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  2023 (1)
Look Up: Probing the Vertical Profile of New Particle Formation and Growth in the Planetary Boundary Layer with Models and Observations. O’Donnell, S., E.; Akherati, A.; He, Y.; Hodshire, A., L.; Shilling, J., E.; Kuang, C.; Fast, J., D.; Mei, F.; Schobesberger7, S.; Thornton, J., A.; Smith, J., N.; Jathar, S., H.; and Pierce, J., R. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, n/a(n/a): e2022JD037525. 1 2023.
Look Up: Probing the Vertical Profile of New Particle Formation and Growth in the Planetary Boundary Layer with Models and Observations [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2022 (3)
Observations of gas-phase products from the nitrate-radical-initiated oxidation of four monoterpenes. Dam, M.; Draper, D., C.; Marsavin, A.; Fry, J., L.; and Smith, J., N. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22(13): 9017-9031. 1 2022.
Observations of gas-phase products from the nitrate-radical-initiated oxidation of four monoterpenes [pdf]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   6 downloads  
Insufficient Condensable Organic Vapors Lead to Slow Growth of New Particles in an Urban Environment. Li, X.; Li, Y.; Cai, R.; Yan, C.; Qiao, X.; Guo, Y.; Deng, C.; Yin, R.; Chen, Y.; Li, Y.; Yao, L.; Sarnela, N.; Zhang, Y.; Petäjä, T.; Bianchi, F.; Liu, Y.; Kulmala, M.; Hao, J.; Smith, J., N.; and Jiang, J. Environmental Science and Technology, 56(14): 9936-9946. 2022.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract   2 downloads  
Sulfuric acid in the Amazon basin: measurements and evaluation of existing sulfuric acid proxies. Myers, D., C.; Kim, S.; Sjostedt, S.; Guenther, A., B.; Seco, R.; Vega Bustillos, O.; Tota, J.; Souza, R., A.; and Smith, J., N. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22(15): 10061-10076. 2022.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
  2021 (6)
Volatility is the predictor for non-neutral acid to base ratio in nanoparticles smaller than 15 nm. Chee, S.; Myllys, N.; Barsanti, K., C.; and Smith, J., N. Journal of Aerosol Science, in prep.. 2021.
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A predictive model for salt nanoparticle formation using heterodimer stability calculations. Chee, S.; Barsanti, K.; Smith, J., N.; and Myllys, N. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(15): 11637-11654. 2021.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Composition of ultrafine particles in urban beijing: Measurement using a thermal desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometer. Li, X.; Li, Y.; Lawler, M., J.; Hao, J.; Smith, J., N.; and Jiang, J. Environmental Science and Technology, 55(5): 2859-2868. 3 2021.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract   2 downloads  
Molecular properties affecting the hydration of acid–base clusters. Myllys, N.; Myers, D.; Chee, S.; and Smith, J., N. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23(23): 13106-13114. 2021.
Molecular properties affecting the hydration of acid–base clusters [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Indirect Measurements of the Composition of Ultrafine Particles in the Arctic Late-Winter. Myers, D., C.; Lawler, M., J.; Mauldin, R., L.; Sjostedt, S.; Dubey, M.; Abbatt, J.; and Smith, J., N. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(22). 2021.
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Atmospheric clusters to nanoparticles: Recent progress and challenges in closing the gap in chemical composition. Smith, J., N.; Draper, D., C.; Chee, S.; Dam, M.; Glicker, H.; Myers, D.; Thomas, A., E.; Lawler, M., J.; and Myllys, N. Journal of Aerosol Science, 153: 105733. 2021.
Atmospheric clusters to nanoparticles: Recent progress and challenges in closing the gap in chemical composition [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2020 (6)
Novel ionization reagent for the measurement of gas-phase ammonia and amines using a stand-alone atmospheric pressure gas chromatography (APGC) source. Perraud, V.; Li, X.; Smith, J., N.; and Finlayson-Pitts, B., J. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 34(10). 8 2020.
Novel ionization reagent for the measurement of gas-phase ammonia and amines using a stand-alone atmospheric pressure gas chromatography (APGC) source [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   3 downloads  
Atmospheric fungal nanoparticle bursts. Lawler, M., J.; Draper, D., C.; and Smith, J., N. Science Advances, 6(3): eaax9051. 1 2020.
Atmospheric fungal nanoparticle bursts [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   6 downloads  
PTR-TOF-MS eddy covariance measurements of isoprene and monoterpene fluxes from an eastern Amazonian rainforest. Sarkar, C.; Guenther, A., B.; Park, J., H.; Seco, R.; Alves, E.; Batalha, S.; Santana, R.; Kim, S.; Smith, J.; Tóta, J.; and Vega, O. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(12): 7179-7191. 6 2020.
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Size-Resolved Chemical Composition of Sub-20 nm Particles from Methanesulfonic Acid Reactions with Methylamine and Ammonia. Perraud, V.; Li, X.; Jiang, J.; Finlayson-Pitts, B., J.; and Smith, J., N. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 4(7): 1182-1194. 7 2020.
Size-Resolved Chemical Composition of Sub-20 nm Particles from Methanesulfonic Acid Reactions with Methylamine and Ammonia [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Ab initio metadynamics calculations of dimethylamine for probing p K bvariations in bulk vs. surface environments. Biswas, S.; Kwon, H.; Barsanti, K., C.; Myllys, N.; Smith, J., N.; and Wong, B., M. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(45): 26265-26277. 12 2020.
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A sew-free origami mask for improvised respiratory protection. Realmuto, J.; Kleinman, M.; Sanger, T.; Lawler, M.; and Smith, J. 2020.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
  2019 (7)
Comparison of aerosol measurement systems during the 2016 airborne ARISTO campaign. Ortega, J.; Snider, J., R.; Smith, J., N.; and Reeves, J., M. Aerosol Science and Technology, 53(8): 871-885. 2019.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
An Experimental and Modeling Study of Nanoparticle Formation and Growth from Dimethylamine and Nitric Acid. Chee, S.; Myllys, N.; Barsanti, K., C.; Wong, B., M.; and Smith, J., N. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 123(26): 5640-5648. 2019.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Chemical characterization of nanoparticles and volatiles present in mainstream hookah smoke. Perraud, V.; Lawler, M., J.; Malecha, K., T.; Johnson, R., M.; Herman, D., A.; Staimer, N.; Kleinman, M., T.; Nizkorodov, S., A.; and Smith, J., N. Aerosol Science and Technology, 53(9): 1023-1039. 2019.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Chemical composition of ultrafine aerosol particles in central Amazonia during the wet season. Glicker, H., S.; Lawler, M., J.; Ortega, J.; De Sá, S., S.; Martin, S., T.; Artaxo, P.; Vega Bustillos, O.; De Souza, R.; Tota, J.; Carlton, A.; and Smith, J., N. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(20): 13053-13066. 10 2019.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Enhancing Potential of Trimethylamine Oxide on Atmospheric Particle Formation. Myllys, N.; Ponkkonen, T.; Chee, S.; and Smith, J. Atmosphere, 11(1): 35. 12 2019.
Enhancing Potential of Trimethylamine Oxide on Atmospheric Particle Formation [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Relative humidity effect on the formation of highly oxidized molecules and new particles during monoterpene oxidation. Li, X.; Chee, S.; Hao, J.; Abbatt, J., P., D.; Jiang, J.; and Smith, J., N. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(3): 1555-1570. 2 2019.
Relative humidity effect on the formation of highly oxidized molecules and new particles during monoterpene oxidation [pdf]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Molecular-Level Understanding of Synergistic Effects in Sulfuric Acid\textendashAmine\textendashAmmonia Mixed Clusters. Myllys, N.; Chee, S.; Olenius, T.; Lawler, M.; and Smith, J. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 123(12): 2420-2425. 3 2019.
