Keyword: preschool

2019 (1)
Readmission After Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery: An Analysis of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Database. Kogon, B. E., Oster, M. E., Wallace, A., Chiswell, K., Hill, K. D., Cox, M. L., Jacobs, J. P., Pasquali, S., Karamlou, T., & Jacobs, M. L. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 107(6):1816–1823, 2019.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
2018 (2)
Initial Assessment, Treatment, and Follow-Up of Minor Pediatric Burn Wounds in Four Patients Remotely: A Preliminary Communication. Paul, M. A., Kamali, P., Ibrahim, A. M. S., Medin, C., Lee, B. T., & Lin, S. J. Telemedicine Journal and E-Health: The Official Journal of the American Telemedicine Association, 24(5):379–385, 2018.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Effect of Cannabidiol on Drop Seizures in the Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome. Devinsky, O., Patel, A. D., Cross, J. H., Villanueva, V., Wirrell, E. C., Privitera, M., Greenwood, S. M., Roberts, C., Checketts, D., VanLandingham, K. E., Zuberi, S. M., & Group, G. S. N Engl J Med, 378(20):1888–1897, May, 2018.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
2017 (2)
Trial of Cannabidiol for Drug-Resistant Seizures in the Dravet Syndrome. Devinsky, O., Cross, J. H., Laux, L., Marsh, E., Miller, I., Nabbout, R., Scheffer, I. E., Thiele, E. A., Wright, S., & Cannabidiol in Dravet Syndrome Study, G. N Engl J Med, 376(21):2011–2020, May, 2017.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Comparison of cycloplegic refraction between Grand Seiko autorefractor and Retinomax autorefractor in the Vision in Preschoolers-Hyperopia in Preschoolers (VIP-HIP) Study. Ying, G., Maguire, M. G., Kulp, M. T., Ciner, E., Moore, B., Pistilli, M., Candy, R., & VIP-HIP Study Group Journal of AAPOS: the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 21(3):219–223.e3, June, 2017.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
2016 (1)
Mutations in REEP6 Cause Autosomal-Recessive Retinitis Pigmentosa. Arno, G., Agrawal, S. A., Eblimit, A., Bellingham, J., Xu, M., Wang, F., Chakarova, C., Parfitt, D. A., Lane, A., Burgoyne, T., Hull, S., Carss, K. J., Fiorentino, A., Hayes, M. J., Munro, P. M., Nicols, R., Pontikos, N., Holder, G. E., UKIRDC, Asomugha, C., Raymond, F. L., Moore, A. T., Plagnol, V., Michaelides, M., Hardcastle, A. J., Li, Y., Cukras, C., Webster, A. R., Cheetham, M. E., & Chen, R. American Journal of Human Genetics, 99(6):1305–1315, December, 2016.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
2015 (3)
Bayesian kernel machine regression for estimating the health effects of multi-pollutant mixtures. Bobb, J. F., Valeri, L., Claus Henn, B., Christiani, D. C., Wright, R. O., Mazumdar, M., Godleski, J. J., & Coull, B. A. Biostatistics (Oxford, England), 16(3):493–508, September, 2015. Publisher: Biostatistics
Bayesian kernel machine regression for estimating the health effects of multi-pollutant mixtures [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Anthropometric models of bone mineral content and areal bone mineral density based on the bone mineral density in childhood study. Short, D. F., Gilsanz, V., Kalkwarf, H. J., Lappe, J. M., Oberfield, S., Shepherd, J. A., Winer, K. K., Zemel, B. S., & Hangartner, T. N. Osteoporosis international: a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA, 26(3):1099–1108, March, 2015.
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Sleep problems in children with autism spectrum disorder: examining the contributions of sensory over-responsivity and anxiety. Mazurek, M. O & Petroski, G Sleep Medicine, 16:270-9, 2015 Feb, 2015.
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2014 (4)
Growing up after extremely preterm birth: Lifespan mental health outcomes. Johnson, S. & Marlow, N. Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 19(2):97–104, April, 2014.
Growing up after extremely preterm birth: Lifespan mental health outcomes [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Characterizing the ultrastructure of primary ciliary dyskinesia transposition defect using electron tomography. Burgoyne, T., Lewis, A., Dewar, A., Luther, P., Hogg, C., Shoemark, A., & Dixon, M. Cytoskeleton (Hoboken, N.J.), 71(5):294–301, May, 2014.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Impact on long-term OS of conditioning regimen in allogeneic BMT for children with AML in first CR: TBI plus CY versus BU plus CY: a report from the Societete Francaise de Greffe de Moelle et de Therapie Cellulaire. de Berranger E, Cousien A, Petit A, de Latour RP, Galambrun C, Bertrand Y, Salmon A, Rialland F, Rohrlich PS, Vannier JP, Lutz P, Yakouben K, Duhamel A, Bruno B, Michel G, & Dalle JH Bone Marrow Transplant., 49:382-388, 2014.
