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2020 (11)
Convergence of adaptive algorithms for weakly convex constrained optimization. Alacaoglu, A., Malitsky, Y., & Cevher, V. arXiv:2006.06650, June, 2020. arXiv: 2006.06650
Indicators of COVID-19 status in a cohort study of university staff and post-graduate research students, including results from home antibody testing. Davis, K. A., Carr, E., Leightley, D., Vitiello, V., Cartwright, G. B., Lavelle, G., Wickersham, A., Malim, M. H, Oetzmann, C., Polling, C., & others medRxiv, 2020. Publisher: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
A Unified Single-loop Alternating Gradient Projection Algorithm for Nonconvex-Concave and Convex-Nonconcave Minimax Problems. Xu, Z., Zhang, H., Xu, Y., & Lan, G. arXiv:2006.02032, June, 2020. arXiv: 2006.02032
FedSplit: An algorithmic framework for fast federated optimization. Pathak, R. & Wainwright, M. J. arXiv:2005.05238, May, 2020. arXiv: 2005.05238
Phase retrieval of complex-valued objects via a randomized Kaczmarz method. Zhang, T. arXiv:2005.03238, May, 2020. arXiv: 2005.03238
Integration and test challenges of parker solar probe. Smith, R., Bucior, S., & Hahn, J. 2020 Ieee Aerospace Conference (Aeroconf 2020), 2020. Publisher: Ieee Type: Proceedings paper 2022-04-12 11:34:55 +0100
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Formal analysis and verification of airborne software based on DO-333. Cao, Z., Lv, W., Huang, Y., Shi, J., & Li, Q. Electronics, 9(2):327, 2020. tex.ids= caoFormalAnalysisVerification2020a, caoFormalAnalysisVerification2020b, caoFormalAnalysisVerification2020c, caoFormalAnalysisVerification2020d, caoFormalAnalysisVerification2020e, caoFormalAnalysisVerification2020f, caoFormalAnalysisVerification2020g, caoFormalAnalysisVerification2020h, caoFormalAnalysisVerification2020i, cao_formal_2020 publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Advancing Qualitative IS Research Methodologies: Expanding Horizons and Seeking New Paths. Cecez-Kecmanovic, D., Davison, R. M, Fernandez, W., Finnegan, P., Pan, S. L, & Sarker, S. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 21(1):18, 2020.
A modification of quasi-Newton's methods helping to avoid saddle points. Truong, T. T., To, T. D., Nguyen, T. H., Nguyen, T. H., Nguyen, H. P., & Helmy, M. arXiv:2006.01512, June, 2020. arXiv: 2006.01512
Incorporating Word Sense Disambiguation in Neural Language Models. Wahle, J. P., Ruas, T., Meuschke, N., & Gipp, B. November, 2020.
The What of Data: Defining Which Scientific Research Is Appropriate to Share. Boscoe, B. M In International Conference on Information, pages 687–694, 2020. Springer.
2019 (6)
Inertial Block Mirror Descent Method for Non-Convex Non-Smooth Optimization. Hien, L. T. K., Gillis, N., & Patrinos, P. arXiv:1903.01818, March, 2019. arXiv:
Elimination of All Bad Local Minima in Deep Learning. Kawaguchi, K. & Kaelbling, L. P. arXiv:1901.00279, January, 2019. arXiv:
RACE: Sub-Linear Memory Sketches for Approximate Near-Neighbor Search on Streaming Data. Coleman, B., Shrivastava, A., & Baraniuk, R. G. arXiv:1902.06687 [cs, eess, stat], February, 2019. arXiv: 1902.06687
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Simple algorithms for optimization on Riemannian manifolds with constraints. Liu, C. & Boumal, N. arXiv:1901.10000, January, 2019. arXiv:
Trust-Region Newton-CG with Strong Second-Order Complexity Guarantees for Nonconvex Optimization. Curtis, F. E., Robinson, D. P., Royer, C., & Wright, S. J. arXiv:1912.04365, December, 2019. arXiv: 1912.04365
Provably Efficient Reinforcement Learning with Linear Function Approximation. Jin, C., Yang, Z., Wang, Z., & Jordan, M. I. arXiv:1907.05388, July, 2019. arXiv:
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2018 (7)
Cooperative Conservation: Strengthening U.S.-Cuba-Mexico Relations Through Joint Management of Marine Protected Areas in the Gulf of Mexico. Baur, D. C., Rally, H. D., & Jensen, M. M. Tulane Environmental Law Journal, 31(2):173–208, 2018. Publisher: Tulane Environmental Law Journal
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Adaptive Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics: Taming Convergence and Saddle Point Escape Time. Sang, H. & Liu, J. arXiv:1805.09416, May, 2018. arXiv: 1805.09416
Provably Correct Automatic Subdifferentiation for Qualified Programs. Kakade, S. & Lee, J. D. arXiv:1809.08530, September, 2018. arXiv:
基于CFD的矿井用离心泵叶轮抗汽蚀优化设计. 孙向龙 世界有色金属, 2018.