Molecular-Level Understanding of Synergistic Effects in Sulfuric Acid\textendashAmine\textendashAmmonia Mixed Clusters [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
  2018 (7)
Resolving nanoparticle growth mechanisms from size- and time-dependent growth rate analysis. Pichelstorfer, L.; Stolzenburg, D.; Ortega, J.; Karl, T.; Kokkola, H.; Laakso, A.; Lehtinen, K., E.; Smith, J., N.; McMurry, P., H.; and Winkler, P., M. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(2): 1307-1323. 1 2018.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Rapid growth of organic aerosol nanoparticles over a wide tropospheric temperature range. Stolzenburg, D.; Fischer, L.; Vogel, A., L.; Heinritzi, M.; Schervish, M.; Simon, M.; Wagner, A., C.; Dada, L.; Ahonen, L., R.; Amorim, A.; Baccarini, A.; Bauer, P., S.; Baumgartner, B.; Bergen, A.; Bianchi, F.; Breitenlechner, M.; Brilke, S.; Mazon, S., B.; Chen, D.; Dias, A.; Draper, D., C.; Duplissy, J.; Haddad, I., E.; Finkenzeller, H.; Frege, C.; Fuchs, C.; Garmash, O.; Gordon, H.; He, X.; Helm, J.; Hofbauer, V.; Hoyle, C., R.; Kim, C.; Kirkby, J.; Kontkanen, J.; Kürten, A.; Lampilahti, J.; Lawler, M.; Lehtipalo, K.; Leiminger, M.; Mai, H.; Mathot, S.; Mentler, B.; Molteni, U.; Nie, W.; Nieminen, T.; Nowak, J., B.; Ojdanic, A.; Onnela, A.; Passananti, M.; Petäjä, T.; Quéléver, L., L.; Rissanen, M., P.; Sarnela, N.; Schallhart, S.; Tauber, C.; Tomé, A.; Wagner, R.; Wang, M.; Weitz, L.; Wimmer, D.; Xiao, M.; Yan, C.; Ye, P.; Zha, Q.; Baltensperger, U.; Curtius, J.; Dommen, J.; Flagan, R., C.; Kulmala, M.; Smith, J., N.; Worsnop, D., R.; Hansel, A.; Donahue, N., M.; and Winkler, P., M. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(37): 9122-9127. 2018.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Constraining nucleation, condensation, and chemistry in oxidation flow reactors using size-distribution measurements and aerosol microphysical modeling. Hodshire, A., L.; Palm, B., B.; Alexander, M., L.; Bian, Q.; Campuzano-Jost, P.; Cross, E., S.; Day, D., A.; De Sá, S., S.; Guenther, A., B.; Hansel, A.; Hunter, J., F.; Jud, W.; Karl, T.; Kim, S.; Kroll, J., H.; Park, J., H.; Peng, Z.; Seco, R.; Smith, J., N.; Jimenez, J., L.; and Pierce, J., R. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(16): 12433-12460. 2018.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Tropospheric HONO distribution and chemistry in the southeastern US. Ye, C.; Zhou, X.; Pu, D.; Stutz, J.; Festa, J.; Spolaor, M.; Tsai, C.; Cantrell, C.; Mauldin, R., L.; Weinheimer, A.; Hornbrook, R., S.; Apel, E., C.; Guenther, A.; Kaser, L.; Yuan, B.; Karl, T.; Haggerty, J.; Hall, S.; Ullmann, K.; Smith, J.; and Ortega, J. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(12): 9107-9120. 2018.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Evidence for Diverse Biogeochemical Drivers of Boreal Forest New Particle Formation. Lawler, M., J.; Rissanen, M., P.; Ehn, M.; Mauldin, R., L.; Sarnela, N.; Sipilä, M.; and Smith, J., N. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(4): 2038-2046. 2 2018.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Vertically resolved concentration and liquid water content of atmospheric nanoparticles at the US DOE Southern Great Plains site. Chen, H.; Hodshire, A., A., L.; Ortega, J.; Greenberg, J.; McMurry, P., P., H.; Carlton, A., A., G.; Pierce, J., J., R.; Hanson, D., R., D.; and Smith, J., N., J. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(1): 311-326. 2018.
Vertically resolved concentration and liquid water content of atmospheric nanoparticles at the US DOE Southern Great Plains site [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Size resolved chemical composition of nanoparticles from reactions of sulfuric acid with ammonia and dimethylamine. Chen, H.; Chee, S.; Lawler, M., J.; Barsanti, K., C.; Wong, B., M.; and Smith, J., N. 2018.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2017 (6)
The green ocean amazon experiment (GOAMAZON2014/5) observes pollution affecting gases, aerosols, clouds, and rainfall over the rain forest. Martin, S., T.; Artaxo, P.; Machado, L.; Manzi, A., O.; Souza, R., A.; Schumacher, C.; Wang, J.; Biscaro, T.; Brito, J.; Calheiros, A.; Jardine, K.; Medeiros, A.; Portela, B.; De Sá, S., S.; Adachi, K.; Aiken, A., C.; Alblbrecht, R.; Alexander, L.; Andreae, M., O.; Barbosa, H., M.; Buseck, P.; Chand, D.; Comstmstmstock, J., M.; Day, D., A.; Dubey, M.; Fan, J.; Fastst, J.; Fisch, G.; Fortner, E.; Giangrande, S.; Gilllles, M.; Goldststein, A., H.; Guenther, A.; Hubbbbe, J.; Jensen, M.; Jimenez, J., L.; Keutstsch, F., N.; Kim, S.; Kuang, C.; Laskskin, A.; McKinney, K.; Mei, F.; Millller, M.; Nascimento, R.; Pauliquevis, T.; Pekour, M.; Peres, J.; Petäjä, T.; Pöhlklker, C.; Pöschl, U.; Rizzo, L.; Schmid, B.; Shilllling, J., E.; Silva Dias, M., A.; Smith, J., N.; Tomlmlinson, J., M.; Tóta, J.; and Wendisch, M. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98(5): 981-997. 5 2017.
The green ocean amazon experiment (GOAMAZON2014/5) observes pollution affecting gases, aerosols, clouds, and rainfall over the rain forest [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Comprehensive characterization of atmospheric organic carbon at a forested site. Hunter, J., F.; Day, D., A.; Palm, B., B.; Yatavelli, R., L.; Chan, A., W.; Kaser, L.; Cappellin, L.; Hayes, P., L.; Cross, E., S.; Carrasquillo, A., J.; Campuzano-Jost, P.; Stark, H.; Zhao, Y.; Hohaus, T.; Smith, J., N.; Hansel, A.; Karl, T.; Goldstein, A., H.; Guenther, A.; Worsnop, D., R.; Thornton, J., A.; Heald, C., L.; Jimenez, J., L.; and Kroll, J., H. Nature Geoscience, 10(10): 748-753. 2017.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Ethene, propene, butene and isoprene emissions from a ponderosa pine forest measured by relaxed eddy accumulation. Rhew, R., C.; Deventer, M., J.; Turnipseed, A., A.; Warneke, C.; Ortega, J.; Shen, S.; Martinez, L.; Koss, A.; Lerner, B., M.; Gilman, J., B.; Smith, J., N.; Guenther, A., B.; and De Gouw, J., A. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17(21): 13417-13438. 2017.
Ethene, propene, butene and isoprene emissions from a ponderosa pine forest measured by relaxed eddy accumulation [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Sources of particulate organic nitrates in the boreal forest in Finland. Kortelainen, A.; Hao, L.; Tiitta, P.; Jaatinen, A.; Miettinen, P.; Kulmala, M.; Smith, J., N.; Laaksonen, A.; Worsnop, D., R.; and Virtanen, A. Boreal Environment Research, 22: 13-26. 2017.
