Detection and classification of temporal CAN signatures to support maintenance of public transportation vehicle subsystems. Cheifetz, N. Ph.D. Thesis, Université Paris-Est, September, 2013.
Detection and classification of temporal CAN signatures to support maintenance of public transportation vehicle subsystems [link]Paper  bibtex   
  TITLE = {{Detection and classification of temporal CAN signatures to support maintenance of public transportation vehicle subsystems}},
  AUTHOR = {Cheifetz, Nicolas},
  URL = {},
  NUMBER = {2013PEST1077},
  SCHOOL = {{Universit{\'e} Paris-Est}},
  YEAR = {2013},
  MONTH = Sep,
  KEYWORDS = {Diagnosis and preventive maintenance ; Change-point detection ; Sequential hypothesis testing ; Curves sequence ; EM algorithm and mixture models ; Brake system and doors of a urban buses ; Diagnostic et maintenance pr{\'e}ventive ; D{\'e}tection de changement ; Tests s{\'e}quentiels d'hypoth{\`e}ses ; S{\'e}quence de courbes ; Algorithme EM et mod{\`e}les de m{\'e}lange ; Syst{\`e}me de freinage et portes d'autobus},
  TYPE = {Theses},
  PDF = {},
  HAL_ID = {tel-01066894},
  HAL_VERSION = {v1},

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