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The Language of Cataloguing: Deconstructing and Decolonizing Systems of Organization in Libraries. Vaughan, C. A Dalhousie Journal of Interdisciplinary Management, 14(Spring):1–15, 2018. Number: Spring ECC: 0000001 00000 tex.ids: vaughanLanguageCataloguingDeconstructing2018a
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Global Baseline Assessment of Compliance and Enforcement Programs for Vehicle Emissions and Energy Efficiency. Yang, Z., Muncrief, R., & Bandivadekar, A. Technical Report The International Council on Clean Transportation, Washington, DC, 2018.
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2017 (7)
On the Gap Between Strict-Saddles and True Convexity: An $Ømega({\}log d)$ Lower Bound for Eigenvector Approximation. Simchowitz, M., Alaoui, A. E., & Recht, B. arxiv:1704.04548, 2017.
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Advancing Consumer Adoption of Blockchain Applications. Witherspoon, Z. arXiv:1705.04769 [cs], May, 2017. arXiv: 1705.04769
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Brain Asymmetries The lateralization of three different cognitive processes. Magnani, F. TESI, 2017.
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Accurate Audio-to-score Alignment for Expressive Violin Recordings. Syue, J., Su, L., Lin, Y., Li, P., Lu, Y., Wang, Y., & Su, A. W. Y. In Cunningham, S. J., Duan, Z., Hu, X., & Turnbull, D., editors, ISMIR, pages 250–256, Suzhou, China, 2017.
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2016 (5)
A Theorem Prover for Quantum Hoare Logic and Its Applications. Liu, T., Li, Y., Wang, S., Ying, M., & Zhan, N. arXiv:1601.03835 [cs], January, 2016. ZSCC: 0000017 arXiv: 1601.03835
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Global rates of convergence for nonconvex optimization on manifolds. Boumal, N., Absil, P., & Cartis, C. arxiv:1605.08101, 2016.
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Improving Voice Separation by Better Connecting Contigs. Guiomard-Kagan, N., Giraud, M., Groult, R., & Levé, F. In Mandel, M. I., Devaney, J., Turnbull, D., & Tzanetakis, G., editors, Proceedings of the 17\textsuperscriptth International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2016, New York City, United States, August 7-11, 2016, pages 164–170, 2016. 2019-03-29 16:18:17 +0100 2019-03-29 16:18:17 +0100
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A Continuous-Time Model of an Autonomous Aerial Vehicle to Inform and Validate Formal Verification Methods. Ireland, M. L., Hoffmann, R., Miller, A., Norman, G., & Veres, S. M. arXiv:1609.00177 [cs], September, 2016.
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Convergence Analysis for Rectangular Matrix Completion Using Burer-Monteiro Factorization and Gradient Descent. Zheng, Q. & Lafferty, J. arxiv:1605.07051, 2016.
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2015 (1)
A Utilização do Marketing Como Estratégia de Melhoria da Qualidade dos Serviços Prestados ao Cidadão: um estudo de caso sobre a perspectiva organizacional na esfera pública. Saraiva, L. A. S. & Capelão, L. G. F. Revista Interdisciplinar de Marketing, 1(3):51–64, January, 2015. 00000
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2014 (4)
Reliable Design and Operations of Infrastructure Systems. An, Y. 2014.
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2013 (4)
Cognitive Designers Activity Study, Formalization, Modelling, and Computation. Bouchard, C., Kim, J., Omhover, J., & Aoussat, A. 2013.
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A produ\\c c\\\~a\o do conhecimento e a Pol\\'\i\tica Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P\&D) e Ci\\\textasciicircume\ncia, Tecnologia e Inova\\c c\\\~a\o (\CT\\&I). Santos, C. d. A. & Moraes, K. N. d. Revista S\\'e\rie-Estudos, June, 2013. 00000
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2012 (5)
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2011 (3)
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2010 (2)
Formal modelling of processes and tasks to support use and search of geo-information in emergency response. Zlatanova, S. Proceedings of the 13th annual international conference and exhibition on geospatial information technology and applications - map India 2010 - defining geospatial vision for India, 19-21 January 2010, 2010.
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2009 (2)
Application of Remote Sensing (rs) and Geographic Information Systems (gis) to Environmental Impact Assessment (eia) for Sustainable Development. Abbas, I. & Ukoje, J. Research Journal of Environmental and …, 1(1):11–15, 2009.
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2008 (1)
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2007 (4)
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2006 (3)
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2005 (4)
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