Sources of particulate organic nitrates in the boreal forest in Finland [pdf]Website   link   bibtex   abstract  
Recent advances in understanding secondary organic aerosol: Implications for global climate forcing. Shrivastava, M.; Cappa, C., D.; Fan, J.; Goldstein, A., H.; Guenther, A., B.; Jimenez, J., L.; Kuang, C.; Laskin, A.; Martin, S., T.; Ng, N., L.; Petaja, T.; Pierce, J., R.; Rasch, P., J.; Roldin, P.; Seinfeld, J., H.; Shilling, J.; Smith, J., N.; Thornton, J., A.; Volkamer, R.; Wang, J.; Worsnop, D., R.; Zaveri, R., A.; Zelenyuk, A.; and Zhang, Q. Reviews of Geophysics, 55(2): 509-559. 2017.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
The role of ions in new particle formation in the CLOUD chamber. Wagner, R.; Yan, C.; Lehtipalo, K.; Duplissy, J.; Nieminen, T.; Kangasluoma, J.; Ahonen, L., R.; Dada, L.; Kontkanen, J.; Manninen, H., E.; Dias, A.; Amorim, A.; Bauer, P., S.; Bergen, A.; Bernhammer, A., K.; Bianchi, F.; Brilke, S.; Buenrostro Mazon, S.; Chen, X.; Draper, D., C.; Fischer, L.; Frege, C.; Fuchs, C.; Garmash, O.; Gordon, H.; Hakala, J.; Heikkinen, L.; Heinritzi, M.; Hofbauer, V.; Hoyle, C., R.; Kirkby, J.; Kürten, A.; Kvashnin, A., N.; Laurila, T.; Lawler, M., J.; Mai, H.; Makhmutov, V.; Mauldin, R.; Molteni, U.; Nichman, L.; Nie, W.; Ojdanic, A.; Onnela, A.; Piel, F.; Quéléver, L., L.; Rissanen, M., P.; Sarnela, N.; Schallhart, S.; Sengupta, K.; Simon, M.; Stolzenburg, D.; Stozhkov, Y.; Tröstl, J.; Viisanen, Y.; Vogel, A., L.; Wagner, A., C.; Xiao, M.; Ye, P.; Baltensperger, U.; Curtius, J.; Donahue, N., M.; Flagan, R., C.; Gallagher, M.; Hansel, A.; Smith, J., N.; Tomé, A.; Winkler, P., M.; Worsnop, D.; Ehn, M.; Sipilä, M.; Kerminen, V., M.; Petäjä, T.; and Kulmala, M. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17(24): 15181-15197. 2017.
The role of ions in new particle formation in the CLOUD chamber [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
  2016 (13)
Modeling the thermodynamics and kinetics of sulfuric acid-dimethylamine-water nanoparticle growth in the CLOUD chamber. Ahlm, L.; Yli-Juuti, T.; Schobesberger, S.; Praplan, A., P.; Kim, J.; Tikkanen, O., P.; Lawler, M., J.; Smith, J., N.; Tröstl, J.; Acosta Navarro, J., C.; Baltensperger, U.; Bianchi, F.; Donahue, N., M.; Duplissy, J.; Franchin, A.; Jokinen, T.; Keskinen, H.; Kirkby, J.; Kürten, A.; Laaksonen, A.; Lehtipalo, K.; Petäjä, T.; Riccobono, F.; Rissanen, M., P.; Rondo, L.; Schallhart, S.; Simon, M.; Winkler, P., M.; Worsnop, D., R.; Virtanen, A.; and Riipinen, I. Aerosol Science and Technology, 50(10): 1017-1032. 10 2016.
Modeling the thermodynamics and kinetics of sulfuric acid-dimethylamine-water nanoparticle growth in the CLOUD chamber [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Global atmospheric particle formation from CERN CLOUD measurements. Dunne, E., M.; Gordon, H.; Kürten, A.; Almeida, J.; Duplissy, J.; Williamson, C.; Ortega, I., K.; Pringle, K., J.; Adamov, A.; Baltensperger, U.; Barmet, P.; Benduhn, F.; Bianchi, F.; Breitenlechner, M.; Clarke, A.; Curtius, J.; Dommen, J.; Donahue, N., M.; Ehrhart, S.; Flagan, R., C.; Franchin, A.; Guida, R.; Hakala, J.; Hansel, A.; Heinritzi, M.; Jokinen, T.; Kangasluoma, J.; Kirkby, J.; Kulmala, M.; Kupc, A.; Lawler, M., J.; Lehtipalo, K.; Makhmutov, V.; Mann, G.; Mathot, S.; Merikanto, J.; Miettinen, P.; Nenes, A.; Onnela, A.; Rap, A.; Reddington, C., L.; Riccobono, F.; Richards, N., A.; Rissanen, M., P.; Rondo, L.; Sarnela, N.; Schobesberger, S.; Sengupta, K.; Simon, M.; Sipilä, M.; Smith, J., N.; Stozkhov, Y.; Tomé, A.; Tröstl, J.; Wagner, P., E.; Wimmer, D.; Winkler, P., M.; Worsnop, D., R.; and Carslaw, K., S. Science, 354(6316): 1119-1124. 2016.
Global atmospheric particle formation from CERN CLOUD measurements [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Technical note: An improved approach to determining background aerosol concentrations with PILS sampling on aircraft. Fukami, C., S.; Sullivan, A., P.; Ryan Fulgham, S.; Murschell, T.; Borch, T.; Smith, J., N.; and Farmer, D., K. Atmospheric Environment, 136: 16-20. 7 2016.
Technical note: An improved approach to determining background aerosol concentrations with PILS sampling on aircraft [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Multiple new-particle growth pathways observed at the US DOE Southern Great Plains field site. Hodshire, A., L.; Lawler, M., J.; Zhao, J.; Ortega, J.; Jen, C.; Yli-Juuti, T.; Brewer, J., F.; Kodros, J., K.; Barsanti, K., C.; Hanson, D., R.; McMurry, P., H.; Smith, J., N.; and Pierce, J., R. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(14): 9321-9348. 7 2016.
Multiple new-particle growth pathways observed at the US DOE Southern Great Plains field site [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Molecular composition of organic aerosols in central Amazonia: An ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry study. Kourtchev, I.; Godoi, R., H.; Connors, S.; Levine, J., G.; Archibald, A., T.; Godoi, A., F.; Paralovo, S., L.; Barbosa, C., G.; Souza, R., A.; Manzi, A., O.; Seco, R.; Sjostedt, S.; Park, J., H.; Guenther, A.; Kim, S.; Smith, J.; Martin, S., T.; and Kalberer, M. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(18): 11899-11913. 2016.
Molecular composition of organic aerosols in central Amazonia: An ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry study [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
The effect of acid-base clustering and ions on the growth of atmospheric nano-particles. Lehtipalo, K.; Rondo, L.; Kontkanen, J.; Schobesberger, S.; Jokinen, T.; Sarnela, N.; Kürten, A.; Ehrhart, S.; Franchin, A.; Nieminen, T.; Riccobono, F.; Sipilä, M.; Yli-Juuti, T.; Duplissy, J.; Adamov, A.; Ahlm, L.; Almeida, J.; Amorim, A.; Bianchi, F.; Breitenlechner, M.; Dommen, J.; Downard, A., J.; Dunne, E., M.; Flagan, R., C.; Guida, R.; Hakala, J.; Hansel, A.; Jud, W.; Kangasluoma, J.; Kerminen, V., M.; Keskinen, H.; Kim, J.; Kirkby, J.; Kupc, A.; Kupiainen-Määttä, O.; Laaksonen, A.; Lawler, M., J.; Leiminger, M.; Mathot, S.; Olenius, T.; Ortega, I., K.; Onnela, A.; Petäjä, T.; Praplan, A.; Rissanen, M., P.; Ruuskanen, T.; Santos, F., D.; Schallhart, S.; Schnitzhofer, R.; Simon, M.; Smith, J., N.; Tröstl, J.; Tsagkogeorgas, G.; Tomé, A.; Vaattovaara, P.; Vehkamäki, H.; Vrtala, A., E.; Wagner, P., E.; Williamson, C.; Wimmer, D.; Winkler, P., M.; Virtanen, A.; Donahue, N., M.; Carslaw, K., S.; Baltensperger, U.; Riipinen, I.; Curtius, J.; Worsnop, D., R.; and Kulmala, M. Nature Communications, 7(May): 11594. 2016.
