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@article{yang_network_2025, title = {Network analysis of cross-income-level collaboration on multiple myeloma in sub-{Saharan} {Africa}}, volume = {2}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s44401-024-00003-2}, number = {1}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, journal = {npj Health Systems}, author = {Yang, Kaiyi and Benkwitz-Bedford, Sam and Cazier, Jean-Baptiste and Spill, Fabian}, month = jan, year = {2025}, note = {Publisher: Nature Publishing Group UK London}, pages = {1}, }
@article{schindler_applicability_2025, title = {Applicability of {Retrospective} and {Prospective} {Gender} {Scores} for {Clinical} and {Health} {Data}: {Protocol} for a {Scoping} {Review}}, volume = {14}, copyright = {Unless stated otherwise, all articles are open-access distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work ("first published in JMIR Research Protocols...") is properly cited with original URL and bibliographic citation information. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on http://www.researchprotocols.org/, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.}, shorttitle = {Applicability of {Retrospective} and {Prospective} {Gender} {Scores} for {Clinical} and {Health} {Data}}, url = {https://www.researchprotocols.org/2025/1/e57669}, doi = {10.2196/57669}, abstract = {Background: Gender is known to have a strong influence on human health and disease. Despite its relevance to treatment and outcome, gender is insufficiently considered in current health research. One hindering factor is the poor representation of gender information in clinical and health (meta) data. Objective: We aim to conduct a scoping review of the literature describing gender scores. The review will provide insights into the current application of gender scores in clinical and health settings. The protocol describes how relevant literature will be identified and how gender scores will be evaluated concerning applicability and usability in scientific investigations. Methods: Our scoping review follows the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) guidelines. A title and abstract screening was conducted on PubMed, followed by a full-text screening. The inclusion and exclusion criteria were discussed by a team of 5 domain experts, and a data-charting form was developed. The charted data will be categorized, summarized, and analyzed based on the research questions during the scoping review. Results: We will report our research results according to the PRISMA-ScR guidelines. The literature retrieval was carried out on June 13, 2024, and resulted in 1202 matches. As of July 2024, the scoping review is in the data extraction phase and we expect to complete and publish the results in the first quarter of 2025. Conclusions: The scoping review lays the foundation for a retrospective gender assessment by identifying scores that can be applied to existing large-scale datasets. Moreover, it will help to formulate recommendations for standardized gender scores in future investigations.}, language = {EN}, number = {1}, urldate = {2025-01-22}, journal = {JMIR Research Protocols}, author = {Schindler, Lea and Beelich, Hilke and Röll, Selina and Katsari, Elpiniki and Stracke, Sylvia and Waltemath, Dagmar}, month = jan, year = {2025}, note = {Company: JMIR Research Protocols Distributor: JMIR Research Protocols Institution: JMIR Research Protocols Label: JMIR Research Protocols Publisher: JMIR Publications Inc., Toronto, Canada}, pages = {e57669}, }
@incollection{oliver_investigating_2025, address = {Singapore}, title = {Investigating {Industry}–{Academia} {Collaboration} in {Artificial} {Intelligence}: {PDF}-{Based} {Bibliometric} {Analysis} from {Leading} {Conferences}}, volume = {15494}, isbn = {978-981-9608-67-6 978-981-9608-68-3}, shorttitle = {Investigating {Industry}–{Academia} {Collaboration} in {Artificial} {Intelligence}}, url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-981-96-0868-3_5}, language = {en}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, booktitle = {Sustainability and {Empowerment} in the {Context} of {Digital} {Libraries}}, publisher = {Springer Nature Singapore}, author = {Yamauchi, Kazuhiro and Katsurai, Marie}, editor = {Oliver, Gillian and Frings-Hessami, Viviane and Du, Jia Tina and Tezuka, Taro}, year = {2025}, doi = {10.1007/978-981-96-0868-3_5}, note = {Series Title: Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages = {70--84}, }
@article{espinosa_implicaciones_2025, title = {{IMPLICACIONES} {DE} {LA} {TRANSFORMACIÓN} {DIGITAL} {EN} {EL} Á{MBITO} {LABORAL} {Y} {SU} {IMPACTO} {EN} {LAS} {SITUACIONES} {DE} {ACOSO} {LABORAL} {O} {MOBBING}}, volume = {43}, copyright = {Derechos de autor 2024 Juan Esteban Aguirre Espinosa, Dany Steven Gómez Agudelo, Sebastián Díaz Bolívar}, issn = {2521-5280}, url = {https://portalrevistas.aulavirtualusmp.pe/index.php/VJ/article/view/2985}, abstract = {This research article analyzes the regulatory changes in the labor field in Colombia during the COVID-19 pandemic and their impact on preventing digital workplace harassment. The global health emergency has generated the creation of norms aimed at regulating new forms of work, such as telework and distance work. However, the use of information and communication technologies in remote work has increased the risk of digital workplace harassment, which has generated the need to adapt regulatory provisions to the new realities of work. This essay analyzes the contribution, contradiction, practice, and evaluation of digital evidence in workplace harassment processes, where evidence becomes a fundamental element for the accreditation of facts and the generation of corresponding legal effects.}, language = {es}, number = {1}, urldate = {2024-11-12}, journal = {Vox Juris}, author = {Espinosa, Juan Esteban Aguirre and Agudelo, Dany Steven Gómez and Bolívar, Sebastián Díaz}, year = {2025}, note = {Number: 1}, pages = {66--81}, }
@article{bibliotheken_forschungsnahe_2024, title = {Forschungsnahe {Dienstleistungen}-{Alphabetische} {Liste}}, url = {https://www.ssoar.info/ssoar/handle/document/94322}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.12754/misc-2024-0001}, urldate = {2024-06-24}, author = {Bibliotheken, Leibniz-Arbeitskreis and Dienste, Informationseinrichtungen AG Forschungsnahe}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: DEU}, }
@phdthesis{arroyo_bello_alisis_2024, address = {Madrid, Spain}, title = {Análisis de la investigación española sobre cáncer de mama a través de la {Web} of {Science} (1900-2020)}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/104928}, urldate = {2024-06-24}, school = {Universidad Complutense Madrid}, author = {Arroyo Bello, Elena}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Universidad Complutense de Madrid}, }
@article{hagemann-wilholt_persistent_2024, title = {Persistent {Identifier}, ihre {Metadaten} und {FAIRness}}, volume = {27}, url = {https://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2024-06-fachbeitrag-hagemann-wilholt.pdf}, language = {de}, number = {6}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, journal = {b.i.t. online}, author = {Hagemann-Wilholt, Stephanie and El-Gebali, Sara and Dreyer, Britta and Vierkant, Paul}, year = {2024}, }
@incollection{kempf_gestione_2024, title = {La gestione della qualità nei progetti di digitalizzazione di massa}, isbn = {9791256002214}, url = {https://iris.unica.it/retrieve/eaca5e0a-0832-4c23-9fa4-014416b62928/Atti%20I%20convegno%20SISBB%20def%20stampa.pdf#page=99}, language = {it}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, booktitle = {I {Convegno} della {Società} italiana di scienze bibliografiche e biblioteconomiche ({SISBB})}, author = {Kempf, Klaus and Cusimano, Fabio}, year = {2024}, }
@misc{ding_rise_2024, title = {Rise of {Generative} {Artificial} {Intelligence} in {Science}}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2412.20960}, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2412.20960}, abstract = {Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI, generative AI) has rapidly become available as a tool in scientific research. To explore the use of generative AI in science, we conduct an empirical analysis using OpenAlex. Analyzing GenAI publications and other AI publications from 2017 to 2023, we profile growth patterns, the diffusion of GenAI publications across fields of study, and the geographical spread of scientific research on generative AI. We also investigate team size and international collaborations to explore whether GenAI, as an emerging scientific research area, shows different collaboration patterns compared to other AI technologies. The results indicate that generative AI has experienced rapid growth and increasing presence in scientific publications. The use of GenAI now extends beyond computer science to other scientific research domains. Over the study period, U.S. researchers contributed nearly two-fifths of global GenAI publications. The U.S. is followed by China, with several small and medium-sized advanced economies demonstrating relatively high levels of GenAI deployment in their research publications. Although scientific research overall is becoming increasingly specialized and collaborative, our results suggest that GenAI research groups tend to have slightly smaller team sizes than found in other AI fields. Furthermore, notwithstanding recent geopolitical tensions, GenAI research continues to exhibit levels of international collaboration comparable to other AI technologies.}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, publisher = {arXiv}, author = {Ding, Liangping and Lawson, Cornelia and Shapira, Philip}, month = dec, year = {2024}, note = {arXiv:2412.20960 [cs]}, keywords = {Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science - Computers and Society, Computer Science - Information Retrieval}, }
@inproceedings{haarlander_edmondopen_2024, title = {Edmond–{Open} {Access} {Data} {Repository} of the {Max} {Planck} {Society}, based on {Dataverse}}, url = {https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_3626426/component/file_3626530/content}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, booktitle = {{ZB} {MED} {Cookie} {Lecture}}, author = {Haarländer, Markus and Walter, David}, year = {2024}, }
@article{mitchell_enhancing_2024, title = {Enhancing the {Oxford} {University} {Research} {Archive}: compliance, consistency, and challenges in supporting researchers}, volume = {209}, shorttitle = {Enhancing the {Oxford} {University} {Research} {Archive}}, url = {https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:496618eb-b5b6-4a1b-a40d-d2d393036a0d}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, journal = {Catalogue and Index}, author = {Mitchell, Tom and Lindgren, Tuula and Partridge, Jason}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals}, }
@article{mukhopadhyay_library_2024, title = {Library {Carpentry} and the {Bibliographic} {Data} {Universe}: {What} {Librarians} {Can} {Do} with {Open} {Data}}, volume = {71}, shorttitle = {Library {Carpentry} and the {Bibliographic} {Data} {Universe}}, url = {https://or.niscpr.res.in/index.php/ALIS/article/view/13392}, number = {4}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, journal = {Annals of Library and Information Studies}, author = {Mukhopadhyay, Parthasarathi and Mukhopadhyay, Mondrita}, year = {2024}, pages = {370--383}, }
@article{ralph_identifier_2024, title = {Identifier {Service} in the {Mindat} {Database}: {Persistent} and {Structured} {Access} to {Massive} {Records} of {Minerals} and {Other} {Natural} {Materials}}, shorttitle = {Identifier {Service} in the {Mindat} {Database}}, url = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xiaogang-Ma-4/publication/386023908_Identifier_Service_in_the_Mindat_Database_Persistent_and_Structured_Access_to_Massive_Records_of_Minerals_and_Other_Natural_Materials/links/674768bba7fbc259f192eea3/Identifier-Service-in-the-Mindat-Database-Persistent-and-Structured-Access-to-Massive-Records-of-Minerals-and-Other-Natural-Materials.pdf}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, author = {Ralph, Jolyon and Martynov, Pavel and Ma, Xiaogang and Von Bargen, David and Li, Wenjia and Huang, Jingyi and Golden, Joshua and Profeta, Lucia and Prabhu, Anirudh and Morrison, Shaunna}, year = {2024}, }
@article{__2024, title = {Аналитическая статистика о научных публикациях казанского федерального университета на {Scilit}}, volume = {27}, url = {https://rdl-journal.ru/article/view/875}, number = {6}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, journal = {Электронные библиотеки}, author = {Ермаков, Алексей Викторович}, year = {2024}, pages = {878--896}, }
@misc{ibict_projeto_2024, type = {Notícia}, title = {Projeto {dARK} impulsiona um novo modelo de gestão de identificadores acadêmicos no portal {Oasisbr} do {Ibict}}, url = {https://www.gov.br/ibict/pt-br/central-de-conteudos/noticias/2024/novembro/projeto-dark-impulsiona-um-novo-modelo-de-gestao-de-identificadores-academicos-no-portal-oasisbr-do-ibict}, abstract = {Portal Oasisbr passa a contar com o identificador persistente dARK (Decentralized Archival Resource Key), um serviço PID (Persistent Identifier) descentralizado e aberto concebido como um bem público para o ecossistema da Ciência Aberta}, language = {pt-br}, urldate = {2024-11-26}, journal = {Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia}, author = {Ibict, Núcleo de Comunicação Social do}, year = {2024}, }
@article{narlock_institutionally_2024, title = {Institutionally based research data services: {Current} developments and future direction}, shorttitle = {Institutionally based research data services}, url = {https://publishing.lib.umn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/STAIRS-Report-Final-Oct-31-v3.pdf}, urldate = {2024-12-03}, author = {Narlock, Mikala and Carlson, Jake and Cowles, Wind and Delserone, Leslie and Herndon, Joel and Kozlowski, Wendy and Petters, Jonathan}, year = {2024}, }
@article{amdekar_scholarly_2024, title = {Scholarly {Metadata} as {Trust} {Signals}: {Opportunities} for {Journal} {Editors}}, shorttitle = {Scholarly {Metadata} as {Trust} {Signals}}, url = {https://www.csescienceeditor.org/article/scholarly-metadata-as-trust-signals-opportunities-for-journal-editors/}, doi = {10.36591/SE-4704-10}, abstract = {In recent years, research integrity issues are in the limelight with the emergence of new and complex threats, such as paper mills, citation cartels, fabricated peer reviews, fake papers, artificial intelligence–generated images, among many others.1-4 A worrying feature of these emerging research integrity threats is that they often occur at scale and can affect many journals and articles at the same time. Taken together, this poses a considerable challenge to journal editors and editorial offices, which are key stakeholders in ensuring the integrity of the work they publish. Scholarly metadata is an important tool that can be used in the endeavor to protect research integrity, especially to uphold the integrity of the scholarly record. The term “scholarly record” refers to the complex and interconnected network of published outputs (e.g., journal articles, books), the inputs that go into the creation of these outputs (e.g., datasets, preprints), and the metadata for these outputs.5 Preserving the integrity of the scholarly record is important because the scholarly record provides the foundation on which the global scholarly community can continue to build. When relationships between research outputs are not explicit, or when the metadata about these outputs are either incomplete or outdated, there is a risk that the scholarly community will not be able to access the most up to date information. Metadata provide critical context about published works.5 By doing this, it acts as a marker for trustworthiness. Crossref provides infrastructure that allows those who create scholarly outputs to provide metadata for these outputs. […]}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-12-06}, journal = {Science Editor}, author = {Amdekar, Madhura S.}, month = nov, year = {2024}, }
@misc{kopitar_two_2024, title = {Two scholarly publishing cultures? {Open} access drives a divergence in {European} academic publishing practices}, shorttitle = {Two scholarly publishing cultures?}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2411.06282}, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2411.06282}, abstract = {The current system of scholarly publishing is often criticized for being slow, expensive, and not transparent. The rise of open access publishing as part of open science tenets, promoting transparency and collaboration, together with calls for research assesment reforms are the results of these criticisms. The emergence of new open access publishers presents a unique opportunity to empirically test how universities and countries respond to shifts in the academic publishing landscape. These new actors challenge traditional publishing models, offering faster review times and broader accessibility, which could influence strategic publishing decisions. Our findings reveal a clear division in European publishing practices, with countries clustering into two groups distinguished by the ratio of publications in new open access journals with accelerated review times versus legacy journals. This divide underscores a broader shift in academic culture, highlighting new open access publishing venues as a strategic factor influencing national and institutional publishing practices, with significant implications for research accessibility and collaboration across Europe.}, urldate = {2024-11-22}, publisher = {arXiv}, author = {Kopitar, Leon and Plohl, Nejc and Verboten, Mojca Tancer and Štiglic, Gregor and Watson, Roger and Korošak, Dean}, month = nov, year = {2024}, note = {arXiv:2411.06282}, keywords = {Computer Science - Computers and Society, Computer Science - Digital Libraries, Physics - Physics and Society}, }
@article{pentz_building_2024, title = {Building open scholarly infrastructure: {A} journey of collaboration and diplomacy}, issn = {0167-5265}, shorttitle = {Building open scholarly infrastructure}, url = {https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/18758789241296761}, doi = {10.1177/18758789241296761}, abstract = {This article expands on the Miles Conrad Award lecture delivered at the NISO Plus 2024 conference. Drawing from over three decades in scholarly publishing, including twenty-four years at Crossref, Edward Pentz, the Executive Director of Crossref, explores the critical role of collaboration and diplomacy in developing open scholarly infrastructure. The piece examines key inflection points in scholarly communication, lessons learned from collaborative initiatives, and future challenges and opportunities in the field. It also reflects on the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in shaping the future of open scholarly infrastructure.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-11-22}, journal = {Information Services and Use}, author = {Pentz, Edward}, month = nov, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: SAGE Publications}, pages = {18758789241296761}, }
@article{getzlaff_whirls_2024, title = {{WHIRLS} {Research} {Data} {Policy}}, url = {https://oceanrep.geomar.de/id/eprint/61010}, urldate = {2024-12-03}, author = {Getzlaff, Klaus}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Zenodo}, }
@article{__2024, title = {Огляд використання постійних ідентифікаторів в Україні}, volume = {1}, url = {http://journal.dntb.gov.ua/index.php/osi/article/view/27}, number = {2}, urldate = {2024-12-03}, journal = {Відкрита наука та інновації}, author = {Цюра, Маргарита and Жеребчук, Софія}, year = {2024}, }
@inproceedings{__2024, title = {Аналитическая статистика об изданиях ИПМ на {Scilit}}, volume = {26}, url = {https://www.keldysh.ru/abrau/2024/theses/19.pdf}, urldate = {2024-12-03}, booktitle = {Научный сервис в сети Интернет}, author = {Ермаков, А. В.}, year = {2024}, pages = {109--122}, }
@article{gee_temnos_2024, title = {{TEMNOS} ({Temnospondyl} {Evolution}, {Morphology}, {Nomenclature}, and {Other} {Stuff}), an openly available database of curated temnospondyl datasets}, url = {https://files.osf.io/v1/resources/tfrbu/providers/osfstorage/673c10a680654f62b688668e?action=download&direct&version=2}, urldate = {2024-12-03}, author = {Gee, Bryan M.}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: OSF}, }
@article{__2024, title = {Аналитическая статистика научных изданий на {Scilit} (на примере публикаций ИПМ им. МВ Келдыша)}, url = {https://keldysh.ru/papers/2024/prep2024_71.pdf}, number = {71}, urldate = {2024-12-03}, journal = {Препринты ИПМ им. МВ Келдыша}, author = {Ермаков, А. В.}, year = {2024}, pages = {1--17}, }
@misc{kulczycki_learned_2024, title = {Learned societies in the academic landscape: {Challenges} in identifying and categorizing organizations}, shorttitle = {Learned societies in the academic landscape}, url = {https://osf.io/3zgks}, doi = {10.31235/osf.io/3zgks}, abstract = {This study explores ways of identifying learned societies within the Research Organization Registry (ROR), a type of organization that so far lacks its own category within the registry. Despite their significant role in the academic landscape, learned societies lack distinct recognition in global databases, which lowers their visibility and perceived impact. Using enhanced ISSN data and the existing ROR database, we present a methodology to identify learned societies based on their publishing activities and organizational names. Our approach is validated against national lists of societies from Austria, Finland, and the UK, demonstrating the feasibility and reliability of our method which, however, has several limitations discussed in the paper. Our findings show that 92\% of 1,471 societies identified in ROR are currently assigned to ‘Other’ and ‘Nonprofit’ categories. We also highlight the geographical distribution and field-specific categorization of learned societies, emphasizing the diversity and scope of their influence. This paper contributes to the science of science field by proposing a framework that enhances the visibility and recognition of learned societies globally. Our research argues that ROR should consider enhancing their data schema to accommodate for learned societies. This way ROR can provide an open research information resource for identifying learned societies both for research and practical purposes.}, language = {en-us}, urldate = {2024-11-22}, publisher = {OSF}, author = {Kulczycki, Emanuel and Pölönen, Janne and Laakso, Mikael and Taskin, Zehra}, month = nov, year = {2024}, keywords = {ISSN, Research Organization Registry, learned societies, research organizations}, }
@article{page_who_2024, title = {Who is {Doing} {Taxonomy}, {Whereabouts}, and {Who} {Is} {Funding} {Them}? {A} {Practical} {Test} of {What} {Knowledge} {Graphs} {Can} {Tell} {Us} about {Taxonomic} {Research}}, volume = {8}, shorttitle = {Who is {Doing} {Taxonomy}, {Whereabouts}, and {Who} {Is} {Funding} {Them}?}, url = {https://biss.pensoft.net/article/138477/download/pdf/}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, journal = {Biodiversity Information Science and Standards}, author = {Page, Roderic}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Pensoft Publishers}, pages = {e138477}, }
@book{vardoulaki_data-intensive_2024, address = {Cham}, series = {Astrophysics and {Space} {Science} {Library}}, title = {Data-{Intensive} {Radio} {Astronomy}: {Bringing} {Astrophysics} to the {Exabyte} {Era}}, volume = {472}, copyright = {https://www.springernature.com/gp/researchers/text-and-data-mining}, isbn = {978-3-031-58467-1 978-3-031-58468-8}, shorttitle = {Data-{Intensive} {Radio} {Astronomy}}, url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-031-58468-8}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-11-12}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, editor = {Vardoulaki, Eleni and Dembska, Marta and Drabent, Alexander and Hoeft, Matthias}, year = {2024}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-58468-8}, keywords = {ALMA data, ASKAP data, EHT data, FAST radio telescope data, LOFAR data, MeerKAT data, SKA radio telescope data, astronomy archives and storage, astronomy data analysis, astronomy data architecture, astronomy data lifecycle, astronomy processing pipelines}, }
@article{haris_scholarly_2024, title = {Scholarly knowledge reuse leveraging knowledge graphs}, url = {https://www.repo.uni-hannover.de/handle/123456789/18238}, urldate = {2024-11-08}, author = {Haris, Muhammad}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Hannover: Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover}, }
@article{mukherjee_genomes_2024, title = {Genomes {OnLine} {Database} ({GOLD}) v. 10: new features and updates}, shorttitle = {Genomes {OnLine} {Database} ({GOLD}) v. 10}, url = {https://academic.oup.com/nar/advance-article/doi/10.1093/nar/gkae1000/7875979}, urldate = {2024-11-08}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Research}, author = {Mukherjee, Supratim and Stamatis, Dimitri and Li, Cindy Tianqing and Ovchinnikova, Galina and Kandimalla, Mahathi and Handke, Van and Reddy, Anuha and Ivanova, Natalia and Woyke, Tanja and Eloe-Fardosh, Emiley A.}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Oxford University Press}, pages = {gkae1000}, }
@article{dias_alises_2024, title = {Análises métricas potencializadas: a contribuição da plataforma {BrCris} na integração de repositórios}, volume = {9}, copyright = {Copyright (c) 2024 Encontro Brasileiro de Bibliometria e Cientometria}, shorttitle = {Análises métricas potencializadas}, url = {https://ebbc.inf.br/ojs/index.php/ebbc/article/view/377}, doi = {10.22477/ix.ebbc.377}, abstract = {Este trabalho explora a contribuição da Plataforma BrCris para estudos métricos da informação, destacando visualizações e resultados que facilitam análises sobre a ciência brasileira. A partir de informações atuais dispostas na plataforma, discute-se como o BrCris simplifica análises bibliométricas e aborda a importância da incorporação de novas métricas para aprimorar estudos sobre o ecossistema da pesquisa científica no país. Exemplos de uso e desafios são examinados, revelando a flexibilidade da plataforma. Ressalta-se a influência do BrCris na compreensão da ciência brasileira, promovendo uma visão abrangente e valiosa para pesquisadores e acadêmicos.}, language = {pt}, urldate = {2024-11-06}, journal = {Encontro Brasileiro de Bibliometria e Cientometria}, author = {Dias, Thiago Magela Rodrigues and Segundo, Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho and Souza, Marcel Garcia de and Silva, Janinne Barcelos de Morais and Neubert, Patricia da Silva}, month = jul, year = {2024}, keywords = {Cientometria, Estudos métricos, Indicadores de Ciência e Tecnologia, Sistema de informação científica}, pages = {1--8}, }
@article{zheng_fair_2024, title = {A {FAIR} {Workflow} {Guide} for {Researchers} in {Human} {Cognitive} {Neuroscience}}, url = {https://osf.io/yhj5c/download}, urldate = {2024-08-28}, author = {Zheng, Zefan and Chen, Xiaoli and Brown, Tanya and Cousijn, Helena and Melloni, Lucia}, month = aug, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: OSF}, }
@article{des_weiterbildenden_masterstudiengangs_affiliationsrichtlinien_2024, title = {Affiliationsrichtlinien an {Universitäten}–{Analyse} zu {Inhalt} und {Umsetzung}}, url = {https://www.db-thueringen.de/servlets/MCRFileNodeServlet/dbt_derivate_00064875/master_lang_2024.pdf}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, author = {des Weiterbildenden Masterstudiengangs, Masterarbeit im Rahmen and im Fernstudium, Bibliotheksund Informationswissenschaft and Lang, Kevin and Pampel, Heinz and Rothfritz, Laura}, year = {2024}, }
@phdthesis{alexis_s_graves_team_2024, title = {A {Team} {Science} {Characterization} of the {National} {COVID} {Cohort} {Collaborative} ({N3C}) - {ProQuest}}, url = {https://www.proquest.com/openview/1852c45ffe1393ee06b0e8b0c3217e2d/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y}, abstract = {Explore millions of resources from scholarly journals, books, newspapers, videos and more, on the ProQuest Platform.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-08-02}, school = {The University of Iowa}, author = {{Alexis S. Graves}}, year = {2024}, }
@phdthesis{ashmita_shishodia_scientific_2024, title = {Scientific {Discourse} {Analysis} {Using} {Large} {Language} {Models} - {ProQuest}}, url = {https://www.proquest.com/openview/9deb198959877331415ac582c9e8322b/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y}, abstract = {Explore millions of resources from scholarly journals, books, newspapers, videos and more, on the ProQuest Platform.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-08-02}, school = {San Diego State University}, author = {{Ashmita Shishodia}}, year = {2024}, }
@misc{beigel_cartographies_2024, title = {Cartographies for an inclusive {Open} {Science}}, url = {https://preprints.scielo.org/index.php/scielo/preprint/view/10286}, doi = {10.1590/SciELOPreprints.10286}, abstract = {The Call for the STI Conference held in September 2024, in Berlin, argues that there is a variety of processes of openness among different communities and stakeholders which pose questions about the interaction of openness and closedness. It stimulates the participants to ask how much closedness is embedded in openness and vice versa and how to measure these intertwined phenomena. This keynote has been framed in these basic concerns and intends to advance towards the intersection with inclusiveness, considering that openness is necessary but not sufficient to achieve a more equitable and effective scholarly communication globally. In the convergence of field approach and structural heterogeneity, we build a conceptual framework to assess the combinations observed in the space of open science, and the stakeholders that represent forces towards inclusiveness or exclusiveness. Exploring the main indicators of inclusive openness, 7 cartographies are proposed for a global mapping and the discussion of the main issues at stake towards a just transition to open science: 1) a comparison between the distribution by country of repositories of published output and primary data repositories, 2) a mapping of the Current Information systems (CRIS) and their different developments at the national and institutional level, 3) a cartography of persistent identifiers of digital resources comparing DOI and ARK, 4) a cartography of persistent identifiers for active researchers (ORCID) by country and its weak representation of the national research communities, 5) a comparison of the coverage of identifiers of research organizations (ROR) with a national database of organizations, 6) a cartography of indexed journals with no-fee for publishing or reading and 7) a mapping of multilingualism in scholarly publishing, by platform. Finally, some study cases are discussed to show examples of the limited inclusiveness of the current state of open infrastructures and publishing platforms.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-11-06}, publisher = {SciELO Preprints}, author = {Beigel, Fernanda}, month = oct, year = {2024}, keywords = {open access, preprints, scholarly publishing, scielo}, }
@article{ammar_interoperable_2024, title = {Interoperable nanosafety data using semantic modeling and linked data knowledge graphs}, url = {https://chemrxiv.org/engage/chemrxiv/article-details/671a577b98c8527d9e365cd3}, urldate = {2024-11-06}, author = {Ammar, Ammar and Evelo, Chris and Willighagen, Egon}, year = {2024}, }
@article{fernandes_caracterizacao_2024, title = {Caracterização dos programas de pós-graduação em {Ciência} da {Computação} no {Brasil} a partir de dados bibliométricos da {OpenAlex}.}, url = {http://monografias.ufop.br/handle/35400000/7098}, urldate = {2024-11-06}, author = {Fernandes, Fabio Henrique Alves}, year = {2024}, }
@article{yang_network_2024, title = {Network analysis of cross-income-level collaboration on non-communicable disease: the example of multiple myeloma in {Sub}-{Saharan} {Africa}}, shorttitle = {Network analysis of cross-income-level collaboration on non-communicable disease}, url = {https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.10.24.24316045.abstract}, urldate = {2024-11-06}, journal = {medRxiv}, author = {Yang, Kaiyi and Bedford, Sam Benkwitz and Cazier, Jean-Baptiste and Spill, Fabian}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press}, pages = {2024--10}, }
@article{aygun_making_2024, title = {Making {Research} {FAIR}: {Findable}, {Accessible}, {Interoperable}, {Reusable}}, shorttitle = {Making {Research} {FAIR}}, url = {https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1097&context=ato}, urldate = {2024-11-06}, author = {Aygun, Ramazan}, year = {2024}, }
@inproceedings{marc_persistente_2024, title = {Persistente {Identifikatoren} für offene und {FAIRe} {Wissenschaft}}, url = {https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de/rest/items/item_5028126_1/component/file_5028127/content}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, booktitle = {Open-{Access}-{Tage} 2024}, author = {Marc, Lange and Genderjahn, S. and Czerniak, S. A.}, year = {2024}, }
@inproceedings{lange_identifikatorenbekanntes_2024, title = {Identifikatoren–{Bekanntes} und {Neues} für {Bibliotheken}}, url = {https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de/rest/items/item_5028124_2/component/file_5028125/content}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, booktitle = {112. {BiblioCon}}, author = {Lange, Marc and Genderjahn, S.}, year = {2024}, }
@misc{deb_overview_2024, title = {An {Overview} of {zbMATH} {Open} {Digital} {Library}}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2410.06948}, abstract = {Mathematical research thrives on the effective dissemination and discovery of knowledge. zbMATH Open has emerged as a pivotal platform in this landscape, offering a comprehensive repository of mathematical literature. Beyond indexing and abstracting, it serves as a unified quality-assured infrastructure for finding, evaluating, and connecting mathematical information that advances mathematical research as well as interdisciplinary exploration. zbMATH Open enables scientific quality control by post-publication reviews and promotes connections between researchers, institutions, and research outputs. This paper represents the functionalities of the most significant features of this open-access service, highlighting its role in shaping the future of mathematical information retrieval.}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, publisher = {arXiv}, author = {Deb, Madhurima and Beckenbach, Isabel and Petrera, Matteo and Ehsani, Dariush and Fuhrmann, Marcel and Hao, Yun and Teschke, Olaf and Schubotz, Moritz}, month = oct, year = {2024}, note = {arXiv:2410.06948}, keywords = {Computer Science - Digital Libraries, Computer Science - Information Retrieval}, }
@phdthesis{mesclon_utilisation_2024, type = {{PhD} {Thesis}}, title = {Utilisation et usages des identifiants numériques chercheurs en {France}. {Synthèse} de l’enquête sociologique par entretiens 2023-2024}, url = {https://hal.science/hal-04720794/}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, school = {Unité Régionale de Formation à l'Information Scientifique et Technique de Paris}, author = {Mesclon, Anna}, year = {2024}, }
@misc{lei_understanding_2024, title = {Understanding {Teams} and {Productivity} in {Information} {Retrieval} {Research} (2000-2018): {Academia}, {Industry}, and {Cross}-{Community} {Collaborations}}, shorttitle = {Understanding {Teams} and {Productivity} in {Information} {Retrieval} {Research} (2000-2018)}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2410.01541}, abstract = {Previous researches on the Information retrieval (IR) field have focused on summarizing progress and synthesizing knowledge and techniques from individual studies and data-driven experiments, the extent of contributions and collaborations between researchers from different communities (e.g., academia and industry) in advancing IR knowledge remains unclear. To address this gap, this study explores several characteristics of information retrieval research in four areas: productivity patterns and preferred venues, the relationship between citations and downloads, changes in research topics, and changes in patterns of scientific collaboration, by analyzing 53,471 papers published between 2000 and 2018 from the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Digital Library dataset. Through the analysis and interpretation on empirical datasets, we find that academic research, industry research, and collaborative research between academia and industry focused on different topics. Among the collaboration models, Academia-Industry Collaboration is more oriented towards large teamwork. Collaborative networks between researchers in academia and industry suggest that the field of information retrieval has become richer over time in terms of themes, foci, and sub-themes, becoming a more diverse field of study.}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, publisher = {arXiv}, author = {Lei, Jiaqi and Hu, Liang and Bu, Yi and Liu, Jiqun}, month = oct, year = {2024}, note = {arXiv:2410.01541}, keywords = {Computer Science - Digital Libraries}, }
@article{agudelo_flexibilizacion_2024, title = {Flexibilización probatoria en casos de falsos positivos en la jurisprudencia colombiana}, volume = {19}, url = {http://publicaciones.unaula.edu.co/index.php/ratiojuris/article/view/1639}, number = {39}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, journal = {Ratio Juris (UNAULA)}, author = {Agudelo, Dany Steven Gómez and Espinosa, Juan Esteban Aguirre and Pineda, Paula Andrea Malavera and Moreno, Bryan Stiven Vásquez and Naranjo, Julián Camilo Giraldo}, year = {2024}, }
@article{boldrini_blue-cloud_2024, title = {Blue-cloud {DAB}: developing a platform to harmonize, assess and disseminate marine metadata collections}, issn = {2364-415X, 2364-4168}, shorttitle = {Blue-cloud {DAB}}, url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s41060-024-00664-0}, doi = {10.1007/s41060-024-00664-0}, abstract = {Abstract The integration and harmonization of marine data from diverse sources are vital for advancing global oceanographic research and ensuring seamless discovery and access of critical datasets. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the metadata harmonization efforts within the Blue-cloud 2026 project, which brokers data from numerous Blue Data Infrastructures (BDIs), leveraging the Discovery and Access Broker technology. The platform enables discovery and analysis of marine data collections while facilitating interoperability with other components of the marine digital ecosystem, such as virtual laboratories and the Semantic Analyzer. It also supports the flow of Blue-cloud information to other initiatives like the Global Earth Observations System of Systems. For data managers, the findings emphasize the importance of enhancing metadata quality, revealing discrepancies in core metadata elements, and the need for more consistent use of controlled vocabularies. For cyberinfrastructure developers, the study details the challenges of accommodating a wide array of interfaces from different data systems, highlighting the adoption of an extensible brokering architecture that harmonizes metadata models and protocols. The study also emphasizes the importance of metadata analysis in ensuring effective searches for end users, highlighting challenges in aggregating diverse sources, where data providers may have structured the content with different objectives compared to those of the system of systems. End users will gain insights into the current metadata content of Blue-cloud, enabling them to search and access data from multiple BDIs with an understanding of the technical complexities behind the scenes.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, journal = {International Journal of Data Science and Analytics}, author = {Boldrini, Enrico and Roncella, Roberto and Papeschi, Fabrizio and Mazzetti, Paolo and Schaap, Dick and Thijsse, Peter and Weerheim, Paul and Nativi, Stefano}, month = oct, year = {2024}, }
