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  2020 (1)
Ground Deformation Data from GEER Investigations of Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence. Brandenberg, S., J.; Stewart, J., P.; Wang, P.; Nweke, C., C.; Hudson, K.; Goulet, C., A.; Meng, X.; Davis, C., A.; Ahdi, S., K.; Hudson, M., B.; Donnellan, A.; Lyzenga, G.; Pierce, M.; Wang, J.; Winters, M., A.; Delisle, M.; Lucey, J.; Kim, Y.; Gallien, T., W.; Lyda, A.; Yeung, J., S.; Issa, O.; Buckreis, T.; and Yi, Z. Seismological Research Letters. 2 2020.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2019 (21)
The USD Science Gateway. Kleinsasser, A., A.; Pamidighantam, S.; Jennewein, D., M.; Madison, J., D.; Christie, M.; Abeysinghe, E.; Marru, S.; and Pierce, M. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning) - PEARC '19, pages 1-4, 2019. ACM Press
The USD Science Gateway [pdf]Paper   The USD Science Gateway [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
InterACTWEL Science Gateway for Adaptation Planning in Food-Energy-Water Sectors of Local Communities. Babbar-Sebens, M.; Rivera, S.; Abeysinghe, E.; Marru, S.; Pierce, M.; Coulter, E.; Farahani, M.; Wannipurage, D.; and Christie, M. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning) - PEARC '19, pages 1-4, 2019. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
InterACTWEL Science Gateway for Adaptation Planning in Food-Energy-Water Sectors of Local Communities [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
LSU Computational System Biology Gateway for Education. Abeysinghe, E.; Brylinski, M.; Christie, M.; Marru, S.; and Pierce, M. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning) - PEARC '19, pages 1-4, 2019. ACM Press
LSU Computational System Biology Gateway for Education [pdf]Paper   LSU Computational System Biology Gateway for Education [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
The Distant Reader. Morgan, E., L.; Abeysinghe, E.; Pamidighantam, S.; Coulter, E.; Marru, S.; and Pierce, M. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning) - PEARC '19, pages 1-4, 2019. ACM Press
The Distant Reader [pdf]Paper   The Distant Reader [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
How the Science Gateways Community Institute Supports Those Who Are Creating Websites to Access Shared Resources. Lawrence, K., A.; Mullinix, N.; Dahan, M.; Hayden, L.; Pierce, M.; Wilkins-Diehr, N.; and Zentner, M. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning) - PEARC '19, pages 1-4, 2019. ACM Press
How the Science Gateways Community Institute Supports Those Who Are Creating Websites to Access Shared Resources [pdf]Paper   How the Science Gateways Community Institute Supports Those Who Are Creating Websites to Access Shared Resources [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Community Organizations: Changing the Culture in Which Research Software Is Developed and Sustained. Katz, D., S.; McInnes, L., C.; Bernholdt, D., E.; Mayes, A., C.; Hong, N., P., C.; Duckles, J.; Gesing, S.; Heroux, M., A.; Hettrick, S.; Jimenez, R., C.; Pierce, M.; Weaver, B.; and Wilkins-Diehr, N. Computing in Science & Engineering, 21(2): 8-24. 3 2019.
Community Organizations: Changing the Culture in Which Research Software Is Developed and Sustained [pdf]Paper   Community Organizations: Changing the Culture in Which Research Software Is Developed and Sustained [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Research Computing at a Business University. Wells, J.; and Coulter, J., E. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning) - PEARC '19, pages 1-5, 2019. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Research Computing at a Business University [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Beyond Campus Bridging. Coulter, J., E.; Knepper, R.; Reynolds, R.; Sprouse, J.; and Bird, S. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning) - PEARC '19, pages 1-4, 2019. ACM Press
Beyond Campus Bridging [pdf]Paper   Beyond Campus Bridging [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Science gateways: Sustainability via on-campus teams. Gesing, S.; Lawrence, K.; Dahan, M.; Pierce, M., E.; Wilkins-Diehr, N.; and Zentner, M. Future Generation Computer Systems, 94: 97-102. 5 2019.
Science gateways: Sustainability via on-campus teams [pdf]Paper   Science gateways: Sustainability via on-campus teams [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Towards a science gateway reference architecture. Pierce, M., E.; Miller, M., A.; Brookes, E., H.; Wong, M.; Afgan, E.; Liu, Y.; Gesing, S.; Dahan, M.; Walker, T.; and Marru, S. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings, volume 2357, 2019. CEUR-WS
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Experiences from scaling scale Science Gateway operations. Marru, S.; Piece, M.; Abeysinghe, E.; Pamidighantam, S.; Christie, M.; and Wannipurage, D. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning) - PEARC '19, pages 1-4, 2019. ACM Press
Experiences from scaling scale Science Gateway operations [pdf]Paper   Experiences from scaling scale Science Gateway operations [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Implementing a Flexible, Fault Tolerant Job Management System for Science Gateways. Wannipurage, D.; Marru, S.; Piece, M.; Abeysinghe, E.; Pamidighantam, S.; Christie, M.; Shenoy, G.; Dhamnaskar, A.; and Jayathilaka, L. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning) - PEARC '19, pages 1-8, 2019. ACM Press
Implementing a Flexible, Fault Tolerant Job Management System for Science Gateways [pdf]Paper   Implementing a Flexible, Fault Tolerant Job Management System for Science Gateways [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Towards Run Time Estimation of the Gaussian Chemistry Code for SEAGrid Science Gateway. Beltre, A.; Zaman, S.; Chiu, K.; Pamidighantam, S.; Qiao, X.; and Govindaraju, M. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning) - PEARC '19, pages 1-8, 2019. ACM Press
Towards Run Time Estimation of the Gaussian Chemistry Code for SEAGrid Science Gateway [pdf]Paper   Towards Run Time Estimation of the Gaussian Chemistry Code for SEAGrid Science Gateway [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Virtual Clusters in the Jetstream Cloud. Coulter, J., E.; Abeysinghe, E.; Pamidighantam, S.; and Pierce, M. In Proceedings of the Humans in the Loop: Enabling and Facilitating Research on Cloud Computing - HARC '19, pages 1-6, 2019. ACM Press
Virtual Clusters in the Jetstream Cloud [pdf]Paper   Virtual Clusters in the Jetstream Cloud [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Programmable Education Infrastructure: Cloud resources as HPC Education Environments. Coulter, E.; Knepper, R.; and Fischer, J. The Journal of Computational Science Education, 10(1): 107-107. 1 2019.
Programmable Education Infrastructure: Cloud resources as HPC Education Environments [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Managing authentication and authorization in distributed science gateway middleware. Christie, M., A.; Bhandar, A.; Nakandala, S.; Marru, S.; Abeysinghe, E.; Pamidighantam, S.; and Pierce, M., E. Future Generation Computer Systems. 10 2019.
Managing authentication and authorization in distributed science gateway middleware [pdf]Paper   Managing authentication and authorization in distributed science gateway middleware [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
InterACTWEL Science Gateway for Adaptation Planning in Food-Energy-Water Sectors of Local Communities: Data, Methods, Lessons Learned and Future Directions. Rivera, S., J.; Giles, N., A.; Tilt, J.; Reimer, J.; Murthy, G.; Mukhopadhyay, S.; Durresi, A.; Marru, S.; Pierce, M., E.; and Babbar-Sebens, M. In American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 12 2019. American Geophysical Union
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Advancing Access to Global Flood Modeling and Alerting using the PDC DisasterAWARE Platform and Remote Sensing Technologies. Glasscoe, M., T.; Bausch, D., B.; Chiesa, C.; Hampe, G.; Tiampo, K., F.; Eguchi, R., T.; Huyck, C., K.; Pierce, M., E.; Wang, J.; Chen, Z.; Kar, B.; and Schumann, G. In American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 12 2019. AGU
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Stakeholder-Driven Adaptation Planning of Food-Energy-Water Nexus in Local Communities. Babbar-Sebens, M.; Rivera, S., J.; Giles, N., A.; Tilt, J.; Reimer, J.; Murthy, G.; Mukhopadhyay, S.; Durresi, A.; Marru, S.; and Pierce, M., E. In American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 12 2019. AGU
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CyberWater—An open and sustainable framework for diverse data and model integration. Luna, D.; Chen, R.; Yuan, C.; Liang, Y.; Liang, X.; Bales, J.; Castronova, A., M.; Demir, I.; Hooper, R., P.; Krajewski, W., F.; Lin, L.; Mantilla, R.; Pamidighantam, S.; Song, F.; and Zhang, Y. In American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 12 2019. AGU
link   bibtex   abstract  
  2018 (20)
Gathering requirements for advancing simulations in HPC infrastructures via science gateways. Gesing, S.; Dooley, R.; Pierce, M.; Krüger, J.; Grunzke, R.; Herres-Pawlis, S.; and Hoffmann, A. Future Generation Computer Systems, 82: 544-554. 2018.
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Radar Determination of Fault Slip and Location in Partially Decorrelated Images. Parker, J.; Glasscoe, M.; Donnellan, A.; Stough, T.; Pierce, M.; and Wang, J. Earthquakes and Multi-hazards Around the Pacific Rim, Vol. I, pages 101-116. Springer, 2018.
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A New Science Gateway to Provide Decision Support on Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies. Wang, Y.; Pamidighantam, S.; Yaw, S.; Abeysinghe, E.; Marru, S.; Christie, M.; Ellett, K.; Pierce, M.; and Middleton, R. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing - PEARC '18, of PEARC '18, pages 1-3, 2018. ACM Press
A New Science Gateway to Provide Decision Support on Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Searching the Sequence Read Archive Using Jetstream and Wrangler. Levi, K.; Rynge, M.; Abeysinghe, E.; and Edwards, R., A. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing, of PEARC '18, pages 50:1--50:7, 2018. ACM
Searching the Sequence Read Archive Using Jetstream and Wrangler [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Building a Science Gateway For Processing and Modeling Sequencing Data Via Apache Airavata. Wang, Z.; Christie, M., A.; Abeysinghe, E.; Chu, T.; Marru, S.; Pierce, M.; and Danko, C., G. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing (PEARC '18), of PEARC '18, pages 39:1--39:7, 2018. ACM
Building a Science Gateway For Processing and Modeling Sequencing Data Via Apache Airavata [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Simplifying Access to Campus Resources at Southern Illinois University with a Science Gateway. Sunkara, S., S.; Langin, C.; Pierce, M.; Abeysinghe, E.; Pamidighantam, S.; and Marru, S. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing - PEARC '18, of PEARC '18, pages 1-4, 2018. ACM Press
Simplifying Access to Campus Resources at Southern Illinois University with a Science Gateway [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Using a Science Gateway to Deliver SimVascular Software As a Service for Classroom Instruction. Wilson, N., M.; Marru, S.; Abeysinghe, E.; Christie, M., A.; Maher, G., D.; Updegrove, A., R.; Pierce, M.; and Marsden, A., L. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing, of PEARC '18, pages 102:1--102:4, 2018. ACM
Using a Science Gateway to Deliver SimVascular Software As a Service for Classroom Instruction [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Jetstream—Early operations performance, adoption, and impacts. Hancock, D., Y.; Stewart, C., A.; Vaughn, M.; Fischer, J.; Lowe, J., M.; Turner, G.; Swetnam, T., L.; Chafin, T., K.; Afgan, E.; Pierce, M., E.; and Snapp-Childs, W. Concurrency Computation . 2018.
