-and-white diagrams, even if a few of them lack proper definition and several would have greatly benefited from being in color (e.g., the illustration of brain activation during color processing, picturing two Mondrian displays that should be identical in all respects except that one is colored; in fact, they are identical to the reader, since both appear in shades of gray!). A second edition should add an analytical index and correct a few minor errors, such as the lack of some references in the final list and the statement (page 153) that images are projected in front of the retina in hyperopia, and behind the retina in myopia (in fact, the reverse is true). In conclusion, this book will constitute a useful and handy reference for students and professionals in the fields of visual neuroscience, psychology of perception and neuropsychology, and a valuable addition to the library of ophthalmologists, neurologists and neuropshysiologists.}, number = {4}, journal = {Clinical Neurophysiology}, author = {Bartolomeo, P.}, year = {2003}, keywords = {\#nosource, Book, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {750}, }
@article{bartolomeo_modecognitifs_2003, title = {Modèles cognitifs de la négligence spatiale unilatérale}, volume = {159}, abstract = {Les patients ayant une lésion de la partie postérieure de l'hémisphère droit ignorent fréquemment les événements qui surviennent sur leur gauche. Ce phénomène est dénommé négligence spatiale unilatérale. Des déficits situés à de niveaux différents dans les processus cognitifs qui vont de la perception à l'action pourraient être à l'origine de la négligence. Ainsi, on peut imaginer qu'un patient pourrait négliger une moitié du monde du fait : 1. qu'il ne la voit pas (trouble sensoriel) ; 2. qu'il a perdu la moitié gauche d'une représentation cognitive de l'espace (trouble représentationnel) ; 3. qu'un cadre de référence qu'il utilise pour localiser les objets par rapport à soi-même est déplacé vers la droite (trouble référentiel). 4. qu'il a un trouble des mécanismes d'orientation de l'attention spatiale (trouble attentionnel) ; 5. qu'il n'arrive pas à programmer correctement les mouvements des membres dans l'hémi-espace gauche (trouble pré-moteur). Ces possibilités seront passés en revue. Il en résulte que le niveau de déficit le plus plausible reste celui d'une interaction entre plusieurs troubles attentionnels, s'exprimant dans un cadre de référence essentiellement visuo-perceptif. Des avancées récentes dans la connaissance des mécanismes de l'attention spatiale chez les sujets sains peuvent aider à caractériser ces déficits. Une dichotomie particulière est soulignée, celle entre la forme d'orientation de l'attention appelée " exogène ", ou dépendante du stimulus, et celle dite " endogène ", ou dirigée par des stratégies. De nombreuses données issues de la neuropsychologie suggèrent qu'un mécanisme de base du comportement négligent est un déficit de l'orientation exogène vers les cibles présentées sur le côté gauche. D'autre part, les processus d'orientation endogène semblent être relativement préservés, tout en étant ralentis. D'autres types de déficits attentionnels, comme un ralentissement général des opérations de l'attention, peuvent contribuer au comportement des patients négligents.}, number = {Supplément au n° 3}, journal = {Revue Neurologique}, author = {Bartolomeo, P.}, year = {2003}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {192}, }
@incollection{bartolomeo_right_2003, address = {Cambridge, MA}, title = {Right hemisphere contributions to residual reading in pure alexia: {Evidence} from a patient with subsequent bilateral strokes}, booktitle = {The {Parallel} {Brain}: {The} {Cognitive} {Neuroscience} of the {Corpus} {Callosum}}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, author = {Bartolomeo, P. and Bachoud-Lévi, A.C. and Degos, J.D. and Boller, F.}, editor = {Zaidel, E. and Iacoboni, M.}, year = {2003}, keywords = {\#nosource, PURE ALEXIA}, pages = {500--506}, }
