Keyword: article

2022 (4)
Az ukrán tudósok versenyt futnak az idővel. Tóth-Gál, E. March, 2022.
Az ukrán tudósok versenyt futnak az idővel [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
SUCHO: Η πρωτοβουλία που προσπαθεί να σώσει τα ψηφιακά αρχεία των ουκρανικών μουσείων. March, 2022.
SUCHO: Η πρωτοβουλία που προσπαθεί να σώσει τα ψηφιακά αρχεία των ουκρανικών μουσείων [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Libraries around the world are helping safeguard Ukrainian books and culture. Kiebuzinski, K. April, 2022.
Libraries around the world are helping safeguard Ukrainian books and culture [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Saving the Artwork of Ukraine. Young, M. July, 2022.
Saving the Artwork of Ukraine [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
2021 (6)
Epilepsy surgery in Africa: state of the art and challenges. Kissani, N., Nafia, S., El Khiat, A., Bengamara, N., Maiga, Y., Sogoba, Y., Ahmed A. Ibrahim, E., Agbetou, M., Massi Daniel, G., Assogba, K., Matar Gaye, N., Kuate Tegueu, C., Hussein Ragab, A., Razafimahefa, J., Wilmshurst, J., Naidoo, A., Jabang, J., & Watila, M. Epilepsy and Behavior, 2021. Publisher: Academic Press Inc.
Epilepsy surgery in Africa: state of the art and challenges [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
A Closer Look into the Formation of Soot Particles: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Mukut, K. M., Sharma, A., Goudeli, E., & Roy, S. In 12th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA, May, 2021.
A Closer Look into the Formation of Soot Particles: A Molecular Dynamics Study [link]Paper  bibtex   
Global Health Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges, Adaptations, and Lessons Learned. Krohn, K., Sundberg, M., Quadri, N., Stauffer, W., Dhawan, A., Pogemiller, H., Leuche, V., Kesler, S., Gebreslasse, T., Shaughnessy, M., Pritt, B., Habib, A., Scudder, B., Sponsler, S., Dunlop, S., & Hendel-Paterson, B. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 105(6):1463–1467, 2021.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Perceived helpfulness of treatment for alcohol use disorders: Findings from the World Mental Health Surveys. Degenhardt, L., Bharat, C., Chiu, W., Sampson, N., Kessler, R., Kazdin, A., Harris, M., Harris, M., McGrath, J., Vigo, D., Vigo, D., Alonso, J., Alonso, J., Alonso, J., Andrade, L., Bruffaerts, R., Bunting, B., Cardoso, G., de Girolamo, G., Florescu, S., Gureje, O., Makanjuola, V., Haro, J., Hu, C., Karam, A., Karam, E., Karam, E., Karam, E., Kovess-Masfety, V., Lee, S., McGrath, J., McGrath, J., Medina-Mora, M., Moskalewicz, J., Navarro-Mateu, F., Navarro-Mateu, F., Navarro-Mateu, F., Posada-Villa, J., Rapsey, C., Stagnaro, J., Tachimori, H., ten Have, M., Torres, Y., Williams, D., Zarkov, Z., Al-Hamzawi, A., Al-Kaisy, M., Alonso, J., Altwaijri, Y., Andrade, L., Atwoli, L., Benjet, C., Borges, G., Bromet, E., Bruffaerts, R., Bunting, B., Caldas-de-Almeida, J., Cardoso, G., Chatterji, S., Cia, A., Degenhardt, L., Demyttenaere, K., Florescu, S., Girolamo, G. d., Gureje, O., Haro, J., Harris, M., Hinkov, H., Hu, C., Jonge, P. d., Karam, A., Karam, E., Karam, G., Kawakami, N., Kessler, R., Kiejna, A., Kovess-Masfety, V., Lee, S., Lepine, J., McGrath, J., Medina-Mora, M., Mneimneh, Z., Moskalewicz, J., Navarro-Mateu, F., Piazza, M., Posada-Villa, J., Scott, K., Slade, T., Stagnaro, J., Stein, D., Have, M. t., Torres, Y., Viana, M., Vigo, D., Whiteford, H., Williams, D., & Wojtyniak, B. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2021. Publisher: Elsevier Ireland Ltd
Perceived helpfulness of treatment for alcohol use disorders: Findings from the World Mental Health Surveys [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
The carbon footprint of a UK University during the COVID-19 lockdown. Filimonau, V., Archer, D., Bellamy, L., Smith, N., & Wintrip, R. Science of The Total Environment, 756:143964, February, 2021.