Jetstream—Early operations performance, adoption, and impacts [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   1 download  
Django Content Management System Evaluation and Integration with Apache Airavata. Adithela, S., P.; Christie, M.; Marru, S.; and Pierce, M. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing - PEARC '18, pages 1-4, 7 2018. ACM Press
Django Content Management System Evaluation and Integration with Apache Airavata [pdf]Paper   Django Content Management System Evaluation and Integration with Apache Airavata [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
The Science Gateways Community Institute at Two Years. Wilkins-Diehr, N.; Zentner, M.; Pierce, M.; Dahan, M.; Lawrence, K.; Hayden, L.; and Mullinix, N. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing - PEARC '18, pages 1-8, 7 2018. ACM Press
The Science Gateways Community Institute at Two Years [pdf]Paper   The Science Gateways Community Institute at Two Years [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Apache Airavata Resource Allocation System: A Tool for Allocating Resources in Science Gateways. Phulwani, H.; Thapa, M.; Marru, S.; Pierce, M.; Pamidighantam, S.; and Christie, M. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing - PEARC '18, pages 1-4, 2018. ACM Press
Apache Airavata Resource Allocation System: A Tool for Allocating Resources in Science Gateways [pdf]Paper   Apache Airavata Resource Allocation System: A Tool for Allocating Resources in Science Gateways [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Evaluating NextCloud as a File Storage for Apache Airavata. Kariyattin, S.; Marru, S.; and Pierce, M. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing - PEARC '18, pages 1-4, 7 2018. ACM Press
Evaluating NextCloud as a File Storage for Apache Airavata [pdf]Paper   Evaluating NextCloud as a File Storage for Apache Airavata [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Supporting Science Gateways Using Apache Airavata and SciGaP Services. Pierce, M.; Marru, S.; Abeysinghe, E.; Pamidighantam, S.; Christie, M.; and Wannipurage, D. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing - PEARC '18, pages 1-4, 7 2018. ACM Press
Supporting Science Gateways Using Apache Airavata and SciGaP Services [pdf]Paper   Supporting Science Gateways Using Apache Airavata and SciGaP Services [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Science Gateway Implementation at the University of South Dakota. Madison, J., D.; Abeysinghe, E.; Pamidighantam, S.; Marru, S.; Christie, M.; Jennewein, D., M.; and Pierce, M. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing - PEARC '18, pages 1-4, 7 2018. ACM Press
Science Gateway Implementation at the University of South Dakota [pdf]Paper   Science Gateway Implementation at the University of South Dakota [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
The CSBG - LSU Gateway. Abeysinghe, E.; Brylinski, M.; Christie, M.; Marru, S.; and Pierce, M. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing - PEARC '18, pages 1-4, 7 2018. ACM Press
The CSBG - LSU Gateway [pdf]Paper   The CSBG - LSU Gateway [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Fracture Advancing Step Tectonics Observed in the Yuha Desert and Ocotillo, CA, Following the 2010 M w 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake. Donnellan, A.; Parker, J.; Heflin, M.; Lyzenga, G.; Moore, A.; Ludwig, L., G.; Rundle, J.; Wang, J.; and Pierce, M. Earth and Space Science, 5(9): 456-472. 9 2018.
Fracture Advancing Step Tectonics Observed in the Yuha Desert and Ocotillo, CA, Following the 2010 M w 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Scaling JupyterHub Using Kubernetes on Jetstream Cloud. Sarajlic, S.; Chastang, J.; Marru, S.; Fischer, J.; and Lowe, M. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing - PEARC '18, pages 1-4, 7 2018. ACM Press
Scaling JupyterHub Using Kubernetes on Jetstream Cloud [pdf]Paper   Scaling JupyterHub Using Kubernetes on Jetstream Cloud [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Grid technology for supporting health education and measuring the health outcome. Sukhija, N.; Sevin, S.; Datta, A., K.; and Coulter, E. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing (PEARC '18), 7 2018. Association for Computing Machinery
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Searching the sequence read archive using Jetstream and Wrangler. Levi, K.; Abeysinghe, E.; Rynge, M.; and Edwards, R., A. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing (PEARC '18), 7 2018. Association for Computing Machinery
Searching the sequence read archive using Jetstream and Wrangler [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
PHASTA Science Gateway for High Performance Computational Fluid Dynamics. Smith, C., W.; Abeysinghe, E.; Marru, S.; and Jansen, K., E. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing - PEARC '18, pages 1-4, 7 2018. ACM Press
PHASTA Science Gateway for High Performance Computational Fluid Dynamics [pdf]Paper   PHASTA Science Gateway for High Performance Computational Fluid Dynamics [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2017 (15)
Using the Jetstream Research Cloud to Provide Science Gateway Resources. Knepper, R.; Coulter, E.; Pierce, M.; Marru, S.; and Pamidighantam, S. In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid '17), pages 753-757, 5 2017. IEEE
Using the Jetstream Research Cloud to Provide Science Gateway Resources [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
SERVOGrid Technical Documentation. Aktas, M.; Aydin, G.; Fox, G.; Gadgil, H.; Pierce, M.; Sayar, A.; McLeod, D.; and Sung, S. Technical Report 2017.
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Gathering requirements for advancing simulations in HPC infrastructures via science gateways. Gesing, S.; Dooley, R.; Pierce, M.; Krüger, J.; Grunzke, R.; Herres-Pawlis, S.; and Hoffmann, A. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2017.
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Pervasive Technology Institute Annual Report: Research Innovations and Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Services in Support of IU Strategic Goals During FY 2017. Stewart, C.; Plale, B.; Welch, V.; Pierce, M.; Fox, G., C.; Doak, T., G.; Hancock, D., Y.; Henschel, R.; Link, M., R.; and Miller, T. Technical Report 2017.
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Science Gateways: Sustainability via On-Campus Teams. Gesing, S.; Lawrence, K.; Wilkins-Diehr, N.; Dahan, M.; Zentner, M.; and Pierce, M., E. In Gateways 2017, 2017.
doi   link   bibtex  
Better Data Discoverability in Science Gateways. Nakandala, S.; Pamidighantam, S.; Marru, S.; and Pierce, M. In Science Gateways, 2017.
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Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute. Stewart, C., A.; Welch, V.; Plale, B.; Fox, G.; Pierce, M.; and Sterling, T. Technical Report 2017.
doi   link   bibtex  
QuakeSim lessons for NASA Earth Science sensor webs. Parker, J.; Donnellan, A.; and Pierce, M. Technical Report 2017.
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Radar Determination of Fault Slip and Location in Partially Decorrelated Images. Parker, J.; Glasscoe, M.; Donnellan, A.; Stough, T.; Pierce, M.; and Wang, J. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 174(6): 2295-2310. 2017.
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Science gateways incubator: Software sustainability meets community needs. Gesing, S.; Zentner, M.; Casavan, J.; Hillery, B.; Vorvoreanu, M.; Heiland, R.; Marru, S.; Pierce, M.; Mullinix, N.; and Maron, N. In Proceedings - 13th IEEE International Conference on eScience, eScience 2017, pages 477-485, 11 2017. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Science gateways incubator: Software sustainability meets community needs [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Science Gateways: The Long Road to the Birth of an Institute. Gesing, S.; Wilkins-Diehr, N.; Dahan, M.; Lawrence, K.; Zentner, M.; Pierce, M.; Hayden, L.; and Marru, S. In Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017), pages 10 pages, 2017. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Science Gateways: The Long Road to the Birth of an Institute [pdf]Paper   Science Gateways: The Long Road to the Birth of an Institute [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
The PHASTA Science Gateway. Smith, C., W.; and Abeysinghe, E. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2017 on Sustainability, Success and Impact - PEARC17, volume Part F1287, pages 1-4, 7 2017. ACM Press
The PHASTA Science Gateway [pdf]Paper   The PHASTA Science Gateway [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Apache airavata sharing service: A tool for enabling user collaboration in science gateways. Nakandala, S.; Marru, S.; Piece, M.; Pamidighantam, S.; Yoshimoto, K.; Schwartz, T.; Sivagnanam, S.; Majumdar, A.; and Miller, M., A. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2017 on Sustainability, Success and Impact (PEARC17), volume Part F128771, 7 2017. Association for Computing Machinery
Apache airavata sharing service: A tool for enabling user collaboration in science gateways [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
A Non-Natural Wurtzite Polymorph of HgSe: A Potential 3D Topological Insulator. Dumett Torres, D.; Banerjee, P.; Pamidighantam, S.; and Jain, P., K. Chemistry of Materials, 29(15): 6356-6366. 8 2017.
A Non-Natural Wurtzite Polymorph of HgSe: A Potential 3D Topological Insulator [pdf]Paper   A Non-Natural Wurtzite Polymorph of HgSe: A Potential 3D Topological Insulator [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2016 (8)
GSoC 2015 student contributions to GenApp and Airavata. Brookes, E., H.; Kapoor, A.; Patra, P.; Marru, S.; Singh, R.; and Pierce, M. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 28(7): 1960-1970. 2016.
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Apache Airavata security manager: Authentication and authorization implementations for a multi-tenant escience framework. Nakandala, S.; Gunasinghe, H.; Marru, S.; and Pierce, M. In e-Science (e-Science), 2016 IEEE 12th International Conference on, pages 287-292, 2016.
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Anatomy of the SEAGrid Science Gateway. Nakandala, S.; Pamidighantam, S.; Yodage, S.; Doshi, N.; Abeysinghe, E.; Kankanamalage, C., P.; Marru, S.; and Pierce, M. In Proceedings of the XSEDE16 on Diversity, Big Data, and Science at Scale - XSEDE16, pages 1-8, 2016. ACM Press
Anatomy of the SEAGrid Science Gateway [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Integrating Apache Airavata with Docker, Marathon, and Mesos. Saha, P.; Govindaraju, M.; Marru, S.; and Pierce, M. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 28(7): 1952-1959. 2016.
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Community Science Exemplars in SEAGrid Science Gateway: Apache Airavata Based Implementation of Advanced Infrastructure. Pamidighantam, S.; Nakandala, S.; Abeysinghe, E.; Wimalasena, C.; Yodage, S., R.; Marru, S.; and Pierce, M. Procedia Computer Science, 80(C): 1927-1939. 2016.
Community Science Exemplars in SEAGrid Science Gateway: Apache Airavata Based Implementation of Advanced Infrastructure [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Gathering requirements for advancing simulations in HPC infrastructures via science gateways. Gesing, S.; Dooley, R.; Pierce, M.; Krüger, J.; Grunzke, R.; Herres-Pawlis, S.; and Hoffmann, A. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2016.
Gathering requirements for advancing simulations in HPC infrastructures via science gateways [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
GeoGateway: A system for analysis of UAVSAR data products. Donnellan, A.; Parker, J.; Glasscoe, M.; Granat, R.; Pierce, M.; Wang, J.; Ma, Y.; Ludwig, L., G.; and Rundle, J. In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International, pages 210-213, 2016.
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Cyberinfrastructure as a platform to facilitate effective collaboration between institutions and support collaboratories. Coulter, E.; Knepper, R.; Pierce, M.; Fischer, J.; Lifka, D.; Stewart, C.; Hallock, B.; and Navarro, J. In Proceedings ACM SIGUCCS User Services Conference, volume 06-09-Nove, 2016.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2015 (19)
Authentication and Authorization Considerations for a Multi-tenant Service. Heiland, R.; Koranda, S.; Marru, S.; Pierce, M.; and Welch, V. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on The Science of Cyberinfrastructure Research, Experience, Applications and Models - SCREAM '15, pages 29-35, 2015. ACM Press
Authentication and Authorization Considerations for a Multi-tenant Service [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Apache Airavata as a Laboratory: Architecture and Case Study for Component-Based Gateway Middleware. Marru, S.; Pierce, M.; Pamidighantam, S.; and Wimalasena, C. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on The Science of Cyberinfrastructure Research, Experience, Applications and Models - SCREAM '15, pages 19-26, 2015. ACM Press
Apache Airavata as a Laboratory: Architecture and Case Study for Component-Based Gateway Middleware [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Disaster Response Tools for Decision Support and Data Discovery-E-DECIDER and GeoGateway. Glasscoe, M., T.; Donnellan, A.; Parker, J., W.; Granat, R., A.; Lyzenga, G., A.; Pierce, M., E.; Wang, J.; Grant Ludwig, L.; Eguchi, R., T.; Huyck, C., K.; and others In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2015.
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The GenApp framework integrated with Airavata for managed compute resource submissions. Brookes, E., H.; Anjum, N.; Curtis, J., E.; Marru, S.; Singh, R.; and Pierce, M. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 27(16): 4292-4303. 2015.
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Science gateways today and tomorrow: Positive perspectives of nearly 5000 members of the research community. Lawrence, K., A.; Zentner, M.; Wilkins-Diehr, N.; Wernert, J., A.; Pierce, M.; Marru, S.; and Michael, S. Concurrency Computation , 27(16): 4252-4268. 2015.
Science gateways today and tomorrow: Positive perspectives of nearly 5000 members of the research community [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Potential for a large earthquake near Los Angeles inferred from the 2014 La Habra earthquake. Donnellan, A.; Grant Ludwig, L.; Parker, J., W.; Rundle, J., B.; Wang, J.; Pierce, M.; Blewitt, G.; and Hensley, S. Earth and Space Science, 2(9): 378-385. 2015.
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Multihazard simulation and cyberinfrastructure. Donnellan, A.; Williams, C.; and Pierce, M. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 172(8): 2083-2085. 2015.
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E-decider: Using earth science data and modeling tools to develop decision support for earthquake disaster response. Glasscoe, M., T.; Wang, J.; Pierce, M., E.; Yoder, M., R.; Parker, J., W.; Burl, M., C.; Stough, T., M.; Granat, R., A.; Donnellan, A.; Rundle, J., B.; and others Pure and Applied Geophysics, 172(8): 2305-2324. 2015.