@article{bartolomeo_relationship_2002, title = {The relationship between visual perception and visual mental imagery: a reappraisal of the neuropsychological evidence}, volume = {38}, issn = {00109452}, doi = {10.1016/S0010-9452(08)70665-8}, abstract = {Visual perception and visual mental imagery, the faculty whereby we can revisualise a visual item from memory, have often been regarded as cognitive functions subserved by common mechanisms. Thus, the leading cognitive model of visual mental imagery holds that visual perception and visual imagery share a number of mental operations, and rely upon common neural structures, including early visual cortices. In particular, a single visual buffer would be used "bottom-up" to display visual percepts and "top-down" to display internally generated images. The proposed neural substrate for this buffer consists of some cortical visual areas organised retinotopically, that is, the striate and extrastriate occipital areas. Empirical support for this model came from the report of brain-damaged patients showing an imagery deficit which parallels a perceptual impairment in the same cognitive domain. However, recent reports of patients showing double dissociations between perception and imagery abilities challenged the perception-imagery equivalence hypothesis from the functional point of view. From the anatomical point of view, the available evidence suggests that occipital damage is neither necessary nor sufficient to produce imagery deficits. On the other hand, extensive left temporal damage often accompanies imagery deficits for object form or colour. Thus, visual mental imagery abilities might require the integrity of brain areas related to vision, but at an higher level of integration than previously proposed.}, number = {3}, journal = {Cortex}, author = {Bartolomeo, Paolo}, month = jun, year = {2002}, keywords = {\#nosource, Brain Damage, Chronic, Brain Mapping, Cerebral Cortex, Humans, Imagination, Mental Recall, Neuropsychological Tests, Visual Pathways, Visual Perception}, pages = {357--78}, }
@article{lamargue_negligence_2002, title = {Négligence spatiale et référentiel égocentrique [{Unilateral} neglect and egocentric reference]}, volume = {79}, journal = {Glossa}, author = {Lamargue, D. and Chokron, S. and Bartolomeo, P.}, year = {2002}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {50--67}, }
@article{rousseaux_presenting_2001, title = {[{Presenting} a battery for assessing spatial neglect. {Norms} and effects of age, educational level, sex, hand and laterality]}, volume = {157}, issn = {00353787}, abstract = {The aim of this study was to build up a battery for assessing spatial neglect, then to analyse the norms and potential effects of age, education level, sex, hand used, and laterality. It was also to contribute evaluating the pseudoneglect phenomenon described by Heilman, which consists in a tendency of normal subjects to neglect the right peripersonal space. Tasks selected were presented to important groups of normal subjects, most often larger than 450. The battery comprised of a bell cancellation test, scene copy, clock drawing, two line bisection tasks, identification of overlapping figures, text reading, writing task, and the representational task of the France map. For each of them, different variables were selected, especially investigating the difference between performance in the right and the left hemispaces. This study allowed defining the threshold values (percentiles 5 and 95) for deciding of the pathological character of a patient performance. It also showed that the pseudoneglect phenomenon is more obvious in some tasks such as line bisection, and probably also in the representational task of the France map and writing. His importance and at times his side were influenced by the factors we studied, with between tasks differences, but also by the nature of the task to be performed, and especially his verbal component.}, number = {11 Pt 1}, journal = {Revue neurologique}, author = {Rousseaux, M and Beis, J M and Pradat-Diehl, P and Martin, Y and Bartolomeo, P and Bernati, T and Chokron, S and Leclercq, M and Louis-Dreyfus, A and Marchal, F and Perennou, D and Prairial, C and Rode, G and Samuel, C and Siéroff, E and Wiart, L and Azouvi, P}, month = nov, year = {2001}, keywords = {\#nosource, Adult, Age Factors, Aged, Analysis of Variance, Diagnosis, Differential, Educational Status, Extinction, Psychological, Female, Functional Laterality, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Perceptual Disorders, Psychological Tests, Sex Characteristics, Space Perception, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {1385--400}, }
@article{rousseaux_normalisation_2001, title = {Normalisation d'une batterie de dépistage de la négligence spatiale. {Etude} de l'effet de l'âge, du niveau d'éducation, du sexe, de la main et de la latéralité [{Presenting} a battery for assessing spatial neglect. {Norms} and effects of age, educational level, sex, hand and laterality]}, volume = {157}, journal = {Revue Neurologique}, author = {Rousseaux, M. and Beis, J.M. and Pradat-Diehl, P. and Martin, Y. and Bartolomeo, P. and Chokron, S. and Leclercq, M. and Louis-Dreyfus, A. and Marchal, F. and Pérénnou, D. and Prairial, C. and Samuel, C. and Siéroff, E. and Wiart, L. and Azouvi, P.}, year = {2001}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {1385--1401}, }