The effect of acid-base clustering and ions on the growth of atmospheric nano-particles [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Effect of dimethylamine on the gas phase sulfuric acid concentration measured by chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Rondo, L.; Ehrhart, S.; Kürten, A.; Adamov, A.; Bianchi, F.; Breitenlechner, M.; Duplissy, J.; Franchin, A.; Dommen, J.; Donahue, N., M.; Dunne, E., M.; Flagan, R., C.; Hakala, J.; Hansel, A.; Keskinen, H.; Kim, J.; Jokinen, T.; Lehtipalo, K.; Leiminger, M.; Praplan, A.; Riccobono, F.; Rissanen, M., P.; Sarnela, N.; Schobesberger, S.; Simon, M.; Sipilä, M.; Smith, J., N.; Tomé, A.; Tröstl, J.; Tsagkogeorgas, G.; Vaattovaara, P.; Winkler, P., M.; Williamson, C.; Wimmer, D.; Baltensperger, U.; Kirkby, J.; Kulmala, M.; Petäjä, T.; Worsnop, D., R.; and Curtius, J. Journal of Geophysical Research, 121(6): 3036-3049. 2016.
Effect of dimethylamine on the gas phase sulfuric acid concentration measured by chemical ionization mass spectrometry [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Rapid cycling of reactive nitrogen in the marine boundary layer. Ye, C.; Zhou, X.; Pu, D.; Stutz, J.; Festa, J.; Spolaor, M.; Tsai, C.; Cantrell, C.; Mauldin, R., L.; Campos, T.; Weinheimer, A.; Hornbrook, R., S.; Apel, E., C.; Guenther, A.; Kaser, L.; Yuan, B.; Karl, T.; Haggerty, J.; Hall, S.; Ullmann, K.; Smith, J., N.; Ortega, J.; and Knote, C. Nature, 532(7600): 489-491. 2016.
Rapid cycling of reactive nitrogen in the marine boundary layer [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Hygroscopicity of nanoparticles produced from homogeneous nucleation in the CLOUD experiments. Kim, J.; Ahlm, L.; Yli-Juuti, T.; Lawler, M.; Keskinen, H.; Tröstl, J.; Schobesberger, S.; Duplissy, J.; Amorim, A.; Bianchi, F.; Donahue, N., M.; Flagan, R., C.; Hakala, J.; Heinritzi, M.; Jokinen, T.; Kürten, A.; Laaksonen, A.; Lehtipalo, K.; Miettinen, P.; Petäjä, T.; Rissanen, M., P.; Rondo, L.; Sengupta, K.; Simon, M.; Tomé, A.; Williamson, C.; Wimmer, D.; Winkler, P., M.; Ehrhart, S.; Ye, P.; Kirkby, J.; Curtius, J.; Baltensperger, U.; Kulmala, M.; Lehtinen, K., E.; Smith, J., N.; Riipinen, I.; and Virtanen, A. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(1): 293-304. 2016.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Experimental particle formation rates spanning tropospheric sulfuric acid and ammonia abundances, ion production rates, and temperatures. Kuerten, A.; Bianchi, F.; Almeida, J.; Kupiainen-Maatta, O.; Dunne, E., M.; Duplissy, J.; Williamson, C.; Barmet, P.; Breitenlechner, M.; Dommen, J.; Donahue, N., M.; Flagan, R., C.; Franchin, A.; Gordon, H.; Hakala, J.; Hansel, A.; Heinritzi, M.; Ickes, L.; Jokinen, T.; Kangasluoma, J.; Kim, J.; Kirkby, J.; Kupc, A.; Lehtipalo, K.; Leiminger, M.; Makhmutov, V.; Onnela, A.; Ortega, I., K.; Petaja, T.; Praplan, A., P.; Riccobono, F.; Rissanen, M., P.; Rondo, L.; Schnitzhofer, R.; Schobesberger, S.; Smith, J., N.; Steiner, G.; Stozhkov, Y.; Tome, A.; Trostl, J.; Tsagkogeorgas, G.; Wagner, P., E.; Wimmer, D.; Ye, P.; Baltensperger, U.; Carslaw, K.; Kulmala, M.; Curtius, J.; Kürten, A.; Bianchi, F.; Almeida, J.; Kupiainen-Määttä, O.; Dunne, E., M.; Duplissy, J.; Williamson, C.; Barmet, P.; Breitenlechner, M.; Dommen, J.; Donahue, N., M.; Flagan, R., C.; Franchin, A.; Gordon, H.; Hakala, J.; Hansel, A.; Heinritzi, M.; Ickes, L.; Jokinen, T.; Kangasluoma, J.; Kim, J.; Kirkby, J.; Kupc, A.; Lehtipalo, K.; Leiminger, M.; Makhmutov, V.; Onnela, A.; Ortega, I., K.; Petäjä, T.; Praplan, A., P.; Riccobono, F.; Rissanen, M., P.; Rondo, L.; Schnitzhofer, R.; Schobesberger, S.; Smith, J., N.; Steiner, G.; Stozhkov, Y.; Tomé, A.; Tröstl, J.; Tsagkogeorgas, G.; Wagner, P., E.; Wimmer, D.; Ye, P.; Baltensperger, U.; Carslaw, K.; Kulmala, M.; and Curtius, J. Journal of Geophysical Research, 121(20): 12,377-12,400. 2016.
Experimental particle formation rates spanning tropospheric sulfuric acid and ammonia abundances, ion production rates, and temperatures [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
The role of low-volatility organic compounds in initial particle growth in the atmosphere. Tröstl, J.; Chuang, W., K.; Gordon, H.; Heinritzi, M.; Yan, C.; Molteni, U.; Ahlm, L.; Frege, C.; Bianchi, F.; Wagner, R.; Simon, M.; Lehtipalo, K.; Williamson, C.; Craven, J., S.; Duplissy, J.; Adamov, A.; Almeida, J.; Bernhammer, A., K.; Breitenlechner, M.; Brilke, S.; Dias, A., A.; Ehrhart, S.; Flagan, R., C.; Franchin, A.; Fuchs, C.; Guida, R.; Gysel, M.; Hansel, A.; Hoyle, C., R.; Jokinen, T.; Junninen, H.; Kangasluoma, J.; Keskinen, H.; Kim, J.; Krapf, M.; Kürten, A.; Laaksonen, A.; Lawler, M.; Leiminger, M.; Mathot, S.; Möhler, O.; Nieminen, T.; Onnela, A.; Petäjä, T.; Piel, F., M.; Miettinen, P.; Rissanen, M., P.; Rondo, L.; Sarnela, N.; Schobesberger, S.; Sengupta, K.; Sipilä, M.; Smith, J., N.; Steiner, G.; Tomè, A.; Virtanen, A.; Wagner, A., C.; Weingartner, E.; Wimmer, D.; Winkler, P., M.; Ye, P.; Carslaw, K., S.; Curtius, J.; Dommen, J.; Kirkby, J.; Kulmala, M.; Riipinen, I.; Worsnop, D., R.; Donahue, N., M.; Baltensperger, U.; Troestl, J.; Chuang, W., K.; Gordon, H.; Heinritzi, M.; Yan, C.; Molteni, U.; Ahlm, L.; Frege, C.; Bianchi, F.; Wagner, R.; Simon, M.; Lehtipalo, K.; Williamson, C.; Craven, J., S.; Duplissy, J.; Adamov, A.; Almeida, J.; Bernhammer, A., K.; Breitenlechner, M.; Brilke, S.; Dias, A., A.; Ehrhart, S.; Flagan, R., C.; Franchin, A.; Fuchs, C.; Guida, R.; Gysel, M.; Hansel, A.; Hoyle, C., R.; Jokinen, T.; Junninen, H.; Kangasluoma, J.; Keskinen, H.; Kim, J.; Krapf, M.; Kuerten, A.; Laaksonen, A.; Lawler, M.; Leiminger, M.; Mathot, S.; Moehler, O.; Nieminen, T.; Onnela, A.; Petaejae, T.; Piel, F., M.; Miettinen, P.; Rissanen, M., P.; Rondo, L.; Sarnela, N.; Schobesberger, S.; Sengupta, K.; Sipilae, M.; Smith, J., N.; Steiner, G.; Tome, A.; Virtanen, A.; Wagner, A., C.; Weingartner, E.; Wimmer, D.; Winkler, P., M.; Ye, P.; Carslaw, K., S.; Curtius, J.; Dommen, J.; Kirkby, J.; Kulmala, M.; Riipinen, I.; Worsnop, D., R.; Donahue, N., M.; and Baltensperger, U. Nature, 533(7604): 527-531. 2016.