The carbon footprint of a UK University during the COVID-19 lockdown [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Report on the First and Second Workshops on Hierarchical Planning Held at the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling. Bercher, P., Höller, D., Behnke, G., Biundo, S., Shivashankar, V., & Alford, R. AI Magazine, 42(1):83–85, 2021.
Report on the First and Second Workshops on Hierarchical Planning Held at the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling [pdf]Paper  Report on the First and Second Workshops on Hierarchical Planning Held at the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   2 downloads  
2020 (9)
Modelització i millora de processos en l'àrea de pediatria a l'Atenció Primària. Estopiñá, S. & David, F. February, 2020. Accepted: 2020-04-24T11:28:24Z Publisher: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Modelització i millora de processos en l'àrea de pediatria a l'Atenció Primària. [link]Paper  bibtex   
Burden of Illness and Quality of Life in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: Findings From the TOSCA Study. Jansen, A., Vanclooster, S., de Vries, P., Fladrowski, C., Beaure d'Augères , G., Carter, T., Belousova, E., Benedik, M., Cottin, V., Curatolo, P., Dahlin, M., D'Amato, L., Ferreira, J., Feucht, M., Hertzberg, C., Jozwiak, S., Lawson, J., Macaya, A., Marques, R., Nabbout, R., O'Callaghan, F., Qin, J., Sander, V., Sauter, M., Shah, S., Takahashi, Y., Touraine, R., Youroukos, S., Zonnenberg, B., Kingswood, J., Shinohara, N., Horie, S., Kubota, M., Tohyama, J., Imai, K., Kaneda, M., Kaneko, H., Uchida, Y., Kirino, T., Endo, S., Inoue, Y., Uruno, K., Serdaroglu, A., Yapici, Z., Anlar, B., Altunbasak, S., Lvova, O., Belyaev, O., Agranovich, O., Levitina, E., Maksimova, Y., Karas, A., Jiang, Y., Zou, L., Xu, K., Zhang, Y., Luan, G., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., Jin, M., Ye, D., Ye, D., Zhou, L., Liu, J., Liao, J., YAN, B., Deng, Y., Jiang, L., Liu, Z., Huang, S., Li, H., Kim, K., Chen, P., Lee, H., Tsai, J., Chi, C., Huang, C., Riney, K., Yates, D., Kwan, P., Likasitwattanakul, S., Nabangchang, C., Chomtho, L., Katanyuwong, K., Sriudomkajorn, S., Wilmshurst, J., Segel, R., Gilboa, T., Tzadok, M., Fattal-Valevski, T., Papathanasopoulos, P., Papavasiliou, A., Giannakodimos, S., Gatzonis, S., Pavlou, E., Tzoufi, M., Vergeer, A., Dhooghe, M., Verhelst, H., Roelens, F., Nassogne, M., Defresne, P., Waele, L., Leroy, P., Demonceau, N., Legros, B., Bogaert, P., Ceulemans, B., Dom, L., Castelnau, P., Martin, A., Riquet, A., Milh, M., Cances, C., Pedespan, J., Ville, D., Roubertie, A., Auvin, S., Berquin, P., Richelme, C., Allaire, C., Gueden, S., Tich, S., Godet, B., da Silva Oliveira Monteiro, J., de Oliveira Ferreira Leao, M., Planas, J., Bermejo, A., Dura, P., Aparicio, S., Gonzalez, M., Pison, J., Barca, M., Laso, E., Luengo, O., Rodriguez, F., Dieguez, I., Salas, A., Carrera, I., Salcedo, E., Petri, M., Candela, R., da Conceicao Carrilho, I., Vieira, J., da Silva Oliveira Monteiro, J., de Oliveira Ferreira Leao, M., Luis, C., Mendonca, C., Endziniene, M., Strautmanis, J., Talvik, I., Canevini, M., Gambardella, A., Pruna, D., Buono, S., Fontana, E., Bernardina, B., Burloiu, C., Cosma, I., Vintan, M., Popescu, L., Zitterbart, K., Payerova, J., Bratsky, L., Zilinska, Z., Sedlmayr, U., Baumann, M., Haberlandt, E., Rostasy, K., Pataraia, E., Elmslie, F., Johnston, C., Crawford, P., Uldall, P., Uvebrant, P., Rask, O., Bjoernvold, M., Brodtkorb, E., Sloerdahl, A., Solhoff, R., Jaatun, M., Mandera, M., Radzikowska, E., Wysocki, M., Fischereder, M., Kurlemann, G., Wilken, B., K-ruel, A., Budde, K., Marquard, K., Knuf, M., Hahn, A., Hartmann, H., Merkenschlager, A., Trollmann, R., & Investigators, T. C. T. Frontiers in Neurology, 2020. Publisher: Frontiers Media S.A.