@article{bartolomeo_right_2000, title = {[{Right} parietal lesions, spatial neglect and egocentric reference]}, volume = {156}, issn = {00353787}, abstract = {Using a proprioceptive "straight-ahead" pointing task, we determined the position of the subjective sagittal middle in thirty unselected patients with unilateral vascular lesions in the right hemisphere and twenty-two normal controls. Patients with extensive right parietal damage (n = 16) showed an ipsilesional (rightward) deviation of their egocentric reference, whereas patients with lesions that substantially spared the right parietal lobe (n = 14) showed a contralesional (leftward) deviation. No significant correlation emerged between the position of the egocentric reference and the performance on a neglect battery. These results can help explain some dissociations between left neglect signs and ipsilesional deviation of the egocentric reference, and raise some questions about the links among lesion location, neglect signs and egocentric frame of reference.}, number = {2}, journal = {Revue neurologique}, author = {Bartolomeo, P and Chokron, S and Degos, J D}, month = feb, year = {2000}, keywords = {\#nosource, Aged, Agnosia, Brain Ischemia, Cerebral Hemorrhage, Female, Functional Laterality, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Parietal Lobe, Reference Values, Space Perception, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {139--43}, }
@article{bartolomeo_orienting_2000, title = {Orienting of attention in unilateral neglect}, number = {Supplement to Number 4}, journal = {Neurological Sciences}, author = {Bartolomeo, P.}, year = {2000}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {S132}, }
@article{bartolomeo_lesions_2000, title = {Lésions pariétales droites, négligence spatiale et référentiel égocentrique [{Right} parietal lesions, unilateral neglect and egocentric reference]}, volume = {156}, abstract = {Using a proprioceptive "straight-ahead" pointing task, we determined the position of the subjective sagittal middle in thirty unselected patients with unilateral vascular lesions in the right hemisphere and twenty-two normal controls. Patients with extensive right parietal damage (n=16) showed an ipsilesional (rightward) deviation of their egocentric reference, whereas patients with lesions that substantially spared the right parietal lobe (n=14) showed a contralesional (leftward) deviation. No significant correlation emerged between the position of the egocentric reference and the performance on a neglect battery. These results can help explain some dissociations between left neglect signs and ipsilesional deviation of the egocentric reference, and raise some questions about the links among lesion location, neglect signs and egocentric frame of reference.}, number = {2}, journal = {Revue Neurologique}, author = {Bartolomeo, P. and Chokron, S. and Degos, J.-D.}, year = {2000}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {139--143}, }
@article{chokron_reduire_1999, title = {Réduire expérimentalement la négligence spatiale unilatérale : revue de la littérature et implications théoriques}, volume = {9}, number = {2-3}, journal = {Revue de Neuropsychologie}, author = {Chokron, S. and Bartolomeo, P.}, year = {1999}, keywords = {\#nosource, neglect, egocentric frame of reference, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {129--165}, }
@article{chokron_pointing_1999, title = {Pointing straight-ahead: {Reversed} patterns of performance in right brain-damaged patients with or without extensive parietal lesion}, volume = {40}, journal = {Brain and Cognition}, author = {Chokron, S. and Bartolomeo, P.}, year = {1999}, keywords = {\#nosource, neglect, egocentric frame of reference, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {79--84}, }
@article{decaix_heminegligence_1999, title = {L'héminégligence : biais de l'orientation exogène ou endogène de l'attention?}, volume = {9}, number = {4}, journal = {Revue de Neuropsychologie}, author = {Decaix, C. and Bartolomeo, P. and Chokron, S. and Siéroff, E.}, year = {1999}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {431--432}, }