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Advantages to Geoscience and disaster response from QuakeSim implementation of interferometric radar maps in a GIS database system. Parker, J.; Donnellan, A.; Glasscoe, M.; Fox, G.; Wang, J.; Pierce, M.; Ma, Y.; Wang, J.; and Ma, Y. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 172(8): 2295-2304. 2015.
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Web Services for Dynamic Coloring of UAVSAR Images. Wang, J.; Pierce, M.; Donnellan, A.; and Parker, J. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 172(8): 2325-2332. 2015.
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An Overview of the XSEDE Extended Collaborative Support Program. Wilkins-Diehr, N.; Sanielevici, S.; Alameda, J.; Cazes, J.; Crosby, L.; Pierce, M.; and Roskies, R. In Gitler I., K., J., editor(s), International Conference on Supercomputing, volume 595, pages 3-13, 2015. Springer Verlag
An Overview of the XSEDE Extended Collaborative Support Program [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Science gateways-leveraging modeling and simulations in HPC infrastructures via increased usability. Gesing, S.; Dooley, R.; Pierce, M.; Krüger, J.; Grunzke, R.; Herres-Pawlis, S.; and Hoffmann, A. In High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), 2015 International Conference on, pages 19-26, 2015.
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GenApp module execution and airavata integration. Brookes, E., H.; Anjum, N.; Curtis, J., E.; Marru, S.; Singh, R.; and Pierce, M. In Proceedings of GCE 2014: 9th Gateway Computing Environments Workshop, held in conjunction with SC 2014: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, pages 9-12, 2015. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
GenApp module execution and airavata integration [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Sustained software for cyberinfrastructure: Analyses of successful efforts with a focus on NSF-funded software. Stewart, C., A.; Barnett, W., K.; Wernert, E., A.; Wernert, J., A.; Welch, V.; and Knepper, R. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on The Science of Cyberinfrastructure Research, Experience, Applications and Models - SCREAM '15, pages 63-72, 2015. ACM Press
Sustained software for cyberinfrastructure: Analyses of successful efforts with a focus on NSF-funded software [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Publishing and consuming GLUE v2.0 resource information in XSEDE. Smith, W.; Pamidighantam, S.; and Navarro, J. In Proceedings of the 2015 XSEDE Conference on Scientific Advancements Enabled by Enhanced Cyberinfrastructure - XSEDE '15, volume 2015-July, pages 1-8, 7 2015. ACM Press
Publishing and consuming GLUE v2.0 resource information in XSEDE [pdf]Paper   Publishing and consuming GLUE v2.0 resource information in XSEDE [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Ab Initio Studies of Calcium Carbonate Hydration. Lopez-Berganza, J., A.; Diao, Y.; Pamidighantam, S.; and Espinosa-Marzal, R., M. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119(47): 11591-11600. 11 2015.
Ab Initio Studies of Calcium Carbonate Hydration [pdf]Paper   Ab Initio Studies of Calcium Carbonate Hydration [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Apache Airavata: design and directions of a science gateway framework. Pierce, M., E.; Marru, S.; Gunathilake, L.; Wijeratne, D., K.; Singh, R.; Wimalasena, C.; Ratnayaka, S.; and Pamidighantam, S. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 27(16): 4282-4291. 11 2015.
Apache Airavata: design and directions of a science gateway framework [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2014 (20)
The apache airavata application programming interface: Overview and evaluation with the Ultrascan Science Gateway. Pierce, M.; Marru, S.; Demeler, B.; Singh, R.; and Gorbet, G. In Proceedings of the 9th Gateway Computing Environments Workshop (GCE '14), pages 25-29, 2014. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
The apache airavata application programming interface: Overview and evaluation with the Ultrascan Science Gateway [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Apache Airavata: Design and Directions of a Science Gateway Framework. Pierce, M.; Marru, S.; Gunathilake, L.; Kanewala, T., A.; Singh, R.; Wijeratne, S.; Wimalasena, C.; Herath, C.; Chinthaka, E.; Mattmann, C.; Slominski, A.; and Tangchaisin, P. In 2014 6th International Workshop on Science Gateways, volume 27, pages 48-54, 6 2014. IEEE
Apache Airavata: Design and Directions of a Science Gateway Framework [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
E-DECIDER Rapid Response to the M 6.0 South Napa Earthquake. Glasscoe, M., T.; Parker, J., W.; Pierce, M., E.; Wang, J.; Eguchi, R., T.; Huyck, C., K.; Hu, Z.; Chen, Z.; Yoder, M., R.; Rundle, J., B.; and others In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
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CTSC Recommended Security Practices for Thrift Clients: Case Study-Evernote. Heiland, R.; Marru, S.; Pierce, M.; and Welch, V. Technical Report 2014.
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E-DECIDER Disaster Response and Decision Support Cyberinfrastructure: Technology and Challenges. Glasscoe, M., T.; Parker, J., W.; Pierce, M., E.; Wang, J.; Eguchi, R., T.; Huyck, C., K.; Hu, Z.; Chen, Z.; Yoder, M., R.; Rundle, J., B.; and others In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
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Integrating science gateways with xsede security: A survey of credential management approaches. Basney, J.; Gaynor, J.; Marru, S.; Pierce, M.; Kanewala, T., A.; Dooley, R.; and Stubbs, J. In Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment, pages 58, 2014.
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UAVSAR observations of triggered slip on the Imperial, Superstition Hills, and East Elmore Ranch Faults associated with the 2010 M 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake. Donnellan, A.; Parker, J.; Hensley, S.; Pierce, M.; Wang, J.; and Rundle, J. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15(3): 815-829. 2014.
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WSSSPE2: Patching it up, pulling it forward. Pierce, M., E.; Marru, S.; and Mattmann, C. Journal of Open Research Software, 1112540(1). 2014.
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Cloud computing for geodetic imaging data processing, analysis, and modeling. Donnellan, A.; Parker, J., W.; Wang, J.; Ma, Y.; and Pierce, M. In Aerospace Conference, 2014 IEEE, pages 1-9, 2014.
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Science Gateways, Scientific Workflows and Open Community Software. Pierce, M., E.; and Marru, S. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
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A credential store for multi-tenant science gateways. Kanewala, T., A.; Marru, S.; Basney, J.; and Pierce, M. In Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), 2014 14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on, pages 445-454, 2014.
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Combined UAVSAR and GPS Estimates of Fault Slip for the M 6.0 South Napa Earthquake. Donnellan, A.; Parker, J., W.; Hawkins, B.; Hensley, S.; Jones, C., E.; Owen, S., E.; Moore, A., W.; Wang, J.; Pierce, M., E.; and Rundle, J., B. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
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Applications of E-DECIDER Decision Support Tools for Disaster Response and Recovery. Glasscoe, M., T.; Parker, J., W.; Wang, J.; Pierce, M., E.; Yoder, M., R.; Eguchi, R., T.; Huyck, C., K.; Hu, Z.; Bevington, J.; Ghosh, S.; and others 2014.
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GenApp module execution and airavata integration. Brookes, E., H.; Anjum, N.; Curtis, J., E.; Marru, S.; Singh, R.; and Pierce, M. In Proceedings of the 9th Gateway Computing Environments Workshop, pages 9-12, 2014.
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Who Cares about Science Gateways? A Large-Scale Survey of Community Use and Needs. Lawrence, K., A.; Wilkins-Diehr, N.; Wernert, J., A.; Pierce, M.; Zentner, M.; and Marru, S. In 2014 9th Gateway Computing Environments Workshop, pages 1-4, 11 2014. IEEE
Who Cares about Science Gateways? A Large-Scale Survey of Community Use and Needs [pdf]Paper   Who Cares about Science Gateways? A Large-Scale Survey of Community Use and Needs [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Advancements of the UltraScan scientific gateway for open standards-based cyberinfrastructures. Memon, S.; Riedel, M.; Janetzko, F.; Demeler, B.; Gorbet, G.; Marru, S.; Grimshaw, A.; Gunathilake, L.; Singh, R.; Attig, N.; and Lippert, T. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 26(13): 2280-2291. 9 2014.
Advancements of the UltraScan scientific gateway for open standards-based cyberinfrastructures [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Performance improvement and workflow development of virtual diffraction calculations. Coleman, S., P.; Pamidighantam, S.; Koesterke, L.; Van Moer, M.; Spearot, D., E.; and Wang, Y. In Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE '14), 2014. Association for Computing Machinery
Performance improvement and workflow development of virtual diffraction calculations [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
E-science infrastructures for molecular modeling and parametrization. Shen, N.; Fan, Y.; and Pamidighantam, S. Journal of Computational Science, 5(4): 576-589. 7 2014.
E-science infrastructures for molecular modeling and parametrization [pdf]Paper   E-science infrastructures for molecular modeling and parametrization [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Who Cares about Science Gateways? A Large-Scale Survey of Community Use and Needs. Lawrence, K., A.; Wilkins-Diehr, N.; Wernert, J., A.; Pierce, M.; Zentner, M.; and Marru, S. In 2014 9th Gateway Computing Environments Workshop, pages 1-4, 11 2014. IEEE
Who Cares about Science Gateways? A Large-Scale Survey of Community Use and Needs [pdf]Paper   Who Cares about Science Gateways? A Large-Scale Survey of Community Use and Needs [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2013 (14)
Authoring a Science Gateway Cookbook. Marru, S.; Dooley, R.; Wilkins-Diehr, N.; Pierce, M.; Miller, M.; Pamidighantam, S.; and Wernert, J. In Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2013 IEEE International Conference on, pages 1-3, 2013.
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US-SOMO Cluster Methods: Year One Perspective. Brookes, E.; Singh, R.; Pierce, M.; Marru, S.; Demeler, B.; and Rocco, M. In XSEDE '13 Proceedings of the Conference on Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment: Gateway to Discovery, 2013. ACM
US-SOMO Cluster Methods: Year One Perspective [link]Website   link   bibtex  
Science gateways and the importance of sustainability. Wilkins-Diehr, N.; Lawrence, K.; Hayden, L.; Pierce, M.; Marru, S.; McLennan, M.; Zentner, M.; Dooley, R.; and Stanzione, D. figshare,790764. 2013.
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Science Gateway Operational Sustainability: Adopting a Platform-as-a Service Approach. Pierce, M.; Marru, S.; Miller, M., A.; Majumdar, A.; and Demeler, B. Technical Report 2013.
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Science Gateways. Pierce, M. 2013.
Science Gateways [link]Website   link   bibtex  
QuakeSim data architecture and technology. Donnellan, A.; Glasscoe, M.; Parker, J.; Granat, R.; Pierce, M.; Wang, J.; Rundle, J.; Sachs, M.; and Ludwig, L., G. Technical Report 2013.
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Integrating remotely sensed and ground observations for modeling, analysis, and decision support. Donnellan, A.; Glasscoe, M.; Parker, J., W.; Granat, R.; Pierce, M.; Wang, J.; Fox, G.; McLeod, D.; Rundle, J.; Heien, E.; and others In Aerospace Conference, 2013 IEEE, pages 1-12, 2013.
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Apache Airavata: Building Gateways to Innovation. Pierce, M.; Marru, S.; Wijeratne, S.; Singh, R.; and Suriyaarachchi, H. 2013.
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Twitter bootstrap and AngularJS: Frontend frameworks to expedite science gateway development. Balasubramanee, V.; Wimalasena, C.; Singh, R.; and Pierce, M. In Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2013 IEEE International Conference on, pages 1, 2013.
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Chaining Data and Visualization Web Services for Decision Making in Information Systems. Sayar, A.; and Pierce, M., E. In International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security, pages 44-53, 2013.
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Sustainable cyberinfrastructure software through open governance. Pierce, M.; Marru, S.; and Mattmann, C. Technical Report 2013.
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Enabling Dark Energy Survey science analysis with simulations on XSEDE resources. Erickson, B., M., S.; Singh, R.; Evrard, A.; Becker, M., R.; Busha, M.; Kravtsov, A., V.; Marru, S.; Pierce, M.; and Wechsler, R., H. In XSEDE '13 Proceedings of the Conference on Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment: Gateway to Discovery, 2013. ACM
Enabling Dark Energy Survey science analysis with simulations on XSEDE resources [link]Website   link   bibtex  
E-DECIDER Decision Support Gateway For Earthquake Disaster Response. Glasscoe, M., T.; Stough, T., M.; Parker, J., W.; Burl, M., C.; Donnellan, A.; Blom, R., G.; Pierce, M., E.; Wang, J.; Ma, Y.; Rundle, J., B.; and others In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013.
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Improvements of the ultrascan scientific gateway to enable computational jobs on large-scale and open-standards based cyberinfrastructures. Memon, S.; Attig, N.; Gorbet, G.; Gunathilake, L.; Riedel, M.; Lippert, T.; Marru, S.; Grimshaw, A.; Janetzko, F.; Demeler, B.; and Singh, R. In Proceedings of the Conference on Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment: Gateway to Discovery (XSEDE '13), pages 7, 2013.
Improvements of the ultrascan scientific gateway to enable computational jobs on large-scale and open-standards based cyberinfrastructures [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2012 (21)
A high throughput workflow environment for cosmological simulations. Brandon, E.; Evrard, A., E.; Singh, R.; Marru, S.; Pierce, M.; Becker, M., R.; Kravtsov, A., V.; Busha, M., T.; Wechsler, R., H.; and Ricker, P., M. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts# 221, volume 221, pages 34, 2012.
link   bibtex   abstract  
VOLUNTEER REVIEWERS. Abdelrahman, T., S.; Abramson, D.; Anderson, E.; Bartlett, R.; Becla, J.; Bernreuther, M.; Budavari, T.; Cagnoni, S.; Calvayrac, F.; Camelli, F.; and others Computing in Science & Engineering, 14: 87. 2012.
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E-DECIDER: experience developing earthquake disaster decision support and response tools. Glasscoe, M.; Donnellan, A.; Stough, T.; Parker, J.; Burl, M.; Granat, R.; Pierce, M.; Wang, J.; Ma, Y.; Rundle, J.; and others In 9th US-Japan Natural Resources Panel on Earthquake Research, 2012. Pasadena, CA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2012.
E-DECIDER: experience developing earthquake disaster decision support and response tools [link]Website   link   bibtex  
Building Scientific Workflows for the Geosciences with Open Community Software. Pierce, M., E.; Marru, S.; and Weerawarana, S., M. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
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Using service-based GIS to support earthquake research and disaster response. Wang, J.; Pierce, M.; Ma, Y.; Fox, G.; Donnellan, A.; Parker, J.; and Glasscoe, M. Computing in Science & Engineering, 14(5): 21-30. 2012.
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QuakeSim 2.0. Donnellan, A.; Parker, J., W.; Lyzenga, G., A.; Granat, R., A.; Norton, C., D.; Rundle, J., B.; Pierce, M., E.; Fox, G., C.; McLeod, D.; and Ludwig, L., G. Technical Report 2012.
QuakeSim 2.0 [link]Website   link   bibtex  
Designing a Roadmap for Workflow Cyberinfrastructure in the Geosciences: From Big Data to the Long Tail. Gil, Y.; Deelman, E.; Demir, I.; Duffy, C.; Marru, S.; Pierce, M., E.; and Wiener, G. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
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ParamChem force field parametrization engine: Initial guess generation and dihedral parameter optimization. Vanommeslaeghe, K.; Shen, N.; Polani, N., K.; Fan, Y.; Ghosh, J.; Herath, C.; Marru, S.; Pierce, M.; Pamidighantam, S., V.; Sheetz, M.; and others In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, volume 244, 2012.
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Multiple Stream Transfer Support in NaradaBrokering. Lim, S., B.; Kapla, A.; Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M.; and Fox, G. Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 7(9). 2012.
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QuakeSim: Integrated modeling and analysis of geologic and remotely sensed data. Donnellan, A.; Parker, J.; Granat, R.; De Jong, E.; Suzuki, S.; Pierce, M.; Fox, G.; Rundle, J.; McLeod, D.; Al-Ghanmi, R.; and others In Aerospace Conference, 2012 IEEE, pages 1-9, 2012.
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Ultrascan solution modeler: integrated hydrodynamic parameter and small angle scattering computation and fitting tools. Brookes, E.; Singh, R.; Pierce, M.; Marru, S.; Demeler, B.; and Rocco, M. In Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment: Bridging from the eXtreme to the campus and beyond, pages 42, 2012.
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Web service andworkflow abstractions to large scale nuclear physics calculations. Herath, C.; Liu, F.; Marru, S.; Gunathilake, L.; Sosonkina, M.; Vary, J., P.; Maris, P.; and Pierce, M. In Services Computing (SCC), 2012 IEEE Ninth International Conference on, pages 703-710, 2012.
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Using UAVSAR to Estimate Creep Along the Superstition Hills Fault, Southern California. Donnellan, A.; Parker, J., W.; Pierce, M.; and Wang, J. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
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A Workflows Roadmap for the Geosciences. Gil, Y.; Deelman, E.; Demir, I.; Duffy, C.; Marru, S.; Altintas, I.; Pierce, M., E.; Wiener, G.; Braeckel, A.; Browdy, S., F.; and others Technical Report 2012.
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Simplex GPS and InSAR Inversion Software. Donnellan, A.; Parker, J., W.; Lyzenga, G., A.; and Pierce, M., E. Technical Report 2012.
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Web service and workflow abstractions to large scale nuclear physics calculations. Herath, C.; Liu, F.; Marru, S.; Gunathilake, L.; Sosonkina, M.; Vary, J., P.; Maris, P.; and Pierce, M. In Proceedings - 2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2012, pages 703-710, 2012.
Web service and workflow abstractions to large scale nuclear physics calculations [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Designing a road map for geoscience workflows. Duffy, C.; Gil, Y.; Deelman, E.; Marru, S.; Pierce, M.; Demir, I.; and Wiener, G. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 93(24): 225-226. 2012.
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QuakeSim Project Networking. Kong, D.; Donnellan, A.; and Pierce, M., E. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
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A distributed approach to computational earthquake science: Opportunities and challenges. Donnellan, A.; Parker, J.; Glasscoe, M.; De Jong, E.; Pierce, M.; Fox, G.; McLeod, D.; Rundle, J.; and Ludwig, L., G. Computing in Science & Engineering, 14(5): 31-42. 2012.
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A high throughput workflow environment for cosmological simulations. Erickson, B., M., S.; Singh, R.; Evrard, A., E.; Becker, M., R.; Busha, M., T.; Kravtsov, A., V.; Marru, S.; Pierce, M.; and Wechsler, R., H. In Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment on Bridging from the eXtreme to the campus and beyond - XSEDE '12, pages 1, 2012. ACM Press
A high throughput workflow environment for cosmological simulations [pdf]Paper   A high throughput workflow environment for cosmological simulations [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2011 (14)
Transitioning BioVLab cloud workbench to a science gateway. Marru, S.; Chae, H.; Tangchaisin, P.; Kim, S.; Pierce, M.; and Nephew, K. In Proceedings of the 2011 TeraGrid Conference: Extreme Digital Discovery, pages 40, 2011.
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Open community development for science gateways with apache rave. Pierce, M., E.; Singh, R.; Guo, Z.; Marru, S.; Rattadilok, P.; and Goyal, A. In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM workshop on Gateway computing environments, pages 29-36, 2011.
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The QuakeTables UAVSAR Repository-Delivering RPI Products to Geo-Science Applications. Al-Ghanmi, R.; McLeod, D.; Donnellan, A.; Parker, J., W.; Pierce, M.; and Zheng, Y. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.
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QuakeSim: a Web Service Environment for Productive Investigations with Earth Surface Sensor Data. Parker, J., W.; Donnellan, A.; Granat, R., A.; Lyzenga, G., A.; Glasscoe, M., T.; McLeod, D.; Al-Ghanmi, R.; Pierce, M.; Fox, G.; Grant Ludwig, L.; and others In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.
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Statistical Analysis of GPS Timeseries from the Tohoku-Oki Earthquake at Multiple Time Resolutions. Granat, R., A.; Owen, S., E.; Moore, A., W.; Donnellan, A.; Gao, X.; Ma, Y.; and Pierce, M. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.
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Automatic task re-organization in MapReduce. Guo, Z.; Pierce, M.; Fox, G.; and Zhou, M. In Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, pages 335-343, 2011.
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Investigating the Use of Gadgets, Widgets, and OpenSocial to Build Science Gateways. Guo, Z.; Singh, R.; Pierce, M.; and Liu, Y. In E-Science (e-Science), 2011 IEEE 7th International Conference on, pages 31-38, 2011.
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E-DECIDER: Earthquake Disaster Decision Support and Response Tools-Development and Experiences. Glasscoe, M., T.; Blom, R., G.; Bawden, G., W.; Fox, G.; Pierce, M.; Rundle, J., B.; Wang, J.; Ma, Y.; Sachs, M., K.; Parker, J., W.; and others In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.
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Apache airavata: a framework for distributed applications and computational workflows. Marru, S.; Gunathilake, L.; Herath, C.; Tangchaisin, P.; Pierce, M.; Mattmann, C.; Singh, R.; Gunarathne, T.; Chinthaka, E.; Gardler, R.; and others In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM workshop on Gateway computing environments, pages 21-28, 2011.
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Improving usability and accessibility of cheminformatics tools for chemists through cyberinfrastructure and education. Guha, R.; Wiggins, G., D.; Wild, D., J.; Baik, M.; Fox, G., C.; and others In silico biology, 11(1, 2): 41-60. 2011.
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Distributed web security for science gateways. Basney, J.; Dooley, R.; Gaynor, J.; Marru, S.; and Pierce, M. In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM workshop on Gateway computing environments, pages 13-20, 2011.
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UltraScan gateway enhancements: in collaboration with TeraGrid advanced user support. Demeler, B.; Singh, R.; Pierce, M.; Brookes, E., H.; Marru, S.; and Dubbs, B. In Proceedings of the 2011 TeraGrid Conference: Extreme Digital Discovery, pages 34, 2011.
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Virtual laboratory for planetary materials (VLab): an updated overview of system service architecture. da Silveira, P., R., C.; Valdez, M., N.; Wenzcovitch, R., M.; Pierce, M.; da Silva, C., R., S.; and Yuen, D., A. In Proceedings of the 2011 TeraGrid Conference: Extreme Digital Discovery, pages 33, 2011.
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Molecular parameter optimization gateway (ParamChem): Workflow management through TeraGrid ASTA. Ghosh, J.; Marru, S.; Singh, N.; Vanomesslaeghe, K.; Fan, Y.; and Pamidighantam, S. In Proceedings of the 2011 TeraGrid Conference: Extreme Digital Discovery (TG '11), 2011.
Molecular parameter optimization gateway (ParamChem): Workflow management through TeraGrid ASTA [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2010 (16)
QuakeSim Computational Infrastructure for Integrating DESDynI and UAVSAR Data into Earthquake Models. Donnellan, A.; Rundle, J., B.; Grant Ludwig, L.; McLeod, D.; Pierce, M.; Fox, G.; Al-Ghanmi, R., A.; Parker, J., W.; Granat, R., A.; Lyzenga, G., A.; and others In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010.
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Generative topographic mapping by deterministic annealing. Choi, J., Y.; Qiu, J.; Pierce, M.; and Fox, G. Procedia Computer Science, 1(1): 47-56. 2010.
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Science gateways: Harnessing clouds and software services for science. Wilkins-Diehr, N.; Baru, C.; Gannon, D.; Keahey, K.; McGee, J.; Pierce, M.; Wolski, R.; and Wu, W. Cloud Computing and Software Services,17. 2010.
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High-performance hybrid information service architecture. Aktas, M., S.; and Pierce, M. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 22(15): 2095-2123. 2010.
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Cloud Computing for Geosciences. Fox, G., C.; and Pierce, M., E. Technical Report 2010.
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Building a distributed block storage system for cloud infrastructure. Gao, X.; Ma, Y.; Pierce, M.; Lowe, M.; and Fox, G. In Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2010 IEEE Second International Conference on, pages 312-318, 2010.
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QuakeTables: A Federated Ontology-Based Database System for Geoscience. Al-Ghanmi, R.; McLeod, D.; Grant Ludwig, L.; Donnellan, A.; Parker, J., W.; and Pierce, M. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010.
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Science on the TeraGrid. Katz, D., S.; Callaghan, S.; Harkness, R.; Jha, S.; Kurowski, K.; Manos, S.; Pamidighantam, S.; Pierce, M.; Plale, B.; and Song, C. Computational Methods in Science and Technology, Special, (2010): 81-97. 2010.
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Open grid computing environments: advanced gateway support activities. Pierce, M.; Marru, S.; Singh, R.; Kulshrestha, A.; and Muthuraman, K. In Proceedings of the 2010 TeraGrid Conference, pages 16, 2010.
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Scientific data management in the cloud: A survey of technologies, approaches and challenges. Pallickara, S., L.; Pallickara, S.; and Pierce, M. Handbook of Cloud Computing, pages 517-533. Springer US, 2010.
