Collaborative Construction of a Concept Map about Flexible Education. Salinas, J., De Benito, B., & Garc�a, M. Volume 1. Cañas,A.; Novak,J.; Reiska,P.; Mauri,K.(Ed): Concept mapping - Connecting Educators. Proceedings of the Third Conference on Concept Maps.. Univerty of Hellsinki, 2008.
 type = {inbook},
 year = {2008},
 volume = {1},
 publisher = {Univerty of Hellsinki},
 id = {8c262dfa-53bc-3b8f-99cb-00ae689d51da},
 created = {2014-03-28T20:16:31.000Z},
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 profile_id = {2bc374b3-d05a-301d-b1b9-474b88b895bd},
 last_modified = {2020-04-17T15:19:41.149Z},
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 source_type = {CHAP},
 private_publication = {false},
 bibtype = {inbook},
 author = {Salinas, J and De Benito, B and Garc�a, M},
 chapter = {Collaborative Construction of a Concept Map about Flexible Education},
 title = {Cañas,A.; Novak,J.; Reiska,P.; Mauri,K.(Ed): Concept mapping - Connecting Educators. Proceedings of the Third Conference on Concept Maps.}

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