@article{bartolomeo_inhibition_1999, title = {Inhibition de retour et négligence spatiale unilatérale}, volume = {9}, number = {4}, journal = {Revue de Neuropsychologie}, author = {Bartolomeo, P. and Chokron, S. and Siéroff, E.}, year = {1999}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {420}, }
@article{dalla_barba_conscience_1998, title = {Conscience d'anosognosie}, volume = {154}, number = {Suppl. 1}, journal = {Revue Neurologique}, author = {Dalla Barba, G. and Bartolomeo, P. and Ergis, A.M. and Boissé, M.F. and Bachoud-Lévi, A.C.}, year = {1998}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {95}, }
@article{dalla_barba_conoscenza_1998, title = {Conoscenza implicita e anosognosia: verso una neuropsicologia della coscienza [{Toward} a neuropsychology of consciousness: implicit knowledge and anosognosia]}, volume = {59}, number = {6}, journal = {Archivio di Psicologia, Neurologia e Psichiatria}, author = {Dalla Barba, G. and Bartolomeo, P.}, year = {1998}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {644--678}, }
@article{bartolomeo_heminegligence_1998, title = {L'héminégligence spatiale de la perception à l'action [{Spatial} hemineglect between perception and action]}, volume = {8}, abstract = {Spatial hemineglect is characterised by the reduction of responses to stimuli presented to the side opposite a brain lesion. Mechanisms operating upon various stages ranging from perception to action have been invoked to explain neglect. Evidence concerning some of these possible levels of impairment is reviewed. It is concluded that the interaction of a number of attentional deficits, mainly operating upon a visual-perceptual frame of reference, is the most plausible explanation of neglect phenomena.}, number = {1}, journal = {Revue de Neuropsychologie}, author = {Bartolomeo, P.}, year = {1998}, keywords = {\#nosource, neglect, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {83--99}, }
@article{bartolomeo_unilateral_1998, title = {Unilateral neglect: {From} perception to action}, volume = {10}, number = {Suppl. 10}, journal = {European Journal of Neuroscience}, author = {Bartolomeo, P.}, year = {1998}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {432}, }
@article{bartolomeo_leffet_1998, title = {L’effet des lésions pariétales droites sur la position de la référence égocentrique}, volume = {154}, number = {Suppl. 1}, journal = {Revue Neurologique}, author = {Bartolomeo, P. and Chokron, S. and Degos, J.-D.}, year = {1998}, keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {93}, }
@article{pagliarini_evoluzione_1996, title = {Evoluzione di una "fovea" in un organismo artificiale ["{FOVEA}" evolution in an artificial organism]}, volume = {42}, abstract = {We describe some simulations using neural networks that examine in which conditions a "fovea" develops on the sensory surface of an organism, i.e., a portion of this surface with greater discriminative power than the remaining portions. A population of simple artificial organisms lives in an environment that contains food and dangerous elements, and it reporduces selectively based on the capacity of each individual to eat the food elements and to avoid the dangerous ones. When the computational resources (number of hidden units of a neural network) are adequate to the complexity of the task, the sensory surface of the organism is homogeneous and there is no formation of a "fovea". When the computational reources are scarce the central portion of the sensory surface becomes a "fovea" in that it has greater discriminative power than the lateral portions. Therefore, when an organism perceives an object laterally it must turn in order to foveate the object and identify it as food or danger, before the organism can decide whether to eat or to avoid the object.}, number = {3}, journal = {Riv. Neurobiologia}, author = {Pagliarini, L. and Bartolomeo, P. and Parisi, D.}, year = {1996}, keywords = {\#nosource, neural networks, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {221--225}, }
@article{bartolomeo_incidenza_1992, title = {Incidenza dell'emi-negligenza in corso di compiti rappresentativi e visuo-percettivi in pazienti cerebrolesi [{Incidence} of hemi-neglect in representational and visuoperceptual tasks performed by brain damaged patients]}, volume = {53}, number = {2}, journal = {Archivio di Psicologia, Neurologia e Psichiatria}, author = {Bartolomeo, P. and D'Erme, P. and Gainotti, G.}, year = {1992}, keywords = {\#nosource, neglect, representational, imaginal, visuospatial, mental imagery, ⛔ No DOI found}, pages = {165--189}, }