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Advances in cheminformatics methodologies and infrastructure to support the data mining of large, heterogeneous chemical datasets. Guha, R.; Gilbert, K.; Fox, G.; Pierce, M.; Wild, D.; and Yuan, H. Current computer-aided drug design, 6(1): 50-67. 2010.
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Integrating chemistry scholarship with web architectures, grid computing and semantic web. Challa, S., K.; Pierce, M.; and Marru, S. In Gateway Computing Environments Workshop (GCE), 2010, pages 1-8, 2010.
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SS11-7 Cytokine expression profiles characteristic of immune imbalances in persistent post infectious fatigue. Katz, B., Z.; Fletcher, M., A.; Smith, F., A.; Taylor, R.; Vernon, S., D.; and Broderick, G. Cytokine, 52(1): 81. 2010.
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The Quakesim portal and services: new approaches to science gateway development techniques. Pierce, M., E.; Gao, X.; Pallickara, S., L.; Guo, Z.; and Fox, G., C. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 22(12): 1732-1749. 2010.
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A Federated Approach to Information Management in Grids. Aktas, M., S.; Fox, G., C.; and Pierce, M. Volume 7 . Web Service Composition and New Frameworks in Designing Semantics: Innovations, pages 66-99. IGI Global, 2010.
Web Service Composition and New Frameworks in Designing Semantics: Innovations [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
The QuakeSim System for GPS Time Series Analysis. Granat, R., A.; Gao, X.; Pierce, M.; and Wang, J. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010.
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  2009 (18)
Grids challenged by a Web 2.0 and multicore sandwich. Fox, G.; and Pierce, M. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 21(3): 265-280. 2009.
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Cloud computing and spatial cyberinfrastructure. Pierce, M., E.; Fox, G., C.; Ma, Y.; and Wang, J. Journal of Computer Science of Indiana University,1-21. 2009.
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Algorithms and the Grid. Fox, G., C.; Aktas, M., S.; Aydin, G.; Gadgil, H.; Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M., E.; and Sayar, A. Computing and visualization in science, 12(3): 115-124. 2009.
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QuakeSim: Increasing Utility of Spacebourne and Ground-based Earthquake Fault Data. Parker, J., W.; Glasscoe, M., T.; Donnellan, A.; Granat, R., A.; Rundle, J., B.; McLeod, D.; Al-Ganmi, R.; Grant Ludwig, L.; Fox, G.; Pierce, M.; and others In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
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Using Web 2.0 for scientific applications and scientific communities. Pierce, M., E.; Fox, G., C.; Choi, J., Y.; Guo, Z.; Gao, X.; and Ma, Y. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 21(5): 583-603. 2009.
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Unified Data Access/query over Integrated Data-views for Decision Making in Geographic Information Systems. Sayar, A.; Fox, G., C.; and Pierce, M., E. Grid Technology for Maximizing Collaborative Decision Management and Support: Advancing Effective Virtual Organizations: Advancing Effective Virtual Organizations,245. 2009.
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AVATS: Audio-video and textual synchronization. Maini, S.; Rosen, J.; Pierce, M., E.; and Fox, G., C. In Collaborative Technologies and Systems, 2009. CTS'09. International Symposium on, pages 455-464, 2009.
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Web 2.0 for Grids and e-Science. Fox, G., C.; Guha, R.; McMullen, D., F.; Mustacoglu, A., F.; Pierce, M., E.; Topcu, A., E.; and Wild, D., J. Grid enabled remote instrumentation,409-431. 2009.
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Building the polargrid portal using web 2.0 and opensocial. Guo, Z.; Singh, R.; and Pierce, M. In Proceedings of the 5th Grid Computing Environments Workshop, pages 5, 2009.
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Open grid computing environments. Pierce, M.; Marru, S.; Wu, W.; Kandaswami, G.; von Laszewski, G.; Dooley, R.; Dahan, M.; Wilkins-Diehr, N.; Thomas, M.; and Center, T. In Proceedings of the Fourth Annual TeraGrid Conference, 2009.
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Supporting cloud computing with the virtual block store system. Gao, X.; Lowe, M.; Ma, Y.; and Pierce, M. In E-Science Workshops, 2009 5th IEEE International Conference on, pages 71-78, 2009.
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Enabling large scale scientific computations for expressed sequence tag sequencing over grid and cloud computing clusters. Pallickara, S., L.; Pierce, M.; Dong, Q.; and Kong, C. In PPAM 2009 EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL PROCESSING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS Wroclaw, Poland, 2009.
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BioDrugScreen: a computational drug design resource for ranking molecules docked to the human proteome. Li, L.; Bum-Erdene, K.; Baenziger, P., H.; Rosen, J., J.; Hemmert, J., R.; Nellis, J., A.; Pierce, M., E.; and Meroueh, S., O. Nucleic acids research, 38(suppl_1): D765--D773. 2009.
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The QuakeSim Web Portal Environment for GPS Data Analysis. Granat, R.; Gao, X.; and Pierce, M. 2009.
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Dynamic Resource-Critical Workflow Scheduling in Heterogeneous Environments. Gong, Y.; Pierce, M., E.; and Fox, G., C. In JSSPP, pages 1-15, 2009.
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  2008 (26)
Change and Anomaly Detection in Real-Time GPS Data. Granat, R.; Pierce, M.; Gao, X.; and Bock, Y. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2008.
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Special Issue Editorial Introduction: Grids and Geospatial Information Systems. Pierce, M., E. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 20(14): 1611-1615. 2008.
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QuakeSim: Efficient Modeling of Sensor Web Data in a Web Services Environment. Donnellan, A.; Parker, J.; Granat, R.; Fox, G.; Pierce, M.; Rundle, J.; McLeod, D.; Al-Ghanmi, R.; Grant, L.; and Brooks, W. In Aerospace Conference, 2008 IEEE, pages 1-11, 2008.
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Social networking for scientists using tagging and shared bookmarks: a Web 2.0 application. Pierce, M., E.; Fox, G., C.; Rosen, J.; Maini, S.; and Choi, J., Y. In Collaborative Technologies and Systems, 2008. CTS 2008. International Symposium on, pages 257-266, 2008.
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CINF 64-High performance robust datamining for cheminformatics. Fox, G.; Bae, S.; Guha, R.; Pierce, M.; Qiu, X.; Wild, D., J.; and Yuan, H. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, volume 235, 2008.
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The problem solving environments of teraGrid, science gateways, and the intersection of the two. Basney, J.; Martin, S.; Navarro, J.; Pierce, M.; Scavo, T.; Strand, L.; Uram, T.; Wilkins-Diehr, N.; Wu, W.; and Youn, C. In eScience, 2008. eScience'08. IEEE Fourth International Conference on, pages 725-734, 2008.
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VLab: Collaborative Grid Services and Portals to Support Computational Mineral Physics. da Silveira, P., R.; da Silva, C., R.; Karki, B., B.; Wentzcovitch, R.; Pierce, M., E.; and Erlebacher, G. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2008.
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Xml metadata services. Aktas, M., S.; Fox, G., C.; Pierce, M.; and Oh, S. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 20(7): 801-823. 2008.
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Editorial Introduction: Special Issue on Grids and Geospatial Information Systems. Pierce, M., E. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 20(14). 2008.
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SQMD: Architecture for scalable, distributed database system built on virtual private servers. Kim, K.; Pierce, M., E.; and Guha, R. In eScience, 2008. eScience'08. IEEE Fourth International Conference on, pages 658-665, 2008.
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CINF 23-I don't care where my data and methods are: A web-service approach for distributed access to methods, data and models. Guha, R.; Fox, G.; Gilbert, K., E.; Pierce, M.; and Wild, D., J. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, volume 235, 2008.
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Open grid computing environment's workflow suite for e-science projects. Marru, S.; Pierce, M.; Herath, C.; and Perera, S. In eScience, 2008. eScience'08. IEEE Fourth International Conference on, pages 332-333, 2008.
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Whither Spatial Cyberinfrastructure?. Pierce, M., E.; Fox, G., C.; Ma, Y.; Wang, J.; Kedar, S.; Moe, K.; Gannon, D.; Jim Myers, N.; and Shantenu Jha, L., S., U. Technical Report 2008.
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Collective collaborative tagging system. Choi, J., Y.; Rosen, J.; Maini, S.; Pierce, M., E.; and Fox, G., C. In Grid Computing Environments Workshop, 2008. GCE'08, pages 1-7, 2008.
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Quakesim: Web services, portals, and infrastructure for geophysics. Pierce, M., E.; Fox, G., C.; Aydin, G.; Qi, Z.; Donnellan, A.; Parker, J., W.; and Granat, R. In Aerospace Conference, 2008 IEEE, pages 1-7, 2008.
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VLab: A Service Oriented Architecture for Distributed First Principles Materials Computations. da SIlva, C.; da Silveira, P.; Wentzcovitch, R.; Pierce, M.; and Erlebacher, G. In APS Meeting Abstracts, 2008.
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Cyberaide JavaScript: A JavaScript commodity. von Laszewski, G.; Wang, F.; Younge, A.; He, X.; Guo, Z.; and Pierce, M. In Grid Computing Environments Workshop, 2008. GCE'08, pages 1-10, 2008.
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SWARM: Scheduling Large-Scale Jobs over the Loosely-Coupled HPC Clusters. Pallickara, S., L.; and Pierce, M. In eScience, 2008. eScience'08. IEEE Fourth International Conference on, pages 285-292, 2008.
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Distributed high performance grid information service. Aktas, M., S.; Fox, G., C.; and Pierce, M., E. Submitted ot Journal of Systems and Software. 2008.
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The QuakeSim project: Web services for managing geophysical data and applications. Pierce, M., E.; Fox, G., C.; Aktas, M., S.; Aydin, G.; Gadgil, H.; Qi, Z.; and Sayar, A. Earthquakes: Simulations, Sources and Tsunamis, pages 635-651. Birkhäuser Basel, 2008.
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Building and applying geographical information system Grids. Aktas, M., S.; Aydin, G.; Bulut, H.; Fox, G., C.; Gadgil, H.; Ko, S.; Pierce, M., E.; Sayar, A.; Gadgil, H.; Aktas, M., S.; Fox, G., C.; Ko, S.; Bulut, H.; Pierce, M., E.; Aydin, G.; Bulut, H.; Fox, G., C.; Gadgil, H.; Ko, S.; Pierce, M., E.; and Sayar, A. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 20(14): 1653-1695. 2008.
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Architecture for scalable, distributed database system built on multicore servers. Kim, K.; Guha, R.; Pierce, M.; Fox, G., C.; Wild, D.; and Gilbert, K. Technical Report Tech. rep. Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, 2008.
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BioVLAB-microarray: Microarray data analysis in virtual environment. Yang, Y.; Choi, J., Y.; Choi, K.; Pierce, M.; Gannon, D.; and Kim, S. In eScience, 2008. eScience'08. IEEE Fourth International Conference on, pages 159-165, 2008.
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Principles and experiences: building a hybrid metadata service for Service Oriented Architecture based grid applications. Aktas, M., S.; Fox, G., C.; and Pierce, M. In Third International IEEE International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services ICIW, volume 8, pages 8-13, 2008.
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Modeling and on-the-fly solutions for solid earth sciences: Web services and data portal for earthquake early warning system. Bock, Y.; Crowell, B.; Prawirodirdjo, L.; Jamason, P.; Chang, R.; Fang, P.; Squibb, M.; Pierce, M.; Gao, X.; Webb, F.; and others In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2008. IGARSS 2008. IEEE International, volume 4, pages IV--124, 2008.
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Information federation in grids. Aktas, M., S.; Fox, G.; and Pierce, M. In Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, 2008. SKG'08. Fourth International Conference on, pages 109-116, 2008.
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  2007 (28)
Pervasive Technology Labs Program Report, July 2007. McRobbie, M.; Adams, K.; Baker, M., P.; Fox, G.; Gannon, D.; Heiland, R.; Lumsdaine, A.; McMullen, D., F.; Miller, T.; and Siefert-Herron, D. Technical Report 2007.
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Ontology-based Information Management in QuakeSim. Al-Ghanmi, R.; McLeod, D.; Grant, L.; Donnellan, A.; Parker, J.; and Pierce, M. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2007.
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Web 2.0 for e-science environments. Fox, G., C.; Pierce, M., E.; Mustacoglu, A., F.; and Topcu, A., E. In Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, Third International Conference on, pages 1-6, 2007.
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GTLAB: grid tag libraries supporting workflows within science gateways. Nacar, M., A.; Pierce, M., E.; and Fox, G., C. In Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, Third International Conference on, pages 194-199, 2007.
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Virtual laboratory for planetary materials: System service architecture overview. Da Silva, C., R., S.; da Silveira, P., R., C.; Karki, B.; Wentzcovitch, R., M.; Jensen, P., A.; Bollig, E., F.; Pierce, M.; Erlebacher, G.; and Yuen, D., A. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 163(1): 321-332. 2007.
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Special section: Semantic grid and knowledge grid Guest Editor: Hai Zhuge. Zhuge, H.; Shen, J.; Grossmann, G.; Yang, Y.; Stumptner, M.; Schrefl, M.; Reiter, T.; Dimkovski, M.; Deeb, K.; Kim, K., H.; and others Future Generation Computer Systems, 23(3): 281-283. 2007.
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Building a grid portal for TeraGrid's Big Red. Nacar, M., A.; Choi, J., Y.; Pierce, M., E.; and Fox, G., C. Proceedings of TeraGrid, 2007. 2007.
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Building QuakeSim portlets with GTLAB. Nacar, M., A.; Pierce, M., E.; Donnellan, A.; and Fox, G., C. In International Workshop on Grid Computing Environments, 2007.
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VLab: a service oriented architecture for first principles computations of planetary materials properties. da Silva, C., R.; da Silveira, P.; Wentzcovitch, R., M.; Pierce, M.; and Erlebacher, G. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2007.
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The Open Grid Computing Environments collaboration: portlets and services for science gateways. Alameda, J.; Christie, M.; Fox, G.; Futrelle, J.; Gannon, D.; Hategan, M.; Kandaswamy, G.; von Laszewski, G.; Nacar, M., A.; Pierce, M.; and others Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 19(6): 921-942. 2007.
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Detection of regional events using streaming GPS. Granat, R.; Pierce, M.; Gao, X.; and Bock, Y. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2007.
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JavaScript Grid Abstractions. Laszewski, G.; Wang, F.; Younge, A.; Guo, Z.; Von Laszewski, G.; Wang, F.; Younge, A.; Guo, Z.; Pierce, M.; Laszewski, G.; Wang, F.; Younge, A.; Guo, Z.; Von Laszewski, G.; Wang, F.; Younge, A.; Guo, Z.; and Pierce, M. In Proceedings of the Gr id Comput ing Environme nts (GCE) workshop, pages 11-12, 2007.
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Grids meet too much computing, too much data and never too much simplicity. Fox, G.; and Pierce, M. White Paper. 2007.
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QuakeSim: Enabli model interactions in solid earth science sensor webs. Donnellan, A.; Parker, J.; Norton, C.; Lyzenga, G.; Glasscoe, M.; Fox, G.; Pierce, M.; Rundle, J.; McLeod, D.; Grant, L.; Brooks, W.; and Tullis, T. In IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings, 2007.
QuakeSim: Enabli model interactions in solid earth science sensor webs [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Building a sensor grid for real time global positioning system data. Aydin, G.; Qi, Z.; Pierce, M., E.; Bock, Y.; and Fox, G., C. In Proc. Workshop on Principles of Pervasive Information Systems Design Sunday, 2007.
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Analysis of streaming GPS measurements of surface displacement through a web services environment. Granat, R.; Aydin, G.; Pierce, M.; Qi, Z.; and Bock, Y. In Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, 2007. CIDM 2007. IEEE Symposium on, pages 750-757, 2007.
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Matchmaking scientific workflows in grid environments. Gong, Y.; Pierce, M., E.; and Fox, G., C. In 20th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2007), Cambridge, MA (November 2007), 2007.
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VLab: collaborative Grid services and portals to support computational material science. Nacar, M., A.; Aktas, M., S.; Pierce, M.; Lu, Z.; Erlebacher, G.; Kigelman, D.; Bollig, E., F.; da Silva, C., R., S.; Sowell, B.; and Yuen, D., A. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 19(12): 1717-1728. 2007.
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Scalable, fault-tolerant management in a service oriented architecture. Gadgil, H.; Fox, G.; Pallickara, S.; and Pierce, M. In Proceedings of the 16th international symposium on High performance distributed computing, pages 235-236, 2007.
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Web service infrastructure for chemoinformatics. Xiao, D.; Gilbert, K., E.; Guha, R.; Heiland, R.; Jungkee, K.; Pierce, M., E.; Fox, G., C.; Wild, D., J.; Dong, X.; Gilbert, K., E.; Guha, R.; Heiland, R.; Kim, J.; Pierce, M., E.; Fox, G., C.; and Wild, D., J. Journal of chemical information and modeling, 47(4): 1303-1307. 2007.
Web service infrastructure for chemoinformatics [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Extending GTLAB Tag Libraries for Grid Workflows. Nacar, M., A.; Pierce, M., E.; and Fox, G., C. Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, Third International Conference on. 2007.
doi   link   bibtex  
VLAB: Web services, portlets, and workflows for enabling cyber-infrastructure in computational mineral physics. Bollig, E., F.; Jensen, P., A.; Lyness, M., D.; Nacar, M., A.; da Silveira, P., R., C.; Kigelman, D.; Erlebacher, G.; Pierce, M.; Yuen, D., A.; and da Silva, C., R., S. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 163(1): 333-346. 2007.
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Scalable, fault-tolerant management of grid services. Gadgil, H.; Fox, G.; Pallickara, S.; and Pierce, M. In Cluster Computing, 2007 IEEE International Conference on, pages 349-356, 2007.
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Implementing a caching and tiling map server: a web 2.0 case study. Liu, Z.; Pierce, M., E.; Fox, G., C.; and Devadasan, N. In Collaborative Technologies and Systems, 2007. CTS 2007. International Symposium on, pages 247-256, 2007.
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Final Report for DOE Project: Portal Web Services: Support of DOE SciDAC Collaboratories. Mary Thomas, P., I.; Geoffrey Fox, C.; Gannon, D.; Pierce, M.; Moore, R.; Schissel, D.; and Boisseau, J. Technical Report The University of Texas, Texas Advanced Computing Center; Austin, TX; General Atomics, San Diego, CA; Indiana University, Bloomington, IN; San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 2007.
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QuakeSim: Enabling Model Interactions in Solid Earth Science Sensor Webs. Donnellan, A.; Parker, J.; Norton, C.; Lyzenga, G.; Glasscoe, M.; Fox, G.; Pierce, M.; Rundle, J.; McLeod, D.; Grant, L.; and others In Aerospace Conference, 2007 IEEE, pages 1-8, 2007.
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Fault tolerant high performance Information Services for dynamic collections of Grid and Web services. Aktas, M., S.; Fox, G., C.; and Pierce, M. Future Generation Computer Systems, 23(3): 317-337. 2007.
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Architecture, performance, and scalability of a real-time global positioning system data grid. Aydin, G.; Qi, Z.; Pierce, M., E.; Fox, G., C.; and Bock, Y. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 163(1): 347-359. 2007.
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  2006 (32)
Building sensor filter grids: Information architecture for the data deluge. Fox, G., C.; Aktas, M., S.; Aydin, G.; Donnellan, A.; Gadgil, H.; Granat, R.; Pallickara, S.; Parker, J.; Pierce, M., E.; Oh, S.; Rundle, J.; Sayar, A.; and Scharber, M. In Proceedings - First International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, SKG 2005, 2006.
Building sensor filter grids: Information architecture for the data deluge [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
A grid framework for visualization services in the Earth sciences. Erlebacher, G.; Yuen, D., A.; Lu, Z.; Bollig, E., F.; Pierce, M.; Pallickara, S.; Yuen, G., E., D., A.; Lu, Z.; Bollig, E., F.; Pierce, M.; and Pallickara, S. Computational Earthquake Physics: Simulations, Analysis and Infrastructure, Part II, pages 2467-2483. Birkhäuser Basel, 2006.
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Streaming Data Services to Support Archival and Real-Time Geographical Information System Grids. Aydin, G.; Fox, G., C.; Gadgil, H.; and Pierce, M., E. In Sixth Annual NASA Earth Science Technology Conference, 2006.
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Thin Client Collaboration Web Services. Wang, M.; Fox, G.; and Pierce, M. In Telecommunications, 2006. AICT-ICIW'06. International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services/Advanced International Conference on, pages 148, 2006.
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Providing Portlet-Based Client Access to CIMA-Enabled Crystallographic Instruments, Sensors, and Data. Yin, H.; Mcmullen, D., F.; Nacar, M., A.; Pierce, M.; Huffman, K.; Fox, G.; and Ma, Y. In Grid Computing, 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on, pages 317-318, 2006.
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Real Time Streaming Data Grid Applications. Fox, G., C.; Aktas, M., S.; Aydin, G.; Bulut, H.; Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M.; Sayar, A.; Wu, W.; and Zhai, G. Distributed Cooperative Laboratories: Networking, Instrumentation, and Measurements, pages 253-267. Springer, Boston, MA, 2006.
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Managing Grid messaging middleware. Gadgil, H.; Fox, G.; Pallickara, S.; and Pierce, M. In Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments, 2006 IEEE, pages 83-91, 2006.
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Optimizing web service messaging performance using a context store for static data. Oh, S.; Aktas, M., S.; Pierce, M.; and Fox, G., C. In Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS international conference on Telecommunications and informatics, volume 50, pages 58, 2006.
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Web Service Information Systems and Applications. Aktas, M.; Aydin, G.; Fox, G., C.; Gadgil, H.; Pierce, M., E.; and Sayar, A. In GGF-16 Global Grid Forum Semantic Grid Workshop, 2006.
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A retrospective on the development of web service specifications. Pallickara, S.; Aktas, M., S.; Yildiz, B.; Patel, S.; Yemme, D.; Fox, G.; Gadgil, H.; Pierce, M., E.; Sangyoon, O.; Aktas, M., S.; Gadgil, H.; Yildiz, B.; Oh, S.; Patel, S.; Pierce, M., E.; and Yemme, D. IGI Global, 2006.
A retrospective on the development of web service specifications [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
XML Metadata Services and Application Usage Scenarios. Aktas, M., S.; Oh, S.; Fox, G., C.; and Pierce, M., E. In Proc. of The IEEE 2nd International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, 2006.
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Integrating AJAX approach into GIS visualization web services. Sayar, A.; Pierce, M.; and Fox, G. In Telecommunications, 2006. AICT-ICIW'06. International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services/Advanced International Conference on, pages 169, 2006.
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Grids for real time data applications. Fox, G., C.; Aktas, M., S.; Aydin, G.; Bulut, H.; Gadgil, H.; Oh, S.; Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M., E.; Sayar, A.; and Zhai, G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 3911 LNCS: 320-332. 2006.
Grids for real time data applications [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
GPS Sensor Web Time Series Analysis Using SensorGrid Technology. Granat, R.; Pierce, M.; Aydin, G.; and Qi, Z. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2006.
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The Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory: Web Services for Managing Geophysical Data and Applications. Pierce, M., E.; Fox, G., C.; Aktas, M., S.; Aydin, G.; Gadgil, H.; Qi, Z.; and Sayar, A. In PAGEOPH Special Issue for 5th ACES International Workshop., 2006.
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Cyberinfrastructure and Web 2.0. Pierce, M., E.; Fox, G., C.; Yuan, H.; and Deng, Y. In High Performance Computing Workshop, pages 265-287, 2006.
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Earth Science Community IT Resources through a Unified Data and Analysis Portal. Bock, Y.; Webb, F., H.; Kedar, S.; Pierce, M.; Scharber, M.; Argus, D., F.; Aydin, G.; Chang, R.; Dong, D.; Fang, P.; and others In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2006.
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Grid portal system based on GPIR. Fang, J.; Fox, G.; Pierce, M.; Juan, F., J., F.; Fox, G.; and Pierce, M. In Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, 2006. SKG'06. Second International Conference on, pages 83, 2006.
Grid portal system based on GPIR [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
XML Metadata Services. Aktas, M., S.; Oh, S.; Fox, G., C.; and Pierce, M., E. In 2006 2nd International Conference on Semantics Knowledge and Grid, SKG, 2006.
XML Metadata Services [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Implementing ISERVO Using Grid and GIS Services. Aktas, M.; Aydin, G.; Donnellan, A.; Fox, G.; Granat, R.; Grant, L.; Lyzenga, G.; McLeod, D.; Pallickara, S.; Parker, J.; and others Computational Earthquake Physics: Simulations, Analysis and ..., Part 2. 2006.
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CINF 10-Advanced HTS data mining using web service workflows. Wild, D.; Wiggins, G.; Dong, X.; Wang, H.; Pierce, M.; Lee, J., H.; and Fox, G. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, volume 232, 2006.
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Designing Grid Tag Libraries and Grid Beans. Nacar, M., A.; Pierce, M., E.; Erlebacher, G.; Fox, G., C.; Nacar, M., A.; and Pierce, M., E. In Second International Workshop on Grid Computing Environments GCE06 at SC06, 2006.
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A framework for secure end-to-end delivery of messages in publish/subscribe systems. Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M.; Gadgil, H.; Fox, G.; Yan, Y.; and Huang, Y. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing, pages 215-222, 2006.
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Information services for dynamically assembled semantic grids. Aktas, M., S.; Fox, G., C.; and Pierce, M. In Proceedings - First International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, SKG 2005, 2006.
Information services for dynamically assembled semantic grids [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Collaboration entities on deterministic finite automata. Wang, M.; Fox, G.; and Pierce, M. In Collaborative Technologies and Systems, 2006. CTS 2006. International Symposium on, pages 26-37, 2006.
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iSERVO: Implementing the international solid earth research virtual observatory by integrating computational grid and geographical information web services. Aktas, M.; Aydin, G.; Donnellan, A.; Fox, G.; Granat, R.; Grant, L.; Lyzenga, G.; McLeod, D.; Pallickara, S.; Parker, J.; and others Computational Earthquake Physics: Simulations, Analysis and Infrastructure, Part II, pages 2281-2296. Birkhäuser Basel, 2006.
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INTEGRATING AJAX MODELS WITH GIS VISUALIZATION WEB SERVICES. Sayar, A.; Pierce, M.; and Fox, G. Telecommunications, 2006. AICT-ICIW'06. International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services/Advanced International Conference on. 2006.
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Quakesim and the solid earth research virtual observatory. Donnellan, A.; Rundle, J.; Fox, G.; McLeod, D.; Grant, L.; Tullis, T.; Pierce, M.; Parker, J.; Lyzenga, G.; Granat, R.; and others Computational Earthquake Physics: Simulations, Analysis and Infrastructure, Part II, pages 2263-2279. Birkhäuser Basel, 2006.
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Building a Grid of Grids: messaging substrates and information management. Fox, G.; Pallickara, S.; and Pierce, M. chapter in book ``Grid Computational Methods'' Edited by MP Bekakos, GA Gravvanis and HR Arabnia. 2006.
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Architecture for high-performance web service communications using an information service. Oh, S.; Aktas, M., S.; Pierce, M.; and Fox, G., C. WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 5(7): 1510-1518. 2006.
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A PERMIS-based Authorization Solution between Portlets and Back-end Web Services. Barahona, S., B.; Fox, G.; Huffman, K.; Yin, H.; Barahona, S., B.; McMullen, D., F.; Pierce, M.; Fox, G.; others; and Huffman, K. In International Workshop on Grid Computing Environments, 2006.
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Smart Mining of Drug Discovery Information: 1. A web service and workflow infrastructure. Dong, X.; Gilbert, K.; Guha, R.; Kim, J.; Pierce, M.; Fox, G., C.; Wild, D., J.; and others Submitted to Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling October. 2006.
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  2005 (39)
Messaging in Web service Grid with applications to geographical information systems. Fox, G.; Pallickara, S.; Aydin, G.; and Pierce, M. Advances in Parallel Computing, 14: 305-331. 2005.
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Integration of Geographical Information Systems and Geophysical Applications with Distributed Computing Technologies. Pierce, M., E.; Aktas, M., S.; Aydin, G.; Fox, G., C.; Gadgil, H.; and Sayar, A. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2005.
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eSports: Collaborative and synchronous video annotation system in grid computing environment. Zhai, G.; Fox, G., C.; Pierce, M.; Wu, W.; and Bulut, H. In Multimedia, Seventh IEEE International Symposium on, pages 9--pp, 2005.
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VLab: A Grid for Planetary Materials Computations. da Silva, C., R.; Erlebacher, G.; Pierce, M.; Karki, B.; Yuen, D., A.; and Wentzcovitch, R., M. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2005.
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Implementing geographical information system grid services to support computational geophysics in a service-oriented environment. Aktas, M.; Aydin, G.; Donnellan, A.; Fox, G.; Granat, R.; Lyzenga, G.; McLeod, D.; Pallickara, S.; Parker, J.; Pierce, M.; and others In NASA Earth-Sun System Technology Conference, University of Maryland, Adelphi, Maryland, 2005.
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Grids for real time data applications. Fox, G., C.; Aktas, M., S.; Aydin, G.; Bulut, H.; Gadgil, H.; Oh, S.; Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M., E.; Sayar, A.; and Zhai, G. In PPAM, pages 320-332, 2005.
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General Collaboration Structures for Interactive Data Language Applications. Wang, M.; Fox, G.; and Pierce, M. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. 2005.
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Information Services for Grid/Web Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Based Geospatial Applications. Aktas, M., S.; Aydin, G.; Fox, G., C.; Gadgil, H.; Pierce, M.; and Sayar, A. In Proceedings of 1st International Conference Beijing China November, pages 27-29, 2005.
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Integrating geographical information systems and grid applications. Pierce, M.; Sayar, A.; Aydin, G.; Aktas, M.; and Gadgil, H. Technical Report Technical Report, 2005.
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A scripting based architecture for management of streams and services in real-time grid applications. Gadgil, H.; Fox, G.; Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M.; and Granat, R. In Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2005. CCGrid 2005. IEEE International Symposium on, volume 2, pages 710-717, 2005.
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Building sensor filter grids: Information architecture for the data deluge. Fox, G., C.; Aktas, M., S.; Aydin, G.; Donnellan, A.; Gadgil, H.; Granat, R.; Pallickara, S.; Parker, J.; Pierce, M., E.; Oh, S.; and others In Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, 2005. SKG'05. First International Conference on, pages 2, 2005.
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Building messaging substrates for Web and Grid applications. Fox, G.; Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M.; and Gadgil, H. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 363(1833): 1757-1773. 2005.
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Message-based cellular peer-to-peer grids: foundations for secure federation and autonomic services. Fox, G.; Lim, S.; Pallickara, S.; and Pierce, M. Future Generation Computer Systems, 21(3): 401-415. 2005.
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Managing dynamic metadata as context. Aktas, M., S.; Fox, G., C.; and Pierce, M. In The 2005 Istanbul International Computational Science and Engineering Conference (ICCSE2005), Istanbul, Turkey, 2005.
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Appendix to Grid Technology Overview and Status for NCOW/GiG on Grid and Web Services. Fox, G.; Ho, A.; and Pierce, M. Distributed Simulation and Real Time Simulation. 2005.
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Grid Application Areas within DoD. Fox, G.; Ho, A.; and Pierce, M. Community Grids Laboratory, Indiana University, June, 7. 2005.
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Grid Technology Overview and Status. Fox, G.; Ho, A.; and Pierce, M. Community Grids Lab., Indiana University, Anabas Inc. 2005.
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Distributed Object-Based Grid Computing Environments. Haupt, T.; and Pierce, M., E. Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality,713-728. 2005.
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Developing GIS visualization web services for geophysical applications. Sayar, A.; Pierce, M.; and Fox, G. In ISPRS 2005 spatial data mining workshop, Ankara, Turkey, 2005.
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Grid-based collaboration in interactive data language applications. Wang, M.; Fox, G.; and Pierce, M. In Information Technology: Coding and Computing, 2005. ITCC 2005. International Conference on, volume 1, pages 335-341, 2005.
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Fault Tolerant Distributed Middleware for VLAB. Lu, Z.; Bollig, E., F.; Erlebacher, G.; Gardgil, H.; Yuen, D.; Pierce, M.; and Pallickara, S. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2005.
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Building problem-solving environments with application web service toolkits. Youn, C.; Pierce, M., E.; and Fox, G., C. Future Generation Computer Systems, 21(6): 856-867. 2005.
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GridFTP and parallel TCP support in naradabrokering. Lim, S.; Fox, G.; Kaplan, A.; Pallickara, S.; and Pierce, M. Distributed and Parallel Computing,93-102. 2005.
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Building grid portal applications from a web service component architecture. Gannon, D.; Alameda, J.; Chipara, O.; Christie, M.; Dukle, V.; Fang, L.; Farrellee, M.; Kandaswamy, G.; Kodeboyina, D.; Krishnan, S.; and others Proceedings of the IEEE, 93(3): 551-563. 2005.
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Dynamic Web Services for Data Analysis in the Geosciences. Erlebacher, G.; Lu, Z.; Gadgil, H.; Bollig, E., F.; Kadlec, B., J.; Yuen, D., A.; Pierce, M.; and Pallickara, S. In AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts, 2005.
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OGC compatible geographical information systems web services. Sayar, A.; Pierce, M.; and Fox, G. Technical Report 2005.
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An Architecture for Supporting Information in Dynamically Assembled Semantic Grids. Aktas, M., S.; Fox, G., C.; and Pierce, M. In 1st International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, 2005.
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Management of real-time streaming data grid services. Fox, G.; Aydin, G.; Bulut, H.; Gadgil, H.; Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M.; Wu, W.; Bulut, H.; Gadgil, H.; Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M.; Wu, W.; Bulut, H.; Gadgil, H.; Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M.; and Wu, W. Grid and Cooperative Computing-GCC 2005, 19(7): 3-12. 2005.
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Message-Based Cellular Peer-to-Peer Grids: Foundations for Federation Security and Autonomic Services. Fox, G.; Lim, S.; Pallickara, S.; and Pierce, M. Future Generation Computer Systems - Special issue: P2P computing and interaction with grids, 21(3). 2005.
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A Web services-based universal approach to heterogeneous fault databases. Grant, L., B.; Gould, M., M.; Donnellan, A.; McLeod, D.; Chen, A., Y.; Sung, S.; Pierce, M.; Fox, G., C.; and Rundle, P. Computing in science & engineering, 7(4): 51-57. 2005.
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SPECIAL THANKS TO CISE'S REVIEWERS. Angelis, L.; Batten, P.; Bell, G.; Bullock, S.; Catania, B.; Chang, P.; Chelikowsky, J.; Clarke, S.; Cuccaro, S.; Fahroo, F.; and others Computing in Science & Engineering, 7: 21. 2005.
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Grids for the GiG and real time simulations. Fox, G.; Ho, A.; Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M.; and Wu, W. In Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications, 2005. DS-RT 2005 Proceedings. Ninth IEEE International Symposium on, pages 129-136, 2005.
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Grid portal architectures for scientific applications. Thomas, M., P.; Burruss, J.; Cinquini, L.; Fox, G.; Gannon, D.; Gilbert, L.; Von Laszewski, G.; Jackson, K.; Middleton, D.; Moore, R.; and others In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, volume 16, pages 596, 2005.
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A multi-party implementation of ws-secureconversation. Liu, H.; Fox, G.; Pierce, M.; and Pallickara, S. Community Grids Lab, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 47404. 2005.
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SERVOGrid complexity computational environments (CCE) integrated performance analysis. Aydin, G.; Aktas, M., S.; Fox, G., C.; Gadgil, H.; Pierce, M.; and Sayar, A. In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing, pages 256-261, 2005.
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Message Exchange for Web Service-Based Mapping Services. Sayar, A.; Pierce, M.; and Fox, G. Proceedings of GeoInformatics, 5. 2005.
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Information services for dynamically assembled semantic grids. Aktas, M., S.; Fox, G., C.; and Pierce, M. In Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, 2005. SKG'05. First International Conference on, pages 10, 2005.
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Instantiations of shared event model in grid-based collaboration. Wang, M.; Fox, G., C.; and Pierce, M. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. 2005.
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Developing a Web Service-Compatible Map Server for Geophysical Applications. Sayar, A.; Aktas, M., S.; Aydin, G.; Fox, G.; and Pierce, M. In Submitted to ACM-GIS Conference, 2005.
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  2004 (22)
iSERVO: Implementing the International Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory. Fox, G.; Pierce, M.; Rundle, J.; Donnellan, A.; Parker, J.; Granat, R.; Lyzenga, G.; McLeod, D.; Grant, L.; Fox, G.; Granat, R.; Grant, L.; Lyzenga, G.; McLeod, D.; Pallickara, S.; Parker, J.; Pierce, M.; Rundle, J.; others; Donnellan, A.; Parker, J.; Granat, R.; Lyzenga, G.; McLeod, D.; and Grant, L. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2004.
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Performance Measurements for NaradaBrokering enhanced GridFTP. Lim, S.; Fox, G.; Kaplan, A.; Pallickara, S.; and Pierce, M. Technical Report 2004.
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Management of data streams for a real time flood simulation. Gadgil, H.; Choi, J.; Engel, B.; Fox, G.; Ko, S.; Pallickara, S.; and Pierce, M. Technical Report 2004.
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Making scientific applications as web services. Pierce, M.; and Fox, G. Computing in Science & Engineering, 6(1): 93-96. 2004.
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Designing ontologies and distributed resource discovery services for an earthquake simulation grid. Aktas, M., S.; Pierce, M.; and Fox, G., F. In Proc. of the GGF11 Semantic Grid Applications Workshop, Honolulu, USA, pages 1-6, 2004.
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Messaging and the Web Service Distributed Operating Environment. Fox, G.; Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M.; and Gadgil, H. Technical Report 2004.
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Complexity Computational Environment: Data Assimilation SERVOGrid. Donnellan, A.; Parker, J.; Fox, G.; Pierce, M.; Rundle, J.; and McLeod, D. In Proceedings of the 2004 NASA Esto Conference, 2004. Pasadena, CA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2004.
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Implementing Geographic Information System Grid Services Using Distributed Messaging Systems. Pierce, M.; Fox, G.; and Pallickara, S. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2004.
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A web based conversational case-based recommender system for ontology aided metadata discovery. Aktas, M., S.; Pierce, M.; Fox, G., C.; and Leake, D. In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE/ACM international workshop on grid computing, pages 69-75, 2004.
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A Web based CCBR Recommender System for Ontology aided Metadata Discovery. Aktas, M., S.; Leake, D., B.; Pierce, M.; Fox, G., C.; and Ave, S., W. In Grid Computing, 2004. Proceedings. Fifth IEEE/ACM International Workshop on, 2004. IEEE
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WEB COMPUTING. Pierce, M.; and Fox, G. Computing in Science & Engineering, 6: 93. 2004.
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High performance data streaming in service architecture. Fox, G.; Gadgil, H.; Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M.; Grossman, R., L.; Gu, Y.; Hanley, D.; and Hong, X. Technical Report 2004.
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The QuakeSim Project: numerical simulations for active tectonic processes. Donnellan, A.; Parker, J.; Lyzenga, R.; Fox, G.; Pierce, M.; McLeod, D.; Grant, L.; and Tullis, T. Technical Report 2004.
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A Grid Framework for Visualization Services. Erlebacher, G.; Lu, Z.; Bollig, E., F.; Yuen, D., A.; Pierce, M.; and Pallickara, S. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2004.
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Illuminating Earth's interior through advanced computing. Donnellan, A.; Rundle, J.; Ries, J.; Fox, G.; Pierce, M.; Parker, J.; Crippen, R.; DeJong, E.; Chao, B.; Kuang, W.; and others Computing in Science & Engineering, 6(1): 36-44. 2004.
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Web service grids for iSERVO. Fox, G.; and Pierce, M. In International Workshop http://www. eps. su-tokyo. ac. jp/jp/COE21/events/20041014. pdf on Geodynamics: Observation, Modeling and Computer Simulation University of Tokyo Japan October 14 2004, 2004.
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Complexity Computational Environments (CCE) Architecture. Fox, G.; Gadgil, H.; Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M.; Rundle, J.; Donnellan, A.; Parker, J.; Granat, R.; Lyzenga, G.; McLeod, D.; and others Technical Report 2004.
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QuakeTables: The Fault Database for QuakeSim. Grant, L., B.; Donnellan, A.; McLeod, D.; Pierce, M.; Chen, A., Y.; Gould, M.; Noriega-Carlos, G.; Paul, R.; Sung, S.; and Ta, M., V. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2004.
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Developing a Secure Grid Computing Environment Shell Engine. Nacar, M., A.; Pierce, M.; and Fox, G., C. Neural, Parallel & Scientific Computations, 12(3): 379-390. 2004.
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Web Service Robust GridFTP. Lim, S.; Fox, G., C.; Pallickara, S.; and Pierce, M., E. In PDPTA, volume 4, pages 725-730, 2004.
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Implementing GIS Grid Services for the International Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory. Aydin, G.; Pierce, M.; Fox, G.; Aktas, M.; and Sayar, A. a special issue of Pure and Applied Geophysics. 2004.
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  2003 (22)
Workshop on Computational Earthquake Physics and Solid Earth System Simulation-Interacting Data Services for Distributed Earthquake Modeling. Pierce, M.; Youn, C.; and Fox, G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2659: 863-872. 2003.
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A security framework for distributed brokering systems. Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M.; Fox, G.; Yan, Y.; Huang, Y.; and Pallickara, S. Technical Report 2003.
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Grid portals: a scientist's access point for grid services. Gannon, D.; Fox, G.; Pierce, M.; Plale, B.; Von Laszewski, G.; Severance, C.; Hardin, J.; Alameda, J.; Thomas, M.; and Boisseau, J. GGF Community Practice document, working draft, 1. 2003.
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Implications of Grid e-Science and CyberInfrastructure for the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program. Fox, G.; and Pierce, M. Technical Report 2003.
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Designing a Grid Computing Environment Shell Engine. Nacar, M., A.; Pierce, M., E.; and Fox, G., C. In International Conference on Internet Computing, pages 195-199, 2003.
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Online Knowledge Center Tools for Metadata Management. Aydin, G.; Altay, H.; Aktas, M., S.; Aysan, M., N.; Fox, G.; Ikibas, C.; Kim, J.; Kaplan, A.; Topcu, A., E.; Pierce, M.; and others In High Performance Computing Modernization Program Users Group Meeting, 2003.
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Automating metadata Web service deployment for problem solving environments. Balsoy, O.; Jin, Y.; Aydin, G.; Pierce, M.; and Fox, G. Future Generation Computer Systems, 21(6): 910-919. 2003.
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Towards dependable grid and web services. Fox, G.; Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M.; and Walker, D. Ubiquity, 2003(August): 3. 2003.
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A Java based web interface to MATLAB. Samsi, S.; Krishnamurthy, A.; Ahalt, S.; Nehrbass, J.; and Pierce, M. In High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC) workshop, 2003.
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Workshop on Complex Problem-Solving Environments for Grid Computing (WCPSE02)-Automating Metadata Web Service Deployment for Problem Solving Environments. Balsoy, O.; Jin, Y.; Aydin, G.; Pierce, M.; and Fox, G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2660: 393-402. 2003.
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Scientific Applications as Web Services: A Simple Guide. Pierce, M.; and Fox, G. Web site: http://grids. ucs. indiana. edu/ptliupages/publications/cise_WSforeScience. pdf. 2003.
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Implementing a Prototype of the Security Framework for Distributed Brokering Systems. Yan, Y.; Huang, Y.; Fox, G., C.; Pallickara, S.; Pierce, M., E.; Kaplan, A.; and Topcu, A., E. In Security and Management, pages 212-218, 2003.
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Workshop on Complex Problem-Solving Environments for Grid Computing (WCPSE02)-Building Problem Solving Environments with Application Web Service Toolkits. Youn, C.; Pierce, M.; and Fox, G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2660: 403-412. 2003.
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Interoperability and semantics for heterogeneous earthquake science data. Chen, A., Y.; Donnellan, A.; McLeod, D.; Fox, G.; Parker, J.; Rundle, J.; Grant, L.; Pierce, M.; Gould, M.; Chung, S.; and others In 2003 Semantic Web Technologies for Searching and Retrieving Scientific Data Conference, 2003.
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Interacting data services for distributed earthquake modeling. Pierce, M.; Youn, C.; and Fox, G. Computational Science---ICCS 2003,696. 2003.
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The international Solid Earth Virtual Research Observatory (iSERVO) institute seed project. Mora, P.; Donnellan, A.; Fox, G.; Pierce, M.; Matsu'Ura, M.; McLeod, D.; and Yin, X. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2003.
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Developing Secure Web Services for Computational Portals. Youn, C.; Pierce, M., E.; and Fox, G., C. In Security and Management, pages 367-372, 2003.
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Building problem solving environments with application web service toolkits. Youn, C.; Pierce, M.; and Fox, G. Computational Science---ICCS 2003,717. 2003.
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Federated Grids and their Security. Fox, G.; and Pierce, M. Draft 0.4, eprints. ecs. soton. ac. uk/archive. 2003.
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NaradaBrokering as Middleware Fabric for Grid-based Remote Visualization Services. Pallickara, S.; Erlebacher, G.; Yuen, D.; Fox, G.; and Pierce, M. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2003.
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Incorporating an XML Matching Engine in Distributed Brokering Systems. Pallickara, S.; Fox, G., C.; and Pierce, M., E. In PDPTA, pages 1511-1517, 2003.
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Access Control System Using Web Services for XML Messaging Systems. Kaplan, A.; Topcu, A., E.; Pierce, M., E.; and Fox, G., C. In IKE, pages 207-211, 2003.
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  2002 (11)
Conference Papers-Grid and Applications-The Gateway Computational Web Portal: Developing Web Services for High Performance Computing. Pierce, M.; Youn, C.; and Fox, G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2329: 503-512. 2002.
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Design Features and Technology Evaluations for the PET Online Knowledge Center. Aktas, M.; Aydin, G.; Aysan, M., N.; Balsoy, O.; Fox, G.; Ikibas, C.; Kaplan, A.; Kim, J.; Pierce, M.; Topcu, A.; and others Technical Report 2002.
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An Architecture for e-Science and its Implications. Fox, G.; Bulut, H.; Kim, K.; Ko, S.; Lee, S.; Oh, S.; Rao, X.; Pallickara, S.; Pei, Q.; Pierce, M.; and others In Proceedings of the 2002 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems, edited by Mohammed S. Obaidat, Franco Davoli, Ibrahim Onyuksel and Raffaele Bolla, Society for Modeling and Simulation International, pages 14-24, 2002.
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Design of a Hybrid Search in the Online Knowledge Center. Kim, J.; Balsoy, O.; Pierce, M.; and Fox, G. In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Information and Knowledge Sharing, 2002.
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The gateway computational web portal. Pierce, M., E.; Youn, C.; and Fox, G., C. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 14(13-15): 1411-1426. 2002.
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The Online Knowledge Center: Building a Component Based. Balsoy, O.; Aktas, M., S.; Aydin, G.; Aysan, M., N.; Ikibas, C.; Kaplan, A.; Kim, J.; Pierce, M.; Topcu, A.; Yildiz, B.; and others In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, 2002.
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A Batch Script Generator Web Service for Computational Portals. Mock, S., A.; Youn, C.; Pierce, M., E.; Fox, G., C.; and Thomas, M. In HPDC, pages 421, 2002.
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Interoperable Web services for computational portals. Pierce, M.; Fox, G.; Youn, C.; Mock, S.; Mueller, K.; and Balsoy, O. In Proceedings of the 2002 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, pages 1-12, 2002.
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An XML Based System for Dynamic Message Content Creation, Delivery, and Control. Aydin, G.; Kaplan, A.; Topcu, A., E.; Yildiz, B.; Balsoy, O.; Pierce, M.; and Fox, G. In Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Information and Knowledge Sharing (IKS 2002), 2002.
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The Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory: A web-based system for modeling multi-scale earthquake processes. Donnellan, A.; Fox, G.; Rundle, J.; McLeod, D.; Tullis, T.; Grant, L.; Parker, J.; Pierce, M.; Lyzenga, G.; Chen, A.; and others In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2002.
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Grid services for earthquake science. Fox, G.; Ko, S.; Pierce, M.; Balsoy, O.; Kim, J.; Lee, S.; Kim, K.; Oh, S.; Rao, X.; Varank, M.; and others Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 14(6-7): 371-393. 2002.
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  2001 (1)
Quantum films adsorbed on graphite: Third and fourth helium layers. Pierce, M.; and Manousakis, E. Physical Review B, 63(14): 144524. 2001.
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  2000 (3)
The gateway computational web portal: Developing web services for high performance computing. Pierce, M., E.; Youn, C.; and Fox, G., C. International Conference on Computational Science,503-512. 2000.
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Role of substrate corrugation in helium monolayer solidification. Pierce, M., E.; and Manousakis, E. Physical Review B, 62(8): 5228. 2000.
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Quantum Films: Simulation of Helium on Graphite. Pierce, M.; and Manousakis, E. CONDENSED MATTER THEORIES, 15: 127-138. 2000.
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  1999 (2)
Monolayer Solid H 4 e Clusters on Graphite. Pierce, M., E.; and Manousakis, E. Physical Review Letters, 83(25): 5314. 1999.
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Path-integral Monte Carlo studies of helium on graphite. Pierce, M., E. 1999.
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  undefined (1)
Targeted High-Resolution Structure from Motion Observations over the M w 6.4 and 7.1 Ruptures of the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence. Donnellan, A.; Lyzenga, G.; Ansar, A.; Goulet, C.; Wang, J.; and Pierce, M. Seismological Research Letters,1-9. .
Targeted High-Resolution Structure from Motion Observations over the M w 6.4 and 7.1 Ruptures of the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence [pdf]Paper   Targeted High-Resolution Structure from Motion Observations over the M w 6.4 and 7.1 Ruptures of the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence [pdf]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract