Strong identities and endorsement of human rights: Conflictive or complementary?. Ziemes, J. F. & Abs, H. J. South African Journal of Higher Education, 31(6):151–166, 2017.
 author = {Ziemes, Johanna F. and Abs, Hermann Josef},
 year = {2017},
 title = {Strong identities and endorsement of human rights: Conflictive or complementary?},
 pages = {151--166},
 volume = {31},
 number = {6},
 journal = {South African Journal of Higher Education},
 file = {Ziemes, Abs 2017 - Strong identities and endorsement:C\:\\Users\\SHK\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\alpharyqxs5kts352nosj36vfq8bxbrv1jl6cj82\\Citavi Attachments\\Ziemes, Abs 2017 - Strong identities and endorsement.pdf:pdf}

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