Spirituality/religion and behavioral addictions. Grubbs, J. B. & Grant, J. T. In Rosmarin, D. H. & Koenig, H. G., editors, Handbook of Spirituality, Religion, and Mental Health, pages 139–157. Elsevier, February, 2020.
Spirituality/religion and behavioral addictions [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   1 download  
	title = {Spirituality/religion and behavioral addictions},
	copyright = {All rights reserved},
	isbn = {978-0-12-816766-3},
	url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/B9780128167663000082},
	language = {en},
	urldate = {2020-05-28},
	booktitle = {Handbook of {Spirituality}, {Religion}, and {Mental} {Health}},
	publisher = {Elsevier},
	author = {Grubbs, Joshua Briggs and Grant, Jennifer Tegan},
	editor = {Rosmarin, David H. and Koenig, Harold G.},
	month = feb,
	year = {2020},
	doi = {10.1016/B978-0-12-816766-3.00008-2},
	pages = {139--157},
	file = {Grubbs and Grant - 2020 - Spiritualityreligion and behavioral addictions.pdf:/Users/joshuab.grubbs/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-joshuagrubbsphd@gmail.com/My Drive/Manuscripts/Zotero/storage/HIZR879J/Grubbs and Grant - 2020 - Spiritualityreligion and behavioral addictions.pdf:application/pdf},

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