Burden of Illness and Quality of Life in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: Findings From the TOSCA Study [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
The rates of co-occurring behavioural addictions in treatment-seeking individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder: a preliminary report. Brakoulias, V., Starcevic, V., Albert, U., Arumugham, S., Bailey, B., Belloch, A., Borda, T., Dell’Osso, L., Elias, J., Falkenstein, M., Ferrao, Y., Fontenelle, L., Jelinek, L., Kay, B., Lochner, C., Maina, G., Marazziti, D., Matsunaga, H., Miguel, E., Morgado, P., Pasquini, M., Perez-Rivera, R., Potluri, S., Reddy, J., Riemann, B., do Rosario, M., Shavitt, R., Stein, D., Viswasam, K., & Fineberg, N. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 24(2):173–175, 2020. Publisher: Taylor and Francis Ltd
The rates of co-occurring behavioural addictions in treatment-seeking individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder: a preliminary report [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
Acute pain assessment and management in the prehospital setting, in the Western Cape, South Africa: A knowledge, attitudes and practices survey. Lourens, A., Hodkinson, P., & Parker, R. BMC Emergency Medicine, 2020. Publisher: BioMed Central Ltd.
Acute pain assessment and management in the prehospital setting, in the Western Cape, South Africa: A knowledge, attitudes and practices survey [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
P544 Comparison of the efficacy of a second intravenous or subcutaneous anti-TNF in the treatment of ulcerative colitis: Real-world data from the ENEIDA registry. Torres-Rodriguez, P., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Cañete, F., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Calafat, M., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Sánchez-Aldehuelo, R., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Rivero, M., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Iborra, M., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., González-Vivo, M., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Vera, I., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., de Castro, L., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Bujanda, L., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Barreiro-de Acosta, M., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Calvet, X., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Benítez, J. M., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Llorente, M., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Surís, G., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Arias-García, L., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., David, M., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Castaño-García, A., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Garcia-Alonso, F. J., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Rufo, L., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Ferrer, J. A., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Camo, P., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Gisbert, J. P., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Huguet, J. M., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Pajares, R., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Morales, V., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Llaó, J., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Rodríguez, A., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Rodríguez, C., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Navarro, M., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Gomollón, F., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Carrillo-Palau, M., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Sesé, E., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Almela, P., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Ramírez de la Piscina, P., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Rodríguez-Lago, I., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Papo, M., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Vela, M., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Mañosa, M., Investigators, o. b. o. t. E., Domènech, E., & Investigators, o. b. o. t. E. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, 14(Supplement_1):S463–S464, January, 2020. Publisher: Oxford Academic