Impact on long-term OS of conditioning regimen in allogeneic BMT for children with AML in first CR: TBI plus CY versus BU plus CY: a report from the Societete Francaise de Greffe de Moelle et de Therapie Cellulaire [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
Serious adverse effects from single-use detergent sacs: report from a U.S. statewide poison control system. Huntington, S., Heppner, J., Vohra, R., Mallios, R., & Geller, R. J. Clinical Toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.), 52(3):220--225, March, 2014.
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2013 (8)
Epidemiological features and risk factors of Salmonella gastroenteritis in children resident in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Thompson, C. N., Phan, V. T. M., Le, T. P. T., Pham, T. N. T., Hoang, L. P., Ha, V., Nguyen, V. M. H., Pham, V. M., Nguyen, T. V., Cao, T. T., Tran, T. T. N., Nguyen, T. T. H., Dao, M. T., Campbell, J. I., Nguyen, T. C., Tang, C. T., Ha, M. T., Farrar, J., & Baker, S. Epidemiology and infection, 141(8):1604–1613, August, 2013.
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Identification of a new cyclovirus in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with acute central nervous system infections. Tan, L. V., van Doorn, H. R., Nghia, H. D. T., Chau, T. T. H., Tu, L. T. P., de Vries, M., Canuti, M., Deijs, M., Jebbink, M. F., Baker, S., Bryant, J. E., Tham, N. T., BKrong, N. T. T. C., Boni, M. F., Loi, T. Q., Phuong, L. T., Verhoeven, J. T. P., Crusat, M., Jeeninga, R. E., Schultsz, C., Chau, N. V. V., Hien, T. T., van der Hoek, L., Farrar, J., & de Jong, M. D. mBio, 4(3):e00231–00213, June, 2013.
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Comparison of three methods (an updated logistic probabilistic method, the Naranjo and Liverpool algorithms) for the evaluation of routine pharmacovigilance case reports using consensual expert judgement as reference. Théophile, H., André, M., Miremont-Salamé, G., Arimone, Y., & Bégaud, B. Drug Safety, 36(10):1033–1044, October, 2013.
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Socio-economic position and childhood multimorbidity: a study using linkage between the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children and the General Practice Research Database. Cornish, R. P., Boyd, A., Van Staa, T., Salisbury, C., & Macleod, J. International Journal for Equity in Health, 12:66, 2013.
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Myopia Stabilization and Associated Factors Among Participants in the Correction of Myopia Evaluation Trial (COMET). Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science, 54(13):7871, December, 2013.
Myopia Stabilization and Associated Factors Among Participants in the Correction of Myopia Evaluation Trial (COMET) [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
Comorbid anxiety and neurocognitive dysfunctions in children with ADHD. Bloemsma, J M., Boer, F., Arnold, R., Banaschewski, T., Faraone, S. V, Buitelaar, J. K, Sergeant, J. A, Rommelse, N., & Oosterlaan, J. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 22(4):225–34, April, 2013.
Comorbid anxiety and neurocognitive dysfunctions in children with ADHD. [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
An observational descriptive study of the epidemiology and treatment of neuropathic pain in a UK general population. Hall, G. C., Morant, S. V., Carroll, D., Gabriel, Z. L., & McQuay, H. J. BMC family practice, 14:28, 2013.
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Neurodevelopmental outcome in extremely preterm infants at 2.5 years after active perinatal care in Sweden. Serenius, F., Källén, K., Blennow, M., Ewald, U., Fellman, V., Holmström, G., Lindberg, E., Lundqvist, P., Maršál, K., Norman, M., Olhager, E., Stigson, L., Stjernqvist, K., Vollmer, B., & Strömberg, B. JAMA, 309(17):1810–20, May, 2013. Publisher: American Medical Association
Neurodevelopmental outcome in extremely preterm infants at 2.5 years after active perinatal care in Sweden. [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
2012 (9)
A study on the epidemiology of rosacea in the U.K. Spoendlin, J., Voegel, J. J., Jick, S. S., & Meier, C. R. The British Journal of Dermatology, 167(3):598--605, September, 2012.