@misc{xu_pubmed_2024, title = {{PubMed} knowledge graph 2.0: {Connecting} papers, patents, and clinical trials in biomedical science}, shorttitle = {{PubMed} knowledge graph 2.0}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2410.07969}, abstract = {Papers, patents, and clinical trials are indispensable types of scientific literature in biomedicine, crucial for knowledge sharing and dissemination. However, these documents are often stored in disparate databases with varying management standards and data formats, making it challenging to form systematic, fine-grained connections among them. To address this issue, we introduce PKG2.0, a comprehensive knowledge graph dataset encompassing over 36 million papers, 1.3 million patents, and 0.48 million clinical trials in the biomedical field. PKG2.0 integrates these previously dispersed resources through various links, including biomedical entities, author networks, citation relationships, and research projects. Fine-grained biomedical entity extraction, high-performance author name disambiguation, and multi-source citation integration have played a crucial role in the construction of the PKG dataset. Additionally, project data from the NIH Exporter enriches the dataset with metadata of NIH-funded projects and their scholarly outputs. Data validation demonstrates that PKG2.0 excels in key tasks such as author disambiguation and biomedical entity recognition. This dataset provides valuable resources for biomedical researchers, bibliometric scholars, and those engaged in literature mining.}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, publisher = {arXiv}, author = {Xu, Jian and Yu, Chao and Xu, Jiawei and Ding, Ying and Torvik, Vetle I. and Kang, Jaewoo and Sung, Mujeen and Song, Min}, month = oct, year = {2024}, note = {arXiv:2410.07969}, keywords = {Computer Science - Digital Libraries}, }
@misc{torres_salinas_learning_2024, title = {Learning materials for the {Erasmus}+ {Project} {RAQMYAT}: {Parcours} {SOFTS} {Skills}}, shorttitle = {Learning materials for the {Erasmus}+ {Project} {RAQMYAT}}, url = {https://digibug.ugr.es/handle/10481/94779}, urldate = {2024-09-23}, author = {Torres Salinas, Daniel and Arroyo Machado, Wenceslao and Robinson García, Nicolás}, year = {2024}, }
@article{bhat_fairification_2024, title = {The {FAIRification} process for data stewardship: {A} comprehensive discourse on the implementation of the {FAIR} principles for data visibility, interoperability and management}, issn = {0340-0352, 1745-2651}, shorttitle = {The {FAIRification} process for data stewardship}, url = {https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/03400352241270692}, doi = {10.1177/03400352241270692}, abstract = {This article discusses the importance of good data management for knowledge discovery and innovation. It outlines the FAIR principles, which provide guidelines for publishing digital resources in a way that makes the data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. Using a systematic literature review, the study focuses on the implementation of these principles in research data management and their applicability in data repositories and data centres. It highlights the importance of implementing these principles systematically, allowing stakeholders to choose the minimum requirements and provide a vision for implementing them in data repositories and data centres. The article also highlights the steps in the FAIRification process, which can enhance data interoperability, discovery and reusability. The paper is unique in that it explores how implementing FAIR principles impacts data management for data hosting platforms on a global scale.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-09-05}, journal = {IFLA Journal}, author = {Bhat, Ajra and Wani, Zahid Ashraf}, month = sep, year = {2024}, pages = {03400352241270692}, }
@inproceedings{lin_end--end_2024, title = {An end-to-end entity recognition and disambiguation framework for identifying {Author} {Affiliation} from literature publications}, url = {https://aclanthology.org/2024.sdp-1.11/}, urldate = {2024-08-28}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Fourth} {Workshop} on {Scholarly} {Document} {Processing} ({SDP} 2024)}, author = {Lin, Lianghong and Hao, Tianyong}, year = {2024}, pages = {120--129}, }
@article{junior_reflexoes_2024, title = {Reflexões sobre o (sub) desenvolvimento da pesquisa jurídica brasileira: há alternativas?}, volume = {16}, shorttitle = {Reflexões sobre o (sub) desenvolvimento da pesquisa jurídica brasileira}, url = {https://revista.iesb.br/revista/index.php/ojsiesb/article/view/236}, number = {16}, urldate = {2024-08-28}, journal = {Revista de Direito-Trabalho, Sociedade e Cidadania}, author = {Júnior, Williem da Silva Barreto and Júnior, Gilson Santiago Macedo and de Cademartori, Daniela Mesquita Leutchuk}, year = {2024}, pages = {1--23}, }
@article{sobreiro_modulacao_2024, title = {A modulação de efeitos no controle concentrado: estudo de caso da {ADI} 3.406/{RJ}}, volume = {16}, shorttitle = {A modulação de efeitos no controle concentrado}, url = {https://revista.iesb.br/revista/index.php/ojsiesb/article/view/235}, number = {16}, urldate = {2024-08-28}, journal = {Revista de Direito-Trabalho, Sociedade e Cidadania}, author = {Sobreiro, Fernanda Pilati and de Toledo Barros, Suzana Vidal}, year = {2024}, }
@article{barata_comunicado_2024, title = {Comunicado de imprensa como indicador de atenção social qualificada da ciência: a construção de um banco de dados e suas potencialidades}, volume = {20}, shorttitle = {Comunicado de imprensa como indicador de atenção social qualificada da ciência}, url = {https://revista.ibict.br/liinc/article/view/7046}, number = {1}, urldate = {2024-08-28}, journal = {Liinc em Revista}, author = {Barata, Germana and Oliveira, Monique and Peixoto, Thaís and de Almeida, Carlos Caetano and Mazoni, Alysson Fernandes and Comesana, Rodrigo Costas and Alperin, Juan Pablo}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia}, pages = {e7046--e7046}, }
@article{pelletier_artificial_2024, title = {Artificial intelligence research in {Canadian} hospitals: {The} development of metropolitan competencies}, issn = {0840-4704, 2352-3883}, shorttitle = {Artificial intelligence research in {Canadian} hospitals}, url = {https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/08404704241271218}, doi = {10.1177/08404704241271218}, abstract = {This study explores the deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Canadian hospitals from 2000 to 2021, focusing on metropolitan areas. We investigate how local public and private research ecosystems and links to national and international AI hubs influence the adoption of AI in healthcare. Our analysis shows that AI research outputs from public institutions have a significant impact on AI competences in hospitals. In addition, collaborations between hospitals are critical to the successful integration of AI. Metropolitan areas such as Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver are leading the way in AI deployment. These findings highlight the importance of local AI research capabilities and international hospital collaborations and provide guidance to policy-makers and health leaders to drive the diffusion of AI technology in healthcare.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-08-28}, journal = {Healthcare Management Forum}, author = {Pelletier, Pierre and Geuna, Aldo and Souza, Daniel}, month = aug, year = {2024}, pages = {08404704241271218}, }
@article{german_university_2024, title = {University of {Minnesota} {Libraries} {Response} to “89 {FR} 51537: {Request} for {Information} on the {National} {Institutes} of {Health} {Draft} {Public} {Access} {Policy}”(2024)}, shorttitle = {University of {Minnesota} {Libraries} {Response} to “89 {FR} 51537}, url = {https://conservancy.umn.edu/bitstreams/eefac767-f804-42f8-9dd2-47fbf866ba6b/download}, urldate = {2024-08-28}, author = {German, Lisa and Langham-Putrow, Allison and Hofelich Mohr, Alicia and Farrell, Shannon and Hunt, Shanda and Marsolek, Wanda}, year = {2024}, }
@article{winke_sharing_2024, title = {Sharing, collaborating, and building trust: {How} {Open} {Science} advances language testing}, issn = {0265-5322, 1477-0946}, shorttitle = {Sharing, collaborating, and building trust}, url = {https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/02655322231211159}, doi = {10.1177/02655322231211159}, abstract = {The Open Science movement is taking hold around the world, and language testers are taking part. In this viewpoint, I discuss how sharing, collaborating, and building trust, guided by Open Science principles, benefit the language testing field. To help more language testers join in, I present a standard definition of Open Science and describe four ways language testing researchers can immediately partake. Overall, I share my views on how Open Science is an accelerating process that improves language testing as a scientific and humanistic field.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-08-14}, journal = {Language Testing}, author = {Winke, Paula}, month = aug, year = {2024}, pages = {02655322231211159}, }
@inproceedings{duran-silva_affilgood_2024, address = {Bangkok, Thailand}, title = {{AffilGood}: {Building} reliable institution name disambiguation tools to improve scientific literature analysis}, shorttitle = {{AffilGood}}, url = {https://aclanthology.org/2024.sdp-1.13}, abstract = {The accurate attribution of scientific works to research organizations is hindered by the lack of openly available manually annotated data–in particular when multilingual and complex affiliation strings are considered. The AffilGood framework introduced in this paper addresses this gap. We identify three sub-tasks relevant for institution name disambiguation and make available annotated datasets and tools aimed at each of them, including i) a dataset annotated with affiliation spans in noisy automatically-extracted strings; ii) a dataset annotated with named entities for the identification of organizations and their locations; iii) seven datasets annotated with the Research Organization Registry (ROR) identifiers for the evaluation of entity-linking systems. In addition, we describe, evaluate and make available newly developed tools that use these datasets to provide solutions for each of the identified sub-tasks. Our results confirm the value of the developed resources and methods in addressing key challenges in institution name disambiguation.}, urldate = {2024-08-14}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Fourth} {Workshop} on {Scholarly} {Document} {Processing} ({SDP} 2024)}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, author = {Duran-Silva, Nicolau and Accuosto, Pablo and Przybyła, Piotr and Saggion, Horacio}, editor = {Ghosal, Tirthankar and Singh, Amanpreet and Waard, Anita and Mayr, Philipp and Naik, Aakanksha and Weller, Orion and Lee, Yoonjoo and Shen, Shannon and Qin, Yanxia}, month = aug, year = {2024}, pages = {135--144}, }
@article{manghi_challenges_2024, title = {Challenges in building {Scholarly} {Knowledge} {Graphs} for research assessment in {Open} {Science}}, issn = {2641-3337}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1162/qss_a_00322}, doi = {10.1162/qss_a_00322}, abstract = {Open Science has revolutionized scholarly communication and research assessment by introducing research data and software as first-class citizens. Scholarly Knowledge Graphs (SKGs) are expected to play a crucial role in generating research assessment indicators being able to aggregate bibliographic metadata records and semantic relationships describing all research products and their links (e.g., citations, affiliations, funding). However, the rapid advancement of Open Science has led to publication workflows that do not adequately support and guarantee the authenticity of products and metadata quality required for research assessment. Additionally, the heterogeneity of research communities and the multitude of data sources and exchange formats complicate the provision of consistent and stable SKGs. This work builds upon the experience gained from pioneering and addressing these challenges in the OpenAIRE Graph SKG. The aim is twofold and broader. Firstly, identifying obstacles to the creation of SKGs for research assessment caused by the state-of-the-art publishing workflows for publications, software, and data. Secondly, repurposing SKGs as tools to monitor such workflows to identify and heal their shortcomings, taking advantage of tools, techniques, and practices that support the actors involved, namely research communities, scientists, organizations, data source providers, and SKG providers, at improving the Open Science scholarly publishing ecosystem.https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway/wos/peer-review/10.1162/qss\_a\_00322}, urldate = {2024-08-12}, journal = {Quantitative Science Studies}, author = {Manghi, Paolo}, month = aug, year = {2024}, pages = {1--31}, }
@article{akbaritabar_bilateral_2024, title = {Bilateral flows and rates of international migration of scholars for 210 countries for the period 1998-2020}, volume = {11}, copyright = {2024 The Author(s)}, issn = {2052-4463}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-024-03655-9}, doi = {10.1038/s41597-024-03655-9}, abstract = {A lack of comprehensive migration data is a major barrier for understanding the causes and consequences of migration processes, including for specific groups like high-skilled migrants. We leverage large-scale bibliometric data from Scopus and OpenAlex to trace the global movements of scholars. Based on our empirical validations, we develop pre-processing steps and offer best practices for the measurement and identification of migration events. We have prepared a publicly accessible dataset that shows a high level of correlation between the counts of scholars in Scopus and OpenAlex for most countries. Although OpenAlex has more extensive coverage of non-Western countries, the highest correlations with Scopus are observed in Western countries. We share aggregated yearly estimates of international migration rates and of bilateral flows for 210 countries and areas worldwide for the period 1998–2020 and describe the data structure and usage notes. We expect that the publicly shared dataset will enable researchers to further study the causes and the consequences of migration of scholars to forecast the future mobility of academic talent worldwide.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2024-08-02}, journal = {Scientific Data}, author = {Akbaritabar, Aliakbar and Theile, Tom and Zagheni, Emilio}, month = jul, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Nature Publishing Group}, keywords = {Databases, Interdisciplinary studies, Society, Sociology}, pages = {816}, }
@misc{braukmann_dans_2024, title = {{DANS} {Data} {Game}: updated version, 2024}, shorttitle = {{DANS} {Data} {Game}}, url = {https://dans.knaw.nl/en/dans-data-game/}, abstract = {DANS has developed a game especially for researchers: the DANS Data Game. The game gives an impression of the research data landscape and was specially produced for the 15th anniversary of DANS. In advance of the 20th anniversary of DANS, we present here the 2024 updated version (DANS Data Game v2.0).}, urldate = {2024-08-02}, author = {Braukmann, Ricarda and Ferguson, K.B. and Verburg, Maaike and Willemsen, Samantha and Berkhout, Heidi and Leenarts, Ellen and Hof, Cees H.J. and van Horik, René}, month = jul, year = {2024}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.10523390}, }
@article{kochetkov_barcelona_2024, title = {Barcelona {Declaration} on {Open} {Research} {Information}: {A} significant milestone for the development of open science}, volume = {0}, copyright = {Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following: 1. Authors retain copyright of the work and provide the journal right of first publication of the work. 2. The authors retain the right to enter into certain contractual agreements relating to the non-exclusive distribution in the published version of the work here form (eg, post it to an institutional repository, the publication of the book), with reference to its original publication in this journal. 3. The authors have the right to post their work on the Internet (eg in the institute store or personal website) prior to and during the review process of its data log, as this may lead to a productive discussion and a large number of references to this work (See. The Effect of Open Access).}, issn = {2541-8122}, shorttitle = {Barcelona {Declaration} on {Open} {Research} {Information}}, url = {https://www.scieditor.ru/jour/article/view/405}, doi = {10.24069/SEP-24-07}, abstract = {The information environment of scientific research requires fundamental changes. Decisionmaking and research assessment cannot be based on opaque and non-inclusive information anymore. The signatories of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information have taken responsibility for transforming how research information is created and used. Openness of information should become a new standard in science. This introduction aims to provide a brief overview of the Barcelona Declaration, including its context, aims, motivations, and potential challenges for implementation.}, language = {ru}, number = {0}, urldate = {2024-08-02}, journal = {Science Editor and Publisher}, author = {Kochetkov, D. M.}, month = jul, year = {2024}, note = {Number: 0 Section: OPEN ACCESS}, }
@inproceedings{bayly_streamlit_2024, address = {New York, NY, USA}, series = {{PEARC} '24}, title = {Streamlit {App} for {Cluster} {Publication} {Impact} {Exploration}}, isbn = {9798400704192}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3626203.3670633}, doi = {10.1145/3626203.3670633}, abstract = {Cyberinfrastructure (CI) resources can be a critical part of a researcher’s project, but only a fraction of publications are reported back to staff at an HPC center. The provisioning of supercomputers, the system administrators, and the research facilitators, represents a significant investment for a university, so it is important to present this value back to key stakeholders. At the University of Arizona (UArizona), we make use of a scholarly communication database service known as OpenAlex to estimate how many publications our researchers are producing. The data is presented as numerical metrics and impactful interactive visualizations using the data science framework Streamlit https://hpc-pub-impact.streamlit.app/. This work is in its infancy but aims to provide a user more information about the impact our CI on campus in terms of publications over the last 6 years. Sharing this work at PEARC may enable individuals at other institutions to reveal similar metrics for their own systems, and to leverage our existing visualization tool for the presentation of such information.}, urldate = {2024-07-22}, booktitle = {Practice and {Experience} in {Advanced} {Research} {Computing} 2024: {Human} {Powered} {Computing}}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, author = {Bayly, Devin and Kruse, Benjamin and Reidy, Christopher}, month = jul, year = {2024}, pages = {1--4}, }
@article{akbaritabar_global_2024, title = {A global perspective on social stratification in science}, volume = {11}, issn = {2662-9992}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-024-03402-w}, doi = {10.1057/s41599-024-03402-w}, abstract = {Abstract To study stratification among scientists, we reconstruct the career-long trajectories of 8.2 million scientists worldwide using 12 bibliometric measures of productivity, geographical mobility, collaboration, and research impact. While most previous studies examined these variables in isolation, we study their relationships using Multiple Correspondence and Cluster Analysis. We group authors according to their bibliometric performance and academic age across six macro fields of science, and analyze co-authorship networks and detect collaboration communities of different sizes. We found a stratified structure in terms of academic age and bibliometric classes, with a small top class and large middle and bottom classes in all collaboration communities. Results are robust to community detection algorithms used and do not depend on authors’ gender. These results imply that increased productivity, impact, and collaboration are driven by a relatively small group that accounts for a large share of academic outputs, i.e., the top class. Mobility indicators are the only exception with bottom classes contributing similar or larger shares. We also show that those at the top succeed by collaborating with various authors from other classes and age groups. Nevertheless, they are benefiting disproportionately from these collaborations which may have implications for persisting stratification in academia.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2024-07-19}, journal = {Humanities and Social Sciences Communications}, author = {Akbaritabar, Aliakbar and Castro Torres, Andrés Felipe and Larivière, Vincent}, month = jul, year = {2024}, pages = {914}, }
@article{bilicsi_modern_2024, title = {Modern tudományos publikálási technikák könyvtáros szemmel = {Modern} {Scientific} {Publishing} {Techniques} from a {Librarian}’s {Perspective}}, volume = {185}, issn = {0025-0325}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1556/2065.185.2024.7.10}, abstract = {A tudományos teljesítmény értékelésének egyik legelterjedtebb eszköze annak vizsgálata, hogy a szerző milyen folyóiratokban publikál. Az utóbbi években az a tendencia figyelhető meg a hazai értékelési gyakorlatban, hogy elvárttá vált a nemzetközi, kereskedelmi adatbázisokban indexelt kiadványokban való közlés. Tény, hogy a szerzők a sikeresség érdekében úgy publikálnak, ahogy azt a minősítő szervezet elvárja. Így a hazai, jellemzően magyar nyelvű kiadványok elkezdtek arra törekedni, hogy bekerüljenek a kereskedelmi adatbázisokba. De valóban „jobbak-e” az ilyen folyóiratok? Vagy csak egyszerűbb egy kész, megvásárolható termék alapján elvégezni a minősítés egy részét? Jelen tanulmány azokat a technikákat mutatja be, amelyek használata ellensúlyozhatná az értékelés kereskedelmi szolgáltatóktól való függését. Ezek a technikák – bár alapvetőek a tudományos kommunikációban – nem feltétlenül ismertek a szerzők vagy az olvasók számára. {\textbar} One of the most widely used tools for evaluating academic performance is to check the quality of the journals in which an author publishes. In recent years, there has been a trend in national evaluation practice to expect publication in international publications indexed in commercial databases. In fact, authors publish according to the evaluation expectations in order to be successful. Thus, domestic publications, typically in Hungarian, have started to strive to be included in commercial databases. But are such journals really “better”? Or is it just easier to do some of the rating on the basis of a ready-made, purchasable product? This paper presents techniques that could be used to counterbalance the dependence of evaluation on commercial providers. These techniques, although fundamental to scientific communication, are not necessarily known to the authors or the readers.}, language = {hu}, number = {7}, urldate = {2024-07-15}, journal = {MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY}, author = {Bilicsi, Erika and Holl, András}, year = {2024}, note = {Number: 7 Publisher: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia}, pages = {930--938}, }
@article{tourinho_migracoes_2024, title = {Migrações forçadas de mulheres e meninas e o direito à saúde: uma análise comparada das experiências do {Brasil}, {Espanha} e {Portugal}}, volume = {16}, copyright = {Copyright (c) 2024 Revista de Direito - Trabalho, Sociedade e Cidadania}, issn = {2448-2358}, shorttitle = {Migrações forçadas de mulheres e meninas e o direito à saúde}, url = {https://revista.iesb.br/revista/index.php/ojsiesb/article/view/231}, doi = {10.61541/hhesqd76}, abstract = {Contemporary migrations are marked by the intense migratory flow of forced displacements, which result from a context of serious violation of human rights, marked by political, social, economic or environmental crises, which make survival in their countries of origin impossible. In this context, crossings are driven by the search for a safe place, capable of guaranteeing the existential minimum. When analyzing the profiles of migrant and refugee populations, the intersection of gender stands out, with an increase in the incidence of women and girls on the move. For this reason, it is important to analyze whether the migration policies adopted satisfy the integrity of social rights for all people, especially the right to health for women and girls on the move. In the meantime, the study examined access to the right to health for women and girls based on a comparative analysis of the experiences of Brazil, Portugal and Spain, with the aim of revealing the obstacles and challenges of the social marker of gender in the effectiveness of health rights in the countries. To this end, the research used a bibliographic and documentary methodology, with a historical-dialectic approach to understanding health inequities. It was concluded that gender vulnerability accentuates the difficulties in accessing health, even in different countries.}, language = {pt}, number = {16}, urldate = {2024-07-15}, journal = {Revista de Direito - Trabalho, Sociedade e Cidadania}, author = {Tourinho, Luciano de Oliveira Souza and Sotero, Ana Paula da Silva and Rodríguez, Pedro Garrido}, month = jul, year = {2024}, note = {Number: 16}, keywords = {Análise Comparativa, Comparative Analysis., Deslocamentos Forçados, Direito à Saúde, Forced Relocations., Gender., Gênero, Health Inequities., Iniquidades sanitárias, Right to Health.}, pages = {1--33}, }
@article{rocha_direito_2024, title = {Direito, norma, antinorma: perspectivas foucaultianas}, volume = {16}, copyright = {Copyright (c) 2024 Revista de Direito - Trabalho, Sociedade e Cidadania}, issn = {2448-2358}, shorttitle = {Direito, norma, antinorma}, url = {https://revista.iesb.br/revista/index.php/ojsiesb/article/view/223}, doi = {10.61541/6gf5sh14}, abstract = {The work of Michel Foucault, one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century, is generally divided into three specific moments: the archaeological, the genealogy of power and the genealogy of ethics, comprising, respectively, the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. . There is almost a consensus, however, that this division was not watertight, as a subsequent topic was generally addressed previously or was indicated there. This article starts from this investigative line, and seeks to establish a relationship between some of Foucault's reflections on law, up to the most privileged aspect of the normative issue. In other words, instead of focusing on the aspect of laws or formal codes of conduct, although this cannot be discarded in the configuration of contemporary societies, Foucault was interested, since his first great work, the History of Madness, in understanding how the Normative control of individuals was more fundamental. And it didn't matter if this control was disguised by the mask of science. Moral or ideological questions often took the place of supposed epistemological inclinations. From the issue of law to that of the norm, History of Madness will refer to an anti-normative instance, related to art, which will never be absent in Foucault's work.}, language = {pt}, number = {16}, urldate = {2024-07-15}, journal = {Revista de Direito - Trabalho, Sociedade e Cidadania}, author = {Rocha, Jorge and Vasconcelos, Paulo}, month = jun, year = {2024}, note = {Number: 16}, keywords = {pt}, pages = {1--19}, }
@article{jimenez-yanez_what_2024, title = {What {Do} {You} {Need} to {Know} {About} {Predatory} and {Pirated} {Journals}?}, url = {https://www.scielo.org.mx/pdf/cultural/v10/2448-539X-cultural-10-e001-en.pdf}, urldate = {2024-06-24}, author = {JIMÉNEZ-YAÑEZ, CÉSAR and COLMENARES-DÍAZ, ZICRI}, year = {2024}, }
@article{liu_spatiotemporal_2024, title = {Spatiotemporal mobility network of global scientists, 1970–2020}, volume = {0}, issn = {1365-8816}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2024.2369540}, doi = {10.1080/13658816.2024.2369540}, abstract = {The mobility of scientists, manifested by movements to new academic institutions, grows with globalization and plays a crucial role in individual careers, institutional productivity, and knowledge dissemination. Current research on scientists’ mobility focuses on aggregated levels such as inter-country mobility, with little attention paid to fine-grained institutional level, leading to a simplified spatial portrayal of the mobility. To fill the gap, we take scientists in geography as examples, and reconstructed their dynamic mobility network among institutions from 1970 to 2020 based on massive literature metadata. Our findings reveal the spatial mobility pattern that is now dominated by North America, Western and Northern Europe, East Asia, and Oceania, with the trend of intensification, multipolarity, and inequality over time. Specifically, the mobility network exhibits clear community structure largely constrained by spatial proximity and national borders. We also uncovered a universal downward mobility pattern embedded in the hierarchical structure. Our quantitative analysis further suggest that mobility is facilitated by multiple realities, including spatial, cultural, and scientific proximity, institutional rankings and national economic levels, cooperation, and visa-free policies, with varying dynamics. These results contribute to spatiotemporal insights into the mechanisms of scientific development in theory, and the basis for talent policymaking in practice. • The mobility of scientists has long been dominated by institutions in developed countries, with China emerging in recent decades. • Spatial proximity and national borders largely constrain the mobility of scientists. • The hierarchy in mobility network determines the decrease trend in institutional prestige from original to new academic positions. • The mobility of scientists between institutions is positively associated with stronger cooperation, same language, and visa-free policies.}, number = {0}, urldate = {2024-07-15}, journal = {International Journal of Geographical Information Science}, author = {Liu, Tianyu and Pei, Tao and Fang, Zidong and Wu, Mingbo and Liu, Xiaohan and Yan, Xiaorui and Song, Ci and Jiang, Jingyu and Jiang, Linfeng and Chen, Jie}, month = jun, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Taylor \& Francis \_eprint: https://doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2024.2369540}, keywords = {Scientific mobility, literature metadata, mobility pattern, science of science, spatiotemporal network}, pages = {1--28}, }
@article{segundo_inovacao_2024, title = {Inovação e {Conectividade}: {Uma} perspectiva sobre o {Projeto} {BrCris} e suas tecnologias para tratamento de dados científicos}, volume = {7}, copyright = {Copyright (c) 2024 Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo, Thiago Magela Rodrigues Dias, Marcel Garcia de Souza, Fhillipe de Freitas Campos, Denise Aparecida Freitas de Andrade}, issn = {2965-3436}, shorttitle = {Inovação e {Conectividade}}, url = {https://labcotec.ibict.br/widat/index.php/widat2024/article/view/182}, doi = {10.22477/vii.widat.182}, abstract = {Introduction: In the Brazilian context, the BrCris Platform emerges as an innovative initiative, integrating data from the entire national scientific research ecosystem. Covering the diversity of scientific production, from articles to technical productions such as software and patents. Methodology: This work presents the technologies involved in the data integration process into a standardized repository, enabling an accurate view of Brazilian scientific and technological production. Data interoperability and adherence to international modeling standards stand out as fundamental strategies. Results: Data transformation and integration processes are explored and detailed, emphasizing the quality, consistency and standardization of the information made available. User-friendly visualization interfaces provide an in-depth understanding of the scientific research ecosystem in Brazil. Conclusion: The crucial role of the BrCris Platform in promoting integration and accessibility in the national research ecosystem stands out. By consolidating data from different sources, the platform strengthens the dissemination of information, contributing to scientific advancement in all areas of knowledge.}, language = {pt}, urldate = {2024-07-15}, journal = {VII Workshop de Informação, Dados e Tecnologia - WIDaT 2024}, author = {Segundo, Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho and Dias, Thiago Magela Rodrigues and Souza, Marcel Garcia de and Campos, Fhillipe de Freitas and Andrade, Denise Aparecida Freitas de}, month = jun, year = {2024}, keywords = {Análise de Dados, BrCris, Certificação, Ecossistema da Pesquisa, Informação Científica}, pages = {e182--e182}, }
@misc{_extraction_2024, title = {Extraction and classification of author affiliation information from academic paper {PDFs}}, url = {https://doi.org/10.11517/pjsai.JSAI2024.0_2N1GS405}, doi = {10.11517/pjsai.JSAI2024.0_2N1GS405}, language = {ja}, urldate = {2024-06-24}, publisher = {一般社団法人 人工知能学会}, author = {山内, 一礼 and 桂井, 麻里衣}, year = {2024}, }
@article{garcia_actualizacion_2024, title = {Actualización de filiaciones de autores {CSIC} en {ROR} ({Research} {Organization} {Registry})}, url = {http://enredadera.urici.csic.es/index.php/enredadera/article/view/139}, number = {40}, urldate = {2024-06-20}, journal = {Enredadera: Revista de la Red de Bibliotecas y Archivos del CSIC}, author = {García, Yolanda Ríos}, year = {2024}, pages = {75--79}, }
@article{xu_impact_2024, title = {The impact of affiliation naming proximity on the retrieval efficiency of {Chinese} universities-affiliated retractions in the {Retraction} {Watch} {Database}}, issn = {0898-9621, 1545-5815}, url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08989621.2024.2355921}, doi = {10.1080/08989621.2024.2355921}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-06-20}, journal = {Accountability in Research}, author = {Xu, Shaoxiong Brian and Chen, Yunru and Liu, Huifang and Xu, En and Hu, Guangwei}, month = may, year = {2024}, pages = {1--26}, }
@article{bonina_final_2024, title = {Final {Technical} {Report}\_Iniciativa {Latinoamericana} por los {Datos} {Abiertos}}, url = {https://idl-bnc-idrc.dspacedirect.org/bitstreams/e8797986-0323-414b-adf3-6ab6f2afbaba/download}, urldate = {2024-06-24}, author = {Bonina, Carla and Harraca, Martin and Etcheverry, Lorena and Beltramelli, Neolia and Colman, Romina and Spinardi, Anna and Battistotti, Bárbara and del Villar, Zinnya}, year = {2024}, }
@article{hatfield_addressing_2024, title = {Addressing {Whiteness} in communication scholar composition and collaboration across seven decades of {ICA} journals (1951–2022)}, url = {https://academic.oup.com/joc/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/joc/jqae019/7687236}, urldate = {2024-06-24}, journal = {Journal of Communication}, author = {Hatfield, Haley R. and Hao, Hongtao and Klein, Matthew and Zhang, Jing and Fu, Yijie and Kim, Jaemin and Lee, Jongmin and Ahn, Sun Joo}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Oxford University Press}, pages = {jqae019}, }
@article{masson_heliophysics_2024, title = {Heliophysics and space weather information architecture and innovative solutions: current status and ways forward}, shorttitle = {Heliophysics and space weather information architecture and innovative solutions}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0273117724004939}, urldate = {2024-06-24}, journal = {Advances in Space Research}, author = {Masson, Arnaud and Fung, Shing F. and Camporeale, Enrico and Kuznetsova, Masha M. and Poedts, Stefaan and Barnum, Julie and Ringuette, Rebecca and De Zeeuw, D. and Polson, Shawn and Sadykov, Viacheslav M.}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Elsevier}, }
@article{pilcher_amplified_2024, title = {Amplified bottom water acidification rates on the {Bering} {Sea} shelf from 1970–2022}, volume = {2024}, url = {https://egusphere.copernicus.org/preprints/2024/egusphere-2024-1096/}, urldate = {2024-06-24}, journal = {EGUsphere}, author = {Pilcher, Darren and Cross, Jessica and Monacci, Natalie and Mu, Linquan and Kearney, Kelly and Hermann, Albert and Cheng, Wei}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Copernicus Publications Göttingen, Germany}, pages = {1--40}, }
@inproceedings{__2024, title = {学術論文 {PDF} からの著者所属情報の抽出と分類}, url = {https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/pjsai/JSAI2024/0/JSAI2024_2N1GS405/_article/-char/ja/}, urldate = {2024-06-24}, booktitle = {人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第 38 回 (2024)}, publisher = {一般社団法人 人工知能学会}, author = {{山内一礼} and {桂井麻里衣}}, year = {2024}, pages = {2N1GS405--2N1GS405}, }
@article{gupta_use_2024, title = {Use of {LLMs} to {Improve} {Affiliation} {Disambiguation} in {Alexandria3k}}, url = {https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid%3Adde430e8-d0e0-4d63-9785-ed442e3574bd}, abstract = {The growth of academic publications, heterogeneity of datasets and the absence of a globally accepted organization identifier introduce the challenge of affiliation disambiguation in bibliographic databases. In this paper, we create a baseline using the currently implemented algorithm for author affiliation linkage in Alexandria3k by comparing it to the ground truth. We aim to explore the usage of LLMs (GPT-4) in the Alexandria3k environment to disambiguate author affiliations. The proposed approach extracts the research organization from textual affiliations provided by researchers through their published works and cross-references the organization across the Research Organization Registry. Our process shows promising results and a significant improvement on the existing algorithm in terms of matching rate and identification of multiple affiliations. We discuss the margin of error in LLM results, limitations of the ground truth, and suggest future research directions.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-02-12}, author = {Gupta, Dibyendu}, year = {2024}, }
@article{telles_conheco_2024, title = {Conheça o identificador único internacional para instituições de pesquisa ({ROR})}, volume = {2}, copyright = {https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0}, issn = {2965-8438}, url = {https://journals.peletron.science/index.php/revistapeletron/article/view/21}, abstract = {Este artigo apresenta o Research Organization Registry (ROR), um identificador único internacional para organizações de pesquisa, criado para solucionar desafios de ambiguidade e conectar pesquisadores e resultados de pesquisa. Padronizado pela California Digital Library, Crossref e DataCite, o ROR é utilizado em sistemas de publicação, repositórios de dados, financiamento de pesquisa e outros componentes de infraestrutura acadêmica. Qualquer pessoa pode sugerir adições ou atualizações aos registros ROR, que são mantidos por um processo de curadoria baseado na comunidade. Concentrando-se em organizações globais de relevância, como universidades, empresas de pesquisa e instituições sem fins lucrativos, o ROR promove a transparência e a conectividade no ecossistema global de pesquisa. O texto também aborda a ativação e uso do plugin ROR no Open Journal System (OJS).}, language = {pt}, number = {1}, urldate = {2024-03-15}, journal = {Revista Peletron}, author = {Telles, Eugênio}, month = mar, year = {2024}, note = {Number: 1}, keywords = {Research Organization Registry, indentificadores únicos, ror}, }
@techreport{orfg_pid_strategy_working_group_developing_2024, title = {Developing a {US} {National} {PID} {Strategy}}, url = {https://zenodo.org/records/10811008}, abstract = {Utilizing the framework created by the Research Data Alliance, this report was created in collaboration with members of the Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship (HELIOS Open) and the Community Effort on Research Output Tracking workstreams organized by the Open Research Funders Group (ORFG). This report outlines the benefits of PIDs, their associated metadata, and the systems that connect them in advancing open scholarship goals in the United States. It provides information on the research and policy landscape associated with PIDs, discusses the value of PID infrastructure, and offers recommendations for effective utilization of PIDs in connecting and tracking research outputs. Ideally, this guidance will be widely adopted by organizations throughout the research ecosystem in the US and potentially adapted globally in other national contexts around the world, as part of a growing movement to deploy national persistent identifier strategies. For discussion on this document and next steps, join the "Developing a US National PID Strategy" thread on PID Forum.}, language = {eng}, urldate = {2024-06-18}, institution = {Zenodo}, author = {{ORFG PID Strategy Working Group}}, month = mar, year = {2024}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.10811008}, keywords = {National PID Strategy, PIDs, open scholarship, persistent identifier}, }
@article{bordons_towards_2024, title = {Towards higher standardization of funding acknowledgements in scientific publications: {Current} status in the case of a national and a {European} research fellowship scheme}, issn = {0958-2029}, shorttitle = {Towards higher standardization of funding acknowledgements in scientific publications}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1093/reseval/rvae017}, doi = {10.1093/reseval/rvae017}, abstract = {Acknowledgement of funding sources in scientific publications is becoming mandatory in science. As funders' instructions are often vague, there is great variability in the way authors acknowledge funding, this hindering the linking of grants to their subsequent publications. The aim of this study is to analyse how funding is acknowledged in scientific publications in two important research fellowship schemes: the Spanish Ramón y Cajal programme (RyC) and the European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Actions (MSCA). WoS publications in 2017 by Spain-based researchers that include funding acknowledgements from either of the two programmes are identified. Firstly, compliance with funders’ recommendations in terms of the elements included in acknowledgements is analysed. Secondly, the degree of comprehensiveness in the authors’ description of the grants is studied by focusing on how often different items are reported (funding agency, programme, grant number, grantee, year of the call, etc). Thirdly, the use of normalized structured notations in acknowledgements is examined. Around 78\% of RyC vs. 84\% of MSCA grants comply with funders’ recommendations regarding the elements to be included in the acknowledgements. A comprehensive description of grants is unusual in both programmes. Structured notations are included in two-thirds of RyC vs. one-third of MSCA grants. Advantages of using structured notations are highlighted, since they provide unique identification of grants, improve the comprehensiveness and normalization of funding data, facilitate automatic data processing and could be compatible with global grant identifiers. Further standardization of funding data in acknowledgements is needed to optimize their use in science policy studies.}, urldate = {2024-05-03}, journal = {Research Evaluation}, author = {Bordons, María and Morillo, Fernanda and Álvarez-Bornstein, Belén}, month = apr, year = {2024}, pages = {rvae017}, }
@article{wright_recognising_2024, title = {Recognising the importance and impact of {Imaging} {Scientists}: {Global} guidelines for establishing career paths within core facilities}, volume = {294}, issn = {0022-2720, 1365-2818}, shorttitle = {Recognising the importance and impact of {Imaging} {Scientists}}, url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jmi.13307}, doi = {10.1111/jmi.13307}, abstract = {Abstract In the dynamic landscape of scientific research, imaging core facilities are vital hubs propelling collaboration and innovation at the technology development and dissemination frontier. Here, we present a collaborative effort led by Global BioImaging (GBI), introducing international recommendations geared towards elevating the careers of Imaging Scientists in core facilities. Despite the critical role of Imaging Scientists in modern research ecosystems, challenges persist in recognising their value, aligning performance metrics and providing avenues for career progression and job security. The challenges encompass a mismatch between classic academic career paths and service‐oriented roles, resulting in a lack of understanding regarding the value and impact of Imaging Scientists and core facilities and how to evaluate them properly. They further include challenges around sustainability, dedicated training opportunities and the recruitment and retention of talent. Structured across these interrelated sections, the recommendations within this publication aim to propose globally applicable solutions to navigate these challenges. These recommendations apply equally to colleagues working in other core facilities and research institutions through which access to technologies is facilitated and supported. This publication emphasises the pivotal role of Imaging Scientists in advancing research programs and presents a blueprint for fostering their career progression within institutions all around the world. , LAY DESCRIPTION In the exciting world of scientific research, imaging core facilities are essential hubs where scientists use advanced technologies to conduct experiments and uncover fascinating discoveries. What makes these facilities remarkable is that multiple scientists can access and utilise a variety of instruments for a wide range of multidisciplinary research projects, fostering collaboration and innovation. At the forefront of this scientific adventure are Imaging Scientists, experts who play a crucial role in planning experiments, preparing materials, adapting and acquiring technologies, collecting data, training and supporting researchers, analysing images and forming conclusions. Despite their pivotal contributions, there are challenges in recognising the importance of Imaging Scientists and ensuring they have ample opportunities to advance in their careers. These challenges include a mismatch between the typical academic career path and the unique roles and responsibilities of Imaging Scientists, a lack of widespread understanding of their value plus financial constraints, insufficient training opportunities, and difficulties in attracting and retaining talented individuals. To address these issues, Global BioImaging (GBI; www.globalbioimaging.org) has brought together Imaging Scientists from around the world to develop a generally applicable set of recommendations in three key areas: highlighting the significance and value of Imaging Scientists, making it easier to recruit and retain them, and supporting their ongoing learning and professional growth. A notable concept is to reimagine the traditional separation between academic roles and technical support roles. GBI envisions that these recommendations will not only benefit imaging facilities but also prove valuable for research institutions housing diverse technologies organised into core facilities. Recognising the diverse nature of research performing institutions globally, the GBI community sees this guide as a starting point that will initiate dialogue and instigate change, which should be periodically updated as the needs of Imaging Scientists change. This initial version lays a solid foundation for future enhancements, contributing to the acknowledgement and support of the invaluable work done by Imaging Scientists on a global scale.}, language = {en}, number = {3}, urldate = {2024-05-21}, journal = {Journal of Microscopy}, author = {Wright, Graham D. and Thompson, Kerry A. and Reis, Yara and Bischof, Johanna and Hockberger, Philip Edward and Itano, Michelle S. and Yen, Lisa and Adelodun, Stephen Taiye and Bialy, Nikki and Brown, Claire M. and Chaabane, Linda and Chew, Teng‐Leong and Chitty, Andrew I. and Cordelières, Fabrice P. and De Niz, Mariana and Ellenberg, Jan and Engelbrecht, Lize and Fabian‐Morales, Eunice and Fazeli, Elnaz and Fernandez‐Rodriguez, Julia and Ferrando‐May, Elisa and Fletcher, Georgina and Galloway, Graham John and Guerrero, Adan and Guimarães, Jander Matos and Jacobs, Caron A. and Jayasinghe, Sachintha and Kable, Eleanor and Kitten, Gregory T and Komoto, Shinya and Ma, Xiaoxiao and Marques, Jéssica Araújo and Millis, Bryan A. and Miranda, Kildare and JohnO'Toole, Peter and Olatunji, Sunday Yinka and Paina, Federica and Pollak, Cora Noemi and Prats, Clara and Pylvänäinen, Joanna W. and Rahmoon, Mai Atef and Reiche, Michael A. and Riches, James Douglas and Rossi, Andres Hugo and Salamero, Jean and Thiriet, Caroline and Terjung, Stefan and Vasconcelos, Aldenora Dos Santos and Keppler, Antje}, month = jun, year = {2024}, pages = {397--410}, }
@article{de-marcos_mapping_2024, title = {Mapping science through editorial board interlocking: connections and distance between fields of knowledge and institutional affiliations}, issn = {0138-9130, 1588-2861}, shorttitle = {Mapping science through editorial board interlocking}, url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11192-024-05027-x}, doi = {10.1007/s11192-024-05027-x}, abstract = {Abstract Research is a global enterprise underpinned by the general belief that findings need to be true to be considered scientific. In the complex system of scientific validation, editorial boards (EBs) play a fundamental role in guiding journals’ review process, which has led many stakeholders of sciences to metaphorically picture them as the “gatekeepers of knowledge.” In an attempt to address the academic structure that governs sciences through editorial board interlocking (EBI, the cross-presence of EB members in different journals) and social network analysis, the aim of this study is threefold: first, to map the connection between fields of knowledge through EBI; second, to visualize and empirically test the distance between social and general sciences; and third, to uncover the institutional structure (i.e., universities) that governs these connections. Our findings, based on the dataset collected through the Open Editors initiative for the journals indexed in the JCR, revealed a substantial level of collaboration between all fields, as suggested by the connections between EBs. However, there is a statistically significant difference between the weight of the edges and the path lengths connecting the fields of natural sciences to the fields of social sciences (compared to the connections within), indicating the development of different research cultures and invisible colleges in these two research areas. The results also show that a central group of US institutions dominates most journal EBs, indirectly suggesting that US scientific norms and values still prevail in all fields of knowledge. Overall, our study suggests that scientific endeavor is highly networked through EBs.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-05-21}, journal = {Scientometrics}, author = {de-Marcos, Luis and Goyanes, Manuel and Domínguez-Díaz, Adrián}, month = may, year = {2024}, }
@article{xu_rethinking_2024, title = {Rethinking the author name ambiguity problem and beyond: {The} case of the {Chinese} context}, issn = {0898-9621, 1545-5815}, shorttitle = {Rethinking the author name ambiguity problem and beyond}, url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08989621.2024.2349115}, doi = {10.1080/08989621.2024.2349115}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-05-21}, journal = {Accountability in Research}, author = {Xu, Shaoxiong Brian and Hu, Guangwei}, month = may, year = {2024}, pages = {1--24}, }
@article{boltes_be_2024, title = {Be {FAIR} to {Pedestrian} {Dynamics} {Data}}, volume = {9}, url = {http://collective-dynamics.eu/index.php/cod/article/view/A163}, urldate = {2024-05-21}, journal = {Collective Dynamics}, author = {Boltes, Maik and Kandler, Alica}, year = {2024}, pages = {1--8}, }
@article{__2024, title = {Метод автоматического пополнения метаданных электронных коллекций цифровой математической библиотеки}, volume = {27}, url = {https://rdl-journal.ru/article/view/827}, number = {2}, urldate = {2024-05-21}, journal = {Электронные библиотеки}, author = {Гафурова, Полина Олеговна}, year = {2024}, pages = {164--186}, }
@article{trtovac_ecris_2024, title = {e{Наука}–{CRIS} у Србији}, volume = {23}, issn = {2217-9461}, url = {https://infoteka.bg.ac.rs/ojs/index.php/Infoteka/article/view/299}, number = {2}, urldate = {2024-04-22}, journal = {Infotheca - Journal for Digital Humanities}, author = {Trtovac, Aleksandra and Marković, Svetozar and Stanković, Ranka}, month = apr, year = {2024}, pages = {83--99}, }
@misc{langham-putrow_university_2024, title = {University of {Minnesota} {Libraries} {Response} to “{Notice} of {Second} {Interested} {Party} {Feedback} {Period} {Regarding} {Increasing} {Public} {Access} to the {Results} of {USDA}-{Funded} {Research}”(2024)}, url = {https://conservancy.umn.edu/handle/11299/261246}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-02-26}, author = {Langham-Putrow, Allison and Farrell, Shannon and Marsolek, Wanda and Hunt, Shanda}, year = {2024}, }
@misc{schultz_evaluating_2024, address = {University of Kentucky}, title = {Evaluating a {PI} {Policy} with {Data}}, url = {https://uknowledge.uky.edu/research_events2/19/}, abstract = {At our organizations, policies are often implemented then never reviewed again. We often don’t know why the policy existed in the first place. In this session, we will discuss how the data we already collect can be used to evaluate existing policies, proposed policies, and potential changes. We will walk through an example of how a proposed institutional policy was examined through the use of data on research proposals and awards, and answer the question “Do we really need this policy?” Bring your examples to talk through options for policy evaluation!}, urldate = {2024-04-16}, author = {Schultz, Lori Ann M.}, year = {2024}, }
@article{johnston_seek_2024, title = {Seek and you may (not) find: {A} multi-institutional analysis of where research data are shared}, volume = {19}, shorttitle = {Seek and you may (not) find}, url = {https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0302426}, number = {4}, urldate = {2024-04-30}, journal = {PloS one}, author = {Johnston, Lisa R. and Hofelich Mohr, Alicia and Herndon, Joel and Taylor, Shawna and Carlson, Jake R. and Ge, Lizhao and Moore, Jennifer and Petters, Jonathan and Kozlowski, Wendy and Hudson Vitale, Cynthia}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA}, pages = {e0302426}, }
@article{hutchison_state_2024, title = {State of the {Data}: {Assessing} the {FAIRness} of {US} {Geological} {Survey} {Data}}, volume = {23}, copyright = {https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0}, issn = {1683-1470}, shorttitle = {State of the {Data}}, url = {https://account.datascience.codata.org/index.php/up-j-dsj/article/view/1624}, doi = {10.5334/dsj-2024-022}, abstract = {In response to recent shifts towards open science that emphasize transparency, reproducibility, and access to research data, the US Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a study to assess the degree to which USGS data assets meet the FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). The USGS designed and applied a methodology for quantitative analysis of FAIR characteristics. A new rubric was derived from a crosswalk of existing FAIR evaluation frameworks and customized for the USGS. The rubric, consisting of 62 yes/no questions, was applied to 392 metadata records of USGS data products published between 1987 and 2022. Results were analyzed to show which FAIR characteristics were most and least present in the metadata and how these scores changed after the implementation of data policy requirements in 2016. Aggregated scores showed specific areas of strength and needed improvements. The greatest increases in FAIR scores over time were for elements that were required by new data policies, especially in the ‘Findable’ category. Based on the results, this paper presents strategies to further improve USGS alignment with FAIR. The suggested strategies are organized in four key areas: USGS data repository characteristics, training and communities of practice, data management policy considerations, and metadata standards, tools, and best practices.}, urldate = {2024-04-30}, journal = {Data Science Journal}, author = {Hutchison, Vivian B. and Norkin, Tamar and Zolly, Lisa S. and Hsu, Leslie}, month = apr, year = {2024}, pages = {22}, }
@article{stromert_guidance_2024, title = {Guidance on how to use the {IUPAC} {Gold} {Book} as a canonical source for textual definitions in chemical ontologies}, url = {https://chemrxiv.org/engage/chemrxiv/article-details/6612d62e91aefa6ce10b9ae2}, urldate = {2024-04-22}, author = {Strömert, Philip and Hunold, Johannes and Chalk, Stuart and McEwen, Leah and Koepler, Oliver}, year = {2024}, }
@article{habermann_sustainable_2024, title = {Sustainable {Connectivity} in a {Community} {Repository}}, url = {https://direct.mit.edu/dint/article/doi/10.1162/dint_a_00252/120635}, urldate = {2024-04-22}, journal = {Data Intelligence}, author = {Habermann, Ted}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: MIT Press One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209, USA journals-info …}, pages = {1--36}, }
@misc{lefton_collabnext-person-focused_2024, title = {{CollabNext}-{A} {Person}-{Focused} {Open} {Knowledge} {Graph} for {Collaborations} with {Emerging} {Researchers}}, url = {https://uknowledge.uky.edu/research_events2/18/}, abstract = {CollabNext is being developed as part of the NSF ProtoOKN (Prototype Open Knowledge Network) effort. This project originated as a partnership between Georgia Tech and the Atlanta University Center, and is now being developed jointly by Fisk University, Georgia Tech, Morehouse College, Texas Southern University, and University at Buffalo with support from the NSF TIP Directorate. Our goal is to develop a knowledge graph based on people, organizations, and research topics. We are adopting an intentional design approach which initially prioritizes HBCUs and emerging researchers in a deliberate effort to counterbalance the Matthew effect, a naturally accumulated advantage of well-resourced research organizations. By bringing greater visibility to what and who is often rendered invisible in the current science system, CollabNext will facilitate research collaborations with HBCUs and other MSIs, and illuminate the broader research landscape. Our goal is to utilize open science data sources, follow human-centered design principles, and leverage state-of-the-art algorithms to build a platform that will help identify existing and cultivate new research partnerships that include emerging research institutions.}, urldate = {2024-04-16}, author = {Lefton, Lew}, year = {2024}, }
@article{vukolov_dpids-emerging_2024, title = {{dPIDs}-the {Emerging} {Persistent} {Identification} {Technology} for {FAIR} and the {Digital} {Era}}, url = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andrei-Vukolov/publication/379500795_dPIDs_-_the_Emerging_Persistent_Identification_Technology_for_FAIR_and_the_Digital_Era/links/660c0be2b839e05a20b7ec2d/dPIDs-the-Emerging-Persistent-Identification-Technology-for-FAIR-and-the-Digital-Era.pdf}, urldate = {2024-04-10}, author = {Vukolov, Andrey and van Winkle, Erik and Zhdanova, Elizaveta and Kourousias, Georgios}, month = apr, year = {2024}, }
@article{menger_guidelines_2024, title = {Guidelines for completing the {ADVANCE} metadata form: a {FAIR} enabling resource for biodiversity monitoring data}, volume = {5}, shorttitle = {Guidelines for completing the {ADVANCE} metadata form}, url = {https://preprints.arphahub.com/article/125149/download/pdf/}, urldate = {2024-04-16}, journal = {ARPHA Preprints}, author = {Menger, Juliana and Magagna, Barbara and Henle, Klaus and Harpke, Alexander and Frenzel, Mark and Rick, Johannes and Wiltshire, Karen and Grimm-Seyfarth, Annegret}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Pensoft Publishers}, pages = {e125149}, }
@article{silva_brcris_2024, title = {{BrCris}: tools for treatment, analysis, and dissemination of scientific information in support of {Open} {Science} in {Brazil}}, volume = {21}, issn = {1678-765X, 1678-765X}, shorttitle = {{BrCris}}, url = {https://www.scielo.br/j/rdbci/a/dCLJVgJ6hM84tp8RsVHmZhR/?lang=en}, doi = {10.20396/rdbci.v21i00.8673171/en}, abstract = {RESUMO Introdução: Os sistemas CRIS constituem-se em sistemas de informação abrangentes sobre todo o ecossistema do processo científico. O BrCris tem como propósito integrar e organizar informações referentes a atividades de pesquisa, projetos, publicações, pesquisadores, instituições, financiamentos e outros dados relevantes no contexto científico brasileiro. Objetivo: Este estudo visa discutir o processamento dos dados na Plataforma BrCris e analisar as ferramentas computacionais empregadas para essa finalidade, explorando três abordagens principais: integração e consistência dos dados, visualização e validação, além da certificação dos dados. Metodologia: O estudo se configura como descritivo, apresentando em detalhes as etapas de tratamento de dados do BrCris, discutindo os desafios encontrados no manuseio de grandes volumes de informações. Além disso, descreve o ferramental computacional utilizado para o tratamento das informações científicas e tecnológicas. Resultados: O estudo revela os procedimentos para o tratamento de dados e as ferramentas computacionais desenvolvidas para os sistemas informacionais, bem como a integração e análise dos dados obtidos. São apresentados os resultados do tratamento e modelagem das informações baseadas no VIVO, com dados e painéis gráficos, e as oportunidades de reutilização dos dados gerados. Também é detalhada a integração dos dados em um repositório autodeclarado (Lattes) e no repositório agregador de teses e dissertações (Oasisbr), culminando na emissão de um selo de certificação. Conclusão: Os resultados evidenciam que a adoção dessas ferramentas computacionais proporciona um acesso facilitado e ágil a um extenso conjunto de informações consolidadas, previamente dispersas em várias fontes, especialmente devido à diversidade de repositórios e limitações de acesso individualizados. Assim, este estudo apresenta um conjunto de ferramentas computacionais cujas funcionalidades estão alinhadas com as diretrizes da Ciência Aberta no Brasil.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-04-11}, journal = {RDBCI: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação}, author = {Silva, Vivian dos Santos and Silva, Jesiel Viana da and Dias, Thiago Magela Rodrigues and Gabriel Junior, Renê Faustino and Segundo, Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho}, month = apr, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Universidade Estadual de Campinas}, keywords = {BrCris, Data repositories, Information processing, Open science, Scientific data}, pages = {e023027}, }
@misc{fahl_sempubflow_2024, title = {{SemPubFlow}: a novel {Scientific} {Publishing} {Workflow} using {Knowledge} {Graphs}, {Wikidata} and {LLMs}–the {CEUR}-{WS} use case}, shorttitle = {{SemPubFlow}}, url = {https://www.semantic-web-journal.net/system/files/swj3657.pdf}, urldate = {2024-03-19}, author = {Fahl, Wolfgang and Holzheim, Tim and Lange, Christoph and Decker, Stefan}, month = mar, year = {2024}, }
@book{dreker_building_2024, title = {Building {Your} {Academic} {Research} {Digital} {Identity}: {A} {Step}-{Wise} {Guide} to {Cultivating} {Your} {Academic} {Research} {Career} {Online}}, shorttitle = {Building {Your} {Academic} {Research} {Digital} {Identity}}, url = {https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=_WD8EAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=%22Research+Organization+Registry%22&ots=b0PD7PkI9X&sig=8qIysvqYX6BUrwx42yTUuyjRXWU}, abstract = {The purpose of this timely and stimulating book is to thoroughly prepare students, early researchers, and career scholars in establishing their digital identity online. Broadly defined, digital identity is one’s online history – that is, it is any trail a person has left in his or her life that is now online. In academics, the issue is of digital presence is of utmost importance, as a digital identity frames one’s professional reputation, doing so by promoting and defining a person’s knowledge and research in their respective field. Written by an accomplished interdisciplinary team of scholars in library science and related fields, this unique guide addresses the development of professional identity as a continuous, dynamic process that is constantly evolving, generally starting from university study and moving through one’s professional work life. It goes without saying that building your digital identity as a researcher can be an effective way to publicize your work among your peers, but, the authors emphasize, this activity must be done carefully and skillfully. Indeed, developing these skills can forge a path to professional advancement in hiring, promotion, and tenure. Moreover, a well-designed digital presence can help build networks which can lead to collaborations, increased research, and grants. In addition, having a well-managed digital identity helps an academic engage with the public by strategically disseminating one’s knowledge to students, public, and the media. Importantly, it can also help prevent misinformation. Whether readers are new in the field of research and publishing, or have a well-established portfolio of written literature, this handy title will provide vital guidance in establishing a digital presence, covering a wide range of issues. Key topics discussed, for example, include academic digital platforms and tools to consider when using them, working with academic librarians, social media platforms, choosing digital identity management tools like Open Researcher and Contributor ID or ORCID, the importance of author metrics and the h-index, and maintaining and curating a professional website, to name just several areas discussed. An invaluable contribution to the career literature, Building Your Academic Research Digital Identity will enable readers to strategically understand all the tools, platforms, and metrics needed to establish and cultivate one’s crucially important digital profile.}, urldate = {2024-04-01}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, author = {Dreker, Margaret Rush}, year = {2024}, }
@article{heseler_grundlagen_2024, title = {Grundlagen der digitalen {Langzeitarchivierung}}, url = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Matthias-Arnold/publication/378766749_Grundlagen_der_digitalen_Langzeitarchivierung_NFDI4Culture_-Task_Area_4_-Datenpublikation_und_Langzeitarchivierung/links/65e88a6bc3b52a11701b8a71/Grundlagen-der-digitalen-Langzeitarchivierung-NFDI4Culture-Task-Area-4-Datenpublikation-und-Langzeitarchivierung.pdf}, urldate = {2024-03-19}, author = {Heseler, Jörg and Büttner, Alexandra}, month = jan, year = {2024}, }
@article{rempel_padronizacao_2024, title = {Padronização do nome institucional : um estudo sobre as universidades brasileiras}, copyright = {Open Access}, shorttitle = {Padronização do nome institucional}, url = {https://lume.ufrgs.br/handle/10183/274218}, abstract = {A afiliação institucional é um importante dado indicado por pesquisadores em suas publicações científicas. Através dessa informação é possível recuperar as publicações e realizar estudos e análises da produção das universidades. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar se as universidades brasileiras adotam políticas para padronização das informações que envolvem o nome institucional. A variação da grafia do nome institucional ocorre devido à falta de orientação aos pesquisadores e pela variedade de formas que um mesmo nome pode ser escrito quando não há padronização. A falta de padronização reflete na indexação das publicações pelas bases de dados e em estudos que utilizam essas bases como fonte de pesquisa. Para compreender o impacto e importância da afiliação institucional, foi exposto na seção de referencial teórico pontos sobre a afiliação institucional e a padronização de nomes institucionais, a afiliação institucional em bases de dados e a afiliação institucional em rankings universitários. Para atingir os objetivos, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória com abordagem qualitativa, onde investigou-se se as universidades brasileiras, presentes no ranking ARWU de 2023, possuem alguma normativa ou instrução referente a padronização do nome da universidade para fins de afiliação. Em caso afirmativo, foi feita a coleta e análise das normativas ou instruções encontradas para identificar a orientação. Nos resultados, observou-se que os rankings universitários ARWU, Leiden, QS e THE utilizam diferentes indicadores de avaliação cujos dados são recuperados pela afiliação institucional. Em caso afirmativo, foi feita a coleta e análise das normativas ou instruções encontradas para identificar a orientação. Nos resultados, observou-se que os rankings universitários ARWU, Leiden, QS e THE utilizam diferentes indicadores de avaliação cujos dados são recuperados pela afiliação institucional. Quanto às 18 universidades brasileiras ranqueadas no ARWU 2023, apenas 10 possuem uma normativa ou instrução acerca da padronização do nome institucional, sendo 7 universidades com nome padrão estabelecido e informado em documento oficial, e 3 universidades com recomendações informais. O formato da publicação e o setor da universidade responsável pela publicação variam, porém, 6 das 10 universidades estabeleceram orientações sobre o nome padrão nos últimos três anos. O conteúdo das publicações tende a ser mais objetivo, com poucas universidades adicionando informações além da indicação do nome institucional; porém as justificativas apresentadas para a padronização do nome deixam claro a importância de seguir esse padrão. Conclui-se que há necessidade de padronizar o nome institucional, já que é um dado importante para a indexação da produção científica e a realização de pesquisas que a utilizem. E que as universidades brasileiras estão começando a compreender esse fato e publicar normativas que tratam desse assunto. Apesar disso, ainda é necessário um maior engajamento das universidades e o desenvolvimento de pesquisas e debates que abordem a padronização do nome institucional. Para tanto, foram elencadas algumas atividades de curadoria do nome institucional que o bibliotecário pode realizar.}, language = {por}, urldate = {2024-04-01}, author = {Rempel, Scheila Raquel}, year = {2024}, note = {Accepted: 2024-03-27T06:37:08Z}, }
@misc{punktauteur_quand_2024, title = {Quand {IdRef} s’aligne sur {ROR}, ou comment rapprocher des référentiels}, url = {https://punktokomo.abes.fr/2024/03/20/quand-idref-saligne-sur-ror-ou-comment-rapprocher-des-referentiels/}, abstract = {Le blog technique de l'Abes}, language = {fr-FR}, urldate = {2024-03-27}, journal = {PUNKTOKOMO}, author = {Punktauteur}, month = mar, year = {2024}, }
@article{topilov_webometrics_2024, title = {{WEBOMETRICS} reytingida universitetlar o’rnini mustahkamlash bo’yicha o'quv qo'llanma}, volume = {1}, url = {https://ojs.nordicun.uz/index.php/nordic/article/download/183/18}, number = {0001}, urldate = {2024-03-19}, journal = {Nordic\_Press}, author = {Topilov, Khasan}, year = {2024}, }
@article{bialy_harmonizing_2024, title = {Harmonizing the {Generation} and {Pre}-publication {Stewardship} of {FAIR} {Image} data}, copyright = {cc by-nc-sa}, issn = {2331-8422}, url = {https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC10862930}, abstract = {Together with the molecular knowledge of genes and proteins, biological images promise to significantly enhance the scientific understanding of complex cellular systems and to advance predictive and personalized therapeutic products for human health. For this potential to be realized, quality-assured image data must be shared among labs at a global scale to be compared, pooled, and reanalyzed, thus unleashing untold potential beyond the original purpose for which the data was generated. There are two broad sets of requirements to enable image data sharing in the life sciences. One set of requirements is articulated in the companion White Paper entitled "Enabling Global Image Data Sharing in the Life Sciences," which is published in parallel and addresses the need to build the cyberinfrastructure for sharing the digital array data (arXiv:2401.13023 [q-bio.OT], https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2401.13023). In this White Paper, we detail a broad set of requirements, which involves collecting, managing, presenting, and propagating contextual information essential to assess the quality, understand the content, interpret the scientific implications, and reuse image data in the context of the experimental details. We start by providing an overview of the main lessons learned to date through international community activities, which have recently made considerable progress toward generating community standard practices for imaging Quality Control (QC) and metadata. We then provide a clear set of recommendations for amplifying this work. The driving goal is to address remaining challenges, and democratize access to common practices and tools for a spectrum of biomedical researchers, regardless of their expertise, access to resources, and geographical location.}, language = {eng}, urldate = {2024-02-21}, journal = {ArXiv}, author = {Bialy, Nikki and Alber, Frank and Andrews, Brenda and Angelo, Michael and Beliveau, Brian and Bintu, Lacramioara and Boettiger, Alistair and Boehm, Ulrike and Brown, Claire M and Maina, Mahmoud Bukar and Chambers, James J and Cimini, Beth A and Eliceiri, Kevin and Errington, Rachel and Faklaris, Orestis and Gaudreault, Nathalie and Germain, Ronald N and Goscinski, Wojtek and Grunwald, David and Halter, Michael and Hanein, Dorit and Hickey, John W and Lacoste, Judith and Laude, Alex and Lundberg, Emma and Ma, Jian and Malacrida, Leonel and Moore, Josh and Nelson, Glyn and Neumann, Elizabeth Kathleen and Nitschke, Roland and Onami, Shuichi and Pimentel, Jaime A and Plant, Anne L and Radtke, Andrea J and Sabata, Bikash and Schapiro, Denis and Schöneberg, Johannes and Spraggins, Jeffrey M and Sudar, Damir and Adrien Maria Vierdag, Wouter-Michiel and Volkmann, Niels and Wählby, Carolina and Wang, Siyuan Steven and Yaniv, Ziv and Strambio-De-Castillia, Caterina}, month = feb, year = {2024}, pmid = {38351940}, pmcid = {PMC10862930}, pages = {arXiv:2401.13022v4}, }
@article{zhang_missing_2024, title = {Missing institutions in {OpenAlex}: possible reasons, implications, and solutions}, issn = {0138-9130, 1588-2861}, shorttitle = {Missing institutions in {OpenAlex}}, url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11192-023-04923-y}, doi = {10.1007/s11192-023-04923-y}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-02-12}, journal = {Scientometrics}, author = {Zhang, Lin and Cao, Zhe and Shang, Yuanyuan and Sivertsen, Gunnar and Huang, Ying}, month = feb, year = {2024}, }
@article{kemp_exploring_2024, title = {Exploring {National} {Infrastructures} to {Support} {Impact} {Analyses} of {Publicly} {Accessible} {Research}: {A} {Need} for {Trust}, {Transparency} and {Collaboration} at {Scale}}, shorttitle = {Exploring {National} {Infrastructures} to {Support} {Impact} {Analyses} of {Publicly} {Accessible} {Research}}, url = {https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/handle/2027.42/192166}, urldate = {2024-02-12}, author = {Kemp, Jennifer and Watkinson, Charles and Drummond, Christina}, year = {2024}, }
@misc{wimbish_em_2024, title = {{EM} and {XRM} {Connectomics} {Imaging} and {Experimental} {Metadata} {Standards}}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2401.15251}, abstract = {High resolution volumetric neuroimaging datasets from electron microscopy (EM) and x-ray micro and holographic-nano tomography (XRM/XHN) are being generated at an increasing rate and by a growing number of research teams. These datasets are derived from an increasing number of species, in an increasing number of brain regions, and with an increasing number of techniques. Each of these large-scale datasets, often surpassing petascale levels, is typically accompanied by a unique and varied set of metadata. These datasets can be used to derive connectomes, or neuron-synapse level connectivity diagrams, to investigate the fundamental organization of neural circuitry, neuronal development, and neurodegenerative disease. Standardization is essential to facilitate comparative connectomics analysis and enhance data utilization. Although the neuroinformatics community has successfully established and adopted data standards for many modalities, this effort has not yet encompassed EM and XRM/ XHN connectomics data. This lack of standardization isolates these datasets, hindering their integration and comparison with other research performed in the field. Towards this end, our team formed a working group consisting of community stakeholders to develop Image and Experimental Metadata Standards for EM and XRM/XHN data to ensure the scientific impact and further motivate the generation and sharing of these data. This document addresses version 1.1 of these standards, aiming to support metadata services and future software designs for community collaboration. Standards for derived annotations are described in a companion document. Standards definitions are available on a community github page. We hope these standards will enable comparative analysis, improve interoperability between connectomics software tools, and continue to be refined and improved by the neuroinformatics community.}, urldate = {2024-02-12}, publisher = {arXiv}, author = {Wimbish, Miguel E. and Guittari, Nicole K. and Rose, Victoria A. and Rivera Jr, Jorge L. and Rivlin, Patricia K. and Hinton, Mark A. and Matelsky, Jordan K. and Stock, Nicole E. and Wester, Brock A. and Johnson, Erik C. and Gray-Roncal, William R.}, month = jan, year = {2024}, note = {arXiv:2401.15251 [q-bio]}, keywords = {Quantitative Biology - Neurons and Cognition}, }
@article{sa-nunes_brazilian_2024, title = {Brazilian {Science} {Through} the {Looking} {Glass}: {A} {Scientometric} {Perspective} from within and {Beyond}}, shorttitle = {Brazilian {Science} {Through} the {Looking} {Glass}}, url = {https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4720656}, urldate = {2024-02-12}, journal = {Available at SSRN 4720656}, author = {Sá-Nunes, Anderson and Pessoa-Gonçalves, Yago Marcos and de Oliveira, Carlo José Freire}, month = feb, year = {2024}, }
