Who's been using my burial mound? Radiocarbon dating and isotopic tracing of human diet and mobility at the collective burial site, Le Tumulus des Sables, southwest France. James, H., F., Willmes, M., Boel, C., A., Courtaud, P., Chancerel, A., Ciesielski, E., Desideri, J., Bridy, A., Wood, R., Moffat, I., Fallon, S., McMorrow, L., Armstrong, R., A., Williams, I., S., Kinsley, L., Aubert, M., Eggins, S., Frieman, C., J., & Grün, R. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 24(March):955-966, Elsevier, 4, 2019.
Who's been using my burial mound? Radiocarbon dating and isotopic tracing of human diet and mobility at the collective burial site, Le Tumulus des Sables, southwest France [pdf]Paper  Who's been using my burial mound? Radiocarbon dating and isotopic tracing of human diet and mobility at the collective burial site, Le Tumulus des Sables, southwest France [link]Website  doi  bibtex   

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