P544 Comparison of the efficacy of a second intravenous or subcutaneous anti-TNF in the treatment of ulcerative colitis: Real-world data from the ENEIDA registry [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Genomic influences on self-reported childhood maltreatment. Dalvie, S., Maihofer, A., Coleman, J., Bradley, B., Breen, G., Brick, L., Chen, C., Choi, K., Duncan, L., Guffanti, G., Haas, M., Harnal, S., Liberzon, I., Nugent, N., Provost, A., Ressler, K., Torres, K., Amstadter, A., Bryn Austin, S., Baker, D., Bolger, E., Bryant, R., Calabrese, J., Delahanty, D., Farrer, L., Feeny, N., Flory, J., Forbes, D., Galea, S., Gautam, A., Gelernter, J., Hammamieh, R., Jett, M., Junglen, A., Kaufman, M., Kessler, R., Khan, A., Kranzler, H., Lebois, L., Marmar, C., Mavissakalian, M., McFarlane, A., Donnell, M., Orcutt, H., Pietrzak, R., Risbrough, V., Roberts, A., Rothbaum, A., Roy-Byrne, P., Ruggiero, K., Seligowski, A., Sheerin, C., Silove, D., Smoller, J., Stein, M., Teicher, M., Ursano, R., Van Hooff, M., Winternitz, S., Wolff, J., Yehuda, R., Zhao, H., Zoellner, L., Stein, D., Koenen, K., & Nievergelt, C. Translational Psychiatry, 2020. Publisher: Springer Nature
Genomic influences on self-reported childhood maltreatment [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
B·RIGHT: usability and satisfaction with a mobile app for self-managing emotional crises in patients with borderline personality disorder. Frías, Á., Palma, C., Salvador, A., Aluco, E., Navarro, S., Farriols, N., Aliaga, F., Solves, L., & Antón, M. Australasian Psychiatry, May, 2020. Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd
B·RIGHT: usability and satisfaction with a mobile app for self-managing emotional crises in patients with borderline personality disorder [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Development of a Mobile Application for People with Obesity. Alvarez-Moya, E. M., Mirallas, J., Fontanals, C., Quintana, M., Cusidó, J., Rimbau, J., & Garolera, M. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, August, 2020.
doi  bibtex   
Exercise and cancer: a position statement from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology. Pollán, M., Casla-Barrio, S., Alfaro, J., Esteban, C., Segui-Palmer, M. A., Lucia, A., & Martín, M. Clinical & Translational Oncology: Official Publication of the Federation of Spanish Oncology Societies and of the National Cancer Institute of Mexico, 22(10):1710–1729, October, 2020.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
2018 (10)
P257 Surgical and hospital admission in adults newly diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in the biological era in Spain: Results of the nationwide EpidemIBD study of GETECCU. Chaparro, M., Cabriada, J. L., Casanova, M. J., Ceballos, D., Esteve, M., Fernández, H., Barreiro-de Acosta, M., García-Sánchez, V., Ginard, D., Gomollón, F., Llorente Poyatos, R., Nos, P., Riestra, S., Rivero, M., Robledo, P., Rodríguez Gutiérrez, C., Sicilia, B., Torrella, E., García Esquinas, E., & Gisbert, J. P. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, 12(supplement_1):S230–S230, 2018.
P257 Surgical and hospital admission in adults newly diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in the biological era in Spain: Results of the nationwide EpidemIBD study of GETECCU [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Aspiration of prosthetic material. A case report. García Ortiz de Uriarte, L., Zelada Rodriguez, M. A., & Martí Company, X. Revista Espanola De Geriatria Y Gerontologia, 53(4):232–233, 2018.
doi  bibtex   
Rifampin resistance in staphylococci after rifaximin intake for surgical prophylaxis in elective colorectal surgery. Padilla, E., Oms, L., Espejo, E., Gómez, L., Pagespetit, L., Boada, N., Bella, F., & Pérez, J. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, September, 2018.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Geriatric oncology in Spain: survey results and analysis of the current situation. Gironés, R., Morilla, I., Guillen-Ponce, C., Torregrosa, M. D., Paredero, I., Bustamante, E., Del Barco, S., Soler, G., Losada, B., Visa, L., Llabrés, E., Fox, B., Firvida, J. L., Blanco, R., Antonio, M., Aparisi, F., Pi-Figueras, M., Gonzalez-Flores, E., Molina-Garrido, M. J., Saldaña, J., & Spanish Working Group on Geriatric Oncology of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) Clinical & Translational Oncology: Official Publication of the Federation of Spanish Oncology Societies and of the National Cancer Institute of Mexico, 20(8):1087–1092, 2018.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Serial semi-quantitative measurement of fecal calprotectin in patients with ulcerative colitis in remission. Garcia-Planella, E., Mañosa, M., Chaparro, M., Beltrán, B., Barreiro-de-Acosta, M., Gordillo, J., Ricart, E., Bermejo, F., García-Sánchez, V., Piqueras, M., Llaó, J., Gisbert, J. P., Cabré, E., Domènech, E., & PRECUCAL study group Investigators Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 53(2):152–157, 2018.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Care coordination across levels in the Catalan health system: results of the COORDENA.CAT survey. Romero, A., Vargas, I., Sánchez, E., Cots, F., Plaja, P., Avecilla, À, Ramon, I., Medarde, E., Banqué, M., & Vázquez, M. L. European Journal of Public Health, November, 2018.
Care coordination across levels in the Catalan health system: results of the COORDENA.CAT survey [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Socioeconomic differences in body mass index in Spain: An intersectional multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy. Hernández-Yumar, A., Wemrell, M., Alessón, I., López-Valcárcel, B., Leckie, G., & Merlo, J. PLoS ONE, 2018.
Socioeconomic differences in body mass index in Spain: An intersectional multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Allostatic load and disordered white matter microstructure in overweight adults. Ottino-González, J., Jurado, M. A., García-García, I., Segura, B., Marqués-Iturria, I., Sender-Palacios, M. J., Tor, E., Prats-Soteras, X., Caldú, X., Junqué, C., Pasternak, O., & Garolera, M. Scientific Reports, 8(1):15898, October, 2018.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Factors related to limitation of life support within 48h of intensive care unit admission: A multicenter study. Blazquez, V., Rodríguez, A., Sandiumenge, A., Oliver, E., Cancio, B., Ibañez, M., Miró, G., Navas, E., Badía, M., Bosque, M. D., Jurado, M. T., López, M., Llauradó, M., Masnou, N., Pont, T., & Bodí, M. Medicina Intensiva, 2018.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Changes in metabolic risk, insulin resistance, leptin and adiponectin following a lifestyle intervention in overweight and obese breast cancer survivors. Travier, N., Buckland, G., Vendrell, J. J., Fernandez-Veledo, S., Peiró, I., Del Barco, S., Pernas, S., Zamora, E., Bellet, M., Margeli, M., Cirauqui, B., Muñoz, M., Tusquets, I., Arcusa, A., Javierre, C., Moreno, F., Rodriguez, A., & Agudo, A. European Journal of Cancer Care, 27(4):e12861, 2018.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
2017 (23)
The effect of context and audio-visual modality on emotions elicited by a musical performance. Coutinho, E. & Scherer, K., R. Psychology of Music, 45(4):550-569, 7, 2017.
The effect of context and audio-visual modality on emotions elicited by a musical performance [link]Website  doi  abstract   bibtex   1 download  
Morphine Use in the ED and Outcomes of Patients With Acute Heart Failure: A Propensity Score-Matching Analysis Based on the EAHFE Registry. Miró, Ò., Gil, V., Martín-Sánchez, F. J., Herrero-Puente, P., Jacob, J., Mebazaa, A., Harjola, V., Ríos, J., Hollander, J. E., Peacock, W. F., & Llorens, P. Chest, 152(4):821–832, 2017.
Morphine Use in the ED and Outcomes of Patients With Acute Heart Failure: A Propensity Score-Matching Analysis Based on the EAHFE Registry [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Teduglutide: A Review in Short Bowel Syndrome. Kim E.S. & Keam S.J. 2017.
Teduglutide: A Review in Short Bowel Syndrome [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Radiocephalic Arteriovenous Fistulae As First Vascular Access In Elderly Patients In Hemodialysis. Tapia González I, Martinez Carnovale L, Esteve Simó V, De la Torre Moran A, & Ramírez de Arellano Serna M Journal of Vascular Access, 18:S46–S47, 2017.
Radiocephalic Arteriovenous Fistulae As First Vascular Access In Elderly Patients In Hemodialysis [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Abiotic processes are insufficient for fertile island development: A 10-year artificial shrub experiment in a desert grassland. Li, J., Gilhooly III, W. P., Okin, G. S., & Blackwell III, J. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/2016GL072068:9 pgs, 2017.
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Effect of dexmedetomidine infusion on hemodynamics and stress responses in pediatric cardiac surgery: A randomized trial. Totonchi Z., Rezvani H., Ghorbanloo M., Yazdanian F., Mahdavi M., Babaali N., Salajegheh S., & Chitsazan M. 2017.
Effect of dexmedetomidine infusion on hemodynamics and stress responses in pediatric cardiac surgery: A randomized trial [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Morbidity and mortality of very low birth weight multiples compared with singletons. Porta, R., Capdevila, E., Botet, F., Verd, S., Ginovart, G., Moliner, E., Nicolàs, M., Rios, J., & SEN1500 Network Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine: The Official Journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, 2017.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
The effects of tracheal tube cuffs filled with air, saline or alkalinised lidocaine on haemodynamic changes and laryngotracheal morbidity in children: a randomised, controlled trial. Soares S.M.F., Arantes V.M., Modolo M.P., dos Santos V.J.B., Vane L.A., Navarro e Lima L.H., Braz L.G., do Nascimento P., & Modolo N.S.P. 2017.
The effects of tracheal tube cuffs filled with air, saline or alkalinised lidocaine on haemodynamic changes and laryngotracheal morbidity in children: a randomised, controlled trial [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
The effect of prior tetanic stimulation on train-of-four monitoring in paediatric patients. Carlos R.V., De Boer H.D., Torres M.L.A., & Carmona M.J.C. 2017.
The effect of prior tetanic stimulation on train-of-four monitoring in paediatric patients [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Universal versus conditional three-day follow up visit for children with uncomplicated fever at the community level: Design of a cluster-randomized, community-based, non-inferiority trial in Tanganyika, Democratic Republic of Congo. van Boetzelaer E., Ho L.S., Gutman J.R., Steinhardt L.C., Wittcoff A., Barbera Y., Ngoy P., Harvey S.A., & Mullany L.C. 2017.
Universal versus conditional three-day follow up visit for children with uncomplicated fever at the community level: Design of a cluster-randomized, community-based, non-inferiority trial in Tanganyika, Democratic Republic of Congo [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Beneficial Effects of Omega-3 Supplement to the Enteral Feeding in Children with Mild to Moderate Sepsis. Al-Biltagi M.A.M., Abo-Elezz A.A.E., Abd-Elhafez M.A., Mabrouk M.M., & Suliman G.A. 2017.
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Rotavirus immunization: Global coverage and local barriers for implementation. Lo Vecchio, A., Liguoro, I., Dias, J. A., Berkley, J. A., Boey, C., Cohen, M. B., Cruchet, S., Salazar-Lindo, E., Podder, S., Sandhu, B., Sherman, P. M., Shimizu, T., & Guarino, A. Vaccine, 35(12):1637–1644, 2017.
Rotavirus immunization: Global coverage and local barriers for implementation [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
A multicenter phase 2 study of empirical low-dose liposomal amphotericin B in patients with refractory febrile neutropenia. Miyao K., Sawa M., Kurata M., Suzuki R., Sakemura R., Sakai T., Kato T., Sahashi S., Tsushita N., Ozawa Y., Tsuzuki M., Kohno A., Adachi T., Watanabe K., Ohbayashi K., Inagaki Y., Atsuta Y., & Emi N. 2017.
A multicenter phase 2 study of empirical low-dose liposomal amphotericin B in patients with refractory febrile neutropenia [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Intensive Multidisciplinary Intervention for Pediatric Feeding Disorders: How Standard Is the Standard of Care?. Sharp W.G., Volkert V.M., Scahill L., McCracken C.E., & McElhanon B. 2017.
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Intensive Multidisciplinary Intervention for Pediatric Feeding Disorders: How Standard Is the Standard of Care? [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Continuous infusion of apomorphine in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease and different degrees of functional disability. Salazar, G., Martín, J., Fragoso, M., & Font, M. A. Neurología (English Edition), 32(6):407–410, 2017.
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Current concepts on microscopic colitis: evidence-based statements and recommendations of the Spanish Microscopic Colitis Group. Fernández-Bañares, F., Casanova, M. J., Arguedas, Y., Beltrán, B., Busquets, D., Fernández, J. M., Fernández-Salazar, L., García-Planella, E., Guagnozzi, D., Lucendo, A. J., Manceñido, N., Marín-Jiménez, I., Montoro, M., Piqueras, M., Robles, V., Ruiz-Cerulla, A., Gisbert, J. P., & Spanish Microscopic Colitis Group (SMCG) Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 43(3):400–426, 2016.
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