@article{baiget__2024, title = {* {Jorge} {E}. {Hirsch}, su índice hy otros índices derivados}, volume = {2}, url = {https://infonomy.scimagoepi.com/index.php/infonomy/article/view/21}, number = {1}, urldate = {2024-02-21}, journal = {Infonomy}, author = {Baiget, Tomàs}, year = {2024}, }
@article{borrego__2024, title = {* {OpenAlex}: breve guía de consulta a través de {R}}, volume = {2}, shorttitle = {* {OpenAlex}}, url = {https://infonomy.scimagoepi.com/index.php/infonomy/article/view/26}, number = {1}, urldate = {2024-02-21}, journal = {Infonomy}, author = {Borrego, Ángel}, year = {2024}, }
@incollection{buarque_dimensionen_2024, title = {Dimensionen wissenschaftlichen {Arbeitens}}, url = {https://pure.mpg.de/pubman/faces/ViewItemOverviewPage.jsp?itemId=item_3569395}, urldate = {2024-02-21}, booktitle = {Die {Max}-{Planck}-{Gesellschaft}: {Wissenschafts}-und {Zeitgeschichte} 1945–2005}, publisher = {Vandenhoeck \& Ruprecht}, author = {Buarque, Bernardo S. and Friedrich, Mona and Kolboske, Birgit and Renn, Jürgen and Schemmel, Matthias and Scholz, Juliane and von Schwerin, Alexander and Topp, Sascha and Vogl, Malte}, year = {2024}, pages = {616--666}, }
@article{dellmann_wenigen_2024, title = {In wenigen {Schritten} zur {Zweitveröffentlichung}: ein {Leitfaden} für {Mitarbeiter}: innen in {Publikationsservices}}, shorttitle = {In wenigen {Schritten} zur {Zweitveröffentlichung}}, url = {https://madoc.bib.uni-mannheim.de/66637/1/open-access.network-Leitfaden%20In%20wenigen%20Schritten%20zur%20Zweitver%C3%B6ffentlichung_20240208.pdf}, urldate = {2024-02-21}, author = {Dellmann, Sarah and Deuter, Franziska and Hulin, Sylvia and Kuhlmeier, Antje and Matuszkiewicz, Kai and Schneider, Corinna and Schröer, Cäcilia and Weisheit, Silke}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Zenodo}, }
@article{schiller_permits_2024, title = {Permits, contracts and their terms for biodiversity specimens}, volume = {10}, url = {https://riojournal.com/article/114366/download/pdf/}, urldate = {2024-01-18}, journal = {Research Ideas and Outcomes}, author = {Schiller, Edmund and Wiltschke-Schrotta, Karin and Häffner, Eva and Buschbom, Jutta and Leliaert, Frederik and Zimkus, Breda and Dickie, John and Gomes, Suzete and Lyal, Chris and Mulcahy, Daniel}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Pensoft Publishers}, pages = {e114366}, }
@article{huang_open_2024, title = {Open access research outputs receive more diverse citations}, issn = {0138-9130, 1588-2861}, url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11192-023-04894-0}, doi = {10.1007/s11192-023-04894-0}, abstract = {Abstract The goal of open access is to allow more people to read and use research outputs. An observed association between highly cited research outputs and open access has been claimed as evidence of increased usage of the research, but this remains controversial. A higher citation count also does not necessarily imply wider usage such as citations by authors from more places. A knowledge gap exists in our understanding of who gets to use open access research outputs and where users are located. Here we address this gap by examining the association between an output’s open access status and the diversity of research outputs that cite it. By analysing large-scale bibliographic data from 2010 to 2019, we found a robust association between open access and increased diversity of citation sources by institutions, countries, subregions, regions, and fields of research, across outputs with both high and medium–low citation counts. Open access through disciplinary or institutional repositories showed a stronger effect than open access via publisher platforms. This study adds a new perspective to our understanding of how citations can be used to explore the effects of open access. It also provides new evidence at global scale of the benefits of open access as a mechanism for widening the use of research and increasing the diversity of the communities that benefit from it.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-01-18}, journal = {Scientometrics}, author = {Huang, Chun-Kai and Neylon, Cameron and Montgomery, Lucy and Hosking, Richard and Diprose, James P. and Handcock, Rebecca N. and Wilson, Katie}, month = jan, year = {2024}, }
@article{melzac_ror_2024, title = {{ROR} : une base d’identifiants rugissante}, copyright = {CC BY-ND 2.0}, issn = {2108-7016}, shorttitle = {{ROR}}, url = {http://publications-prairial.fr/arabesques/index.php?id=3836}, doi = {10.35562/arabesques.3836}, abstract = {Ces dernières années, le patient travail des chartes de signature, élaboré dans la majorité des établissements, a consisté à tenter de normaliser la manière dont les informations d’affiliation issues des publications vont figurer dans les bases bibliographiques et bibliométriques. Mais même orthographiées de la même manière et scrupuleusement listées dans le même ordre, si ces informations précieuses restent des chaînes de caractères, cela ne suffit pas pour identifier de manière certaine et ...}, language = {fr}, number = {112}, urldate = {2024-01-24}, journal = {Arabesques}, author = {Melzac, Carole}, month = jan, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Agence bibliographique de l'enseignement supérieur}, pages = {10--11}, }
@article{romero_betancur_universidad_2023, title = {Universidad {Distrital} en {Rankings} {Universitarios}}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/11349/33128}, urldate = {2024-02-12}, author = {Romero Betancur, David and Parrado Rosselli, Ángela}, month = dec, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas}, }
@phdthesis{kim_implementing_2023, title = {Implementing pre-trained language modeling approaches for author name disambiguation}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/2142/118099}, abstract = {Distinguishing who is who has been a lingering problem for researchers analyzing bibliographic data in which different authors share the same names or different names refer to the same authors. Various machine learning (ML) methods have been proposed to resolve the issue of author name ambiguity. Still, technical details of ML workflows necessary to compare and improve these methods have been insufficiently shared. Also, a few studies showed that neural network models can outperform conventional ML models in author name disambiguation (AND), but deep learning (DL) using pre-trained language models such as BERT have not yet been applied to AND tasks. This study investigates how pre-trained language models can be adopted for AND tasks, aiming to make novel contributions in several ways. First, an approach of using the state-of-the-art pre-trained language models is used in AND tasks for comparison with conventional ML techniques. Second, the scope of features used for existing studies is extended by adding abstract texts to records of metadata. Third, the workflows of several high-performing ML and DL methods for classification and clustering in AND are integrated as an open-source framework, enabling the implementation steps of different AND methods transparent and thus allowing easy comparison across the methods. The code will be made publicly available for use as a benchmark framework upon which AND researchers can build new models, reducing error or delay raised when developing code from scratch. By helping researchers have a better understanding of similarities and differences between various ML- and DL-based AND approaches, this study can enhance the robustness of research findings that resolve author name ambiguity in bibliographic data.}, school = {University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign}, author = {Kim, Jenna}, year = {2023}, }
@article{karlstrom_nye_2023, title = {Nye kilder til data om forskningsaktivitet: {Notat} til {NFRs} arbeidsgruppe for bibliometri, 2023}, shorttitle = {Nye kilder til data om forskningsaktivitet}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/11250/3074742}, author = {Karlstrøm, Henrik}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning NIFU}, }
@article{demir_ucretle_2023, title = {Ücretle {DOI} {Alınması} {Ancak} Üst {Verisinin} {Eksik} {Bırakılması}}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.37697/eskiyeni.1320604}, number = {49}, journal = {Eskiyeni}, author = {DEMİR, Abdullah}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Anadolu İlahiyat Akademisi}, pages = {387--392}, }
@article{kosanovic_enauka_2023, title = {{eNauka} — {CRIS} in {Serbia}}, volume = {23}, issn = {1450-9687, 2217-9461}, url = {http://infoteka.bg.ac.rs/ojs/index.php/Infoteka/article/view/2023.23.2.5_en}, doi = {10.18485/infotheca.2023.23.2.5}, number = {2}, urldate = {2024-11-06}, journal = {Infotheca}, author = {Kosanović, Biljana}, year = {2023}, pages = {83--100}, }
@misc{asha_cross_2023, title = {Cross {Domain} {Interoperability} {Framework} ({CDIF}): {Discovery} {Module} (v01 draft for public consultation)}, shorttitle = {Cross {Domain} {Interoperability} {Framework} ({CDIF})}, url = {https://codata.org/cross-domain-interoperability-framework-cdif-discovery-module-v01-draft-for-public-consultation/}, abstract = {In support of the WorldFAIR project and other activities to improve the implementation of the FAIR principles, the Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework (CDIF) Working Group is producing a suite of recommendations and guidelines. The CDIF will include modules for various aspects of the FAIR principles, including discovery (this module), data integration, semantic harmonization, data access, and […]}, language = {en-GB}, urldate = {2024-07-15}, journal = {CODATA, The Committee on Data for Science and Technology}, author = {Asha}, month = dec, year = {2023}, }
@article{elger_fid_2023, title = {{FID} {GEO} latest: {Research} {Organization} {Registry} ({ROR})}, volume = {GMIT 91}, copyright = {CC::CC BY 4.0}, shorttitle = {{FID} {GEO} latest}, url = {https://e-docs.geo-leo.de/handle/11858/11252}, doi = {10.23689/fidgeo-5834}, abstract = {[...] ROR stands for Research Organization Registry and is an open registry for research organizations. The registry is developed and operated as a joint initiative of the California Digital Library, Crossref and DataCite. ROR already references more than 103,000 organizations, ranging from universities and extramural research institutions to government agencies, research funders and government departments. [...] This publication is a translation of the FID GEO article in {\textless}a href="http://doi.org/10.23689/fidgeo-5750"{\textgreater}GMIT 91.{\textless}/a{\textgreater}}, language = {eng}, urldate = {2023-12-19}, journal = {Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen GMIT}, author = {Elger, Kirsten and Lorenz, Melanie}, year = {2023}, note = {Accepted: 2023-12-04T14:21:31Z}, pages = {20--21}, }
@phdthesis{hardtke_automatische_2023, title = {Automatische {Integration} von erweiterten {Metadaten} zu {Autor}:innen wissenschaftlicher {Artikel} in {Wikidata}}, copyright = {https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/de/deed.de}, shorttitle = {Automatische {Integration} von erweiterten {Metadaten} zu {Autor}}, url = {https://publiscologne.th-koeln.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/2058}, abstract = {Wikidata ist eine frei zugängliche Plattform, die von Menschen und Maschinen bearbeitet werden kann. Um zu verstehen, wie die Plattform funktioniert und wie die Daten miteinander verknüpft sind, beschäftigt sich diese Bachelorarbeit mit dem Import von Orcid-autor:innen- und The Research Organization Registry (RoR)-Organisationsdaten in Wikidata und den Möglichkeiten, diesen Prozess zu automatisieren. Um dies herauszufinden, wurden verschiedene Ansätze untersucht, beschrieben beziehungsweise getestet. Beispiele sind der Wikidata Integrator, SPAQRL und Quickstatements. Die Tests wurden durchgeführt, indem einzelne Datensätze auf unterschiedliche Weise durch die Tools gelaufen wurden. Die Tools mit den größten Erfolgsaussichten waren Wikidata-integrator und Quickstatements. Beide ermöglichen das Hochladen von Daten per Skript. Wobei Quickstatements auch eine manuelle Eingabe der Daten ermöglicht, sofern sie als Quickstatements strukturiert sind. Das Ziel der Arbeit war, es die Autor:innen Metadatei „Affiliation“ auf Wikidata zu integrieren. Dies ist schlussendlich aus verschiedenen Gründen nicht gelungen. Diese werden ausführlich in den Problemen und Ergebnissen beschrieben. Als alternative wurde der RoR-Datensatz verwendet, um die Organisationsmetadaten „established“ auf Wikidata gepusht.}, language = {deu}, urldate = {2023-10-26}, school = {Institut für Informationswissenschaft der Technische Hochschule Köln}, author = {Hardtke, Markus}, year = {2023}, }
@article{primo-pena_identificadores_2023, title = {Identificadores persistentes de revista, de autor, de objeto digital o de {Institución} ({ISSN}, {ORCID}, {DOI}, {ISNI}, {ROR}, etc.)}, url = {https://repisalud.isciii.es/handle/20.500.12105/16723}, urldate = {2024-06-20}, author = {Primo-Peña, Elena}, year = {2023}, }
@phdthesis{smolka_trajni_2023, type = {{PhD} {Thesis}}, title = {Trajni identifikatori}, url = {https://repozitorij.unios.hr/islandora/object/ffos:6618}, urldate = {2024-06-20}, school = {Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. Faculty of Humanities and …}, author = {Smolka, Lucija}, year = {2023}, }
@misc{barsky_doisrors_2023, title = {{DOIs}/{RORs} at the {University} of {British} {Columbia}}, url = {https://doi.library.ubc.ca/10.14288/1.0436877}, doi = {10.14288/1.0436877}, abstract = {[Presentation for the DataCite Annual Community Conference 2023]}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-04-01}, author = {Barsky, Eugene}, collaborator = {{University Of British Columbia}}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: [object Object] Version Number: 1}, }
@inproceedings{gunther_ir_2023, title = {{IR} of {FAIR}-principles at the instrument level}, url = {https://accelconf.web.cern.ch/icalepcs2023/papers/we3bco09.pdf}, urldate = {2024-02-21}, publisher = {ICALEPCS}, author = {Günther, Gerrit and Baunack, Sebastian and Capozza, Luigi and Freyermuth, Oliver and Gonzalez-Caminal, Pau and Gou, Boxing and Isaak, Johann and Karstensen, Sven and Lindner, Axel and Maas, Frank}, year = {2023}, }
@incollection{dreker_additional_2023, address = {Cham}, title = {Additional {Measures} to {Establish} {Your} {Digital} {Identity}}, isbn = {978-3-031-50316-0 978-3-031-50317-7}, url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-031-50317-7_7}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-02-21}, booktitle = {Building {Your} {Academic} {Research} {Digital} {Identity}}, publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland}, author = {Smith, Plato}, editor = {Dreker, Margaret Rush and Downey, Kyle James}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-50317-7_7}, pages = {85--99}, }
@inproceedings{kulyk_challenges_2023, title = {Challenges of {Open} {Science}: {Problems} of {Metadata} {Research} and {Analysis} of {Scientometric} {Indicators} of {Scientists} ({Experience} of the {Scientific} {Library} of {Yaroslav} {Mudryi} {National} {Law} {University})}, shorttitle = {Challenges of {Open} {Science}}, url = {http://unilibnsd.diit.edu.ua/article/view/293991}, urldate = {2024-02-12}, booktitle = {University {Library} at a {New} {Stage} of {Social} {Communications} {Development}. {Conference} {Proceedings}}, author = {KULYK, MM}, year = {2023}, note = {Issue: 8}, pages = {167--176}, }
@inproceedings{coetzer_digital_2023, title = {Digital {Object} {Identifiers} for the {IVS}}, url = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2023ivs..conf..207C}, abstract = {One of the goals of the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS) is to pro- vide data and products to support geodetic, geophy- sical and astrometric research, and operational activi- ties (IVS, 2022). The IVS is committed to supporting scientific discovery through good data management. To enhance data visibility and sharing, IVS data and pro- ducts need to adhere to the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data principles. In support of FAIR data, the IVS Directing Board agreed on the use of persistent identifiers, i.e., Digital Object Identi- fiers (DOIs), for permanently identifying its data and products. We provide feedback of an exploratory study that is being conducted to establish best practices for attributing DOIs to IVS data and products.}, urldate = {2024-01-18}, booktitle = {{IVS} 2022 {General} {Meeting} {Proceedings}}, author = {Coetzer, Glenda and Takagi, Yu and Elger, Kirsten}, month = jan, year = {2023}, note = {Conference Name: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2022 General Meeting Proceedings Pages: 207-211 ADS Bibcode: 2023ivs..conf..207C}, }
@techreport{unesco_lineamientos_2023, title = {Lineamientos para políticas de ciencia abierta}, url = {https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000383710_spa}, urldate = {2024-01-18}, institution = {UNESCO}, author = {{UNESCO}}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.54677/LLPN1779}, }
@article{khalifa_different_2023, title = {Different {Reporting} {Patterns} of {Author} {Affiliations}: {A} {Cross}-{Sectional} {Evaluation} of {Publications} {From} an {Egyptian} {Medical} {Academic} {Institute}}, volume = {10}, issn = {2148-4724, 2548-0030}, shorttitle = {Different {Reporting} {Patterns} of {Author} {Affiliations}}, url = {http://cms.galenos.com.tr/Uploads/Article_58736/tmsj-10-13-En.pdf}, doi = {10.4274/tmsj.galenos.2023.2022-5-3}, number = {1}, urldate = {2024-01-18}, journal = {Turkish Medical Student Journal}, author = {Khalifa, Ahmed A. and Hussien, Sarah M. and Ansary, Eslam M. and El-Gharably, Ahmed Abdelfattah}, month = mar, year = {2023}, pages = {13--18}, }
@misc{jennifer_kemp_know_2023, type = {website}, title = {In the know on workflows: {The} metadata user working group}, copyright = {CC BY 4.0}, shorttitle = {In the know on workflows}, url = {https://www.crossref.org/blog/in-the-know-on-workflows-the-metadata-user-working-group/}, abstract = {What’s in the metadata matters because it is So.Heavily.Used. You might be tired of hearing me say it but that doesn’t make it any less true. Our open APIs now see over 1 billion queries per month. The metadata is ingested, displayed and redistributed by a vast, global array of systems and services that in whole or in part are often designed to point users to relevant content. It’s also heavily used by researchers, who author the content that is described in the metadata they analyze.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-02-28}, journal = {Crossref}, author = {{Jennifer Kemp}}, month = feb, year = {2023}, }
@article{ohmann_ecrin_2023, title = {{ECRIN} – {CESSDA} strategies for cross metadata mappings in selected areas between life sciences and social sciences and humanities}, volume = {3}, issn = {2732-5121}, url = {https://open-research-europe.ec.europa.eu/articles/3-180/v2}, doi = {10.12688/openreseurope.16284.2}, abstract = {Background The recent COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) pandemic dramatically underlined the multi-faceted nature of health research, requiring input from basic biological sciences, pharmaceutical technologies, clinical research), social sciences and public health and social engineering. Systems that could work across different disciplines would therefore seem to be a useful idea to explore. In this study we investigated whether metadata schemas and vocabularies used for discovering scientific studies and resources in the social sciences and in clinical research are similar enough to allow information from different source disciplines to be easily retrieved and presented together. Methods As a first step a literature search was performed, exemplarily identifying studies and resources, in which data from social sciences have been usefully employed or integrated with that from clinical research and clinical trials. In a second step a comparison of metadata schemas and related resource catalogues in ECRIN (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network) and CESSDA (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives) was performed. The focus was on discovery metadata, here defined as the metadata elements used to identify and locate scientific resources. Results A close view at the metadata schemas of CESSDA and ECRIN and the basic discovery metadata as well as a crosswalk between ECRIN and CESSDA metadata schemas have shown that there is considerable resemblance between them. Conclusions The resemblance could serve as a promising starting point to implement a common search mechanism for ECRIN and CESSDA metadata. In the paper four different options for how to proceed with implementation issues are presented.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-01-18}, journal = {Open Research Europe}, author = {Ohmann, Christian and Moilanen, Katja and Kleemola, Mari and Canham, Steve and Panagiotopoulou, Maria}, month = dec, year = {2023}, pages = {180}, }
@article{downs_harvestable_2023, title = {Harvestable {Metadata} {Services} {Development}: {Analysis} of {Use} {Cases} from the {World} {Data} {System}}, volume = {22}, issn = {1683-1470}, shorttitle = {Harvestable {Metadata} {Services} {Development}}, url = {https://datascience.codata.org/articles/10.5334/dsj-2023-020}, doi = {10.5334/dsj-2023-020}, abstract = {Minimally, a research data repository exists to make a collection of data assets available to potential users. If a dataset cannot be discovered and found, it cannot be reused (Garnett et al. 2017). Harvestable metadata catalogues are a key strategy for achieving greater global findability of data assets, as they create a surveyable access point to discover data products within large data collections. Such catalogues can be especially effective if they are tailored for interoperability with feature-rich infrastructures (e.g. meta-catalogues, see Kapiszewski \& Karcher 2020; CRFCB 2014) that are highly visible and widely used, and also themselves integrated within the larger ecosystem of research infrastructures. This study offers insight into a set of World Data System (WDS) research data repositories ongoing and successful implementations of harvestable metadata services, which apply established and emerging research data standards and practices to fit global, local and domain-specific interoperability contexts. Establishing a harvestable metadata service involves making choices in a space where standards and technologies are continuously evolving. The repositories in this study leverage the resources they have, within the policy and funding constraints of their institution, to serve the changing needs of heterogeneous user groups. This document encapsulates and completes the work that was carried out by the WDS International Technology Office (ITO) Harvestable Metadata Services Working Group (HMetS-WG).}, language = {en-US}, number = {1}, urldate = {2024-01-18}, author = {Downs, Robert R. and Díaz, Alicia Urquidi and Xu, Qi and Wang, Juanle and Chambodut, Aude and Liu, Chuang and Flower, Simon and Payne, Karen}, month = jul, year = {2023}, note = {Number: 1 Publisher: Ubiquity Press}, pages = {20}, }
@article{segundo_darkdecentralized_2023, title = {{dARK}:a {Decentralized} {Blockchain} {Implementation} of {ARK} {Persistent} {Identifiers}}, issn = {2516-2314}, shorttitle = {{dARK}}, url = {https://easychair.org/publications/preprint/GpWB}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-01-18}, author = {Segundo, Washington and Matas, Lautaro and Nóbrega, Thiago and Filho, J. Edilson S. and Mena-Chalco, Jesús}, month = jan, year = {2023}, note = {Number: 9516 Publisher: EasyChair}, }
@article{wood-charlson_importance_2023, title = {The {Importance} of {Sharing} {Data} in {Systems} {Biology}}, volume = {13}, copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/}, issn = {2218-1989}, url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2218-1989/13/1/99}, doi = {10.3390/metabo13010099}, abstract = {Systems biology research spans a range of biological scales and science domains, and often requires a collaborative effort to collect and share data so that integration is possible. However, sharing data effectively is a challenging task that requires effort and alignment between collaborative partners, as well as coordination between organizations, repositories, and journals. As a community of systems biology researchers, we must get better at efficiently sharing data, and ensuring that shared data comes with the recognition and citations it deserves.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2023-01-10}, journal = {Metabolites}, author = {Wood-Charlson, Elisha M.}, year = {2023}, note = {Number: 1 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}, keywords = {FAIR data, open science, systems biology}, pages = {99}, }
@inproceedings{perianes-rodriguez_public_2023, title = {Public funding accountability: {A} linked open data-based methodology for analysing the scientific productivity and influence of funded projects}, shorttitle = {Public funding accountability}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.8280553}, abstract = {Although funding acknowledgements (FAs) have been around for nearly three decades, there are not yet enough theoretical and practical studies of them to enable FAs to be considered a consolidated area of research. Fortunately, newly published findings and promising data sources presented in recent years have helped better our understanding of the process of scientific creation and communication and provide evidence of the importance of FAs. This paper seeks to help demonstrate the crucial role FAs play in evaluating research funding's performance. A methodology based on the use of linked open metadata from diverse sources is presented for this purpose. The methodology highlights the important work analysts do to increase the accuracy, solidity, and diversity of the results of FA-based quantitative studies by gathering and analysing the data furnished by funding organisations. Lastly, the projects funded by the Spanish National Science and Research Agency from 2008 to 2020 are evaluated to verify the method's usefulness, robustness, and reproducibility. In conclusion, funding agencies' experts and analysts will find that this methodology gives them a valuable instrument for boosting the quality and efficacy of their activities, complying with transparency and accountability requirements, and quantifying the scope of funding results. Introduction Most governments plan how they intend to achieve their strategic objectives through research funding. Some of the typical objectives they seek are to obtain innovative research, get research results out into society, improve research capacity and skills, and use public resources efficiently (Lepori et al., 2023). Governments' missions include: to encourage the highest-quality research through competitive funding and to support frontier research across all fields, based on scientific excellence; to foster project-based research and stimulating innovation by promoting the emergence of collaborative multidisciplinary projects and encouraging collaboration between the public and private sectors; to promote the progress of science; and to advance national health, prosperity, and welfare by supporting basic research and people to create knowledge that transforms the future.}, author = {Perianes-Rodriguez, Antonio and Olmeda-Gómez, Carlos and Rodrigues Delbianco, Natalia and Cabrini Grácio, Maria Claudia}, month = dec, year = {2023}, }
@inproceedings{murillo-gonzalez_persistent_2023, title = {Persistent {Identifiers} in the traceability of scientific research using {OpenAlex}}, url = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10366365/keywords#keywords}, doi = {10.1109/AmITIC60194.2023.10366365}, abstract = {The digital environment has witnessed a profound technological transformation that has simplified access to and utilization of digital resources, with scientific research being included in this landscape. However, the dynamics and instability of the digital sphere have presented challenges in ensuring the sustained localization and accessibility of these resources. In response to this dilemma, Persistent Identifiers have emerged, designed to maintain an unequivocal identification of resources regardless of their location or format. In Panama, the use of identifiers has gained significance, with the Technological University of Panama adopting the DOI identifier for its publications and promoting ORCID in its academic journals. Platforms such as Google Scholar and OpenAlex have been instrumental in attempting to assess the visibility and measure the impact of scientific documents, but accurate measurement depends on the unique identification of all participants in the scientific ecosystem. This document evaluates the use of persistent identifiers in Panamanian institutions and reveals that only eight out of 27 evaluated institutions have integrated these identifiers, with OpenAlex being the platform that has successfully incorporated these resources. Google Scholar serves as a valuable supplementary measurement tool due to its broader coverage. Nevertheless, it is emphasized that the institutions must contribute to the use of PIDs to enhance the measurement and visibility of scientific research in Panama.}, urldate = {2024-01-02}, booktitle = {2023 {VI} {Congreso} {Internacional} en {Inteligencia} {Ambiental}, {Ingeniería} de {Software} y {Salud} {Electrónica} y {Móvil} ({AmITIC})}, author = {Murillo-Gonzalez, Danny and López, Sucel}, month = oct, year = {2023}, pages = {1--6}, }
@article{kulyk_challenges_2023, title = {Challenges of {Open} {Science}: {Problems} of {Metadata} {Research} and {Analysis} of {Scientometric} {Indicators} of {Scientists} ({Experience} of the {Scientific} {Library} of {Yaroslav} {Mudryi} {National} {Law} {University})}, copyright = {Copyright (c) 2023}, issn = {2707-0476}, shorttitle = {Challenges of {Open} {Science}}, url = {http://unilibnsd.diit.edu.ua/article/view/293991}, doi = {10.15802/unilib/2023_293991}, abstract = {Objective. The scientific publication aims to analyze\ the development of open science based on international and national\ experience, as well as to show\ efforts of the National Law University\ in the direction of promotion of open science and management of metadata\ related to scientometrics indicators of scientists. Methods. To attain the indicated objective,\ theoretical methods of scientific\ research were used: literature analysis and systematic approach. Results. The result of this research\ is systematization of scientometrics services developed by the Scientific Library of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University\ to inform scientists about their\ scientometric indicators that reflect publication activity in the\ two main international scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science. Conclusions. It is important to promote open\ science in university repositories, which are one of the services that manage metadata.}, language = {en}, number = {8}, urldate = {2024-01-02}, journal = {University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings}, author = {Kulyk, M. M.}, month = dec, year = {2023}, note = {Number: 8}, keywords = {Scientific library of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University}, pages = {167--176}, }
@article{schwartz_much_2023, title = {Much new research, and advances for the {IQ}}, volume = {47}, copyright = {Copyright (c) 2023 Ofira Schwartz, Michele Hayslett}, issn = {2331-4141}, url = {https://iassistquarterly.com/index.php/iassist/article/view/1100}, doi = {10.29173/iq1100}, abstract = {Welcome to this special double issue of IASSIST Quarterly for the year 2023, IQ vol. 47(3-4).\ We are delighted to close out the year by offering the second special issue of the IASSIST Quarterly to showcase articles from the Africa workshop. Articles in this issue were presented in the second Africa Workshop which was held in Ibadan, Nigeria, in October 2022.\ Guest editors Winny Nekesa and Robert Burosta have again expertly steered the editorial process to bring us this research.\ While their Guest Editors’ Notes describe the included articles, we would like to use this space to share a number of announcements about administrative work on the journal.\ First, please join us in welcoming four new Editorial Board members for a four-year term:\ \ Robert Stalone Buwule, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda \ Winny Nekesa, National Social Security Fund, Uganda \ Deborah Wiltshire, GESIS, Germany, and \ Ryan Womack, Rutgers University, United States With these appointments, we achieve two goals.\ First, we stagger the terms of service of Board members so that only half will roll off the Board at any one time, ensuring continuity of knowledge moving forward.\ Second, we better diversify geographic representation on the Board to reflect IASSIST’s international membership.\ Winny and Robert bring experience as IQ guest editors to the Board.\ Deborah and Ryan bring perspective from the IASSIST Administrative Committee. Over the coming year, IQ editorial staff and Board members will be exploring a variety of changes to the journal, many of which were proposed by you, the membership.\ We’ll keep you informed as we make decisions on various of those suggestions.\ Several advances that we have already accomplished are to behind-the-scenes processes but may directly benefit authors who publish with us as well you, our readers.\ Working retrospectively to the last issue, 47(2), as well as for all issues going forward, the editorial staff have published the reference lists of all articles as metadata.\ This complies with I4OC, a standard that asks for citations to be structured, separable, shareable, and freely accessible (to both human and automated harvesting), resulting in citations that are index-able and searchable.\ Citation-tracking services like Crossref also require this.\ The end result is that people searching for any of the sources listed in our articles will find our articles, which over time may result in greater research impact for our authors.\ Reference linking will also expose articles to new tools, such as OpenAlex, an open citation metrics tool that can help measure impact.\ We thank our managing editor, Phillip Ndhlovu, for his effort in effecting this change. The second change was made by the Library Open Publishing and Open Education staff at the University of Alberta, whose work supports the Open Journal System platform on which the journal is hosted.\ Their efforts not only keep journal production flowing smoothly, they work continually to improve the technical systems to uphold and improve open access to our content.\ In this case, they have implemented a Research Organization Registry (ROR) feature to allow authors to select their organizational affiliations from the list of organizations in ROR.\ This will not only speed the information input authors must complete during submission, but also standardize it to be represented consistently within the journal, and make it clear and accurate for sharing in external systems such as DOAJ and CrossRef. Finally, we want to mention a new content feature premiering in this issue. Following the receipt of a Letter to the Editor (to our knowledge the first ever), we’ve added a new section to the journal’s infrastructure to accommodate such conversations. We hope you will enjoy reading this commentary which extends the implications of the Hertzog, et al. article in 47(2) to a different type of personally identifiable data, DNA.\ We invite you to take advantage of the option to use this feature in future to correspond with our articles. \ We wish you all the best for whichever end-of-year holidays you celebrate!\ We look forward to showcasing your work through the IQ in the coming new year, both in the research you submit for publication and in implementing your ideas for evolving the journal’s content and production. Ofira Schwartz and Michele Hayslett, December 2023}, language = {en}, number = {3-4}, urldate = {2023-12-19}, journal = {IASSIST Quarterly}, author = {Schwartz, Ofira and Hayslett, Michele}, month = dec, year = {2023}, note = {Number: 3-4}, }
@misc{primo-pena_identificadores_2023, title = {Identificadores persistentes de revista, de autor, de objeto digital o de {Institución} ({ISSN}, {ORCID}, {DOI}, {ISNI}, {ROR}, etc.)}, copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/}, url = {https://repisalud.isciii.es/handle/20.500.12105/16723}, abstract = {Sesión sobre identificadores persistentes, se hace un recorrido historico desde los origenes con las citas bibliográficas hasta los más actuales identificadores digitales e interoperables. Los identificadores persistentes o PID hace referencia a un código que permanece constante e identifica digitalmente un objeto, persona u organización, se caracterizan por ser persistentes, únicos y pueden identificar diferentes tipos de entidades (revistas, publicaciones, autores y organizaciones).}, language = {spa}, urldate = {2023-12-06}, author = {Primo-Peña, Elena}, month = nov, year = {2023}, note = {Accepted: 2023-11-23T11:41:35Z}, }
@article{rozenshteyn_gender_2023, title = {Gender {Gap} and {Impact} {Analysis} in {Cardiovascular} {Research}}, url = {https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-3515410/latest}, urldate = {2023-11-17}, author = {Rozenshteyn, Diana and Homayouni, Hajar}, year = {2023}, }
@inproceedings{gould_ror_2023, title = {{ROR} and {Organizational} {Identifier} {Interoperability} in {Publishing} {Systems}}, url = {https://www.scienceopen.com/hosted-document?doi=10.14293/S2199-SSP-AM23-01030}, doi = {10.14293/S2199-SSP-AM23-01030}, abstract = {Scholarly publishers already know the advantages of standardizing internal customer information with organization identifiers, but there are an increasing number of reasons for publishers to share organization data with other systems. ROR, a free and open CC0 dataset with a no-cost REST API, makes it easy for systems to exchange organization data for any and all purposes. Research Organization Registry (ROR) IDs are supported in and interoperable with an increasing number of systems that rely on free, open metadata. ROR is now preferred by Crossref in author affiliation metadata, for instance, and it is heavily used by the increasingly popular OA Switchboard. Many Open Access services rely on ROR IDs for institutional disambiguation, notably the national OA Monitor in Germany, the Journal Checker Tool created by cOAlition S, and the Wiley-owned software solution Oable. Also, national research policies and strategies are beginning to emphasize open infrastructure as well as Open Access: the UK, Germany, Australia, Canada, South Korea, and now the United States with the much-remarked-upon "Nelson memo" issued by the Office of Science and Technology Policy are all crafting policies that strongly encourage the use of open persistent identifiers. The Swiss National Science Foundation's new research funding application system uses ROR, as does the forthcoming research funding application system of the U.S. Department of Energy.}, urldate = {2023-08-30}, publisher = {ScienceOpen}, author = {Gould, Maria}, month = may, year = {2023}, }
@article{poger_big_2023, title = {Big data in contemporary electron microscopy: challenges and opportunities in data transfer, compute and management}, volume = {160}, copyright = {cc by}, issn = {1432-119X}, shorttitle = {Big data in contemporary electron microscopy}, url = {https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC10492738}, doi = {10.1007/s00418-023-02191-8}, abstract = {The second decade of the twenty-first century witnessed a new challenge in the handling of microscopy data. Big data, data deluge, large data, data compliance, data analytics, data integrity, data interoperability, data retention and data lifecycle are terms that have introduced themselves to the electron microscopy sciences. This is largely attributed to the booming development of new microscopy hardware tools. As a result, large digital image files with an average size of one terabyte within one single acquisition session is not uncommon nowadays, especially in the field of cryogenic electron microscopy. This brings along numerous challenges in data transfer, compute and management. In this review, we will discuss in detail the current state of international knowledge on big data in contemporary electron microscopy and how big data can be transferred, computed and managed efficiently and sustainably. Workflows, solutions, approaches and suggestions will be provided, with the example of the latest experiences in Australia. Finally, important principles such as data integrity, data lifetime and the FAIR and CARE principles will be considered.}, language = {eng}, number = {3}, urldate = {2023-09-18}, journal = {Histochemistry and cell biology}, author = {Poger, David and Yen, Lisa and Braet, Filip}, month = sep, year = {2023}, pmid = {37052655}, pmcid = {PMC10492738}, keywords = {Best Practices, Best practices, FAIR and CARE principles, Fair And Care Principles, Metadata Standards, Metadata standards, Microscopy Facility, Microscopy facility, Virtual Research Environment, Virtual research environment, Workflow Optimisation, Workflow optimisation}, pages = {169--192}, }
@article{stall_journal_2023, title = {Journal {Production} {Guidance} for {Software} and {Data} {Citations}}, volume = {10}, copyright = {2023 Springer Nature Limited}, issn = {2052-4463}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-023-02491-7}, doi = {10.1038/s41597-023-02491-7}, abstract = {Software and data citation are emerging best practices in scholarly communication. This article provides structured guidance to the academic publishing community on how to implement software and data citation in publishing workflows. These best practices support the verifiability and reproducibility of academic and scientific results, sharing and reuse of valuable data and software tools, and attribution to the creators of the software and data. While data citation is increasingly well-established, software citation is rapidly maturing. Software is now recognized as a key research result and resource, requiring the same level of transparency, accessibility, and disclosure as data. Software and data that support academic or scientific results should be preserved and shared in scientific repositories that support these digital object types for discovery, transparency, and use by other researchers. These goals can be supported by citing these products in the Reference Section of articles and effectively associating them to the software and data preserved in scientific repositories. Publishers need to markup these references in a specific way to enable downstream processes.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2023-10-11}, journal = {Scientific Data}, author = {Stall, Shelley and Bilder, Geoffrey and Cannon, Matthew and Chue Hong, Neil and Edmunds, Scott and Erdmann, Christopher C. and Evans, Michael and Farmer, Rosemary and Feeney, Patricia and Friedman, Michael and Giampoala, Matthew and Hanson, R. Brooks and Harrison, Melissa and Karaiskos, Dimitris and Katz, Daniel S. and Letizia, Viviana and Lizzi, Vincent and MacCallum, Catriona and Muench, August and Perry, Kate and Ratner, Howard and Schindler, Uwe and Sedora, Brian and Stockhause, Martina and Townsend, Randy and Yeston, Jake and Clark, Timothy}, month = sep, year = {2023}, note = {Number: 1 Publisher: Nature Publishing Group}, keywords = {Media formats, Publication characteristics}, pages = {656}, }
@misc{noauthor_notes_2023, title = {Notes on the data quality of bibliographic records from the {MEDLINE} database}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1093/database/baad070}, pmid = {37935584}, pmcid = {PMC10630407}, note = {Pages: baad070}, }
@article{ohmann_ecrin_2023, title = {{ECRIN} - {CESSDA} strategies for cross metadata mappings in selected areas between life sciences and social sciences and humanities.}, volume = {3}, copyright = {cc by}, issn = {2732-5121}, url = {https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC10643878}, doi = {10.12688/openreseurope.16284.1}, abstract = {Background: The recent COVID-19 pandemic dramatically underlined the multi-faceted nature of health research, requiring input from basic biological sciences, pharmaceutical technologies, clinical research), social sciences and public health and social engineering. Systems that could work across different disciplines would therefore seem to be a useful idea to explore. In this study we investigated whether metadata schemas and vocabularies used for discovering scientific studies and resources in the social sciences and humanities and in clinical research are similar enough to allow information from different source disciplines to be easily retrieved and presented together. Methods: As a first step a literature search was performed, exemplarily identifying studies and resources, in which data from social sciences and the humanities have been usefully employed or integrated with that from clinical research and clinical trials. In a second step a comparison of metadata schemas and related resource catalogues in ECRIN (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network) and CESSDA (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives) was performed. The focus was on discovery metadata, here defined as the metadata elements used to identify and locate scientific resources. Results: A close view at the metadata schemas of CESSDA and ECRIN and the basic discovery metadata as well as a crosswalk between ECRIN and CESSDA metadata schemas have shown that there is considerable resemblance between them. Conclusions: The resemblance could serve as a promising starting point to implement a common search mechanism for ECRIN and CESSDA metadata. In the paper four different options for how to proceed with implementation issues are presented.}, language = {eng}, urldate = {2023-11-17}, journal = {Open research Europe}, author = {Ohmann, Christian and Moilanen, Katja and Kleemola, Mari and Canham, Steve and Panagiotopoulou, Maria}, month = jan, year = {2023}, pmid = {37965479}, pmcid = {PMC10643878}, pages = {180}, }
@misc{farber_analyzing_2023, title = {Analyzing the {Impact} of {Companies} on {AI} {Research} {Based} on {Publications}}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.20444v1}, abstract = {Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most momentous technologies of our time. Thus, it is of major importance to know which stakeholders influence AI research. Besides researchers at universities and colleges, researchers in companies have hardly been considered in this context. In this article, we consider how the influence of companies on AI research can be made measurable on the basis of scientific publishing activities. We compare academic- and company-authored AI publications published in the last decade and use scientometric data from multiple scholarly databases to look for differences across these groups and to disclose the top contributing organizations. While the vast majority of publications is still produced by academia, we find that the citation count an individual publication receives is significantly higher when it is (co-)authored by a company. Furthermore, using a variety of altmetric indicators, we notice that publications with company participation receive considerably more attention online. Finally, we place our analysis results in a broader context and present targeted recommendations to safeguard a harmonious balance between academia and industry in the realm of AI research.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-11-08}, journal = {arXiv.org}, author = {Färber, Michael and Tampakis, Lazaros}, month = oct, year = {2023}, }
@article{susik_blockchain-based_2023, title = {Blockchain-based certification of research outputs and academic achievements: {A} case of scientific conference}, shorttitle = {Blockchain-based certification of research outputs and academic achievements}, url = {https://annals-csis.org/proceedings/2023/pliks/9620.pdf}, urldate = {2023-10-05}, author = {Susik, Robert and Nowotniak, Robert and Kulczycki, Emanuel}, year = {2023}, }
@article{mazova_open_2023, title = {Open {Access} {Bibliographic} {Resources} for {Maintaining} a {Bibliographic} {Database} of {Research} {Organization}}, volume = {50}, url = {http://www.ipgg.sbras.ru/ru/publications/ibc/2023/stip-2023-3-211-223.pdf}, number = {3}, urldate = {2023-10-05}, journal = {SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROCESSING}, author = {Mazova, N. A. and Gureeva, V. N.}, year = {2023}, }
@article{stueber_concepcio_2023, title = {Concepció d'una eina brasilera per a l'elaboració de plans de gestió de dades de recerca: reptes per al model de plans automàtics ({maDMP})}, shorttitle = {Concepció d'una eina brasilera per a l'elaboració de plans de gestió de dades de recerca}, url = {https://www.raco.cat/index.php/BiD/article/view/n50-vilela}, number = {50}, urldate = {2023-10-02}, journal = {BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació}, author = {Stueber, Ketlen and da Silva, Fabiano Couto Corrêa and Grácio, José Carlos Abbud and de Aguiar, Elizabete Cristina de Souza and Rezende, Laura Vilela Rodrigues and de Oliveira, Alexandre Faria}, year = {2023}, }
@inproceedings{bernard_nfdi4earth_2023, title = {{NFDI4Earth}: {Improving} {Research} {Data} {Management} in the {Earth} {System} {Sciences}}, volume = {1}, shorttitle = {{NFDI4Earth}}, url = {https://www.tib-op.org/ojs/index.php/CoRDI/article/view/288}, urldate = {2023-10-02}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Conference} on {Research} {Data} {Infrastructure}}, author = {Bernard, Lars and Henzen, Christin and Degbelo, Auriol and Nüst, Daniel and Seegert, Jörg}, year = {2023}, }
@article{__2023, title = {Відкриті інформаційно-цифрові технології у науково-педагогічної діяльності}, url = {https://lib.iitta.gov.ua/736542/1/%D0%86%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0,%20%D0%9A%D1%96%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%BE_%D0%A2%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B8_%D0%A5V_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%84.%20%D0%A1.-35-37.pdf}, urldate = {2023-10-02}, author = {Іванова, Світлана and Кільченко, Алла}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: РВВ ЦДУ ім. В. Винниченка}, }
@techreport{akbaritabar_sub-national_2023, title = {Sub-national disparities in the global mobility of academic talent}, institution = {Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany}, author = {Akbaritabar, Aliakbar and Dańko, Maciej J. and Zhao, Xinyi and Zagheni, Emilio}, year = {2023}, }
@article{mendez-solano_identificadores_2023, title = {Identificadores persistentes}, author = {Méndez-Solano, Andrea}, year = {2023}, }
@inproceedings{vidal_alise_2023, title = {Análise da viabilidade de associação dos planos de gestão de dados acionáveis por máquina com o ciclo de vida dos dados no ecossistema de pesquisa brasileiro}, volume = {6}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.22477/vi.widat.08}, booktitle = {{VI} {Workshop} de {Informação}, {Dados} e {Tecnologia}-{WIDaT} 2023}, author = {Vidal, Lucia Helena Cunha and Junior, Rene Faustino Gabriel and Pavão, Caterina Marta Groposo}, year = {2023}, }
@article{lammey_research_2023, title = {The research nexus and {Principles} of {Open} {Scholarly} {Infrastructure} ({POSI}): sharing our goal of an open, connected ecosystem of research objects}, volume = {10}, shorttitle = {The research nexus and {Principles} of {Open} {Scholarly} {Infrastructure} ({POSI})}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.6087/kcse.315}, number = {2}, journal = {Science Editing}, author = {Lammey, Rachael}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Korean Council of Science Editors}, pages = {190--194}, }
@misc{winter_market_2023, title = {Market consolidation and scholarly communications}, url = {https://ospolicyobservatory.uvic.ca/2023/03/17/market-consolidation-and-scholarly-communications/}, journal = {Open Scholarship Policy Observatory}, author = {Winter, Caroline}, month = mar, year = {2023}, }
@article{gallifant_new_2023, title = {A new tool for evaluating health equity in academic journals; the {Diversity} {Factor}}, volume = {3}, issn = {2767-3375}, url = {https://journals.plos.org/globalpublichealth/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgph.0002252}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pgph.0002252}, abstract = {Current methods to evaluate a journal’s impact rely on the downstream citation mapping used to generate the Impact Factor. This approach is a fragile metric prone to being skewed by outlier values and does not speak to a researcher’s contribution to furthering health outcomes for all populations. Therefore, we propose the implementation of a Diversity Factor to fulfill this need and supplement the current metrics. It is composed of four key elements: dataset properties, author country, author gender and departmental affiliation. Due to the significance of each individual element, they should be assessed independently of each other as opposed to being combined into a simplified score to be optimized. Herein, we discuss the necessity of such metrics, provide a framework to build upon, evaluate the current landscape through the lens of each key element and publish the findings on a freely available website that enables further evaluation. The OpenAlex database was used to extract the metadata of all papers published from 2000 until August 2022, and Natural language processing was used to identify individual elements. Features were then displayed individually on a static dashboard developed using TableauPublic, which is available at www.equitablescience.com. In total, 130,721 papers were identified from 7,462 journals where significant underrepresentation of LMIC and Female authors was demonstrated. These findings are pervasive and show no positive correlation with the Journal’s Impact Factor. The systematic collection of the Diversity Factor concept would allow for more detailed analysis, highlight gaps in knowledge, and reflect confidence in the translation of related research. Conversion of this metric to an active pipeline would account for the fact that how we define those most at risk will change over time and quantify responses to particular initiatives. Therefore, continuous measurement of outcomes across groups and those investigating those outcomes will never lose importance. Moving forward, we encourage further revision and improvement by diverse author groups in order to better refine this concept.}, language = {en}, number = {8}, urldate = {2023-08-17}, journal = {PLOS Global Public Health}, author = {Gallifant, Jack and Zhang, Joe and Whebell, Stephen and Quion, Justin and Escobar, Braiam and Gichoya, Judy and Herrera, Karen and Jina, Ruxana and Chidambaram, Swathikan and Mehndiratta, Abha and Kimera, Richard and Marcelo, Alvin and Fernandez-Marcelo, Portia Grace and Osorio, Juan Sebastian and Villanueva, Cleva and Nazer, Lama and Dankwa-Mullan, Irene and Celi, Leo Anthony}, month = aug, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Public Library of Science}, keywords = {Artificial intelligence, Bibliometrics, Citation analysis, Low and middle income countries, Metadata, Scientific publishing, Socioeconomic aspects of health, Species diversity}, pages = {e0002252}, }
@article{cross_2022_2023, title = {2022 {NOAA} {Research} and {Development} {Database} {Annual} {Operating} {Report}}, author = {Cross, Anju and Jabin, Ishrat and Laster, Meka and Deehan, Megan and Newcomb, Laura and Snyder, Tim and Sankuri, Jyothi and Yedinak, Kirk and Mong, Kai and Fritz, Allison}, year = {2023}, }
@article{boxhammer_factsheet_2023, title = {Factsheet {ROR}–organization {ID} for research institutions ({Version} v1)}, author = {Boxhammer, Tim and Mehrtens, Hela}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Zenodo}, }
@phdthesis{rozenshteyn_factors_2023, type = {{PhD} {Thesis}}, title = {Factors {Associated} {With} {Impactful} {Scientific} {Publications} in {NIH}-funded {Heart} {Disease} {Research}}, school = {San Diego State University}, author = {Rozenshteyn, Diana}, year = {2023}, }
@article{dawson_open_2023, title = {An {Open} {Access} {Strategy} for the {Drug} {Repurposing} {Community}}, journal = {DrugRxiv}, author = {Dawson, Stephanie}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: REPO4EU}, }
@article{torres-salinas_ruta_2023, title = {La ruta bibliométrica hacia el cambio tecnológico y social: la conferencia}, shorttitle = {La ruta bibliométrica hacia el cambio tecnológico y social}, author = {Torres-Salinas, Daniel}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Universidad Pablo de Olavide}, }
@article{eve_latest_2023, title = {The latest {Ithaka} {S}+{R} draft report is hugely regressive}, copyright = {cc\_by\_4}, url = {https://eve.gd/2023/07/20/the-latest-ithaka-sr-draft-report-is-hugely-regressive}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-07-26}, journal = {eve.gd}, author = {Eve, Martin Paul}, month = jul, year = {2023}, }
@phdthesis{diana_rozenshteyn_factors_2023, address = {San Diego, CA}, title = {Factors {Associated} {With} {Impactful} {Scientific} {Publications} in {NIH}-funded {Heart} {Disease} {Research} - {ProQuest}}, url = {https://www.proquest.com/openview/ec265a4c9746a324243bec515bd521d7/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y}, abstract = {In this study, we investigated factors associated with impactful scientific publications funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH) in the field of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). We analyzed a database of NIH-funded heart disease research publications from 2002 to 2020 to uncover key factors contributing to successful outcomes in this field. The study found that funding provided by the NIH positively correlated with the number of publications, and spending cuts in scientific research by the US Congress are associated with research productivity. Our exploratory data analysis revealed the concentration of heart disease research articles in a small number of journals and institutions. We observed gender disparities, with a higher representation of male first authors in top journals and institutions. We demonstrated that male-authored publications received more citations and had higher NIH Percentile scores compared to female-authored publications, indicating a persistent gender gap in publication and visibility. The study also employed predictive modeling, where regression models initially performed poorly, but the XGBoosting model demonstrated the best predictive power among classifiers in estimating the success of cardiovascular research. We defined the success of a publication as the number of people who benefit from the published research and we employed the NIH Percentile as an approximation of that measure. Journal Rank emerged as the most influential feature in predicting research success. Overall, this study provides important insights into the factors influencing impactful publications in the field of heart disease research, including funding, journal selection, institutional affiliations, gender disparities, and the potential for predicting research success.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-07-26}, school = {San Diego State University}, author = {{Diana Rozenshteyn}}, year = {2023}, }
@techreport{akbaritabar_global_2023, title = {Global flows and rates of international migration of scholars}, url = {https://www.demogr.mpg.de/en/publications_databases_6118/publications_1904/mpidr_working_papers/global_flows_and_rates_of_international_migration_of_scholars_7729}, number = {WP-2023-018}, institution = {Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research}, author = {Akbaritabar, Aliakbar and Theile, Tom and Zagheni, Emilio}, month = apr, year = {2023}, }
@article{nordsiek_making_2023, title = {Making geoscientific lab data {FAIR}: {A} conceptual model for a geophysical laboratory database}, shorttitle = {Making geoscientific lab data {FAIR}}, url = {https://gi.copernicus.org/preprints/gi-2023-9/}, doi = {10.5194/gi-2023-9}, abstract = {{\textless}p{\textgreater}{\textless}strong class="journal-contentHeaderColor"{\textgreater}Abstract.{\textless}/strong{\textgreater} The term of geoscientific laboratory measurements involves a variety of methods in geosciences. Accordingly, the resulting data comprise many different data types, formats, and sizes, respectively. Handling such a diversity of data, e.g., by storing the data in a generally applicable database, is difficult. Some discipline-specific approaches exist, but a geoscientific laboratory database that is generally applicable to different geoscientific disciplines is missing up to now. However, making research data available to scientists beyond a particular community has become increasingly important. Within a pilot project of the NFDI4Earth initiative, we developed a conceptual model for a geoscientific laboratory database. For being able to handle complex settings of geoscientific laboratory studies, flexibility and extensibility are key attributes of the presented approach. The model is intended to follow the FAIR data principles to facilitate interdisciplinary applicability. In this study, we consider different procedures from existing database models and include these methods in the conceptual model.{\textless}/p{\textgreater}}, language = {English}, urldate = {2023-07-19}, journal = {Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems Discussions}, author = {Nordsiek, Sven and Halisch, Matthias}, month = jul, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Copernicus GmbH}, pages = {1--14}, }
@article{mcintosh_advancing_2023, title = {Advancing equity and integrity in research}, volume = {381}, url = {https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adi7867}, doi = {10.1126/science.adi7867}, number = {6654}, urldate = {2023-07-19}, journal = {Science}, author = {McIntosh, Leslie and Hudson Vitale, Cynthia}, month = jul, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: American Association for the Advancement of Science}, pages = {134--135}, }
@inproceedings{guillaumet_research_2023, title = {Research {Information} {Management} ({RIM})/{Current} {Research} {Information} ({CRIS}) {Systems} for {Research} {Organizations}: {A} {Project} {Brief} from the {Open}-{Source} {VIVO} {Community}}, shorttitle = {Research {Information} {Management} ({RIM})/{Current} {Research} {Information} ({CRIS}) {Systems} for {Research} {Organizations}}, publisher = {EUNIS}, author = {Guillaumet, Anna and Ivanović, Dragan and Herbert, Bruce}, year = {2023}, }
@article{mendonca_open_2023, title = {The {Open} {Access} {Journals} {Toolkit}}, author = {Mendonça, Alex and Chiarelli, Andrea and Byers, Andy and Nobes, Andy and Hartgerink, Chris and Dias Carneiro, Clarissa França and Malcolmson, Elle and Lijano, Ivonne and Foxall, Katie and Loffreda, Lucia}, year = {2023}, }
@article{massari_opencitations_2023, title = {{OpenCitations} {Meta}}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.16191}, author = {Massari, Arcangelo and Mariani, Fabio and Heibi, Ivan and Peroni, Silvio and Shotton, David}, year = {2023}, }
@article{tasovac_role_2023, title = {The {Role} of {Research} {Infrastructures} in the {Research} {Assessment} {Reform}: {A} {DARIAH} {Position} {Paper}}, shorttitle = {The {Role} of {Research} {Infrastructures} in the {Research} {Assessment} {Reform}}, author = {Tasovac, Toma and Romary, Laurent and Tóth-Czifra, Erzsébet and Ackermann, Rahel C. and Alves, Daniel and Chambers, Sally and Cosgrave, Mike and Denoyelle, Martine and Garnett, Vicky and Gautschy, Rita}, year = {2023}, }
@article{jiang_chapter_2023, title = {Chapter 7. {Data} reporting and sharing}, volume = {2023}, journal = {State of the Planet Discussions}, author = {Jiang, Li-Qing and Subhas, Adam and Basso, Daniela and Fennel, Katja and Gattuso, Jean-Pierre}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Göttingen, Germany}, pages = {1--28}, }
@techreport{akbaritabar_global_2023, title = {A global perspective on the social structure of science}, institution = {Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany}, author = {Akbaritabar, Aliakbar and Torres, Andrés F. Castro and Larivière, Vincent}, year = {2023}, }
@article{felden_pangaea-data_2023, title = {{PANGAEA}-{Data} {Publisher} for {Earth} \& {Environmental} {Science}}, volume = {10}, number = {1}, journal = {Scientific Data}, author = {Felden, Janine and Möller, Lars and Schindler, Uwe and Huber, Robert and Schumacher, Stefanie and Koppe, Roland and Diepenbroek, Michael and Glöckner, Frank Oliver}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Nature Publishing Group UK London}, pages = {347}, }
@article{addink_deliverable_2023, title = {Deliverable {D7}. 1 {Architecture} {Design} for a pan-{European} {PID} system for {Digital} {Specimens}}, volume = {4}, journal = {ARPHA Preprints}, author = {Addink, Wouter and Islam, Sharif and Dillen, Mathias and Güntsch, Anton and Theocharides, Soulaine}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Pensoft Publishers}, pages = {e107168}, }
@article{de_castro_gradual_2023, title = {The gradual implementation of organisational identifiers ({OrgIDs})}, author = {de Castro, Pablo and Herb, Ulrich and Rothfritz, Laura and Schöpfel, Joachim}, year = {2023}, }
@article{han_incorporating_2023, title = {Incorporating {Knowledge} {Resources} into {Natural} {Language} {Processing} {Techniques} to {Advance} {Academic} {Research} and {Application} {Development}}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/2142/118097}, abstract = {The rapid advancement of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) techniques, coupled with the accumulation of data and knowledge resources in the recent decades, opens up numerous new opportunities for social and scientific studies, as well as for developing applications used in daily life (e.g., chatbots and online search engines). However, challenges persist, such as the lack of sufficient amounts of annotated training data to build or fine-tune NLP and ML models, noisy data with incomplete information for specific needs, and the adaptation of generic pre-trained models to domain-specific downstream tasks, among others. Leveraging knowledge resources, which I define as data or human resources that contain dense and typically structured knowledge within specific domains, holds promise for advancing NLP and ML techniques to facilitate social and scientific studies, as well as application design and development for daily life purposes. In this dissertation, I investigate various knowledge resources that can be mined and incorporated into NLP techniques for social and scientific studies and application development. Specifically, this dissertation will present four studies, including trimming the Wikipedia Category Tree for domain-specific tasks, disambiguating funder names and predicting funder characteristics for funding allocation studies based on community-curated resources, developing socially responsible chatbots for purchase decision-making based on online platform data, and categorizing domain-specific documents based on small annotated data and an expert-in-the-loop approach. These studies make contributions to advance 1) knowledge on how to use existing knowledge resources for specific domains or tasks, 2) novel frameworks for cleaning, mining, and utilizing these knowledge resources, and 3) models and systems that can be directly used for tasks such as funder name disambiguation and question-answering.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-05-30}, author = {Han, Kanyao}, month = may, year = {2023}, }
@article{zarghani_application_2023, title = {The {Application} of {Open} {Science} {Potentials} in {Research} {Processes}: {A} {Comprehensive} {Literature} {Review}}, issn = {1865-8423}, shorttitle = {The {Application} of {Open} {Science} {Potentials} in {Research} {Processes}}, url = {https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/libri-2022-0007/html}, doi = {10.1515/libri-2022-0007}, abstract = {The aim of this study was to conduct a comprehensive literature review of the dimensions of open science in research processes. A total of four databases and snowball searching were used for the comprehensive literature review during 2011–2020; then, we were able to find 98 studies based on the inclusion criteria. Also, we used thematic method to review the relevant studies and identified three categories of dimensions in the research process, namely (1) the publication and sharing category including open access, open data, transparency and reproducibility, citizen science, and crowd sourcing; (2) the infrastructure and cultural category including open infrastructure, open education, open tools, budget mechanism, open culture, and communication; and (3) governance and evaluation including policies, governance, and the ethical principles associated with open science. Open science emphasizes the efforts to open and make the scientific research process more inclusive so as to engage the inside and outside actors in the research process.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-05-30}, journal = {Libri}, author = {Zarghani, Maryam and Nemati-Anaraki, Leila and Sedghi, Shahram and Chakoli, Abdolreza Noroozi and Rowhani-Farid, Anisa}, month = may, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: De Gruyter Saur}, keywords = {open research, open science, open science practices, research processes}, }
@article{klebel_apc-barrier_2023, title = {The {APC}-barrier and its effect on stratification in open access publishing}, volume = {4}, issn = {2641-3337}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1162/qss_a_00245}, doi = {10.1162/qss_a_00245}, abstract = {Current implementations of Open Access (OA) publishing frequently involve article processing charges (APCs). Increasing evidence has emerged that APCs impede researchers with fewer resources in publishing their research as OA. We analyzed 1.5 million scientific articles from journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals to assess average APCs and their determinants for a comprehensive set of journal publications across scientific disciplines, world regions, and through time. Levels of APCs were strongly stratified by scientific fields and the institutions’ countries, corroborating previous findings on publishing cultures and the impact of mandates of research funders. After controlling for country and scientific field with a multilevel mixture model, however, we found small to moderate effects of levels of institutional resourcing on the level of APCs. The effects were largest in countries with low GDP, suggesting decreasing marginal effects of institutional resources when general levels of funding are high. Our findings provide further evidence on how APCs stratify OA publishing and highlight the need for alternative publishing models.}, number = {1}, urldate = {2023-05-22}, journal = {Quantitative Science Studies}, author = {Klebel, Thomas and Ross-Hellauer, Tony}, month = mar, year = {2023}, pages = {22--43}, }
@article{torres_salinas_ruta_2023, title = {La ruta bibliométrica hacia el cambio tecnológico y social: revisión de problemas y desafíos actuales}, shorttitle = {La ruta bibliométrica hacia el cambio tecnológico y social}, author = {Torres Salinas, Daniel and Robinson García, Nicolás and Jiménez Contreras, Evaristo}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Profesional de la información}, }
@article{rieger_common_2023, title = {Common {Scholarly} {Communication} {Infrastructure} {Landscape} {Review}}, author = {Rieger, Oya Y. and Schonfeld, Roger C.}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Ithaka S+ R}, }
@article{torres-salinas_bibliometric_2023, title = {The bibliometric journey towards technological and social change: {A} review of current challenges and issues}, volume = {32}, copyright = {Derechos de autor 2023 Profesional de la información}, issn = {1699-2407}, shorttitle = {The bibliometric journey towards technological and social change}, url = {https://revista.profesionaldelainformacion.com/index.php/EPI/article/view/87286}, doi = {10.3145/epi.2023.mar.28}, abstract = {The current trends and challenges in the field of bibliometrics are reviewed. To do so, we take the reader along a bibliometric route with six stations: the explosion of databases, the inflation of metrics, its relationship to Data Science, searching for meaning, evaluative bibliometrics, and diversity and profession. This evaluation encompasses three dimensions of the bibliometrics field regarding research evaluation: the technological, the theoretical, and the social. Finally, we advocate for the principles of an evaluative bibliometrics, balancing the power of metrics with expert judgment and science policy.}, language = {en}, number = {2}, urldate = {2023-04-18}, journal = {Profesional de la información}, author = {Torres-Salinas, Daniel and Robinson-García, Nicolás and Jiménez-Contreras, Evaristo}, month = apr, year = {2023}, note = {Number: 2}, keywords = {Evolution}, }
@article{spinellis_open_2023, title = {Open {Reproducible} {Systematic} {Publication} {Research}}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.13312}, author = {Spinellis, Diomidis}, year = {2023}, }
@article{parks_current_2023, title = {The current landscape of author guidelines in chemistry through the lens of research data sharing}, issn = {1365-3075}, url = {https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/pac-2022-1001/html}, doi = {10.1515/pac-2022-1001}, abstract = {As the primary method of communicating research results, journals garner an enormous impact on community behavior. Publishing the underlying research data alongside journal articles is widely considered good scientific practice. Ideally, journals and their publishers place these recommendations or requirements in their author guidelines and data policies. Several efforts are working to improve the infrastructure, processes, and uptake of research data sharing, including the NFDI4Chem consortium, working groups within the RDA, and IUPAC, including the WorldFAIR Chemistry project. In this article, we present the results of a large-scale analysis of author guidelines from several publishers and journals active in chemistry research, showing how well the publishing landscape supports different criteria and where there is room for improvement. While the requirement for deposition of X-ray diffraction data is commonplace, guidelines rarely mention machine-readable chemical structures and metadata/minimum information standards. Further evaluation criteria included recommendations on persistent identifiers, data availability statements, data deposition into repositories as well as of open analytical data formats. Our survey shows that publishers and journals are starting to include aspects of research data in their guidelines. We as authors should accept and embrace the guidelines with increasing requirements for data availability, data interoperability, and re-usability to improve chemistry research.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-03-01}, journal = {Pure and Applied Chemistry}, author = {Parks, Nicole A. and Fischer, Tillmann G. and Blankenburg, Claudia and Scalfani, Vincent F. and McEwen, Leah R. and Herres-Pawlis, Sonja and Neumann, Steffen}, month = feb, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: De Gruyter}, keywords = {Academic publishing, FAIR research data, cheminformatics, chemistry, data repositories, education, interoperability, metadata, research data, scientific journals, standards, validation, workflows}, }
@article{wise_free_2023, title = {A free toolkit to foster open access agreements}, volume = {36}, number = {1}, journal = {Insights}, author = {Wise, Alicia and Estelle, Lorraine}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: UKSG in association with Ubiquity Press}, }
@article{bertelmann_pid_2023, title = {{PID} {Network} {Deutschland}. {Netzwerk} für die {Förderung} von persistenten {Identifikatoren} in {Wissenschaft} und {Kultur}}, author = {Bertelmann, Roland and Buys, Matthew and Kett, Jürgen and Pampel, Heinz and Pieper, Dirk and Scholze, Frank and Sens, Irina and Burger, Felix and Dreyer, Britta and Glagla-Dietz, Stephanie}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Helmholtz Open Science Office}, }
@article{__2023, title = {パブリックコメント結果の紹介}, author = {{神谷優子}}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: オープンアクセスリポジトリ推進協会}, }
@article{bos_latex_2023, title = {{LaTeX}, metadata, and publishing workflows}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.08277}, author = {Bos, Joppe W. and McCurley, Kevin S.}, year = {2023}, }
@article{_jpcoar_2023, title = {{JPCOAR} スキーマ 2.0 の特徴の紹介}, author = {{中竹聖也}}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: オープンアクセスリポジトリ推進協会}, }
@inproceedings{marquardt_development_2023, title = {Development of a {Database} for the {Management} and {Use} of {Available} {Resources} in the {Field} of {Sustainable} {Nanomanufacturing}}, booktitle = {International {Conference} on {Sustainable} {Design} and {Manufacturing}}, publisher = {Springer}, author = {Marquardt, Clarissa and Scholz, Steffen G. and Nau, Katja and Schmidt, Andreas}, year = {2023}, pages = {232--241}, }
@article{gomez_razza_perucris_2022, title = {{PeruCRIS} national {CRIS} is live}, url = {https://dspacecris.eurocris.org/handle/11366/2250}, abstract = {A PeruCRIS project update is provided a few months after the presentation delivered at the CRIS2022 Conference in Dubrovnik. The PeruCRIS national CRIS has now been released at https://www.perucris.pe/home and up-to-date content is currently being ingested into the national portal covering interlinked CERIF entities such as researchers, organisations, projects, publications and equipment. The presentation summarises the work done by the PeruCRIS project in areas like (among others) standardisation, persistent identifiers and pilot interoperability initiatives for research information exchange with various institutional CRIS systems in the country based on different software solutions such as DSpace-CRIS and Pure. A roadmap is finally shared showing the next steps for the project to undertake.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-11-06}, author = {Gómez Razza, Víctor}, month = dec, year = {2022}, note = {Accepted: 2022-12-08T11:03:28Z Publisher: euroCRIS}, }
@techreport{brown_incentives_2022, title = {Incentives to invest in identifiers: {A} cost-benefit analysis of persistent identifiers in {Australian} research systems}, copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, Open Access}, shorttitle = {Incentives to invest in identifiers}, url = {https://zenodo.org/record/7100578}, abstract = {Persistent identifiers (PIDs) are unique alpha-numeric codes that positively identify entities such as people, places, and things. In addition, they are connected to registries of information about those entities, known as metadata, that enable robust linking to and between those entities. This establishes provenance and attribution, as specified by the FAIR data principles. PIDs contribute to research integrity and reproducibility by precisely identifying the resources used to conduct research and the outputs that result from it. The ability to link research activities to their inputs and outputs bolsters research integrity and facilitates the gathering of evidence for improved strategic decision-making at the individual, institutional, and national levels. The Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) and the Australian Access Federation (AAF) commissioned the MoreBrains Cooperative to undertake an analysis of the incentives for adoption of persistent identifiers (PIDs) by the Australian research sector. The three main benefits of PIDs are: {\textless}strong{\textgreater}Metadata reuse{\textless}/strong{\textgreater}: PID registries act as both repositories for metadata, and as services that can provide programmatic access to it, saving the time and effort of rekeying it, and improving accuracy. {\textless}strong{\textgreater}Automation{\textless}/strong{\textgreater}: The presence of a PID in a system or a metadata record can act as a trigger for an action. The value of automation can go beyond time saved to include more complete information and more timely information processing. {\textless}strong{\textgreater}Aggregation and analysis{\textless}/strong{\textgreater}: At the institutional or national scale, aggregating information about entities and the relationships between them enables strategic analysis, benchmarking, the plotting of trends, and other insights. This report sets out the benefits of PIDs primarily through the first of these lenses: metadata reuse. This is the most amenable to quantification, as data is available about the number of specific entities in the Australian research system (such as the number of researchers, institutions, publications, and grants). By combining this information with existing research on metadata use, the time taken for various kinds of manual data entry, and staff costs in Australia, we are able to attach both time and dollar values to the savings that comprehensive PID adoption could bring: The total time cost of this tedious work is nearly {\textless}strong{\textgreater}38,000 person days per year.{\textless}/strong{\textgreater} The direct financial cost of this wasted effort is nearly {\textless}strong{\textgreater}\$24 million per year.{\textless}/strong{\textgreater} Accounting for the opportunity cost associated with technology transfer and innovation-led growth suggests a far higher figure of {\textless}strong{\textgreater}\$84 million per year.{\textless}/strong{\textgreater} Our primary recommendations are as follows: Develop a national PID strategy for Australia, which builds on the success of the AAF-led Australian ORCID consortium and leverages the leadership ARDC is already providing on PIDs. Key stakeholders in the Australian research sector—such as universities, research institutions, funders, and infrastructure providers—should integrate a suite of five priority PIDs: ORCIDs for people, ROR for institutions, RAiDs for projects, DOIs for research outputs, and DOIs for grants. As part of a longer-term strategy, work should continue on developing PIDs for Instruments, expanding the uses of IGSNs for samples, and potentially other IDs, in collaboration with research communities. Funders should build on the success of Australian Research Council’s (ARC) integration of ORCID into their research management system by adopting a similar approach and expanding to include the full suite of priority PIDs. Commercial providers of Research Information Management Systems (RIMS) and repositories and the communities that support open source RIMS should be engaged to encourage and enable the further wholesale adoption of PIDs into those systems. Ensure widespread adoption of PID workflows, with a target for 80\% adoption of the five priority PIDs within five years}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-01-18}, institution = {Zenodo}, author = {Brown, Josh and Jones, Phill and Meadows, Alice and Murphy, Fiona}, month = sep, year = {2022}, doi = {10.5281/ZENODO.7100578}, keywords = {AAF, ARDC, Australia, PIDs, Persistent Identifiers, Research infrastructure}, }
@misc{klebel_apc-effect_2022, title = {The {APC}-{Effect}: {Stratification} in {Open} {Access} {Publishing}}, shorttitle = {The {APC}-{Effect}}, url = {https://osf.io/preprints/metaarxiv/w5szk/}, doi = {10.31222/osf.io/w5szk}, abstract = {Current implementations of Open Access (OA) publishing frequently involve Article Publishing Charges (APCs). Increasing evidence emerges that APCs impede researchers with fewer resources in publishing their research OA. We analysed 1.5 million scientific articles from journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals to assess average APCs and their determinants for a comprehensive set of journal publications, across scientific disciplines, world regions and through time. Levels of APCs were strongly stratified by scientific fields and the institutions’ countries, corroborating previous findings on publishing cultures and the impact of mandates of research funders. After controlling for country and scientific field with a multilevel mixture model, however, we found small to moderate effects of levels of institutional resourcing on the level of APCs. This is what we call the APC-Effect. Effects were largest in countries with low GDP, suggesting decreasing marginal effects of institutional resources when general levels of funding are high. Our findings provide further evidence on how APCs stratify OA publishing and highlight the need for alternative publishing models.}, language = {en-us}, urldate = {2022-10-21}, publisher = {MetaArXiv}, author = {Klebel, Thomas and Ross-Hellauer, Tony}, month = oct, year = {2022}, keywords = {Article Processing Charge, Equity, Institutional resources, Library and Information Science, Open Access, Scholarly Communication, Scholarly Publishing, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Sociology, Stratification}, }
@misc{eck_crossref_2022, title = {Crossref as a source of open bibliographic metadata}, url = {https://osf.io/preprints/metaarxiv/smxe5/}, doi = {10.31222/osf.io/smxe5}, abstract = {Several initiatives have been taken to promote the open availability of bibliographic metadata of scholarly publications in Crossref. We present an up-to-date overview of the availability of six metadata elements in Crossref: reference lists, abstracts, ORCIDs, author affiliations, funding information, and license information. Our analysis shows that the availability of these metadata elements has improved over time, at least for journal articles, the most common publication type in Crossref. However, the analysis also shows that many publishers need to make additional efforts to realize full openness of bibliographic metadata.}, language = {en-us}, urldate = {2022-09-27}, publisher = {MetaArXiv}, author = {Eck, Nees Jan van and Waltman, Ludo}, month = jul, year = {2022}, keywords = {Abstract, Author affiliations, Bibliographic metadata, Cataloging and Metadata, Crossref, Funding information, Library and Information Science, License information, ORCID, Open metadata, Publisher, References, Scholarly Communication, Scholarly Publishing, Social and Behavioral Sciences}, }
@misc{folan_webinar_2022, title = {Webinar: {Making} reporting easy and increasing visibility of open access publication output - a how-to webinar from {OA} {Switchboard} publisher participants}, shorttitle = {{OASPA} {Webinar}: {Making} reporting easy}, url = {https://oaspa.org/webinar-making-reporting-easy-and-increasing-visibility-of-open-access-publication-output-a-how-to-webinar-from-oa-switchboard-publisher-participants/}, abstract = {As well as the recording above, please find speakers slides – Yvonne Campfens, Wendy Patterson \& Christian Lange (Beilstein-Institut), Matthew Day (Cambridge University Press \& Assessment), Frederick Atherden \& Kamruj Jaman (eLife) and Ivo Verbeek (Appetence/ELITEX) Date: Wednesday April 20, 2022 Time: 3 – 4.15 pm UK (2 – 3.15 pm UTC) Other timezones: 7.00 am Pacific Time,... Read full article {\textgreater}}, language = {en-GB}, urldate = {2022-08-01}, author = {Folan, Bernie}, month = apr, year = {2022}, }
@article{lawlor_overview_2022, title = {An overview of the 2022 {NISO} plus conference: {Global} conversations/{Global} {Connections}}, volume = {42}, issn = {0167-5265}, shorttitle = {An overview of the 2022 {NISO} plus conference}, url = {https://content.iospress.com/articles/information-services-and-use/isu220178?utm_source=MadMimi&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Information+Services+%26+Use%3A+NISO+Plus+Presentations+Available+Open+Access%21&utm_campaign=20230314_m172340190_ISU+NISO+2022&utm_term=overview+summary}, doi = {10.3233/ISU-220178}, abstract = {This paper offers an overview of some of the highlights of the 2022 NISO Plus Annual Conference that was held virtually from February 15 - February 18, 2022. This was the third such conference and the second to be held in a completely virtual format}, language = {en}, number = {3-4}, urldate = {2023-03-14}, journal = {Information Services \& Use}, author = {Lawlor, Bonnie}, month = jan, year = {2022}, note = {Publisher: IOS Press}, pages = {327--376}, }
@article{gries_environmental_2022, title = {The {Environmental} {Data} {Initiative}: connecting the past to the future through data reuse}, shorttitle = {The {Environmental} {Data} {Initiative}}, journal = {Authorea Preprints}, author = {Gries, Corinna and Hanson, Paul and O'Brien, Margaret and Servilla, Mark and Vanderbilt, Kristin and Waide, Robert}, year = {2022}, note = {Publisher: Authorea}, }
@article{gonzales_ten_2022, title = {Ten simple rules for maximizing the recommendations of the {NIH} data management and sharing plan}, volume = {18}, issn = {1553-7358}, url = {https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010397}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010397}, abstract = {The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Policy for Data Management and Sharing (DMS Policy) recognizes the NIH’s role as a key steward of United States biomedical research and information and seeks to enhance that stewardship through systematic recommendations for the preservation and sharing of research data generated by funded projects. The policy is effective as of January 2023. The recommendations include a requirement for the submission of a Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP) with funding applications, and while no strict template was provided, the NIH has released supplemental draft guidance on elements to consider when developing a plan. This article provides 10 key recommendations for creating a DMSP that is both maximally compliant and effective.}, language = {en}, number = {8}, urldate = {2022-08-08}, journal = {PLOS Computational Biology}, author = {Gonzales, Sara and Carson, Matthew B. and Holmes, Kristi}, month = aug, year = {2022}, note = {Publisher: Public Library of Science}, keywords = {Biomedical Research, Data Management, Data management, Health care policy, Libraries, Metadata, Open source software, Reproducibility, Science policy, Software tools}, pages = {e1010397}, }
@article{menke_establishing_2022, title = {Establishing {Institutional} {Scores} {With} the {Rigor} and {Transparency} {Index}: {Large}-scale {Analysis} of {Scientific} {Reporting} {Quality}}, volume = {24}, shorttitle = {Establishing {Institutional} {Scores} {With} the {Rigor} and {Transparency} {Index}}, url = {https://www.jmir.org/2022/6/e37324}, doi = {10.2196/37324}, abstract = {Background: Improving rigor and transparency measures should lead to improvements in reproducibility across the scientific literature; however, the assessment of measures of transparency tends to be very difficult if performed manually. Objective: This study addresses the enhancement of the Rigor and Transparency Index (RTI, version 2.0), which attempts to automatically assess the rigor and transparency of journals, institutions, and countries using manuscripts scored on criteria found in reproducibility guidelines (eg, Materials Design, Analysis, and Reporting checklist criteria). Methods: The RTI tracks 27 entity types using natural language processing techniques such as Bidirectional Long Short-term Memory Conditional Random Field–based models and regular expressions; this allowed us to assess over 2 million papers accessed through PubMed Central. Results: Between 1997 and 2020 (where data were readily available in our data set), rigor and transparency measures showed general improvement (RTI 2.29 to 4.13), suggesting that authors are taking the need for improved reporting seriously. The top-scoring journals in 2020 were the Journal of Neurochemistry (6.23), British Journal of Pharmacology (6.07), and Nature Neuroscience (5.93). We extracted the institution and country of origin from the author affiliations to expand our analysis beyond journals. Among institutions publishing \>1000 papers in 2020 (in the PubMed Central open access set), Capital Medical University (4.75), Yonsei University (4.58), and University of Copenhagen (4.53) were the top performers in terms of RTI. In country-level performance, we found that Ethiopia and Norway consistently topped the RTI charts of countries with 100 or more papers per year. In addition, we tested our assumption that the RTI may serve as a reliable proxy for scientific replicability (ie, a high RTI represents papers containing sufficient information for replication efforts). Using work by the Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology, we determined that replication papers (RTI 7.61, SD 0.78) scored significantly higher (P\<.001) than the original papers (RTI 3.39, SD 1.12), which according to the project required additional information from authors to begin replication efforts. Conclusions: These results align with our view that RTI may serve as a reliable proxy for scientific replicability. Unfortunately, RTI measures for journals, institutions, and countries fall short of the replicated paper average. If we consider the RTI of these replication studies as a target for future manuscripts, more work will be needed to ensure that the average manuscript contains sufficient information for replication attempts.}, language = {EN}, number = {6}, urldate = {2022-10-24}, journal = {Journal of Medical Internet Research}, author = {Menke, Joe and Eckmann, Peter and Ozyurt, Ibrahim Burak and Roelandse, Martijn and Anderson, Nathan and Grethe, Jeffrey and Gamst, Anthony and Bandrowski, Anita}, month = jun, year = {2022}, note = {Company: Journal of Medical Internet Research Distributor: Journal of Medical Internet Research Institution: Journal of Medical Internet Research Label: Journal of Medical Internet Research Publisher: JMIR Publications Inc., Toronto, Canada}, keywords = {Checklist, Publishing}, pages = {e37324}, }
@article{shadbolt_challenges_2022, title = {The challenges of data in future pandemics}, volume = {40}, issn = {1755-4365}, url = {http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/35930904}, doi = {10.1016/j.epidem.2022.100612}, abstract = {The use of data has been essential throughout the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic. We have needed it to populate our models, inform our understanding, and shape our responses to the disease. However, data has not always been easy to find and access, it has varied in quality and coverage, been difficult to reuse or repurpose. This paper reviews these and other challenges and recommends steps to develop a data ecosystem better able to deal with future pandemics by better supporting preparedness, prevention, detection and response.}, language = {eng}, journal = {Epidemics}, author = {Shadbolt, Nigel and Brett, Alys and Chen, Min and Marion, Glenn and McKendrick, Iain J and Panovska-Griffiths, Jasmina and Pellis, Lorenzo and Reeve, Richard and Swallow, Ben}, month = sep, year = {2022}, keywords = {COVID-19, Pandemics}, pages = {100612}, }
@article{schroder_structure-based_2022, title = {Structure-based knowledge acquisition from electronic lab notebooks for research data provenance documentation}, volume = {13}, issn = {2041-1480}, url = {http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/35101121}, doi = {10.1186/s13326-021-00257-x}, abstract = {{\textless}h4{\textgreater}Background{\textless}/h4{\textgreater}Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELNs) are used to document experiments and investigations in the wet-lab. Protocols in ELNs contain a detailed description of the conducted steps including the necessary information to understand the procedure and the raised research data as well as to reproduce the research investigation. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether such ELN protocols can be used to create semantic documentation of the provenance of research data by the use of ontologies and linked data methodologies.{\textless}h4{\textgreater}Methods{\textless}/h4{\textgreater}Based on an ELN protocol of a biomedical wet-lab experiment, a retrospective provenance model of the raised research data describing the details of the experiment in a machine-interpretable way is manually engineered. Furthermore, an automated approach for knowledge acquisition from ELN protocols is derived from these results. This structure-based approach exploits the structure in the experiment's description such as headings, tables, and links, to translate the ELN protocol into a semantic knowledge representation. To satisfy the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reuseable (FAIR) guiding principles, a ready-to-publish bundle is created that contains the research data together with their semantic documentation.{\textless}h4{\textgreater}Results{\textless}/h4{\textgreater}While the manual modelling efforts serve as proof of concept by employing one protocol, the automated structure-based approach demonstrates the potential generalisation with seven ELN protocols. For each of those protocols, a ready-to-publish bundle is created and, by employing the SPARQL query language, it is illustrated that questions about the processes and the obtained research data can be answered.{\textless}h4{\textgreater}Conclusions{\textless}/h4{\textgreater}The semantic documentation of research data obtained from the ELN protocols allows for the representation of the retrospective provenance of research data in a machine-interpretable way. Research Object Crate (RO-Crate) bundles including these models enable researchers to easily share the research data including the corresponding documentation, but also to search and relate the experiment to each other.}, language = {eng}, number = {1}, journal = {Journal of biomedical semantics}, author = {Schröder, Max and Staehlke, Susanne and Groth, Paul and Nebe, J Barbara and Spors, Sascha and Krüger, Frank}, month = jan, year = {2022}, keywords = {Documentation, Knowledge Bases}, pages = {4}, }
@article{porter_connecting_2022, title = {Connecting {Scientometrics}: {Dimensions} as a {Route} to {Broadening} {Context} for {Analyses}}, volume = {7}, issn = {2504-0537}, url = {http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/35558165}, doi = {10.3389/frma.2022.835139}, abstract = {Modern cloud-based data infrastructures open new vistas for the deployment of scientometric data into the hands of practitioners. These infrastructures lower barriers to entry by making data more available and compute capacity more affordable. In addition, if data are prepared appropriately, with unique identifiers, it is possible to connect many different types of data. Bringing broader world data into the hands of practitioners (policymakers, strategists, and others) who use scientometrics as a tool can extend their capabilities. These ideas are explored through connecting Dimensions and World Bank data on Google BigQuery to study international collaboration between countries of different economic classification.}, language = {eng}, journal = {Frontiers in research metrics and analytics}, author = {Porter, Simon J and Hook, Daniel W}, year = {2022}, pages = {835139}, }
@article{matentzoglu_ontology_2022, title = {Ontology {Development} {Kit}: a toolkit for building, maintaining and standardizing biomedical ontologies}, volume = {2022}, issn = {1758-0463}, url = {http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/36208225}, doi = {10.1093/database/baac087}, abstract = {Similar to managing software packages, managing the ontology life cycle involves multiple complex workflows such as preparing releases, continuous quality control checking and dependency management. To manage these processes, a diverse set of tools is required, from command-line utilities to powerful ontology-engineering environmentsr. Particularly in the biomedical domain, which has developed a set of highly diverse yet inter-dependent ontologies, standardizing release practices and metadata and establishing shared quality standards are crucial to enable interoperability. The Ontology Development Kit (ODK) provides a set of standardized, customizable and automatically executable workflows, and packages all required tooling in a single Docker image. In this paper, we provide an overview of how the ODK works, show how it is used in practice and describe how we envision it driving standardization efforts in our community. Database URL: https://github.com/INCATools/ontology-development-kit.}, language = {eng}, journal = {Database (Oxford)}, author = {Matentzoglu, Nicolas and Goutte-Gattat, Damien and Tan, Shawn Zheng Kai and Balhoff, James P and Carbon, Seth and Caron, Anita R and Duncan, William D and Flack, Joe E and Haendel, Melissa and Harris, Nomi L and Hogan, William R and Hoyt, Charles Tapley and Jackson, Rebecca C and Kim, HyeongSik and Kir, Huseyin and Larralde, Martin and McMurry, Julie A and Overton, James A and Peters, Bjoern and Pilgrim, Clare and Stefancsik, Ray and Robb, Sofia Mc and Toro, Sabrina and Vasilevsky, Nicole A and Walls, Ramona and Mungall, Christopher J and Osumi-Sutherland, David}, month = oct, year = {2022}, keywords = {Biological Ontologies}, pages = {baac087}, }
@article{schnieders_orcid_2022, title = {{ORCID} coverage in research institutions-{Readiness} for partially automated research reporting}, volume = {7}, issn = {2504-0537}, url = {http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/36437858}, doi = {10.3389/frma.2022.1010504}, abstract = {Reporting and presentation of research activities and outcome for research institutions in official, normative standards are more and more important and are the basis to comply with reporting duties. Institutional Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) serve as important databases or data sources for external and internal reporting, which should ideally be connected with interfaces to the operational systems for automated loading routines to extract relevant research information. This investigation evaluates whether (semi-) automated reporting using open, public research information collected \textit{via} persistent identifiers (PIDs) for organizations (ROR), persons (ORCID), and research outputs (DOI) can reduce effort of reporting. For this purpose, internally maintained lists of persons to whom an ORCID record could be assigned (internal ORCID person lists) of two different German research institutions-Osnabrück University (UOS) and the non-university research institution TIB-Leibniz Information Center for Science and Technology Hannover-are used to investigate ORCID coverage in external open data sources like FREYA PID Graph (developed by DataCite), OpenAlex and ORCID itself. Additionally, for UOS a detailed analysis of discipline specific ORCID coverage is conducted. Substantial differences can be found for ORCID coverage between both institutions and for each institution regarding the various external data sources. A more detailed analysis of ORCID distribution by discipline for UOS reveals disparities by research area-internally and in external data sources. Recommendations for future actions can be derived from our results: Although the current level of coverage of researcher IDs which could automatically be mapped is still not sufficient to use persistent identifier-based extraction for standard (automated) reporting, it can already be a valuable input for institutional CRIS.}, language = {eng}, journal = {Frontiers in research metrics and analytics}, author = {Schnieders, Kathrin and Mierz, Sandra and Boccalini, Sabine and Meyer Zu Westerhausen, Wibke and Hauschke, Christian and Hagemann-Wilholt, Stephanie and Schulze, Sonja}, year = {2022}, pages = {1010504}, }
@article{ropelewski_standard_2022, title = {Standard metadata for {3D} microscopy}, volume = {9}, issn = {2052-4463}, url = {http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/35896564}, doi = {10.1038/s41597-022-01562-5}, abstract = {Recent advances in fluorescence microscopy techniques and tissue clearing, labeling, and staining provide unprecedented opportunities to investigate brain structure and function. These experiments' images make it possible to catalog brain cell types and define their location, morphology, and connectivity in a native context, leading to a better understanding of normal development and disease etiology. Consistent annotation of metadata is needed to provide the context necessary to understand, reuse, and integrate these data. This report describes an effort to establish metadata standards for three-dimensional (3D) microscopy datasets for use by the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies® (BRAIN) Initiative and the neuroscience research community. These standards were built on existing efforts and developed with input from the brain microscopy community to promote adoption. The resulting 3D Microscopy Metadata Standards (3D-MMS) includes 91 fields organized into seven categories: Contributors, Funders, Publication, Instrument, Dataset, Specimen, and Image. Adoption of these metadata standards will ensure that investigators receive credit for their work, promote data reuse, facilitate downstream analysis of shared data, and encourage collaboration.}, language = {eng}, number = {1}, journal = {Scientific data}, author = {Ropelewski, Alexander J and Rizzo, Megan A and Swedlow, Jason R and Huisken, Jan and Osten, Pavel and Khanjani, Neda and Weiss, Kurt and Bakalov, Vesselina and Engle, Michelle and Gridley, Lauren and Krzyzanowski, Michelle and Madden, Tom and Maiese, Deborah and Mandal, Meisha and Waterfield, Justin and Williams, David and Hamilton, Carol M and Huggins, Wayne}, month = jul, year = {2022}, keywords = {Metadata, Microscopy}, pages = {449}, }
@article{wood-charlson_ten_2022, title = {Ten simple rules for getting and giving credit for data}, volume = {18}, issn = {1553-734X}, url = {http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/36173960}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010476}, language = {eng}, number = {9}, journal = {PLoS computational biology}, author = {Wood-Charlson, Elisha M and Crockett, Zachary and Erdmann, Chris and Arkin, Adam P and Robinson, Carly B}, month = sep, year = {2022}, pages = {e1010476}, }
@article{cardoso_dcso_2022, title = {{DCSO}: towards an ontology for machine-actionable data management plans}, volume = {13}, issn = {2041-1480}, url = {http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/35883181}, doi = {10.1186/s13326-022-00274-4}, abstract = {The concept of Data Management Plan (DMP) has emerged as a fundamental tool to help researchers through the systematical management of data. The Research Data Alliance DMP Common Standard (DCS) working group developed a set of universal concepts characterising a DMP so it can be represented as a machine-actionable artefact, i.e., machine-actionable Data Management Plan (maDMP). The technology-agnostic approach of the current maDMP specification: (i) does not explicitly link to related data models or ontologies, (ii) has no standardised way to describe controlled vocabularies, and (iii) is extensible but has no clear mechanism to distinguish between the core specification and its extensions.This paper reports on a community effort to create the DMP Common Standard Ontology (DCSO) as a serialisation of the DCS core concepts, with a particular focus on a detailed description of the components of the ontology. Our initial result shows that the proposed DCSO can become a suitable candidate for a reference serialisation of the DMP Common Standard.}, language = {eng}, number = {1}, journal = {Journal of biomedical semantics}, author = {Cardoso, João and Castro, Leyla J and Ekaputra, Fajar J and Jacquemot, Marie C and Suchánek, Marek and Miksa, Tomasz and Borbinha, José}, month = jul, year = {2022}, keywords = {Biological Ontologies, Data Management}, pages = {21}, }
@misc{habermann_universitiesdatacite_2022, title = {Universities@{DataCite}}, url = {https://metadatagamechangers.com/blog/2022/6/23/universitiesdatacite}, abstract = {Affiliations and identifiers are critical for building a connected research community across the world. The contribution made to that connected resource for University datasets in DataCite is limited by the paucity of the required organizational identifiers.}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2023-02-20}, journal = {Metadata Game Changer}, author = {Habermann, Ted}, month = jun, year = {2022}, }
@misc{noauthor_whats_2022, title = {What’s {Up} – {Page} 2}, url = {https://www.lib.cua.edu/wordpress/newsevents/page/2/?user}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2023-01-30}, month = nov, year = {2022}, }
@article{agosti_recommendations_2022, title = {Recommendations for use of annotations and persistent identifiers in taxonomy and biodiversity publishing}, volume = {8}, issn = {2367-7163}, url = {https://riojournal.com/article/97374/}, doi = {10.3897/rio.8.e97374}, abstract = {The paper summarises many years of discussions and experience of biodiversity publishers, organisations, research projects and individual researchers, and proposes recommendations for implementation of persistent identifiers for article metadata, structural elements (sections, subsections, figures, tables, references, supplementary materials and others) and data specific to biodiversity (taxonomic treatments, treatment citations, taxon names, material citations, gene sequences, specimens, scientific collections) in taxonomy and biodiversity publishing. The paper proposes best practices on how identifiers should be used in the different cases and on how they can be minted, cited, and expressed in the backend article XML to facilitate conversion to and further re-use of the article content as FAIR data. The paper also discusses several specific routes for post-publication re-use of semantically enhanced content through large biodiversity data aggregators such as the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) and others, and proposes specifications of both identifiers and XML tags to be used for that purpose. A summary table provides an account and overview of the recommendations. The guidelines are supported with examples from the existing publishing practices.}, urldate = {2023-01-25}, journal = {Research Ideas and Outcomes}, author = {Agosti, Donat and Benichou, Laurence and Addink, Wouter and Arvanitidis, Christos and Catapano, Terence and Cochrane, Guy and Dillen, Mathias and Döring, Markus and Georgiev, Teodor and Gérard, Isabelle and Groom, Quentin and Kishor, Puneet and Kroh, Andreas and Kvaček, Jiří and Mergen, Patricia and Mietchen, Daniel and Pauperio, Joana and Sautter, Guido and Penev, Lyubomir}, month = nov, year = {2022}, pages = {e97374}, }
@techreport{turner_seamless_2022, title = {The {Seamless} {Integrated} {Geologic} {Mapping} ({SIGMa}) extension to the {Geologic} {Map} {Schema} ({GeMS})}, institution = {US Geological Survey}, author = {Turner, Kenzie J. and Workman, Jeremiah B. and Colgan, Joseph and Gilmer, Amy K. and Berry, Margaret E. and Johnstone, Samuel and Warrell, Kathleen F. and Dechesne, Marieke and VanSistine, D. Paco and Thompson, Ren A.}, year = {2022}, }
@article{hobern_towards_2022, title = {Towards a {Roadmap} for {Advancing} the {Catalogue} of the {World}’s {Natural} {History} {Collections}}, volume = {8}, journal = {Research Ideas and Outcomes}, author = {Hobern, Donald and Livermore, Laurence and Vincent, Sarah and Robertson, Tim and Miller, Joseph and Groom, Quentin and Grosjean, Marie}, year = {2022}, note = {Publisher: Pensoft Publishers}, pages = {e98593}, }
@article{putnings_non-fungible_2022, title = {Non-{Fungible} {Token} ({NFT}) in the {Academic} and {Open} {Access} {Publishing} {Environment}: {Considerations} {Towards} {Science}-{Friendly} {Scenarios}}, volume = {25}, shorttitle = {Non-{Fungible} {Token} ({NFT}) in the {Academic} and {Open} {Access} {Publishing} {Environment}}, number = {2}, journal = {The Journal of Electronic Publishing}, author = {Putnings, Markus and PUTNINGS, MARKUS}, year = {2022}, note = {Publisher: Michigan Publishing}, }
@article{kruger_research_2022, title = {From {Research} {Evaluation} to {Research} {Analytics}. {The} digitization of academic performance measurement}, volume = {9}, copyright = {Copyright (c) 2022 Anne K. Krüger, Sabrina Petersohn}, issn = {2001-5992}, url = {https://valuationstudies.liu.se/article/view/3917}, doi = {10.3384/VS.2001-5992.2022.9.1.11-46}, abstract = {One could think that bibliometric measurement of academic performance has always been digital since the computer-assisted invention of the Science Citation Index. Yet, since the 2000s, the digitization of bibliometric infrastructure has accelerated at a rapid pace. Citation databases are indexing an increasing variety of publication types. Altmetric data aggregators are producing data on the reception of research outcomes. Machine-readable persistent identifiers are created to unambiguously identify researchers, research organizations, and research objects; and evaluative software tools and current research information systems are constantly enlarging their functionalities to make use of these data and extract meaning from them. In this article, we analyse how these developments in evaluative bibliometrics have contributed to an extension of indicator-based research evaluation towards data-driven research analytics. Drawing on empirical material from blogs and websites as well as from research and policy papers, we discuss how interoperability, scalability, and flexibility as material specificities of digital infrastructures generate new ways of data production and their assessment, which affect the possibilities of how academic performance can be understood and (e)valuated.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2022-12-28}, journal = {Valuation Studies}, author = {Krüger, Anne K. and Petersohn, Sabrina}, month = dec, year = {2022}, note = {Number: 1}, keywords = {Infrastructure studies, academic performance measurement, data analytics, evaluative bibliometrics}, pages = {11--46}, }
@article{vierkant_organization_2022, title = {Organization {IDs} in {Germany}—{Results} of an {Assessment} of the {Status} {Quo} in 2020}, volume = {21}, copyright = {Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms: Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access ). All third-party images reproduced on this journal are shared under Educational Fair Use. For more information on Educational Fair Use , please see this useful checklist prepared by Columbia University Libraries . All copyright of third-party content posted here for research purposes belongs to its original owners. Unless otherwise stated all references to characters and comic art presented on this journal are ©, ® or ™ of their respective owners. No challenge to any owner’s rights is intended or should be inferred.}, issn = {1683-1470}, url = {http://datascience.codata.org/articles/10.5334/dsj-2022-019/}, doi = {10.5334/dsj-2022-019}, abstract = {Persistent identifiers (PIDs) for scientific organizations such as research institutions and research funding agencies are a further decisive piece of the puzzle to promote standardization in the scholarly publication process—especially in light of the already established digital object identifiers (DOIs) for research outputs and ORCID iDs for researchers. The application of these PIDs enables automated data flows and guarantees the persistent linking of information objects. Moreover, PIDs are fundamental components for the implementation of open science. For example, the application of PIDs for scientific organizations is of crucial importance when analyzing publications and the costs of the transition to open access at an institution. To find out more about the status quo of the use and adoption of organization IDs in Germany, a ‘Survey on the Need for and Use of Organization IDs at Higher Education Institutions and Non-University Research Institutions in Germany’ was conducted among 548 scientific institutions in Germany in the period from July 13 to December 4, 2020, as part of the DFG-funded project ORCID DE. One hundred and eighty-three institutions participated in what was the largest survey to date on organization IDs in Germany. The survey included questions on the knowledge, adoption, and use of organization IDs at scientific institutions. Moreover, respondent institutions were asked about their needs with regard to organization IDs and their metadata (e.g., in terms of relationships and granularity). The present paper provides a comprehensive overview of the results of the survey conducted as part of the aforementioned project and contributes to the promotion and increased awareness of organization IDs.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2022-12-28}, journal = {Data Science Journal}, author = {Vierkant, Paul and Schrader, Antonia and Pampel, Heinz}, month = dec, year = {2022}, note = {Number: 1 Publisher: Ubiquity Press}, keywords = {affiliation, indexing, open science, organization ID, persistent identifier, publication management, publishing, standardization}, pages = {19}, }
@article{jimenez-yanez__2022, title = {?` {Qué} se debe saber sobre las revistas depredadoras y piratas?}, volume = {10}, shorttitle = {?}, journal = {Culturales}, author = {Jiménez-Yañez, César and Colmenares-Díaz, Zicri}, year = {2022}, pages = {1--8}, }
@misc{unesco_bolstering_2022, title = {Bolstering open science infrastructures for all - {UNESCO} {Digital} {Library}}, url = {https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000383711}, abstract = {This document is part of the UNESCO Open Science Toolkit, designed to support implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science. Building on the provisions of the Recommendation, the guide was developed in consultation with the UNESCO Working Group on Open Science Infrastructures to build a shared understanding and identify steps for strengthening equitable and sustainable open science infrastructures.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2022-12-06}, publisher = {UNESCO}, author = {{UNESCO}}, year = {2022}, }
@article{kubilius_surveying_2022, title = {Surveying the {Medical} {IR} {Landscape} for {Presentation} or {Publication}: {Challenges} and {Opportunities}}, shorttitle = {Surveying the {Medical} {IR} {Landscape} for {Presentation} or {Publication}}, url = {https://hsrc.himmelfarb.gwu.edu/mirl/2022/program/3}, journal = {Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL)}, author = {Kubilius, Ramune}, month = nov, year = {2022}, }
@article{orduna-malea_measuring_2022, title = {Measuring web connectivity between research organizations through {ROR} identifiers}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2209.10821}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.6948453}, abstract = {Digital information needs to be accessed and used in a manageable and sustainable manner to facilitate the advancement of science and science management. Many types of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) are already in use and well-established in support of the scholarly communication industry, mainly digital objects (e.g., DOIs) and person identifiers (e.g., ORCID). PIDs improve the interoperability of digital entities, make them reusable, and, at the same time, foster FAIR principles. The main objective of this exploratory work is to measure the degree and type of use of ROR identifiers by the online scientific and academic ecosystem through link-based indicators. The analysis yielded 149,851 links to ror.org webpages: 147,154 links to ROR-based URLs and 2,698 links to other informative webpages under the ror.org website. The results obtained evidence that the percentage of ROR identifiers linked is limited (51.6\% of ROR identifiers have been linked at least once). These links come from a limited number of referring domains (242 unique domain names) and mainly from bibliographic records (51.4\% of links) and organization cards (36\% of links). While the distribution of ROR identifiers is biased towards Anglo-Saxon countries (mainly United States) and types (companies), the educational research organizations are the institutions most linked through their corresponding ROR-based URLs. The connectivity between DOIs, ORCIDs and RORs can be the spearhead to carry out new webometric and bibliometric studies, of interest to characterize the presence, impact, and interconnection of the global academic Web.}, urldate = {2022-12-02}, author = {Orduna-Malea, Enrique and Bautista-Puig, Nuria}, year = {2022}, note = {arXiv:2209.10821 [cs]}, keywords = {Computer Science - Digital Libraries}, }
@article{orduna-malea_use_2022, title = {Use of {Research} {Organizations} {Registry} ({ROR}) identifiers in author academic profiles: the case of {Google} {Scholar} {Profiles}}, copyright = {Derechos de autor 2022}, issn = {1695-5498}, shorttitle = {Use of {Research} {Organizations} {Registry} ({ROR}) identifiers in author academic profiles}, url = {https://raco.cat/index.php/Hipertext/article/view/403776}, doi = {10.31009/hipertext.net.2022.i25.11}, abstract = {Research organizations' persistent identifiers allow for reducing affiliation ambiguities, enable accurate institutional analyses and favor the design of modern online scholarly databases suited for research discovery and research evaluation. However, few studies have attempted to quantify their degree of use. Precisely, the purpose of this work is to determine the use of Research Organizations Registry (ROR) IDs in author academic profiles, specifically in Google Scholar Profiles (GSP). To do this, all the Google Scholar profiles including the term ROR in any of the public descriptive fields were collected and analyzed. The results evidence a low use of ROR IDs (1,033 profiles), mainly from a few institutions (e.g. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Colombia, and Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral in Ecuador hold 55.7\% of all profiles), from low citation-based impact authors (45.1\% of profiles attain less than 100 citations each), belonging mainly to Social Sciences (26.3\%), Engineering fields (25.3\%), and Natural Sciences (22.2\%). Although Google Scholar does not facilitate the inclusion of identifiers, it seems that the world's leading research institutions are not recommending their researchers include these identifiers in their profiles yet.}, language = {en}, number = {25}, urldate = {2022-12-02}, journal = {Hipertext.net}, author = {Orduña-Malea, Enrique and Bautista-Puig, Núria}, month = nov, year = {2022}, note = {Number: 25}, keywords = {Cienciometría, Google Académico, Identificadores persistentes, Metainvestigación, Motores de búsqueda académicos, Perfiles de autor, Registro de organismos de investigación}, pages = {113--122}, }
@phdthesis{boubakri_orkg_2022, type = {{bachelorThesis}}, title = {The {ORKG} {R} {Package} and {Its} {Use} in {Data} {Science}}, copyright = {CC BY 3.0 DE}, url = {https://www.repo.uni-hannover.de/handle/123456789/13177}, abstract = {Research infrastructures and services provide access to (meta)data via user interfaces and APIs. The more advanced services also support access through (Python, R, etc.) packages that users can use in computational environments. For scientific information as a particular kind of research data, the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) is an example of an advanced service that also supports accessing data from Python scripts. Since many research communities use R as the statistical language of choice, we have developed the ORKG R package to support accessing and processing ORKG data directly from R scripts. Inspired by the Python library, the ORKG R package supports a comparable set of features through a similar programmatic interface. Having developed the ORKG R package, we demonstrate its use in various applications grounded in life science and soil science research fields. As an additional key contribution of this work, we show how the ORKG R package can be used in combination with ORKG templates to support the pre-publication production and publication of machine-readable scientific information, during the data analysis phase of the research life cycle and directly in the scripts that produce scientific information. This new mode of machine-readable scientific information production complements the post-publication Crowdsourcing-based manual and NLP-based automated approaches with the major advantages of unmatched high accuracy and fine granularity.}, language = {eng}, urldate = {2022-12-01}, school = {Hannover : Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität}, author = {Boubakri, Zied}, month = nov, year = {2022}, doi = {10.15488/13072}, }
@article{macgregor_exploring_2022, title = {Exploring the concept of {PID} literacy: user perceptions and understanding of persistent identifiers in support of open scholarly infrastructure}, shorttitle = {Exploring the concept of {PID} literacy}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2211.07367}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.07367}, author = {Macgregor, George and Lancho-Barrantes, Barbara S. and Pennington, Diane Rasmussen}, year = {2022}, }
@inproceedings{damasio_ror_2022, title = {{ROR} ({Research} {Organization} {Registry}): {ID} para instituições e universidades}, shorttitle = {{ROR} ({Research} {Organization} {Registry})}, booktitle = {Abec {Meeting}}, author = {Damasio, Edilson}, year = {2022}, }
@inproceedings{french_emerging_2022, title = {Emerging uses of the {Research} {Organization} {Registry}}, booktitle = {Septentrio {Conference} {Series}}, author = {French, Amanda}, year = {2022}, note = {Issue: 1}, }
@article{fairhurst_working_2022, title = {Working towards a more connected scholarly community: the {Research} {Nexus} and {POSI}}, copyright = {Copyright (c) 2022 Pubmet}, shorttitle = {Working towards a more connected scholarly community}, url = {https://morepress.unizd.hr/journals}, doi = {10.15291/pubmet.3945}, abstract = {Crossref is a not-for-profit member organization that aims to make all research outputs easy to find, cite, link, assess, and reuse. Crossref’s membership comprises over 17,000 member organizations from across more than 140 countries (Crossref, 2022). Publisher and funder members register research content with Crossref, they assign it a DOI, and deposit metadata about that piece of content. Crossref then processes this metadata so that connections can be made between publications, people, organizations, and other associated outputs.At Crossref, we envision “a rich and reusable open network of relationships connecting research organizations, people, things, and actions; a scholarly record that the global community can build on forever, for the benefit of society” (Hendricks, G., 2021). This talk aims to explain how the Research Nexus is fundamental to making this vision a reality, how you can get involved, and how the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI) ensure that these efforts will be here for the long term.We all know how important it is for research objects to be persistently and uniquely identified, and while there is still work to be done in this area, this is only the first piece of the puzzle. The metadata that we collect from our members is open, standardized, and machine readable. It is beneficial to many organizations that build tools and services on top of the open infrastructure we provide and it is key to connecting research outputs to the bigger picture. Additionally, it is increasingly important to identify the relationships between research objects – bringing together published work, unpublished work, institutions, individuals, and much more and identifying the actions they take and the relationships between them, e.g., funding, publishing, creating, modifying, citing, and sharing. The Research Nexus brings together metadata and relationships to build a joined-up picture of the scholarly ecosystem and helps everyone identify these relationships and how they change through time. Metadata and relationships between research objects and entities can support the whole scholarly research ecosystem in many ways, including research integrity, reproducibility, reporting and assessment, and discoverability (Crossref, 2022).The Research Nexus draws on the work of various scholarly infrastructure organizations. However, we can be sure the scholarly community can sustain these efforts through the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI). POSI is a set of principles describing the desired governance arrangements, financial sustainability, and openness of infrastructure organizations and how they should operate in the scholarly space (Bilder G, Lin J, Neylon C, 2020). Organizations can formally adopt the POSI principles by publishing an initial self-assessment and committing to demonstrating evidence of following POSI in practice. Already, POSI is adopted by Crossref, Dryad, the Research Organization Registry (ROR), the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS), Our Research, OpenCitations, DataCite, OA Switchboard, and others. We hope to advance knowledge by making the increasingly diverse landscape of scholarly outputs easy to navigate.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2022-10-18}, journal = {PUBMET}, author = {Fairhurst, Vanessa}, month = oct, year = {2022}, keywords = {Crossref, Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure, Research Nexus, metadata, open science, sustainability}, pages = {60--61}, }
@article{borrego_indicadores_2022, title = {Indicadores de medición del acceso abierto: fuentes y herramientas}, volume = {16}, shorttitle = {Indicadores de medición del acceso abierto}, journal = {Anuario ThinkEPI}, author = {Borrego, Ángel}, year = {2022}, }
@phdthesis{el_kanz_anreicherung_2022, type = {{PhD} {Thesis}}, title = {Anreicherung von {Bibliothekskatalogen}: {Bestandsaufnahme} und neuere {Trends}}, shorttitle = {Anreicherung von {Bibliothekskatalogen}}, school = {Hochschule Darmstadt}, author = {El Kanz, Kathrin}, year = {2022}, }
@inproceedings{waltman_open_2022, title = {Open research information for responsible research assessment}, booktitle = {65. {Helmholtz} {Open} {Science} online seminar}, author = {Waltman, Ludo}, year = {2022}, }
@article{okamura_half-century_2022, title = {A half-century of international research collaboration dynamism: {Congregate} or disperse?}, shorttitle = {A half-century of international research collaboration dynamism}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.04429}, author = {Okamura, Keisuke}, year = {2022}, }
@article{christiansen_fulfilling_2022, title = {Fulfilling {Statistical} {Policies} with {Data} {Curation} {Practices}}, author = {Christiansen, Leighton L. and Long, Jesse}, year = {2022}, note = {Publisher: United States. Department of Transportation. National Transportation Library}, }
@article{ringuette_liked_2022, title = {The {LIKED} {Resource}-{A} {LIbrary} {KnowledgE} and {Discovery} online resource for discovering and implementing knowledge, data, and infrastructure resources}, journal = {Advances in Space Research}, author = {Ringuette, Rebecca and McGranaghan, Ryan M. and Thompson, B. J.}, year = {2022}, note = {Publisher: Elsevier}, }
@article{haris_persistent_2022, title = {Persistent {Identification} and {Interlinking} of {FAIR} {Scholarly} {Knowledge}}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2209.08789}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.6912480}, abstract = {We leverage the Open Research Knowledge Graph - a scholarly infrastructure that supports the creation, curation, and reuse of structured, semantic scholarly knowledge - and present an approach for persistent identification of FAIR scholarly knowledge. We propose a DOI-based persistent identification of ORKG Papers, which are machine-actionable descriptions of the essential information published in scholarly articles. This enables the citability of FAIR scholarly knowledge and its discovery in global scholarly communication infrastructures (e.g., DataCite, OpenAIRE, and ORCID). While publishing, the state of the ORKG Paper is saved and cannot be further edited. To allow for updating published versions, ORKG supports creating new versions, which are linked in provenance chains. We demonstrate the linking of FAIR scholarly knowledge with digital artefacts (articles), agents (researchers) and other objects (organizations). We persistently identify FAIR scholarly knowledge (namely, ORKG Papers and ORKG Comparisons as collections of ORKG Papers) by leveraging DataCite services. Given the existing interoperability between DataCite, Crossref, OpenAIRE and ORCID, sharing metadata with DataCite ensures global findability of FAIR scholarly knowledge in scholarly communication infrastructures.}, urldate = {2022-09-27}, author = {Haris, Muhammad and Stocker, Markus and Auer, Sören}, year = {2022}, note = {arXiv:2209.08789 [cs]}, keywords = {Computer Science - Digital Libraries}, }
@article{ford_need_2022, title = {The {Need} to {Return} the {Values} of {Human} {Inquiry} to {Scholarly} {Communication} with {Emily} {Ford}}, author = {Ford, Emily}, year = {2022}, }
@article{gould_people_2022, title = {People, places, and things: {Persistent} identifiers in the scholarly communication landscape}, volume = {83}, shorttitle = {People, places, and things}, number = {9}, journal = {College \& Research Libraries News}, author = {Gould, Maria}, year = {2022}, pages = {398}, }
@article{merson_promotion_2022, title = {Promotion of data sharing needs more than an emergency: {An} analysis of trends across clinical trials registered on the {International} {Clinical} {Trials} {Registry} {Platform}}, volume = {7}, issn = {2398-502X}, shorttitle = {Promotion of data sharing needs more than an emergency}, url = {https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8980676/}, doi = {10.12688/wellcomeopenres.17700.1}, abstract = {BACKGROUND: A growing body of evidence shows that sharing health research data with other researchers for secondary analyses can contribute to better health. This is especially important in the context of a public health emergency when stopping a pandemic depends on accelerating science., METHODS: We analysed the information on data sharing collected by the 18 clinical trial registries included in the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) to understand the reporting of data sharing plans and which studies were and were not planning to share data. Data on sponsor and funder organisations, country of recruitment, registry, and condition of study were standardised to compare the sharing of information and data across these facets. This represents the first ever comprehensive study of the complete data set contained in ICTRP., RESULTS: Across 132,545 studies registered between January 2019 and December 2020, 11.2\% of studies stated that individual patient data (IPD) would be shared. Plans to share IPD varied across the 18 contributing registries– information on data sharing was missing in {\textgreater}95\% of study records across 7/18 registries. In the 26,851 (20.3\%) studies that were funded or sponsored by a commercial entity, intention to share IPD was similar to those that were not (11.5\% vs 11.2\%). Intention to share IPD was most common in studies recruiting across both high-income and low- or middle-income countries (21.4\%) and in those recruiting in Sub-Saharan Africa (50.3\%). Studies of COVID-19 had similar levels of data sharing to studies of other non-pandemic diseases in 2020 (13.7\% vs 11.7\%)., CONCLUSIONS: Rates of planned IPD sharing vary between clinical trial registries and economic regions, and are similar whether commercial or non-commercial agencies are involved. Despite many calls to action, plans to share IPD have not increased significantly and remain below 14\% for diseases causing public health emergencies.}, urldate = {2022-10-10}, journal = {Wellcome Open Research}, author = {Merson, Laura and Ndwandwe, Duduzile and Malinga, Thobile and Paparella, Giuseppe and Oneil, Kwame and Karam, Ghassan and Terry, Robert F.}, month = mar, year = {2022}, pmid = {35419494}, pmcid = {PMC8980676}, pages = {101}, }
@article{gould_people_2022, title = {People, places, and things: {Persistent} identifiers in the scholarly communication landscape {\textbar} {Gould} {\textbar} {College} \& {Research} {Libraries} {News}}, shorttitle = {People, places, and things}, url = {https://crln.acrl.org/index.php/crlnews/article/view/25638}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.5860/crln.83.9.398}, abstract = {Persistent identifiers are a key element in the scholarly communication landscape. However, many scholarly communication librarians may not be familiar with persistent identifiers and what to do with them. I should know—I used to be one of these librarians.When I worked as a scholarly communication librarian, I knew a few basic things about persistent identifiers. I knew what an ORCID iD was and I could explain to researchers why they should have one. I knew what a DOI was, but I did not know that there are different types of DOIs for different types of things, or that there’s more to a DOI than the identifier itself. But I didn’t know there were other persistent identifiers relevant to scholarly communication, like identifiers for affiliations or funders or grants. And I certainly didn’t know that persistent identifiers can be commercialized and paywalled, just like research outputs.}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2022-10-10}, author = {Gould, Maria}, month = oct, year = {2022}, }
@techreport{huang_open_2022, title = {Open {Access} {Research} {Outputs} {Receive} {More} {Diverse} {Citations}}, url = {https://zenodo.org/record/7081037}, abstract = {The goal of open access is to allow more people to read and use research outputs. An observed association between highly cited research outputs and open access has been claimed as evidence of increased usage of the research, but this remains controversial.1,2 A higher citation count also does not necessarily imply wider usage such as citations by authors from more places.3,4,5 A knowledge gap exists in our understanding of who gets to use open access research outputs and where users are located. Here we address this gap by examining the association between an output’s open access status and the diversity of research outputs that cite it. By analysing large-scale bibliographic data from 2010 to 2019, we found a robust association between open access and increased diversity of citation sources by institutions, countries, subregions, regions, and fields of research, across outputs with both high and medium-low citation counts. Open access through disciplinary or institutional repositories showed a stronger effect than open access via publisher platforms. This study adds a new perspective to our understanding of how citations can be used to explore the effects of open access. It also provides new evidence at global scale of the benefits of open access as a mechanism for widening the use of research and increasing the diversity of the communities that benefit from it.}, language = {eng}, urldate = {2022-09-16}, institution = {Zenodo}, author = {Huang, Chun-Kai (Karl) and Neylon, Cameron and Montgomery, Lucy and Handcock, Rebecca N. and Wilson, Katie}, month = sep, year = {2022}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7081037}, keywords = {Citation, Crossref, Diversity, Microsoft Academic, Open Access, Repositories, Research Organization Registry, Scholarly Publishing, Usage}, }
@misc{habermann_ror_2022, title = {{ROR} {Identifiers} {That} {Have} {Disappeared}}, url = {https://zenodo.org/record/6863846}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.6863846}, abstract = {During the period between October, 2019 and September, 2021 some organizations were given GRIDs (and RORs) that later disappeared from the GRID database and the ROR database. These identifiers currently exist in metadata, but they can not be resolved. This dataset was created by finding RORs that existed in some version(s) of the GRID database but were dropped in some subsequent version. The dataset includes {\textasciitilde}900 RORs that existed in some versions of the GRID database, but not in other, more recent versions. The dataset has four columns separated by commas (CSV): found: the last GRID version to include the ROR notFound: the first GRID version without the ROR affiliation: the organization name associated with the GRID ror: the ROR The dates of the GRID versions are approximate.}, language = {eng}, urldate = {2022-09-23}, publisher = {Zenodo}, author = {Habermann, Ted}, month = jul, year = {2022}, keywords = {Persistent Identifiers (PID), ROR}, }
@misc{brown_pid-optimised_2022, title = {{PID}-optimised workflows: {A} vision of a more efficient future}, shorttitle = {{PID}-optimised workflows}, url = {https://zenodo.org/record/7085489}, abstract = {We present four expansive diagrams, each of which is intended to showcase a possible future, in which persistent identifiers (PIDs) are used throughout the research lifecycle to enable automation, efficiency, new discovery tools, and analysis. The use of open PIDs throughout also supports greater transparency and reproducibility in research activities and communications. Anyone can use these diagrams and adapt them to meet their own workflows. This is, after all, just one vision of a PID-optimised future, and one that is by necessity somewhat generic. The goal is to inspire all those working to support research and innovation to consider how they could use powerful, global, open research information infrastructures in new ways to improve the health and resilience of the ecosystem. This work emerged from a programme of activities commissioned by Jisc in the UK and sponsored by Research England. It was carried out by the MoreBrains Cooperative, and included the development of a national PID roadmap for the UK, with the goal of supporting a strong research base and enabling a smoother transition to more openness at every step, from applying for a grant to communicating research findings. At the start of the programme, five ‘priority PIDs’ were selected, based on a series of workshops and community discussions. Given the nature of PIDs as both coordinates and signposts in the information landscape, the use of open PID systems was seen as essential. The consensus list of entities for which PIDs would provide the greatest benefits was therefore matched to relevant open PID systems, all of which have some form of community governance. The following priority PIDs were selected: Crossref Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for funding grants of all kinds Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) IDs for people Research Activity Identifiers (RAiDs) for projects Research Organization Registry (ROR) identifiers for organisations Crossref and DataCite DOIs for outputs (especially articles and data) Community discussions and a survey in 2020 helped to refine the expectations for these PIDs, and provided an additional set of priorities: the workflows in which the community felt increased use of PIDs would have the greatest impact. These are: Funding awards, from application to reporting and evaluation Institutional research management Research article publication Research data management and publication Further research by MoreBrains into the benefits PIDs could bring to these workflows served to underscore the need for a clear pathway to optimal use of PIDs in research systems, services, and toolkits. It also emphasised the fact that much of the power of PIDs comes not from their ability to uniquely and permanently identity a ‘thing’, but from the descriptive information (metadata) that accompanies each PID, the associations between PIDs, and the discovery and other tools that are offered by the organisations that provide PIDs, or by their partners. Armed with all this information, the MoreBrains team conducted a global consultation on how a ‘PID-optimised’ version of the priority workflows could operate. We then endeavoured to distil the complex and diverse real-world processes uncovered during the consultation, into PID-focused, generic representations. Our goal was not to capture every step, but instead to present a version of the future in which most participants in the research lifecycle will recognise enough of their own professional activities to be able map the workflows onto their own activities, and to start envisaging a pathway towards a PID-optimised future.}, urldate = {2022-09-23}, author = {Brown, Josh and Jones, Phill and Meadows, Alice and Murphy, Fiona}, month = sep, year = {2022}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7085489}, keywords = {MoreBrains, PIDs, Persistent Identifiers, Research Infrastructure, Workflows}, }
@article{hao_thirty-two_2022, title = {Thirty-{Two} {Years} of {IEEE} {VIS}: {Authors}, {Fields} of {Study} and {Citations}}, shorttitle = {Thirty-{Two} {Years} of {IEEE} {VIS}}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.03772}, author = {Hao, Hongtao and Cui, Yumian and Wang, Zhengxiang and Kim, Yea-Seul}, year = {2022}, }
@article{nishioka_how_2022, title = {How {Does} {Author} {Affiliation} {Affect} {Preprint} {Citation} {Count}? {Analyzing} {Citation} {Bias} at the {Institution} and {Country} {Level}}, copyright = {arXiv.org perpetual, non-exclusive license}, shorttitle = {How {Does} {Author} {Affiliation} {Affect} {Preprint} {Citation} {Count}?}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.02033}, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2205.02033}, abstract = {Citing is an important aspect of scientific discourse and important for quantifying the scientific impact quantification of researchers. Previous works observed that citations are made not only based on the pure scholarly contributions but also based on non-scholarly attributes, such as the affiliation or gender of authors. In this way, citation bias is produced. Existing works, however, have not analyzed preprints with respect to citation bias, although they play an increasingly important role in modern scholarly communication. In this paper, we investigate whether preprints are affected by citation bias with respect to the author affiliation. We measure citation bias for bioRxiv preprints and their publisher versions at the institution level and country level, using the Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient. This allows us to mitigate the effects of confounding factors and see whether or not citation biases related to author affiliation have an increased effect on preprint citations. We observe consistent higher Gini coefficients for preprints than those for publisher versions. Thus, we can confirm that citation bias exists and that it is more severe in case of preprints. As preprints are on the rise, affiliation-based citation bias is, thus, an important topic not only for authors (e.g., when deciding what to cite), but also to people and institutions that use citations for scientific impact quantification (e.g., funding agencies deciding about funding based on citation counts).}, urldate = {2022-05-26}, author = {Nishioka, Chifumi and Färber, Michael and Saier, Tarek}, year = {2022}, keywords = {Digital Libraries (cs.DL), FOS: Computer and information sciences}, }
@article{purnell_prevalence_2022, title = {The prevalence and impact of university affiliation discrepancies between four bibliographic databases—{Scopus}, {Web} of {Science}, {Dimensions}, and {Microsoft} {Academic}}, volume = {3}, issn = {2641-3337}, url = {https://direct.mit.edu/qss/article/3/1/99/109079/The-prevalence-and-impact-of-university}, doi = {10.1162/qss_a_00175}, abstract = {Abstract Research managers benchmarking universities against international peers face the problem of affiliation disambiguation. Different databases have taken separate approaches to this problem and discrepancies exist between them. Bibliometric data sources typically conduct a disambiguation process that unifies variant institutional names and those of its subunits so that researchers can then search all records from that institution using a single unified name. This study examined affiliation discrepancies between Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), Dimensions, and Microsoft Academic for 18 Arab universities over a 5-year period. We confirmed that digital object identifiers (DOIs) are suitable for extracting comparable scholarly material across databases and quantified the affiliation discrepancies between them. A substantial share of records assigned to the selected universities in any one database were not assigned to the same university in another. The share of discrepancy was higher in the larger databases (Dimensions and Microsoft Academic). The smaller, more selective databases (Scopus and especially WoS) tended to agree to a greater degree with affiliations in the other databases. Manual examination of affiliation discrepancies showed that they were caused by a mixture of missing affiliations, unification differences, and assignation of records to the wrong institution.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2022-05-27}, journal = {Quantitative Science Studies}, author = {Purnell, Philip J.}, month = apr, year = {2022}, pages = {99--121}, }
@article{grosjean_grscicoll_2022, title = {{GRSciColl}: {What} is the {Global} {Registry} of {Scientific} {Collections} and {How} to {Contribute}?}, volume = {6}, shorttitle = {{GRSciColl}}, journal = {Biodiversity Information Science and Standards}, author = {Grosjean, Marie and Høfft, Morten and Gonzalez, Marcos and Hahn, Andrea and Robertson, Tim}, year = {2022}, note = {Publisher: Pensoft Publishers}, pages = {e93875}, }
@misc{priem_openalex_2022, title = {{OpenAlex}: {A} fully-open index of scholarly works, authors, venues, institutions, and concepts}, shorttitle = {{OpenAlex}}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.01833}, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2205.01833}, abstract = {OpenAlex is a new, fully-open scientific knowledge graph (SKG), launched to replace the discontinued Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG). It contains metadata for 209M works (journal articles, books, etc); 2013M disambiguated authors; 124k venues (places that host works, such as journals and online repositories); 109k institutions; and 65k Wikidata concepts (linked to works via an automated hierarchical multi-tag classifier). The dataset is fully and freely available via a web-based GUI, a full data dump, and high-volume REST API. The resource is under active development and future work will improve accuracy and coverage of citation information and author/institution parsing and deduplication.}, urldate = {2022-08-22}, publisher = {arXiv}, author = {Priem, Jason and Piwowar, Heather and Orr, Richard}, month = jun, year = {2022}, note = {arXiv:2205.01833 [cs]}, keywords = {Computer Science - Digital Libraries}, }
@misc{orduna-malea_measuring_2022, title = {Measuring web connectivity between research organizations through {ROR} identifiers}, url = {https://zenodo.org/record/6948453}, abstract = {The results obtained in this exploratory work evidence that the percentage of ROR identifiers linked is limited (51.6\% of ROR identifiers have been linked at least once). These links come from a limited number of referring domains (242 unique domain names), and mainly from bibliographic records (51.4\% of links) and organization cards (36\% of links). While the distribution of ROR identifiers is biased towards Anglo-Saxon countries (mainly United States) and type (companies), the educational research organizations are the institutions most linked through their corresponding ROR-based URLs. This study has covered the number of links towards ROR identifiers considering the whole internet. This approach has allowed to obtain a general overview of the implementation of ROR across the entire online academic ecosystem. Future studies should measure the degree of implementation of ROR IDs on specific bibliographic databases (e.g. DOAJ, Sherpa, Crossref). At the time of writing this work, this implementation is still limited. For example, Crossref has provided coverage data information showing a limited integration of ROR in Crossref Metadata, as of January 2022 (3,790 records include a ROR IDs, covering 205 different ROR IDs). The coverage is expected to increase in the following years. However, the following limitations should be acknowledged. First, the dynamism of the Web causes the existence of deleted links or removed websites. This makes links counts instable and non-cumulative and must always be interpreted as a still picture at the time of data collection. Second, link data depend on the link source. In this case, data have been obtained from Majestic, a professional link intelligent tool. Results should be restricted to the coverage of this source, as other link sources might provide different results. Third, the use of ROR identifiers can be underrepresented, as they can be inserted without links (e.g., ROR 04q93ds34). Fourth, links counts can be overrepresented (e.g., webpages in different languages might inflate the number of links to specific ROR-based URLs, being the number of referring domains a more accurate metric). These shortcomings must be minimized as much as possible applying severe data cleansing processes. While links counts to ROR-based URLs are (currently) unrelated to the scientific productivity or impact of organizations, the analysis of links to and from ROR-based URLs have been shown to be useful to map the degree of use and implementation of organization identifiers between institutions and scientific information systems. Since the creation of ROR is recent (2019), it is estimated that the number of journals, repositories and other databases will gradually incorporate links to ROR-based URLs in their products. The connectivity between DOIs, ORCIDs and RORs can be the spearhead to carry out new webometric studies, of interest to characterize the presence, impact, and interconnection of the global academic Web. Last, their use will increase as long it is embedded and popularised in the papers, as well as when the databases and search engines allow ROR searching as a field tag (similarly to DOI or ORCID searches). This will result in more effective implementation and popularisation on this new identifier, allowing further comprehensive and accurate studies (e.g., DOI-ROR or ORCID-ROR matches).}, language = {eng}, urldate = {2022-09-23}, author = {Orduña-Malea, Enrique and Bautista-Puig, Núria}, month = sep, year = {2022}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.6948453}, }
@misc{michael_conlon_organization_2021, title = {An {Organization} {Ontology} for {VIVO} based on {ROR} - {TIB} {AV}-{Portal}}, url = {https://doi.org/10.5446/53761}, abstract = {Representation of organizations is a fundamental component of representation of scholarship -- research outputs are produced by people associated with organizations, people have credentials issued by organizations. VIVO currently represents organizations using a collection of classes and properties which are in need of revision and improvement. An ontology using Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) as an upper ontology, and conformant with Open Biomedical Ontology (OBO) development principles is needed to standardize the representation of organizational data in VIVO. ROR (Research Organization Registry) is an open, CC0, curated collection of information regarding research organizations in the world. ROR issues a ROR Identifier for each organization. ROR data is easily represented using the Organization Ontology (ORG) being developed for VIVO. This presentation will include discussion of current VIVO representations, previous work to represent organizations in the OpenVIVO project, Wikidata, the W3C ORG ontology, organization representation in OBO ontologies, and data coming from ROR.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-02-13}, author = {{Michael Conlon}}, year = {2021}, }
@unpublished{lhote_using_2021, title = {Using {Elasticsearch} for entity recognition in affiliation disambiguation}, url = {https://hal.science/hal-03365806}, abstract = {Automatic recognition of affiliations in the metadata of scholarly publications is a key point for monitoring and analyzing trends in scientific production, especially in an open science context. We propose an automatic alignment method on registries, based on Elasticsearch. The proposed method is modular and leaves the choice of the alignment criteria to the user, allowing him to keep control over the precision and recall of the method. An implementation is proposed for an automatic alignment on three registries: countries, GRID.ac and RNSR (research laboratory directory in France) on the Github https://github.com/dataesr/matcher and the performances are analyzed in this paper.}, urldate = {2023-11-16}, author = {L'Hôte, Anne and Jeangirard, Eric}, month = oct, year = {2021}, keywords = {Elasticsearch, affiliation disambiguation, entity recognition, open science}, }
@misc{lhote_using_2021, title = {Using {Elasticsearch} for entity recognition in affiliation disambiguation}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.01958}, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2110.01958}, abstract = {Automatic recognition of affiliations in the metadata of scholarly publications is a key point for monitoring and analyzing trends in scientific production, especially in an open science context. We propose an automatic alignment method on registries, based on Elasticsearch. The proposed method is modular and leaves the choice of the alignment criteria to the user, allowing him to keep control over the precision and recall of the method. An implementation is proposed for an automatic alignment on three registries: countries, GRID.ac and RNSR (research laboratory directory in France) on the Github https://github.com/dataesr/matcher and the performances are analyzed in this paper.}, urldate = {2023-06-23}, publisher = {arXiv}, author = {L'Hôte, Anne and Jeangirard, Eric}, month = oct, year = {2021}, note = {arXiv:2110.01958 [cs]}, keywords = {Computer Science - Digital Libraries}, }
@article{devaraju_automated_2021, title = {An automated solution for measuring the progress toward {FAIR} research data}, volume = {2}, issn = {2666-3899}, url = {http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/34820651}, doi = {10.1016/j.patter.2021.100370}, abstract = {With a rising number of scientific datasets published and the need to test their Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) compliance repeatedly, data stakeholders have recognized the importance of an automated FAIR assessment. This paper presents a programmatic solution for assessing the FAIRness of research data. We describe the translation of the FAIR data principles into measurable metrics and the application of the metrics in evaluating FAIR compliance of research data through an open-source tool we developed. For each metric, we conceptualized and implemented practical tests drawn upon prevailing data curation and sharing practices, and the paper discusses their rationales. We demonstrate the work by evaluating multidisciplinary datasets from trustworthy repositories, followed by recommendations and improvements. We believe our experience in developing and applying the metrics in practice and the lessons we learned from it will provide helpful information to others developing similar approaches to assess different types of digital objects and services.}, language = {eng}, number = {11}, journal = {Patterns (New York, N.Y.)}, author = {Devaraju, Anusuriya and Huber, Robert}, month = nov, year = {2021}, pages = {100370}, }
@article{ison_biotoolsschema_2021, title = {{biotoolsSchema}: a formalized schema for bioinformatics software description.}, volume = {10}, issn = {2047-217X}, url = {http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/33506265}, doi = {10.1093/gigascience/giaa157}, abstract = {Life scientists routinely face massive and heterogeneous data analysis tasks and must find and access the most suitable databases or software in a jungle of web-accessible resources. The diversity of information used to describe life-scientific digital resources presents an obstacle to their utilization. Although several standardization efforts are emerging, no information schema has been sufficiently detailed to enable uniform semantic and syntactic description-and cataloguing-of bioinformatics resources. Here we describe biotoolsSchema, a formalized information model that balances the needs of conciseness for rapid adoption against the provision of rich technical information and scientific context. biotoolsSchema results from a series of community-driven workshops and is deployed in the bio.tools registry, providing the scientific community with {\textgreater}17,000 machine-readable and human-understandable descriptions of software and other digital life-science resources. We compare our approach to related initiatives and provide alignments to foster interoperability and reusability. biotoolsSchema supports the formalized, rigorous, and consistent specification of the syntax and semantics of bioinformatics resources, and enables cataloguing efforts such as bio.tools that help scientists to find, comprehend, and compare resources. The use of biotoolsSchema in bio.tools promotes the FAIRness of research software, a key element of open and reproducible developments for data-intensive sciences.}, language = {eng}, number = {1}, journal = {Gigascience}, author = {Ison, Jon and Ienasescu, Hans and Rydza, Emil and Chmura, Piotr and Rapacki, Kristoffer and Gaignard, Alban and Schwämmle, Veit and van Helden, Jacques and Kalaš, Matúš and Ménager, Hervé}, month = jan, year = {2021}, keywords = {Biological Science Disciplines, Computational Biology}, pages = {giaa157}, }
@article{turchin_rise_2021, title = {Rise of the war machines: {Charting} the evolution of military technologies from the {Neolithic} to the {Industrial} {Revolution}}, volume = {16}, issn = {1932-6203}, url = {http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/34669706}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0258161}, abstract = {What have been the causes and consequences of technological evolution in world history? In particular, what propels innovation and diffusion of military technologies, details of which are comparatively well preserved and which are often seen as drivers of broad socio-cultural processes? Here we analyze the evolution of key military technologies in a sample of pre-industrial societies world-wide covering almost 10,000 years of history using Seshat: Global History Databank. We empirically test previously speculative theories that proposed world population size, connectivity between geographical areas of innovation and adoption, and critical enabling technological advances, such as iron metallurgy and horse riding, as central drivers of military technological evolution. We find that all of these factors are strong predictors of change in military technology, whereas state-level factors such as polity population, territorial size, or governance sophistication play no major role. We discuss how our approach can be extended to explore technological change more generally, and how our results carry important ramifications for understanding major drivers of evolution of social complexity.}, language = {eng}, number = {10}, journal = {PloS one}, author = {Turchin, Peter and Hoyer, Daniel and Korotayev, Andrey and Kradin, Nikolay and Nefedov, Sergey and Feinman, Gary and Levine, Jill and Reddish, Jenny and Cioni, Enrico and Thorpe, Chelsea and Bennett, James S and Francois, Pieter and Whitehouse, Harvey}, year = {2021}, pages = {e0258161}, }
@article{davies_internet_2021, title = {Internet of {Samples} ({iSamples}): {Toward} an interdisciplinary cyberinfrastructure for material samples.}, volume = {10}, issn = {2047-217X}, url = {http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/33960385}, doi = {10.1093/gigascience/giab028}, abstract = {Sampling the natural world and built environment underpins much of science, yet systems for managing material samples and associated (meta)data are fragmented across institutional catalogs, practices for identification, and discipline-specific (meta)data standards. The Internet of Samples (iSamples) is a standards-based collaboration to uniquely, consistently, and conveniently identify material samples, record core metadata about them, and link them to other samples, data, and research products. iSamples extends existing resources and best practices in data stewardship to render a cross-domain cyberinfrastructure that enables transdisciplinary research, discovery, and reuse of material samples in 21st century natural science.}, language = {eng}, number = {5}, journal = {Gigascience}, author = {Davies, Neil and Deck, John and Kansa, Eric C and Kansa, Sarah Whitcher and Kunze, John and Meyer, Christopher and Orrell, Thomas and Ramdeen, Sarah and Snyder, Rebecca and Vieglais, Dave and Walls, Ramona L and Lehnert, Kerstin}, month = may, year = {2021}, keywords = {Internet, Metadata}, pages = {giab028}, }
@article{cousijn_connected_2021, title = {Connected {Research}: {The} {Potential} of the {PID} {Graph}}, volume = {2}, issn = {2666-3899}, url = {http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/33511369}, doi = {10.1016/j.patter.2020.100180}, abstract = {Persistent identifiers (PIDs) provide unique and long-lasting references to entities. They enable unique identification persistently over time and hence play a crucial role in supporting the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles. In this paper, we describe how the benefits of PIDs can be amplified by connecting them via their metadata. We are introducing the next step in PID infrastructure: the PID Graph. The PID Graph establishes connections between different entities within the research landscape, thereby enabling both researchers and institutions to access new information. The paper closes with three recommendations, which will help to optimize the use and value of PIDs within the research ecosystem.}, language = {eng}, number = {1}, journal = {Patterns (New York, N.Y.)}, author = {Cousijn, Helena and Braukmann, Ricarda and Fenner, Martin and Ferguson, Christine and van Horik, René and Lammey, Rachael and Meadows, Alice and Lambert, Simon}, month = jan, year = {2021}, pages = {100180}, }
@article{vasilevsky_is_2021, title = {Is authorship sufficient for today's collaborative research? {A} call for contributor roles}, volume = {28}, issn = {0898-9621}, url = {http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/32602379}, doi = {10.1080/08989621.2020.1779591}, abstract = {Assigning authorship and recognizing contributions to scholarly works is challenging on many levels. Here we discuss ethical, social, and technical challenges to the concept of authorship that may impede the recognition of contributions to a scholarly work. Recent work in the field of authorship shows that shifting to a more inclusive contributorship approach may address these challenges. Recent efforts to enable better recognition of contributions to scholarship include the development of the Contributor Role Ontology (CRO), which extends the CRediT taxonomy and can be used in information systems for structuring contributions. We also introduce the Contributor Attribution Model (CAM), which provides a simple data model that relates the contributor to research objects via the role that they played, as well as the provenance of the information. Finally, requirements for the adoption of a contributorship-based approach are discussed.}, language = {eng}, number = {1}, journal = {Account Res}, author = {Vasilevsky, Nicole A and Hosseini, Mohammad and Teplitzky, Samantha and Ilik, Violeta and Mohammadi, Ehsan and Schneider, Juliane and Kern, Barbara and Colomb, Julien and Edmunds, Scott C and Gutzman, Karen and Himmelstein, Daniel S and White, Marijane and Smith, Britton and O'Keefe, Lisa and Haendel, Melissa and Holmes, Kristi L}, month = jan, year = {2021}, keywords = {Authorship}, pages = {23--43}, }
@techreport{cruz_nwo_2021, title = {{NWO} {Persistent} {Identifier} {Strategy}}, url = {https://zenodo.org/record/4674513}, abstract = {Research funding organisations, including NWO, collect a lot of information about research activities, but it is often difficult to re-use this information for strategic decision making. Challenges in collecting good quality, reusable data are multiple and intertwined. They include researchers failing to register their outputs on funders’ systems, as well as name ambiguities of both people and institutions. Together, these information challenges undermine funders’ ability to systematically assess the outcomes of funded research projects and the overall performance of funding instruments. We propose a persistent identifier strategy to improve NWO’s capacity for analyzing the impact of research funding. The promise of incorporating PIDs into NWO’s information architecture is increased fidelity of research information that leads to long-term improvements in analytical resources with reduced administrative overhead. Increasing the capacity to track research outcomes also enables a feedback loop from which to improve on earlier funding decisions. NWO works with three fundamental kinds of information that form the basis for most workflows related to funded projects: information about researchers, about organizations, and about grants. Thus we recommend the implementation of three corresponding identifiers into NWO’s information architecture. Implementing these individual PIDs, and making explicit links between them, enables analysis of funded research at many levels of aggregation. No stakeholder – be it funders, publishers, research performing organisations, or infrastructure providers – is able to cover the entire information spectrum on their own. Given its connecting (‘nexus’) role and ambition, NWO can play a crucial role in promoting the use of PIDs in the wider national and international research landscape by engaging with key stakeholders. We propose participation both nationally and internationally to help shape the PID ecosystem, within which funders are both beneficiaries and enablers of change. If all the recommendations are adopted, NWO will be entering the PID domain with a cohesive strategy, whereas most other funders are implementing PIDs piecemeal. Such cohesive strategy will help maximise the benefits of implementing PIDs, not just for NWO, but also for other key partners in the national and international landscape. In this sense, the relative delay with which NWO will enter the PID domain can be seen as an advantage, in that it has provided the opportunity to consider PIDs in a more holistic way.}, urldate = {2022-12-02}, institution = {Zenodo}, author = {Cruz, Maria and Tatum, Clifford}, month = apr, year = {2021}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4674513}, keywords = {NWO, Open Science, PID, Persistent Identifiers}, }
@article{__2021, title = {Учредители: Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, Институт развития информационного общества {eISSN}: 1562-5419}, volume = {24}, shorttitle = {Учредители}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.26907/1562-5419-2021-24-5-770-793}, abstract = {DEVELOPMENT OF THE INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR REGISTERING THE RESULT OF SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION’ EMPLOYEES INTELLECTUAL ACTIVITY VLASOVA SVETLANA ALEKSANDROVNA1, KALENOV NIKOLAY EVGENEVICH1 1 Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences The article describes a Web-system developed by the authors that implements services related to the formation and provision of multifaceted information about the results of scientific activities (publications, copyright certificates and reports at scientific events) of employees of an organization or a group of organizations. The system is focused both on the end user interested in obtaining specific data, and on the administrative staff, who generates reporting materials for the parent organization. The information base of the system contains metadata on the following classes of objects: persons (authors), organizations and their subdivisions; publications at analytical, monographic and summary levels; copyright certificates; scientific events (conferences, symposia, seminars); reports. The system includes two modules - an administrative one (intended for entering and editing data) and a user one, which is a special search engine that searches for information, visualizes it, provides navigation among related resources and exports data. A distinctive feature of the system is the introduced concept of “equivalent” objects. Objects are considered equivalent if they are represented in the system by different metadata, but referring to the same physical entity. Such objects are “persons” corresponding to one author with different spellings of the surname in the bibliographic descriptions of publications; organizations with different variants of names; articles published unchanged in various languages. In accordance with modern requirements for reporting on publications, the system reflects the sources of research funding, as well as the affiliations indicated in the articles for each author. Keywords: SCIENTIFIC WORKS, SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY, AUTOMATED SYSTEM, DATABASE, MANAGEMENT REPORTS, NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES}, number = {5}, journal = {ЭЛЕКТРОННЫЕ БИБЛИОТЕКИ}, author = {ВЛАСОВА, СВЕТЛАНА АЛЕКСАНДРОВНА and КАЛЕНОВ, НИКОЛАЙ ЕВГЕНЬЕВИЧ}, year = {2021}, pages = {770--793}, }
@inproceedings{politze_organization_2021, title = {Organization {Information} gone {Wild}: {ROR}, {Entity} {IDs} and {The} {Organization} {Ontology}}, shorttitle = {Organization {Information} gone {Wild}}, url = {https://easychair.org/publications/paper/r8Dv}, doi = {10.29007/rz1j}, abstract = {While building services for individuals from academia, uniquely identifying a person is a challenge that was widely addressed in several contexts like eduGAIN. Sometimes, alongside the “who?”, information systems also need reliable information about the “from where?”. During the past years several alternative standards came up to tackle that problem from different directions. In this paper we would like to introduce some of them: Research Organization Registry (ROR), eduGAIN Entities and The Organization Ontology and give an opinionated overview of how they can work together.}, urldate = {2022-05-27}, author = {Politze, Marius}, month = oct, year = {2021}, pages = {108--100}, }
@misc{withanage_affiliation_2021, address = {Online}, title = {Affiliation support in {Open} {Journal} {Systems} using {ROR} {Identifiers}}, url = {https://zenodo.org/record/5753654}, abstract = {Discoverable academic affiliations enrich scholarly communication in multiple ways: Standardized, controlled organization vocabularies significantly simplify consistent maintenance, indexing, searching, and dissemination of scholarly affiliations from publications. Research Organization Registry (ROR.org) maintains one of the world's largest collection of organization identifiers with enriched metadata, which is searchable and freely accessible through a web and programmable interface. In order to make use of ROR Organization Registry, TIB Open Publishing developed and implemented the ROR Identifier support for Open Journal Systems (OJS). The plugin enables searching functionality and and multi-lingual auto-completion of affiliations for authors of academic journals and conference publications in OJS. The advantages of the OJS-ROR integration for both authors and publication hosting institutions will be presented with an academic and technical focus.}, language = {eng}, urldate = {2022-09-23}, author = {Withanage, Dulip}, month = dec, year = {2021}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5753654}, keywords = {Affiliation, OJS, OJS Plugin, Open Journal Systems, PKP, Public Knowledge Project, ROR, Research Organization Registry, TIB}, }
@misc{brown_pid-optimised_2021, title = {The {PID}-optimised {Research} {Lifecycle}}, url = {https://zenodo.org/record/4991733}, abstract = {The PID-optimized Research Lifecycle is one in which persistent identifiers are registered, used, and shared at all points. To be most effective, PIDs would not only be created for the people, places and things associated with research, but would also be collected and used by funders, institutions and publishers, at the earliest possible point in the process. For example; ORCID IDs for researchers would be captured by funders grant application, grant IDs captured by institutions immediately the application is accepted; and so on. In addition, PIDs are not just labels, they have metadata associated with them. That metadata must include other associated PIDs. This already happens with DOIs associated with ORCID records but could be done much more broadly and more completely. Think about collaborators that are associated with grants, or institutional ROR identifiers being embedded in article metadata. This early capture and association minimizes the manual entry of information and maximizes the opportunities for it to be reused.}, language = {eng}, urldate = {2022-09-23}, author = {Brown, Josh and Jones, Phill and Meadows, Alice and Murphy, Fiona}, month = jun, year = {2021}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4991733}, keywords = {PIDs, Persistent Identifiers, Research Infrastructure, MoreBrains}, }
@article{fraser_evolving_2021, title = {The evolving role of preprints in the dissemination of {COVID}-19 research and their impact on the science communication landscape}, volume = {19}, issn = {1545-7885}, url = {https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3000959}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pbio.3000959}, abstract = {The world continues to face a life-threatening viral pandemic. The virus underlying the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has caused over 98 million confirmed cases and 2.2 million deaths since January 2020. Although the most recent respiratory viral pandemic swept the globe only a decade ago, the way science operates and responds to current events has experienced a cultural shift in the interim. The scientific community has responded rapidly to the COVID-19 pandemic, releasing over 125,000 COVID-19–related scientific articles within 10 months of the first confirmed case, of which more than 30,000 were hosted by preprint servers. We focused our analysis on bioRxiv and medRxiv, 2 growing preprint servers for biomedical research, investigating the attributes of COVID-19 preprints, their access and usage rates, as well as characteristics of their propagation on online platforms. Our data provide evidence for increased scientific and public engagement with preprints related to COVID-19 (COVID-19 preprints are accessed more, cited more, and shared more on various online platforms than non-COVID-19 preprints), as well as changes in the use of preprints by journalists and policymakers. We also find evidence for changes in preprinting and publishing behaviour: COVID-19 preprints are shorter and reviewed faster. Our results highlight the unprecedented role of preprints and preprint servers in the dissemination of COVID-19 science and the impact of the pandemic on the scientific communication landscape.}, language = {en}, number = {4}, urldate = {2022-09-08}, journal = {PLOS Biology}, author = {Fraser, Nicholas and Brierley, Liam and Dey, Gautam and Polka, Jessica K. and Pálfy, Máté and Nanni, Federico and Coates, Jonathon Alexis}, month = apr, year = {2021}, note = {Publisher: Public Library of Science}, keywords = {Altmetrics, COVID 19, Metadata, Pandemics, Peer review, SARS CoV 2, Scientific publishing, Twitter}, pages = {e3000959}, }
@article{akbaritabar_quantitative_2021, title = {A quantitative view of the structure of institutional scientific collaborations using the example of {Berlin}}, issn = {2641-3337}, url = {https://direct.mit.edu/qss/article/doi/10.1162/qss_a_00131/100515/A-quantitative-view-of-the-structure-of}, doi = {10.1162/qss_a_00131}, abstract = {Abstract This paper examines the structure of scientific collaborations in Berlin as a specific case with a unique history of division and reunification. It aims to identify strategic organizational coalitions in a context with high sectoral diversity. We use publications data with at least one organization located in Berlin from 1996–2017 and their collaborators worldwide. We further investigate four members of the Berlin University Alliance (BUA), as a formerly established coalition in the region, through their self-represented research profiles compared with empirical results. Using a bipartite network modeling framework, we move beyond the uncontested trend towards team science and increasing internationalization. Our results show that BUA members shape the structure of scientific collaborations in the region. However, they are not collaborating cohesively in all fields and there are many smaller scientific actors involved in more internationalized collaborations in the region. Larger divides exist in some fields. Only Medical and Health Sciences have cohesive intraregional collaborations, which signals the success of the regional cooperation established in 2003. We explain possible underlying factors shaping the intraregional groupings and potential implications for regions worldwide. A major methodological contribution of this paper is evaluating the coverage and accuracy of different organization name disambiguation techniques.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2022-05-26}, journal = {Quantitative Science Studies}, author = {Akbaritabar, Aliakbar}, month = jul, year = {2021}, pages = {1--25}, }
@article{akbaritabar_internationalised_2021, title = {An internationalised {Europe} and regionally focused {Americas}: {A} network analysis of higher education studies}, volume = {56}, issn = {0141-8211, 1465-3435}, shorttitle = {An internationalised {Europe} and regionally focused {Americas}}, url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ejed.12446}, doi = {10.1111/ejed.12446}, language = {en}, number = {2}, urldate = {2022-05-27}, journal = {European Journal of Education}, author = {Akbaritabar, Aliakbar and Barbato, Giovanni}, month = jun, year = {2021}, pages = {219--234}, }
@article{van_wettere_affiliation_2021, title = {Affiliation {Information} in {DataCite} {Dataset} {Metadata}: a {Flemish} {Case} {Study}}, volume = {20}, issn = {1683-1470}, shorttitle = {Affiliation {Information} in {DataCite} {Dataset} {Metadata}}, url = {http://datascience.codata.org/articles/10.5334/dsj-2021-013/}, doi = {10.5334/dsj-2021-013}, language = {en}, urldate = {2022-05-26}, journal = {Data Science Journal}, author = {Van Wettere, Niek}, month = mar, year = {2021}, pages = {13}, }
@inproceedings{aspeslagh_road_2021, address = {Virtual conference}, title = {The road towards structured affiliation information in a national bibliographic database}, url = {https://ictessh.pubpub.org/pub/bsvreriv}, doi = {10.21428/7a45813f.51be98be}, urldate = {2022-05-27}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {ICTeSSH} 2021 conference}, publisher = {PubPub}, author = {Aspeslagh, Peter and Engels, Tim and Guns, Raf}, month = jun, year = {2021}, }
@techreport{pacher_open_2021, type = {preprint}, title = {Open {Editors}: {A} {Dataset} of {Scholarly} {Journals}’ {Editorial} {Board} {Positions}}, shorttitle = {Open {Editors}}, url = {https://osf.io/jvzq7}, abstract = {Editormetrics analyse the role of editors of academic journals and their impact on the scientific publication system. However, such analyses would best rely on open, structured and machine-readable data on editors and editorial boards, whose availability still remains rare. To address this shortcoming, the project Open Editors collects data about academic journal editors on a large scale and structures them into a single dataset. It does so by scraping the websites of 6.090 journals from 17 publishers, thereby structuring publicly available information (names, affiliations, editorial roles etc.) about 478.563 researchers. The project will iterate this webscraping procedure annually to enable insights into the changes of editorial boards over time. All codes and data are made available at GitHub, while the result is browsable at a dedicated website (https://openeditors.ooir.org). This dataset carries wide-ranging implications for meta-scientific investigations into the landscape of scholarly publications, including for bibliometric analyses, and allows for critical inquiries into the representation of diversity and inclusivity. It also contributes to the goal of expanding linked open data within science to evaluate and reflect on the scholarly publication process.}, urldate = {2022-05-27}, institution = {SocArXiv}, author = {Pacher, Andreas and Heck, Tamara and Schoch, Kerstin}, month = mar, year = {2021}, doi = {10.31235/osf.io/jvzq7}, }
@misc{crossref_working_2021, title = {Working with {ROR} as a {Crossref} member: {What} you need to know}, shorttitle = {Working with {ROR} as a {Crossref} member}, url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9Mtqb64OEk}, abstract = {Webinar focusing on the importance of ROR and how to implement that as a Crossref member. Covers: What is ROR? Why is Crossref supporting ROR? Publisher use cases for ROR (from Hindawi) How to become a ROR adopter Discussion/Q\&A}, urldate = {2022-06-24}, author = {{Crossref}}, month = sep, year = {2021}, }
@article{strinzel_ten_2021, title = {Ten ways to improve academic {CVs} for fairer research assessment}, volume = {8}, copyright = {2021 The Author(s)}, issn = {2662-9992}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-021-00929-0}, doi = {10.1057/s41599-021-00929-0}, abstract = {Academic CVs are ubiquitous and play an integral role in the assessment of researchers. They define and portray what activities and achievements are considered important in the scientific system. Developing their content and structure beyond the traditional, publication-focused CV has the potential to make research careers more diverse and their assessment fairer and more transparent. This comment presents ten ways to further develop the content and structure of academic CVs. The recommendations are inspired by a workshop of the CV Harmonization Group (H-Group), a joint initiative between researchers on research, academic data infrastructure organizations, and representatives from {\textgreater}15 funding organizations. The proposed improvements aim at inspiring development and innovation in academic CVs for funding agencies and hiring committees.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2022-08-30}, journal = {Humanities and Social Sciences Communications}, author = {Strinzel, Michaela and Brown, Josh and Kaltenbrunner, Wolfgang and de Rijcke, Sarah and Hill, Michael}, month = oct, year = {2021}, note = {Number: 1 Publisher: Palgrave}, keywords = {Science, Sociology, technology and society}, pages = {1--4}, }
@misc{_rorresearch_2021, title = {{ROR}({Research} {Organization} {Registry})とその識別子}, url = {https://doi.org/10.18919/jkg.71.6_269}, language = {ja}, urldate = {2022-06-10}, publisher = {一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会}, author = {中島, 律子}, month = jun, year = {2021}, }
@article{miron_obstacles_2020, title = {Obstacles to the reuse of study metadata in {ClinicalTrials}.gov}, volume = {7}, issn = {2052-4463}, url = {http://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-020-00780-z}, doi = {10.1038/s41597-020-00780-z}, abstract = {Abstract Metadata that are structured using principled schemas and that use terms from ontologies are essential to making biomedical data findable and reusable for downstream analyses. The largest source of metadata that describes the experimental protocol, funding, and scientific leadership of clinical studies is ClinicalTrials.gov. We evaluated whether values in 302,091 trial records adhere to expected data types and use terms from biomedical ontologies, whether records contain fields required by government regulations, and whether structured elements could replace free-text elements. Contact information, outcome measures, and study design are frequently missing or underspecified. Important fields for search, such as c ondition and intervention , are not restricted to ontologies, and almost half of the conditions are not denoted by MeSH terms, as recommended. Eligibility criteria are stored as semi-structured free text. Enforcing the presence of all required elements, requiring values for certain fields to be drawn from ontologies, and creating a structured eligibility criteria element would improve the reusability of data from ClinicalTrials.gov in systematic reviews, metanalyses, and matching of eligible patients to trials.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2022-05-27}, journal = {Scientific Data}, author = {Miron, Laura and Gonçalves, Rafael S. and Musen, Mark A.}, month = dec, year = {2020}, keywords = {Clinical Trials as Topic, Databases, Factual, Metadata}, pages = {443}, }
@article{abdill_international_2020, title = {International authorship and collaboration across {bioRxiv} preprints}, volume = {9}, issn = {2050-084X}, url = {https://elifesciences.org/articles/58496}, doi = {10.7554/eLife.58496}, abstract = {Preprints are becoming well established in the life sciences, but relatively little is known about the demographics of the researchers who post preprints and those who do not, or about the collaborations between preprint authors. Here, based on an analysis of 67,885 preprints posted on bioRxiv, we find that some countries, notably the United States and the United Kingdom, are overrepresented on bioRxiv relative to their overall scientific output, while other countries (including China, Russia, and Turkey) show lower levels of bioRxiv adoption. We also describe a set of ‘contributor countries’ (including Uganda, Croatia and Thailand): researchers from these countries appear almost exclusively as non-senior authors on international collaborations. Lastly, we find multiple journals that publish a disproportionate number of preprints from some countries, a dynamic that almost always benefits manuscripts from the US.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2022-05-27}, journal = {eLife}, author = {Abdill, Richard J and Adamowicz, Elizabeth M and Blekhman, Ran}, month = jul, year = {2020}, keywords = {Authorship, Preprints as Topic, Research Personnel}, pages = {e58496}, }
@article{arend_-premise_2020, title = {The on-premise data sharing infrastructure e!{DAL}: {Foster} {FAIR} data for faster data acquisition.}, volume = {9}, issn = {2047-217X}, url = {http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/33090199}, doi = {10.1093/gigascience/giaa107}, abstract = {The FAIR data principle as a commitment to support long-term research data management is widely accepted in the scientific community. Although the ELIXIR Core Data Resources and other established infrastructures provide comprehensive and long-term stable services and platforms for FAIR data management, a large quantity of research data is still hidden or at risk of getting lost. Currently, high-throughput plant genomics and phenomics technologies are producing research data in abundance, the storage of which is not covered by established core databases. This concerns the data volume, e.g., time series of images or high-resolution hyper-spectral data; the quality of data formatting and annotation, e.g., with regard to structure and annotation specifications of core databases; uncovered data domains; or organizational constraints prohibiting primary data storage outside institional boundaries. To share these potentially dark data in a FAIR way and master these challenges the ELIXIR Germany/de.NBI service Plant Genomic and Phenomics Research Data Repository (PGP) implements a "bring the infrastructure to the data" approach, which allows research data to be kept in place and wrapped in a FAIR-aware software infrastructure. This article presents new features of the e!DAL infrastructure software and the PGP repository as a best practice on how to easily set up FAIR-compliant and intuitive research data services. Furthermore, the integration of the ELIXIR Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI) and data discovery services are introduced as means to lower technical barriers and to increase the visibility of research data. The e!DAL software matured to a powerful and FAIR-compliant infrastructure, while keeping the focus on flexible setup and integration into existing infrastructures and into the daily research process.}, language = {eng}, number = {10}, journal = {Gigascience}, author = {Arend, Daniel and König, Patrick and Junker, Astrid and Scholz, Uwe and Lange, Matthias}, month = oct, year = {2020}, keywords = {Information Dissemination, Software}, pages = {giaa107}, }
@article{lin_ten_2020, title = {Ten quick tips for making things findable}, volume = {16}, issn = {1553-734X}, url = {http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/33382681}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008469}, abstract = {The distribution of scholarly content today happens in the context of an immense deluge of information found on the internet. As a result, researchers face serious challenges when archiving and finding information that relates to their work. Library science principles provide a framework for navigating information ecosystems in order to help researchers improve findability of their professional output. Here, we describe the information ecosystem which consists of users, context, and content, all 3 of which must be addressed to make information findable and usable. We provide a set of tips that can help researchers evaluate who their users are, how to archive their research outputs to encourage findability, and how to leverage structural elements of software to make it easier to find information within and beyond their publications. As scholars evaluate their research communication strategies, they can use these steps to improve how their research is discovered and reused.}, language = {eng}, number = {12}, journal = {PLoS computational biology}, author = {Lin, Sarah and Ali, Ibraheem and Wilson, Greg}, month = dec, year = {2020}, keywords = {Guidelines as Topic, Publishing}, pages = {e1008469}, }
@article{huh_two_2020, title = {Two international public platforms for the exposure of {Archives} of {Plastic} {Surgery} to worldwide researchers and surgeons: {PubMed} {Central} and {Crossref}}, volume = {47}, issn = {2234-6163}, url = {http://europepmc.org/abstract/PMC/PMC7520239}, language = {eng}, number = {5}, journal = {Archives of Plastic Surgery}, author = {Huh, Sun}, month = sep, year = {2020}, pages = {377--381}, }
@article{lammey_solutions_2020, title = {Solutions for identification problems: a look at the {Research} {Organization} {Registry}}, volume = {7}, shorttitle = {Solutions for identification problems}, number = {1}, journal = {Science Editing}, author = {Lammey, Rachael}, year = {2020}, pages = {65--69}, }
@article{mcmurry_identifiers_2017, title = {Identifiers for the 21st century: {How} to design, provision, and reuse persistent identifiers to maximize utility and impact of life science data}, volume = {15}, issn = {1545-7885}, shorttitle = {Identifiers for the 21st century}, url = {https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.2001414}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pbio.2001414}, abstract = {In many disciplines, data are highly decentralized across thousands of online databases (repositories, registries, and knowledgebases). Wringing value from such databases depends on the discipline of data science and on the humble bricks and mortar that make integration possible; identifiers are a core component of this integration infrastructure. Drawing on our experience and on work by other groups, we outline 10 lessons we have learned about the identifier qualities and best practices that facilitate large-scale data integration. Specifically, we propose actions that identifier practitioners (database providers) should take in the design, provision and reuse of identifiers. We also outline the important considerations for those referencing identifiers in various circumstances, including by authors and data generators. While the importance and relevance of each lesson will vary by context, there is a need for increased awareness about how to avoid and manage common identifier problems, especially those related to persistence and web-accessibility/resolvability. We focus strongly on web-based identifiers in the life sciences; however, the principles are broadly relevant to other disciplines.}, language = {en}, number = {6}, urldate = {2023-07-12}, journal = {PLOS Biology}, author = {McMurry, Julie A. and Juty, Nick and Blomberg, Niklas and Burdett, Tony and Conlin, Tom and Conte, Nathalie and Courtot, Mélanie and Deck, John and Dumontier, Michel and Fellows, Donal K. and Gonzalez-Beltran, Alejandra and Gormanns, Philipp and Grethe, Jeffrey and Hastings, Janna and Hériché, Jean-Karim and Hermjakob, Henning and Ison, Jon C. and Jimenez, Rafael C. and Jupp, Simon and Kunze, John and Laibe, Camille and Novère, Nicolas Le and Malone, James and Martin, Maria Jesus and McEntyre, Johanna R. and Morris, Chris and Muilu, Juha and Müller, Wolfgang and Rocca-Serra, Philippe and Sansone, Susanna-Assunta and Sariyar, Murat and Snoep, Jacky L. and Soiland-Reyes, Stian and Stanford, Natalie J. and Swainston, Neil and Washington, Nicole and Williams, Alan R. and Wimalaratne, Sarala M. and Winfree, Lilly M. and Wolstencroft, Katherine and Goble, Carole and Mungall, Christopher J. and Haendel, Melissa A. and Parkinson, Helen}, month = jun, year = {2017}, note = {Publisher: Public Library of Science}, keywords = {Archives, Biodiversity, Citation analysis, Integrators, Internet, Metadata, Ontologies, Semantics}, pages = {e2001414}, }