The role of low-volatility organic compounds in initial particle growth in the atmosphere [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Unexpectedly acidic nanoparticles formed in dimethylamine-ammonia-sulfuric-acid nucleation experiments at CLOUD. Lawler, M., J.; Winkler, P., M.; Kim, J.; Ahlm, L.; Tröstl, J.; Praplan, A., P.; Schobesberger, S.; Kürten, A.; Kirkby, J.; Bianchi, F.; Duplissy, J.; Hansel, A.; Jokinen, T.; Keskinen, H.; Lehtipalo, K.; Leiminger, M.; Petäjä, T.; Rissanen, M.; Rondo, L.; Simon, M.; Sipilä, M.; Williamson, C.; Wimmer, D.; Riipinen, I.; Virtanen, A.; and Smith, J., N. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(21): 13601-13618. 11 2016.
Unexpectedly acidic nanoparticles formed in dimethylamine-ammonia-sulfuric-acid nucleation experiments at CLOUD [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
A field campaign to elucidate the impact of biogenic aerosols on clouds and climate. Petäjä, T.; O'Connor, E., J.; Moisseev, D.; Sinclair, V., A.; Manninen, A., J.; Väänänen, R.; Von Lerber, A.; Thornton, J., A.; Nicoll, K.; Petersen, W.; Chandrasekar, V.; Smith, J., N.; Winkler, P., M.; KrüGer, O.; Hakola, H.; Timonen, H.; Brus, D.; Laurila, T.; Asmi, E.; Riekkola, M., L.; Mona, L.; Massoli, P.; Engelmann, R.; Komppula, M.; Wang, J.; Kuang, C.; BäCk, J.; Virtanen, A.; Levula, J.; Ritsche, M.; and Hickmon, N. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97(10): 1909-1928. 10 2016.
A field campaign to elucidate the impact of biogenic aerosols on clouds and climate [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2015 (3)
Spring and summer contrast in new particle formation over nine forest areas in North America. Yu, F.; Luo, G.; Pryor, S., C.; Pillai, P., R.; Lee, S., H.; Ortega, J.; Schwab, J., J.; Hallar, A., G.; Leaitch, W., R.; Aneja, V., P.; Smith, J., N.; Walker, J., T.; Hogrefe, O.; and Demerjian, K., L. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15(24): 13993-14003. 12 2015.
Spring and summer contrast in new particle formation over nine forest areas in North America [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Contribution from biogenic organic compounds to particle growth during the 2010 BEACHON-ROCS campaign in a Colorado temperate needleleaf forest. Zhou, L.; Gierens, R.; Sogachev, A.; Mogensen, D.; Ortega, J.; Smith, J., N.; Harley, P., C.; Prenni, A., J.; Levin, E., J.; Turnipseed, A.; Rusanen, A.; Smolander, S.; Guenther, A., B.; Kulmala, M.; Karl, T.; and Boy, M. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15(15): 8643-8656. 8 2015.
Contribution from biogenic organic compounds to particle growth during the 2010 BEACHON-ROCS campaign in a Colorado temperate needleleaf forest [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Real-time chemical composition analysis of particulate emissions from woodchip combustion. Kortelainen, A.; Joutsensaari, J.; Hao, L.; Leskinen, J.; Tiitta, P.; Jaatinen, A.; Miettinen, P.; Sippula, O.; Torvela, T.; Tissari, J.; Jokiniemi, J.; Worsnop, D., R.; Smith, J., N.; Laaksonen, A.; and Virtanen, A. Energy and Fuels, 29(2): 1143-1150. 2015.
Real-time chemical composition analysis of particulate emissions from woodchip combustion [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
  2014 (10)
Molecular constraints on particle growth during new particle formation. Bzdek, B., R.; Lawler, M., J.; Horan, A., J.; Pennington, M., R.; DePalma, J., W.; Zhao, J.; Smith, J., N.; and Johnston, M., V. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(16): 6045-6054. 8 2014.
Molecular constraints on particle growth during new particle formation [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Chemical characterization of SOA formed from aqueous-phase reactions of phenols with the triplet excited state of carbonyl and hydroxyl radical. Yu, L.; Smith, J.; Laskin, A.; Anastasio, C.; Laskin, J.; and Zhang, Q. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(24): 13801-13816. 2014.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Atmospheric submicron aerosol composition and particulate organic nitrate formation in a boreal forestland-urban mixed region. Hao, L., Q.; Kortelainen, A.; Romakkaniemi, S.; Portin, H.; Jaatinen, A.; Leskinen, A.; Komppula, M.; Miettinen, P.; Sueper, D.; Pajunoja, A.; Smith, J., N.; Lehtinen, K., E., J.; Worsnop, D., R.; Laaksonen, A.; and Virtanen, A. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(24): 13483-13495. 12 2014.
Atmospheric submicron aerosol composition and particulate organic nitrate formation in a boreal forestland-urban mixed region [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Increased hygroscopicity of Arizona Test Dust seeds by secondary organic aerosol coating from α-pinene ozonolysis. Keskinen, H.; Kortelainen, A., M.; Jaatinen, A.; Yli-Pirilä, P.; Joutsensaari, J.; Romakkaniemi, S.; Hao, L., Q.; Miettinen, P.; Virtanen, A.; Worsnop, D., R.; Laaksonen, A.; Smith, J., N.; Torvela, T.; Laaksonen, A.; Worsnop, D., R.; Smith, J., N.; and Romakkaniemi, S. Boreal Environment Research, 19: 182-190. 2014.
Increased hygroscopicity of Arizona Test Dust seeds by secondary organic aerosol coating from α-pinene ozonolysis [pdf]Website   link   bibtex   abstract  
Modeling ultrafine particle growth at a pine forest site influenced by anthropogenic pollution during BEACHON-RoMBAS 2011. Cui, Y., Y.; Hodzic, A.; Smith, J., N.; Ortega, J.; Brioude, J.; Matsui, H.; Levin, E., J., T.; Turnipseed, A.; Winkler, P.; and de Foy, B. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(20): 11011-11029. 2014.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation and Organic Nitrate Yield from NO3 Oxidation of Biogenic Hydrocarbons. Fry, J., L.; Draper, D., C.; Barsanti, K., C.; Smith, J., N.; Ortega, J.; Winkle, P., M.; Lawler, M., J.; Brown, S., S.; Edwards, P., M.; Cohen, R., C.; Lee, L.; Winkler, P., M.; Lawler, M., J.; Brown, S., S.; Edwards, P., M.; Cohen, R., C.; and Lee, L. Environmental Science and Technology, 48(20): 11944-11953. 2014.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
The third Pallas Cloud Experiment: Consistency between the aerosol hygroscopic growth and CCN activity. Jaatinen, A.; Romakkaniemi, S.; Hao, L., Q.; Kortelainen, A.; Miettinen, P.; Mikkonen, S.; Smith, J., N.; Virtanen, A.; Laaksonen, A.; Anttila, T.; Hyvärinen, A., P.; Smith, J., N.; Laaksonen, A.; Smith, J., N.; and Romakkaniemi, S. Boreal Environment Research, 19: 368-382. 2014.