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Evidence for extended age dependent maternal immunity in infected children: mother to child transmission of HIV infection and potential interventions including sulfatides of the human fetal adnexa and complementary or alternative medicines. Bhargav, H., Huilgol, V., Metri, K., Sundell, I. B., Tripathi, S., Ramagouda, N., Jadhav, M., Raghuram, N., Ramarao, N. H., & Koka, P. S. Journal of stem cells, 7(3):127–153, 2012. Place: United States
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Proton therapy for spinal ependymomas: planning, acute toxicities, and preliminary outcomes. Amsbaugh, M., J., Grosshans, D., R., McAleer, M., F., Zhu, R., Wages, C., Crawford, C., N., Palmer, M., De Gracia, B., Woo, S., & Mahajan, A. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 83(5):1419-24, Elsevier Inc, 8, 2012.
Proton therapy for spinal ependymomas: planning, acute toxicities, and preliminary outcomes. [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Autism spectrum disorders and developmental disabilities in children from immigrant families in the United States. Lin, S. C., Yu, S. M., & Harwood, R. L Pediatrics, 130(Suppl 2):S191-7, Nov, 2012. NLM Journal Code: oxv, 0376422
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Predictors of boys' ADHD symptoms from early to middle childhood: the role of father-child and mother-child interactions. Keown, L. J Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 40(4):569–81, May, 2012.
Predictors of boys' ADHD symptoms from early to middle childhood: the role of father-child and mother-child interactions. [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccines: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Osterholm, M., T., Kelley, N., S., Sommer, A., & Belongia, E., a. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 12(1):36-44, 2012.
Efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccines: A systematic review and meta-analysis [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Years lived with disability (YLDs) for 1160 sequelae of 289 diseases and injuries 1990-2010: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Vos, T., Flaxman, A. D., Naghavi, M., Lozano, R., Michaud, C., Ezzati, M., Shibuya, K., Salomon, J. A., Abdalla, S., Aboyans, V., Abraham, J., Ackerman, I., Aggarwal, R., Ahn, S. Y., Ali, M. K., Alvarado, M., Anderson, H. R., Anderson, L. M., Andrews, K. G., Atkinson, C., Baddour, L. M., Bahalim, A. N., Barker-Collo, S., Barrero, L. H., Bartels, D. H., Basáñez, M., Baxter, A., Bell, M. L., Benjamin, E. J., Bennett, D., Bernabé, E., Bhalla, K., Bhandari, B., Bikbov, B., Bin Abdulhak, A., Birbeck, G., Black, J. A., Blencowe, H., Blore, J. D., Blyth, F., Bolliger, I., Bonaventure, A., Boufous, S., Bourne, R., Boussinesq, M., Braithwaite, T., Brayne, C., Bridgett, L., Brooker, S., Brooks, P., Brugha, T. S., Bryan-Hancock, C., Bucello, C., Buchbinder, R., Buckle, G., Budke, C. 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R., Franklin, R., Fransen, M., Freeman, M. K., Gabbe, B. J., Gabriel, S. E., Gakidou, E., Ganatra, H. A., Garcia, B., Gaspari, F., Gillum, R. F., Gmel, G., Gosselin, R., Grainger, R., Groeger, J., Guillemin, F., Gunnell, D., Gupta, R., Haagsma, J., Hagan, H., Halasa, Y. A., Hall, W., Haring, D., Haro, J. M., Harrison, J. E., Havmoeller, R., Hay, R. J., Higashi, H., Hill, C., Hoen, B., Hoffman, H., Hotez, P. J., Hoy, D., Huang, J. J., Ibeanusi, S. E., Jacobsen, K. H., James, S. L., Jarvis, D., Jasrasaria, R., Jayaraman, S., Johns, N., Jonas, J. B., Karthikeyan, G., Kassebaum, N., Kawakami, N., Keren, A., Khoo, J., King, C. H., Knowlton, L. M., Kobusingye, O., Koranteng, A., Krishnamurthi, R., Lalloo, R., Laslett, L. L., Lathlean, T., Leasher, J. L., Lee, Y. Y., Leigh, J., Lim, S. S., Limb, E., Lin, J. K., Lipnick, M., Lipshultz, S. E., Liu, W., Loane, M., Ohno, S. L., Lyons, R., Ma, J., Mabweijano, J., MacIntyre, M. F., Malekzadeh, R., Mallinger, L., Manivannan, S., Marcenes, W., March, L., Margolis, D. J., Marks, G. B., Marks, R., Matsumori, A., Matzopoulos, R., Mayosi, B. M., McAnulty, J. H., McDermott, M. M., McGill, N., McGrath, J., Medina-Mora, M. E., Meltzer, M., Mensah, G. A., Merriman, T. R., Meyer, A., Miglioli, V., Miller, M., Miller, T. R., Mitchell, P. B., Mocumbi, A. O., Moffitt, T. E., Mokdad, A. A., Monasta, L., Montico, M., Moradi-Lakeh, M., Moran, A., Morawska, L., Mori, R., Murdoch, M. E., Mwaniki, M. K., Naidoo, K., Nair, M. N., Naldi, L., Narayan, K. M. V., Nelson, P. K., Nelson, R. G., Nevitt, M. C., Newton, C. R., Nolte, S., Norman, P., Norman, R., O'Donnell, M., O'Hanlon, S., Olives, C., Omer, S. B., Ortblad, K., Osborne, R., Ozgediz, D., Page, A., Pahari, B., Pandian, J. D., Rivero, A. P., Patten, S. B., Pearce, N., Padilla, R. P., Perez-Ruiz, F., Perico, N., Pesudovs, K., Phillips, D., Phillips, M. R., Pierce, K., Pion, S., Polanczyk, G. V., Polinder, S., Pope, C. 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Health service use in families where children enter public care: a nested case control study using the General Practice Research Database. Simkiss, D. E., Spencer, N. J., Stallard, N., & Thorogood, M. BMC health services research, 12:65, 2012.
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Training Executive, Attention, and Motor Skills: A Proof-of-Concept Study in Preschool Children With ADHD. Halperin, J. M., Marks, D. J., Bedard, a. V., Chacko, a., Curchack, J. T., Yoon, C. a., & Healey, D. M. Journal of Attention Disorders, March, 2012.
Training Executive, Attention, and Motor Skills: A Proof-of-Concept Study in Preschool Children With ADHD [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
2011 (7)
The London low emission zone baseline study. Kelly, F., Armstrong, B., Atkinson, R., Anderson, H. R., Barratt, B., Beevers, S., Cook, D., Green, D., Derwent, D., Mudway, I., Wilkinson, P., & HEI Health Review Committee Research Report (Health Effects Institute), November, 2011.
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Incidence, prevalence, and trends of general practitioner-recorded diagnosis of peanut allergy in England, 2001 to 2005. Kotz, D., Simpson, C. R., & Sheikh, A. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 127(3):623--630.e1, March, 2011.
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Helping children correctly say “I don't know” to unanswerable questions. Waterman, A., H. & Blades, M. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 17(4):396-405, 2011.
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An 88-year old woman with long-lasting parkinsonism. Deramecourt, V., Maurage, C., Sergeant, N., Buée-Scherrer, V., Buée, L., & Defebvre, L. Brain Pathology (Zurich, Switzerland), 21(4):465–468, July, 2011.
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Child ADHD severity and positive and negative parenting as predictors of child social functioning: evaluation of three theoretical models. Kaiser, N. M, McBurnett, K., & Pfiffner, L. J Journal of Attention Disorders, 15(3):193–203, April, 2011.
Child ADHD severity and positive and negative parenting as predictors of child social functioning: evaluation of three theoretical models. [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Cost-effectiveness of universal rotavirus vaccination in reducing rotavirus gastroenteritis in Ireland. Jit, M, Schmitz, S, Walsh, C, Garvey, P, McKeown, P, & Barry, M Vaccine, 29(43):7463–73, 2011.
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Pediatric brain tumor cancer stem cells: cell cycle dynamics, DNA repair, and etoposide extrusion. Hussein, D., Punjaruk, W., Storer, L. C. D., Shaw, L., Othman, R., Ottoman, R., Peet, A., Miller, S., Bandopadhyay, G., Heath, R., Kumari, R., Bowman, K. J., Braker, P., Rahman, R., Jones, G. D. D., Watson, S., Lowe, J., Kerr, I. D., Grundy, R. G., & Coyle, B. Neuro-Oncology, 13(1):70–83, January, 2011.
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2010 (5)
Pyridoxal-5-phosphate plasma concentrations in children receiving tuberculosis chemotherapy including isoniazid. Cilliers, K., Labadarios, D., Schaaf, H. S., Willemse, M., Maritz, J. S., Werely, C. J., Hussey, G., & Donald, P. R. Acta Paediatrica (Oslo, Norway: 1992), 99(5):705--710, May, 2010.
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Rare chromosomal deletions and duplications in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a genome-wide analysis. Williams, N. M, Zaharieva, I., Martin, A., Langley, K., Mantripragada, K., Fossdal, R., Stefansson, H., Stefansson, K., Magnusson, P., Gudmundsson, O. O, Gustafsson, O., Holmans, P., Owen, M. J, O'Donovan, M., & Thapar, A. The Lancet, 376(9750):1401–1408, October, 2010. Publisher: Elsevier
Rare chromosomal deletions and duplications in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a genome-wide analysis [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Dissemination limits the survival of patients with anaplastic ependymoma after extensive surgical resection, meticulous follow up, and intensive treatment for recurrence. Saito, R., Kumabe, T., Kanamori, M., Sonoda, Y., & Tominaga, T. Neurosurgical Review, 33(2):185-91; discussion 191-2, 4, 2010.
Dissemination limits the survival of patients with anaplastic ependymoma after extensive surgical resection, meticulous follow up, and intensive treatment for recurrence. [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Dexmedetomidine infusion for analgesia and prevention of emergence agitation in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome undergoing tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Patel, A., Davidson, M., Tran, M., C., J., Quraishi, H., Schoenberg, C., Sant, M., Lin, A., & Sun, X. Anesthesia and analgesia, 111(4):1004-10, 10, 2010.
Dexmedetomidine infusion for analgesia and prevention of emergence agitation in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome undergoing tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Burden of childhood rotavirus disease on health systems in the United States. Mast, T C., Walter, E. B, Bulotsky, M., Khawaja, S. S, DiStefano, D. J, Sandquist, M. K, Straus, W. L, & Staat, M. A. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 29(2):e19–25, February, 2010.
Burden of childhood rotavirus disease on health systems in the United States [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
2009 (3)
A survey of pediatric caudal extradural anesthesia practice. Menzies, R., Congreve, K., Herodes, V., Berg, S., & Mason, D. G Paediatric anaesthesia, 19(9):829–836, September, 2009.
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Imaging of ependymomas: MRI and CT. Yuh, E., L., Barkovich, A., J., & Gupta, N. Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery, 25(10):1203-13, 10, 2009.
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Isoniazid plasma concentrations in a cohort of South African children with tuberculosis: implications for international pediatric dosing guidelines. McIlleron, H., Willemse, M., Werely, C. J., Hussey, G. D., Schaaf, Simon, H., Smith, P. J., & Donald, P. R. Clinical Infectious Diseases: An Official Publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, 48(11):1547--1553, June, 2009.
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2008 (4)
No association between routinely recorded infections in early life and subsequent risk of childhood-onset Type 1 diabetes: a matched case-control study using the UK General Practice Research Database. Cardwell, C. R., Carson, D. J., & Patterson, C. C. Diabetic Medicine: A Journal of the British Diabetic Association, 25(3):261--267, March, 2008.
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Relationships between parental negativity and childhood antisocial behavior over time: a bidirectional effects model in a longitudinal genetically informative design. Larsson, H., Viding, E., Rijsdijk, F. V, & Plomin, R. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 36(5):633–45, July, 2008.
Relationships between parental negativity and childhood antisocial behavior over time: a bidirectional effects model in a longitudinal genetically informative design. [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Sleep hygiene for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. Jan, J., E., Owens, J., a., Weiss, M., D., Johnson, K., P., Wasdell, M., B., Freeman, R., D., & Ipsiroglu, O., S. Pediatrics, 122(6):1343-50, 12, 2008.
Sleep hygiene for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Comparison between omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid intakes as assessed by a food frequency questionnaire and erythrocyte membrane fatty acid composition in young children. Orton, H., D., Szabo, N., J., Clare-Salzler, M., & Norris, J., M. Eur J Clin Nutr, 62(6):733-738, 2008.
Comparison between omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid intakes as assessed by a food frequency questionnaire and erythrocyte membrane fatty acid composition in young children [link]Website  abstract   bibtex   
2007 (3)
Weight estimation in resuscitation: is the current formula still valid?. Luscombe, M. & Owens, B. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 92(5):412–415, May, 2007.
Weight estimation in resuscitation: is the current formula still valid? [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
One, two, three, four, nothing more: an investigation of the conceptual sources of the verbal counting principles. Corre, M. L. & Carey, S. Cognition, 105(2):395-438, 2007.
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Colorado longitudinal twin study of reading disability. Wadsworth, S. J, DeFries, J. C, Olson, R. K, & Willcutt, E. G Annals of dyslexia, 57(2):139–60, December, 2007.
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