The third Pallas Cloud Experiment: Consistency between the aerosol hygroscopic growth and CCN activity [pdf]Website   link   bibtex   abstract  
Size-resolved aerosol composition and its link to hygroscopicity at a forested site in Colorado. Levin, E., J.; Prenni, A., J.; Palm, B., B.; Day, D., A.; Campuzano-Jost, P.; Winkler, P., M.; Kreidenweis, S., M.; Demott, P., J.; Jimenez, J., L.; and Smith, J., N. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(5): 2657-2667. 3 2014.
Size-resolved aerosol composition and its link to hygroscopicity at a forested site in Colorado [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
High levels of molecular chlorine in the Arctic atmosphere. Liao, J.; Huey, L., G.; Liu, Z.; Tanner, D., J.; Cantrell, C., A.; Orlando, J., J.; Flocke, F., M.; Shepson, P., B.; Weinheimer, A., J.; Hall, S., R.; Ullmann, K.; Beine, H., J.; Wang, Y.; Ingall, E., D.; Stephens, C., R.; Hornbrook, R., S.; Apel, E., C.; Riemer, D.; Fried, A.; Mauldin, R., L.; Smith, J., N.; Staebler, R., M.; Neuman, J., A.; and Nowak, J., B. Nature Geoscience, 7(2): 91-94. 2014.
High levels of molecular chlorine in the Arctic atmosphere [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Atmospheric amines and ammonia measured with a chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS). You, Y.; Kanawade, V., P.; De Gouw, J., A.; Guenther, A., B.; Madronich, S.; Sierra-Hernández, M., R.; Lawler, M.; Smith, J., N.; Takahama, S.; Ruggeri, G.; Koss, A.; Olson, K.; Baumann, K.; Weber, R., J.; Nenes, A.; Guo, H.; Edgerton, E., S.; Porcelli, L.; Brune, W., H.; Goldstein, A., H.; Lee, S., H.; Sierra-Hernandez, M., R.; Lawler, M.; Smith, J., N.; Takahama, S.; Ruggeri, G.; Koss, A.; Olson, K.; Baumann, K.; Weber, R., J.; Nenes, A.; Guo, H.; Edgerton, E., S.; Porcelli, L.; Brune, W., H.; Goldstein, A., H.; Lee, S., H.; Sierra-Hernández, M., R.; Lawler, M.; Smith, J., N.; Takahama, S.; Ruggeri, G.; Koss, A.; Olson, K.; Baumann, K.; Weber, R., J.; Nenes, A.; Guo, H.; Edgerton, E., S.; Porcelli, L.; Brune, W., H.; Goldstein, A., H.; Lee, S., H.; Sierra-Hernandez, M., R.; Lawler, M.; Smith, J., N.; Takahama, S.; Ruggeri, G.; Koss, A.; Olson, K.; Baumann, K.; Weber, R., J.; Nenes, A.; Guo, H.; Edgerton, E., S.; Porcelli, L.; Brune, W., H.; Goldstein, A., H.; and Lee, S., H. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(22): 12181-12194. 2014.
Atmospheric amines and ammonia measured with a chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS) [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2013 (7)
Worldwide data sets constrain the water vapor uptake coefficient in cloud formation. Raatikainen, T.; Nenes, A.; Seinfeld, J., H.; Morales, R.; Moore, R., H.; Lathem, T., L.; Lance, S.; Padro, L., T.; Lina, J., J.; Cerully, K., M.; Bougiatioti, A.; Cozic, J.; Ruehl, C., R.; Chuang, P., Y.; Anderson, B., E.; Flagan, R., C.; Jonsson, H.; Mihalopoulos, N.; and Smith, J., N. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(10): 3760-3764. 2013.
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Aerosol mixing state, hygroscopic growth and cloud activation efficiency during MIRAGE 2006. Lance, S.; Raatikainen, T.; Onasch, T., B.; Worsnop, D., R.; Yu, X., Y.; Alexander, M., L.; Stolzenburg, M., R.; McMurry, P., H.; Smith, J., N.; and Nenes, A. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(9): 5049-5062. 5 2013.
Aerosol mixing state, hygroscopic growth and cloud activation efficiency during MIRAGE 2006 [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Dependence of particle nucleation and growth on high-molecular-weight gas-phase products during ozonolysis of α-pinene. Zhao, J.; Ortega, J.; Chen, M.; McMurry, P., H.; and Smith, J., N. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(15): 7631-7644. 8 2013.
Dependence of particle nucleation and growth on high-molecular-weight gas-phase products during ozonolysis of α-pinene [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Direct observations of atmospheric aerosol nucleation. Kulmala, M.; Kontkanen, J.; Junninen, H.; Lehtipalo, K.; Manninen, H., E.; Nieminen, T.; Petäjä, T.; Sipilä, M.; Schobesberger, S.; Rantala, P.; Franchin, A.; Jokinen, T.; Järvinen, E.; Äijälä, M.; Kangasluoma, J.; Hakala, J.; Aalto, P., P.; Paasonen, P.; Mikkilä, J.; Vanhanen, J.; Aalto, J.; Hakola, H.; Makkonen, U.; Ruuskanen, T.; Mauldin, R., L.; Duplissy, J.; Vehkamäki, H.; Bäck, J.; Kortelainen, A.; Riipinen, I.; Kurtén, T.; Johnston, M., V.; Smith, J., N.; Ehn, M.; Mentel, T., F.; Lehtinen, K., E.; Laaksonen, A.; Kerminen, V., M.; and Worsnop, D., R. Science, 339(6122): 943-946. 2013.
Direct observations of atmospheric aerosol nucleation [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Quantitative and time-resolved nanoparticle composition measurements during new particle formation. Bzdek, B., R.; Horan, A., J.; Ross Pennington, M.; Depalma, J., W.; Zhao, J.; Jen, C., N.; Hanson, D., R.; Smith, J., N.; McMurry, P., H.; and Johnston, M., V. Faraday Discussions, 165: 25-43. 2013.
Quantitative and time-resolved nanoparticle composition measurements during new particle formation [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Aerosol Chemical Composition in Cloud Events by High Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometry. Hao, L., Q.; Romakkaniemi, S.; Kortelainen, A.; Jaatinen, A.; Portin, H.; Miettinen, P.; Komppula, M.; Leskinen, A.; Virtanen, A.; Smith, J., N.; Sueper, D.; Worsnop, D., R.; Lehtinen, K., E., J.; and Laaksonen, A. Environmental Science and Technology, 47(6): 2645-2653. 2013.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Identification and quantification of particle growth channels during new particle formation. Pennington, M., R.; Bzdek, B., R.; Depalma, J., W.; Smith, J., N.; Kortelainen, A., M.; Hildebrandt Ruiz, L.; Petäjä, T.; Kulmala, M.; Worsnop, D., R.; and Johnston, M., V. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(20): 10215-10225. 10 2013.
Identification and quantification of particle growth channels during new particle formation [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2012 (6)
Identification of the biogenic compounds responsible for size-dependent nanoparticle growth. Winkler, P., M.; Ortega, J.; Karl, T.; Cappellin, L.; Friedli, H., R.; Barsanti, K.; McMurry, P., H.; and Smith, J., N. Geophysical Research Letters, 39(20). 2012.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Identification of the biogenic compounds responsible for size-dependent nanoparticle growth. Winkler, P., M.; Ortega, J.; Karl, T.; Cappellin, L.; Friedli, H., R.; Barsanti, K.; McMurry, P., H.; and Smith, J., N. Geophysical Research Letters, 39. 2012.
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On the formation of sulphuric acid – Amine clusters in varying atmospheric conditions and its influence on atmospheric new particle formation. Paasonen, P.; Olenius, T.; Kupiainen, O.; KurtÃn, T.; Petäjä, T.; Birmili, W.; Hamed, A.; Hu, M.; Huey, L., G.; Plass-Duelmer, C.; Smith, J., N.; Wiedensohler, A.; Loukonen, V.; McGrath, M., J.; Ortega, I., K.; Laaksonen, A.; Vehkamäki, H.; and Kulmala, M. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(19): 9113-9133. 2012.
On the formation of sulphuric acid – Amine clusters in varying atmospheric conditions and its influence on atmospheric new particle formation [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Observations of inorganic bromine (HOBr, BrO, and Br2) speciation at Barrow, Alaska, in spring 2009. Liao, J.; Huey, L., G.; Tanner, D., J.; Flocke, F., M.; Orlando, J., J.; Neuman, J., A.; Nowak, J., B.; Weinheimer, A., J.; Hall, S., R.; Smith, J., N.; Fried, A.; Staebler, R., M.; Wang, Y.; Koo, J., H.; Cantrell, C., A.; Weibring, P.; Walega, J.; Knapp, D., J.; Shepson, P., B.; and Stephens, C., R. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 117(6): n/a-n/a. 7 2012.
Observations of inorganic bromine (HOBr, BrO, and Br2) speciation at Barrow, Alaska, in spring 2009 [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
An annual cycle of size-resolved aerosol hygroscopicity at a forested site in Colorado. Levin, E., J., T.; Prenni, A., J.; Petters, M., D.; Kreidenweis, S., M.; Sullivan, R., C.; Atwood, S., A.; Ortega, J.; Demott, P., J.; and Smith, J., N. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117(D6): n/a-n/a. 2012.
An annual cycle of size-resolved aerosol hygroscopicity at a forested site in Colorado [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Effect of aerosol size distribution changes on AOD, CCN and cloud droplet concentration: Case studies from Erfurt and Melpitz, Germany. Romakkaniemi, S.; Arola, A.; Kokkola, H.; Birmili, W.; Tuch, T.; Kerminen, V., M.; Räisänen, P.; Smith, J., N.; Korhonen, H.; and Laaksonen, A. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 117(7): n/a-n/a. 4 2012.
Effect of aerosol size distribution changes on AOD, CCN and cloud droplet concentration: Case studies from Erfurt and Melpitz, Germany [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2011 (8)
The role of relative humidity in continental new particle formation. Hamed, A.; Korhonen, H.; Sihto, S., L.; Joutsensaari, J.; Jrvinen, H.; Petäjä, T.; Arnold, F.; Nieminen, T.; Kulmala, M.; Smith, J., N.; Lehtinen, K., E.; and Laaksonen, A. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 116(3): D03202. 2 2011.
The role of relative humidity in continental new particle formation [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Partitioning of semivolatile surface-active compounds between bulk, surface and gas phase. Romakkaniemi, S.; Kokkola, H.; Smith, J., N.; Prisle, N., L.; Schwier, A., N.; McNeill, V., F.; and Laaksonen, A. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(3): n/a-n/a. 2 2011.
Partitioning of semivolatile surface-active compounds between bulk, surface and gas phase [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
On-line characterization of morphology and water adsorption on fumed silica nanoparticles. Keskinen, H.; Romakkaniemi, S.; Jaatinen, A.; Miettinen, P.; Saukko, E.; Jorma, J.; Makela, J., M.; Virtanen, A.; Smith, J., N.; and Laaksonen, A. Aerosol Science and Technology, 45(12): 1441-1447. 2011.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Bounce behavior of freshly nucleated biogenic secondary organic aerosol particles. Virtanen, A.; Kannosto, J.; Kuuluvainen, H.; Arffman, A.; Joutsensaari, J.; Saukko, E.; Hao, L.; Yli-Pirilä, P.; Tiitta, P.; Holopainen, J., K.; Keskinen, J.; Worsnop, D., R.; Smith, J., N.; and Laaksonen, A. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11(16): 8759-8766. 8 2011.
Bounce behavior of freshly nucleated biogenic secondary organic aerosol particles [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Aerosol hygroscopicity and CCN activation kinetics in a boreal forest environment during the 2007 EUCAARI campaign. Cerully, K., M.; Raatikainen, T.; Lance, S.; Tkacik, D.; Tiitta, P.; Petaja, T.; Ehn, M.; Kulmala, M.; Worsnop, D., R.; Laaksonen, A.; Smith, J., N.; Nenes, A.; Petäjä, T.; Ehn, M.; Kulmala, M.; Worsnop, D., R.; Laaksonen, A.; Smith, J., N.; and Nenes, A. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11(23): 12369-12386. 12 2011.
Aerosol hygroscopicity and CCN activation kinetics in a boreal forest environment during the 2007 EUCAARI campaign [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
First size-dependent growth rate measurements of 1 to 5 nm freshly formed atmospheric nuclei. Kuang, C.; Chen, M.; Zhao, J.; Smith, J.; McMurry, P., H.; and Wang, J. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(7): 25427-25471. 2011.
First size-dependent growth rate measurements of 1 to 5 nm freshly formed atmospheric nuclei [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Meteorological and trace gas factors affecting the number concentration of atmospheric Aitken (DP Combining double low line 50 nm) particles in the continental boundary layer: Parameterization using a multivariate mixed effects model. Mikkonen, S.; Korhonen, H.; Romakkaniemi, S.; Smith, J., N.; Joutsensaari, J.; Lehtinen, K., E., J.; Hamed, A.; Breider, T., J.; Birmili, W.; Spindler, G.; Plass-Duelmer, C.; Facchini, M., C.; and Laaksonen, A. Geoscientific Model Development, 4(1): 1-13. 1 2011.
Meteorological and trace gas factors affecting the number concentration of atmospheric Aitken (DP Combining double low line 50 nm) particles in the continental boundary layer: Parameterization using a multivariate mixed effects model [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Mass yields of secondary organic aerosols from the oxidation of α-pinene and real plant emissions. Hao, L., Q.; Romakkaniemi, S.; Yli-Pirila, P.; Joutsensaari, J.; Kortelainen, A.; Kroll, J., H.; Miettinen, P.; Vaattovaara, P.; Tiitta, P.; Jaatinen, A.; Kajos, M., K.; Holopainen, J., K.; Heijari, J.; Rinne, J.; Kulmala, M.; Worsnop, D., R.; Smith, J., N.; Laaksonen, A.; Yli-Pirilä, P.; Joutsensaari, J.; Kortelainen, A.; Kroll, J., H.; Miettinen, P.; Vaattovaara, P.; Tiitta, P.; Jaatinen, A.; Kajos, M., K.; Holopainen, J., K.; Heijari, J.; Rinne, J.; Kulmala, M.; Worsnop, D., R.; Smith, J., N.; and Laaksonen, A. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11(4): 1367-1378. 2 2011.
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  2010 (1)
Ion mobility distributions during the initial stages of new particle formation by the ozonolysis of α-pinene. Viitanen, A., K.; Saukko, E.; Virtanen, A.; Yli-Pirila, P.; Smith, J., N.; Joutsensaari, J.; Makela, J., M.; Yli-Pirilä, P.; Smith, J., N.; Joutsensaari, J.; and Mäkelä, J., M. Environmental Science and Technology, 44(23): 8917-8923. 12 2010.
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  2009 (4)
A thermal desorption chemical ionization ion trap mass spectrometer for the chemical characterization of ultrafine aerosol particles. Held, A.; Rathbone, G., J.; Smith, J., N.; and Held, A. Aerosol Science and Technology, 43(3): 264-272. 2009.
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Sampling nanoparticles for chemical analysis by low resolution electrical mobility classification. Mcmurry, P., H.; Ghimire, A.; Ahn, H., K.; Sakurai, H.; Moore, K.; Stolzenburg, M.; and Smith, J., N. Environmental Science and Technology, 43(13): 4653-4658. 7 2009.
Sampling nanoparticles for chemical analysis by low resolution electrical mobility classification [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
New particle formation from the oxidation of direct emissions of pine seedlings. Hao, L., Q.; Yli-Pirilä, P.; Tiitta, P.; Romakkaniemi, S.; Vaattovaara, P.; Kajos, M., K.; Rinne, J.; Heijari, J.; Kortelainen, A.; Miettinen, P.; Kroll, J., H.; Holopainen, J., K.; Smith, J., N.; Joutsensaari, J.; Kulmala, M.; Worsnop, D., R.; Laaksonen, A.; Yli-Pirila, P.; Tiitta, P.; Romakkaniemi, S.; Vaattovaara, P.; Kajos, M., K.; Rinne, J.; Heijari, J.; Kortelainen, A.; Miettinen, P.; Kroll, J., H.; Holopainen, J., K.; Smith, J., N.; Joutsensaari, J.; Kulmala, M.; Worsnop, D., R.; and Laaksonen, A. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9(20): 8121-8137. 2009.
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The potential contribution of organic salts to new particle growth. Barsanti, K., C.; McMurry, P., H.; and Smith, J., N. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9(9): 2949-2957. 2009.
The potential contribution of organic salts to new particle growth [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2008 (6)
Relaxed eddy accumulation simulations of aerosol number fluxes and potential proxy scalars. Held, A.; Patton, E.; Rizzo, L.; Smith, J.; Turnipseed, A.; and Guenther, A. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 129(3): 451-468. 12 2008.
Relaxed eddy accumulation simulations of aerosol number fluxes and potential proxy scalars [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
New particle formation in the front range of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Boy, M.; Karl, T.; Turnipseed, A.; Mauldin, R., L.; Kosciuch, E.; Greenberg, J.; Rathbone, J.; Smith, J.; Held, A.; Barsanti, K.; Wehner, B.; Bauer, S.; Wiedensohler, A.; Bonn, B.; Kulmala, M.; and Guenther, A. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8(6): 1577-1590. 3 2008.
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An ultrafine, water-based condensation particle counter and its evaluation under field conditions. Iida, K.; Stolzenburg, M., R.; McMurry, P., H.; Smith, J., N.; Quant, F., R.; Oberreit, D., R.; Keady, P., B.; Eiguren-Fernandez, A.; Lewis, G., S.; Kreisberg, N., M.; and Hering, S., V. Aerosol Science and Technology, 42(10): 862-871. 8 2008.
An ultrafine, water-based condensation particle counter and its evaluation under field conditions [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Carboxylic acid characterization in nanoparticles by thermal desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Smith, J., N.; and Rathbone, G., J. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 274(1-3): 8-13. 2008.
Carboxylic acid characterization in nanoparticles by thermal desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometry [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Chemical composition of atmospheric nanoparticles formed from nucleation in Tecamac, Mexico: Evidence for an important role for organic species in nanoparticle growth. Smith, J., N.; Dunn, M., J.; VanReken, T., M.; Iida, K.; Stolzenburg, M., R.; McMurry, P., H.; and Huey, L., G. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(4): L04808. 2 2008.
Chemical composition of atmospheric nanoparticles formed from nucleation in Tecamac, Mexico: Evidence for an important role for organic species in nanoparticle growth [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Estimating nanoparticle growth rates from size-dependent charged fractions: Analysis of new particle formation events in Mexico City. Iida, K.; Stolzenburg, M., R.; McMurry, P., H.; and Smith, J., N. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 113(5): n/a-n/a. 3 2008.
Estimating nanoparticle growth rates from size-dependent charged fractions: Analysis of new particle formation events in Mexico City [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2006 (2)
Mapping the operation of the DMT continuous flow CCN counter. Lance, S.; Medina, J.; Smith, J.; and Nenes, A. Aerosol Science and Technology, 40(4): 242-254. 2006.
Mapping the operation of the DMT continuous flow CCN counter [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Negative atmospheric ions and their potential role in ion-induced nucleation. Eisele, F., L.; Lovejoy, E., R.; Kosciuch, E.; Moore, K., F.; Mauldin, I., L.; Smith, J., N.; McMurry, P., H.; and Iida, K. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 111(4): D04305. 2006.
Negative atmospheric ions and their potential role in ion-induced nucleation [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2005 (4)
Coupling between land ecosystems and the atmospheric hydrologic cycle through biogenic aerosol pathways. Barth, M.; McFadden, J., P.; Sun, J.; Wiedinmyer, C.; Chuang, P.; Collins, D.; Griffin, R.; Hannigan, M.; Karl, T.; Kim, S., W.; Lasher-Trapp, S.; Levis, S.; Litvak, M.; Mahowald, N.; Moore, K.; Nandi, S.; Nemitz, E.; Nenes, A.; Potosnak, M.; Raymond, T., M.; Smith, J.; Still, C.; and Stroud, C. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 86(12): 1738-1742. 2005.
Coupling between land ecosystems and the atmospheric hydrologic cycle through biogenic aerosol pathways [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
A criterion for new particle formation in the sulfur-rich Atlanta atmosphere. McMurry, P., H.; Fink, M.; Sakurai, H.; Stolzenburg, M., R.; Mauldin, I., L.; Smith, J.; Eisele, F.; Moore, K.; Sjostedt, S.; Tanner, D.; Huey, L., G.; Nowak, J., B.; Edgerton, E.; and Voisin, D. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 110(22): 1-10. 2005.
A criterion for new particle formation in the sulfur-rich Atlanta atmosphere [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Chemical composition of atmospheric nanoparticles during nucleation events in Atlanta. Smith, J., N.; Moore, K., F.; Eisele, F., L.; Voisin, D.; Ghimire, A., K.; Sakurai, H.; and McMurry, P., H. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 110(22): 1-13. 2005.
Chemical composition of atmospheric nanoparticles during nucleation events in Atlanta [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Growth rates of freshly nucleated atmospheric particles in Atlanta. Stolzenburg, M., R.; McMurry, P., H.; Sakurai, H.; Smith, J., N.; Mauldin, R., L.; Eisele, F., L.; and Clement, C., F. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 110(22): 1-10. 2005.
Growth rates of freshly nucleated atmospheric particles in Atlanta [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2004 (2)
Multi-component chemical analysis of gas mixtures using a continuously tuneable lidar system. Weibring, P.; Abrahamsson, C.; Sjöholm, M.; Smith, J., N.; Edner, H.; and Svanberg, S. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 79(4): 525-530. 9 2004.
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Measurements of Mexico City nanoparticle size distributions: Observations of new particle formation and growth. Dunn, M., J.; Jiménez, J., L.; Baumgardner, D.; Castro, T.; McMurry, P., H.; and Smith, J., N. Geophysical Research Letters, 31(10). 2004.
Measurements of Mexico City nanoparticle size distributions: Observations of new particle formation and growth [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2003 (2)
Development and testing of a frequency-agile optical parametric oscillator system for differential absorption lidar. Weibring, P.; Smith, J., N.; Edner, H.; and Svanberg, S. Review of Scientific Instruments, 74(10): 4478-4484. 10 2003.
Development and testing of a frequency-agile optical parametric oscillator system for differential absorption lidar [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Thermal desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometer for ultrafine particle chemical composition. Voisin, D.; Smith, J., N.; Sakurai, H.; McMurry, P., H.; and Eisele, F., L. Aerosol Science and Technology, 37(6): 471-475. 2003.
Thermal desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometer for ultrafine particle chemical composition [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
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Droplet evaporation and discharge dynamics in electrospray ionization. Smith, J., N.; Flagan, R., C.; and Beauchamp, J., L. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 106(42): 9957-9967. 10 2002.
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Design of a CCN instrument for airborne measurement. Chuang, P., Y.; Nenes, A.; Smith, J., N.; Flagan, R., C.; and Seinfeld, J., H. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 17(8): 1005-1019. 8 2000.
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Atmospheric oxidation mechanism of n-butane: The fate of alkoxy radicals. Jungkamp, T., P.; Smith, J., N.; and Seinfeld, J., H. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 101(24): 4392-4401. 6 1997.
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Mechanism of atmospheric photooxidation of aromatics: A theoretical study. Andino, J., M.; Smith, J., N.; Flagan, R., C.; Goddard, W., A.; and Seinfeld, J., H. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100(26): 10967-10980. 1996.
Mechanism of atmospheric photooxidation of aromatics: A theoretical study [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract