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  2019 (1)
An Extensible and Personalizable Multi-Modal Trip Planner. Liu, X.; Fritz, C.; and Klenk, M. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, 2019, 2019.
An Extensible and Personalizable Multi-Modal Trip Planner [pdf] paper   An Extensible and Personalizable Multi-Modal Trip Planner [link] web   link   bibtex   155 downloads  
  2018 (1)
On Extensibility and Personalizability of Multi-Modal Trip Planning. Liu, X.; Fritz, C.; and Klenk, M. In 11th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling, New Orleans,LA, USA, 2018.
On Extensibility and Personalizability of Multi-Modal Trip Planning [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   18 downloads  
  2016 (1)
Automated Process Planning for CNC Machining. Fritz, C. AI Magazine, 37(3). 2016.
Automated Process Planning for CNC Machining [link]Paper   Automated Process Planning for CNC Machining [pdf] paper   link   bibtex   26 downloads  
  2015 (1)
Automatic Spatial Planning for Machining Operations. Nelaturi, S.; Burton, G.; Fritz, C.; and Kurtoglu, T. In Proceedings of The eleventh annual IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2015), Gothenburg, Sweden, August 2015. Best Application Paper Award.
Automatic Spatial Planning for Machining Operations [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   18 downloads  
  2014 (1)
Automated fixture configuration for rapid manufacturing planning. Nelaturi, S.; Rangarajan, A.; Fritz, C.; and Kurtoglu, T. Computer-Aided Design, 46: 160-169. 2014.
Automated fixture configuration for rapid manufacturing planning [link]Link   link   bibtex   4 downloads  
  2013 (3)
Automated Fixture Configuration for Rapid Manufacturing Planning. Nelaturi, S.; Rangarajan, A.; Fritz, C.; and Kurtoglu, T. In Proceedings of the 2013 SIAM Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling (GD/SPM13), 2013.
Automated Fixture Configuration for Rapid Manufacturing Planning [link]Paper   link   bibtex   abstract   7 downloads  
ThroughputScheduler: Learning to Schedule on Heterogeneous Hadoop Clusters. Gupta, S.; Fritz, C.; Price, R.; Hoover, R.; de Kleer, J.; and Witteveen, C. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC '13), June 26-28, 2013, San Jose, CA USA, 2013.
ThroughputScheduler: Learning to Schedule on Heterogeneous Hadoop Clusters [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   3 downloads  
Publishing bibliographic data on the Semantic Web using BibBase. Xin, R. S.; Hassanzadeh, O.; Fritz, C.; Sohrabi, S.; and Miller, R. J. Semantic Web, 4(1): 15-22. 2013.
Publishing bibliographic data on the Semantic Web using BibBase [link]Link   link   bibtex   9 downloads  
  2012 (2)
A Graph Grammar Based Approach to Automated Manufacturing Planning. Fu, W.; Eftekharian, A.; Radhakrishnan, P.; Campbell, M. I.; and Fritz, C. In Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2012, August 12-15, 2012, Chicago, IL, USA, 2012.
A Graph Grammar Based Approach to Automated Manufacturing Planning [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   8 downloads  
Diagnosing Heterogeneous Hadoop Clusters. Gupta, S.; Fritz, C.; de Kleer, J.; and Witteveen, C. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX), 2012.
Diagnosing Heterogeneous Hadoop Clusters [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2011 (4)
Golog-style Search Control for Planning. Baier, J. A.; Fritz, C.; and McIlraith, S. A. In Lakemeyer, G.; and McIlraith, S. A., editor(s), Knowing, Reasoning, and Acting: Essays in Honour of Hector J. Levesque. College Publications, 2011.
Golog-style Search Control for Planning [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
TellMe: Learning Procedures from Tutorial Instruction. Gil, Y.; Ratnakar, V.; and Fritz, C. In Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), February 13-16, 2011, Palo Alto, CA, USA, 2011.
TellMe: Learning Procedures from Tutorial Instruction [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   4 downloads  
A Formal Framework for Combining Natural Instruction and Demonstration for End-User Programming. Fritz, C.; and Gil, Y. In Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), February 13-16, 2011, Palo Alto, CA, USA, 2011. Nominated for Best Paper Award.
A Formal Framework for Combining Natural Instruction and Demonstration for End-User Programming [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Specifying and computing preferred plans. Bienvenu, M.; Fritz, C.; and McIlraith, S. A. Artificial Intelligence, 175(7-8): 1308-1345. 2011.
Specifying and computing preferred plans [link]Link   link   bibtex   11 downloads  
  2010 (4)
Publishing Bibliographic Data on the Semantic Web using BibBase. Xin, R. S.; Hassanzadeh, O.; Fritz, C.; Sohrabi, S.; Yang, Y.; Du, J.; Zhao, M.; and Miller, R. J. In Proceedings of The 9th International Semantic Web Conference, Shanghai, China, November 7–11, Poster & Demo Track, 2010.
Publishing Bibliographic Data on the Semantic Web using BibBase [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   3 downloads  
BibBase Triplified. Hassanzadeh, O.; Xin, R.; Fritz, C.; Yang, Y.; Du, J.; Zhao, M.; and Miller, R. J. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Semantic Systems, September 1–3, 2010, Graz, Austria, 2010. Triplification Challenge Contestant. Honorary Mention in the Open Track.
BibBase Triplified [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Towards the Integration of Programming by Demonstration and Programming by Instruction using Golog. Fritz, C.; and Gil, Y. In AAAI Workshop on Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition (PAIR) 2010, 2010. The version found here is the extended version including the proofs.
Towards the Integration of Programming by Demonstration and Programming by Instruction using Golog [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Reasoning about the Appropriate Use of Private Data through Computational Workflows. Gil, Y.; and Fritz, C. In Intelligent Information Privacy Management, Papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium, pages 69–74, March 2010.
Reasoning about the Appropriate Use of Private Data through Computational Workflows [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   3 downloads  
  2009 (5)
Expressive Reusable Workflow Templates. Gil, Y.; Groth, P.; Ratnakar, V.; and Fritz, C. In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on e-Science, Oxford, UK, December 9-11, 2009.
Expressive Reusable Workflow Templates [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   3 downloads  
Computing Robust Plans in Continuous Domains. Fritz, C.; and McIlraith, S. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), September 19-23, 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece, pages 346–349, 2009.
Computing Robust Plans in Continuous Domains [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   4 downloads  
Generating Optimal Plans in Highly-Dynamic Domains. Fritz, C.; and McIlraith, S. A. In Proceedings of The 25th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), Montreal, Canada, June 18-21, 2009.
Generating Optimal Plans in Highly-Dynamic Domains [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Monitoring the Generation and Execution of Optimal Plans. Fritz, C. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Toronto, April 2009. Best Thesis Runner-Up Award at ICAPS 2010.
Monitoring the Generation and Execution of Optimal Plans [pdf]Paper   Monitoring the Generation and Execution of Optimal Plans [link]Web   link   bibtex   abstract   7 downloads  
Automatic Construction of Simple Artifact-based Business Processes. Fritz, C.; Hull, R.; and Su, J. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT), St. Petersburg, Russia, March 23-25, 2009, pages 225-238, 2009.
Automatic Construction of Simple Artifact-based Business Processes [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2008 (4)
ConGolog, Sin Trans: Compiling ConGolog into Basic Action Theories for Planning and Beyond. Fritz, C.; Baier, J. A.; and McIlraith, S. A. In Proceedings on the 11th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, pages 600–610, Sydney, Australia, September 16–19 2008. Technical Report CSRG-576, containing the proofs of the theorems and a more detailed description of the compilation, can be found here.
ConGolog, Sin Trans: Compiling ConGolog into Basic Action Theories for Planning and Beyond [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
Planning in the Face of Frequent Exogenous Events. Fritz, C.; and McIlraith, S. A. In Online Poster Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), Sydney, Australia, September 14–18 2008. Also appeared in Proceedings of The 1st International Symposium on Search Techniques in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (at AAAI08), July 13–14, Chicago, IL, USA.
Planning in the Face of Frequent Exogenous Events [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Finding State Similarities for Faster Planning. Fritz, C. In Proceedings of the 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), pages 925–930, Chicago, Illinois, USA, July 13–17 2008.
Finding State Similarities for Faster Planning [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Beyond Classical Planning: Procedural Control Knowledge and Preferences in State-of-the-Art Planners. Baier, J. A.; Fritz, C.; Bienvenu, M.; and McIlraith, S. In Proceedings of the 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Nectar Track, pages 1509–1512, Chicago, Illinois, USA, July 13–17 2008.
Beyond Classical Planning: Procedural Control Knowledge and Preferences in State-of-the-Art Planners [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   6 downloads  
  2007 (5)
Monitoring Plan Optimality During Execution. Fritz, C.; and McIlraith, S. A. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), pages 144–151, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, September 22 - 26 2007.
Monitoring Plan Optimality During Execution [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
Exploiting Procedural Domain Control Knowledge in State-of-the-Art Planners. Baier, J. A.; Fritz, C.; and McIlraith, S. A. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), pages 26–33, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, September 22–26 2007.
Exploiting Procedural Domain Control Knowledge in State-of-the-Art Planners [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   abstract   3 downloads  
Monitoring the Execution of Optimal Plans. Fritz, C. In The 17th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) Doctoral Consortium, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, September 22 2007. Best Paper
Monitoring the Execution of Optimal Plans [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Monitoring Policy Execution. Fritz, C.; and McIlraith, S. A. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Planning and Plan Execution for Real-World Systems (at ICAPS07), Providence, Rhode Island, USA, September 22 2007.
Monitoring Policy Execution [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Monitoring Plan Optimality during Execution: Theory and Implementation. Fritz, C.; and McIlraith, S. In Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX), pages 298–305, Nashville, TN, USA, May 29–31 2007.
Monitoring Plan Optimality during Execution: Theory and Implementation [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
  2006 (2)
Decision-Theoretic Golog with Qualitative Preferences. Fritz, C.; and McIlraith, S. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR), pages 153-163, Lake District, UK, June 2–5 2006.
Decision-Theoretic Golog with Qualitative Preferences [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
Planning with Qualitative Temporal Preferences. Bienvenu, M.; Fritz, C.; and McIlraith, S. A. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR), pages 134-144, Lake District, UK, June 2–5 2006.
Planning with Qualitative Temporal Preferences [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   6 downloads  
  2005 (4)
Execution Monitoring – A Survey. Fritz, C. 2005.
Execution Monitoring – A Survey [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
Compiling Qualitative Preferences into Decision-Theoretic Golog Programs: Extended Version with Proofs. Fritz, C.; and McIlraith, S. Technical Report CSRG-522, University of Toronto, May 2005.
Compiling Qualitative Preferences into Decision-Theoretic Golog Programs: Extended Version with Proofs [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
Compiling Qualitative Preferences into Decision-Theoretic Golog Programs. Fritz, C.; and McIlraith, S. In Proceedings of The 6th Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change (at IJCAI05), Edinburgh, UK, August 1 2005.
Compiling Qualitative Preferences into Decision-Theoretic Golog Programs [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
Using Golog for Deliberation and Team Coordination in Robotic Soccer. Ferrein, A.; Fritz, C.; and Lakemeyer, G. KI, 19(1): 24-31. 2005.
Using Golog for Deliberation and Team Coordination in Robotic Soccer [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
  2004 (2)
On-line Decision-Theoretic Golog for Unpredictable Domains. Ferrein, A.; Fritz, C.; and Lakemeyer, G. In Proceedings of 27th German Conference on AI (KI), pages 322–336, Ulm, Germany, September 20–24 2004. Also appeared at The 4th International Cognitive Robotics Workshop (at ECAI04), August 23–24, Valencia, Spain.
On-line Decision-Theoretic Golog for Unpredictable Domains [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
AllemaniACs 2004 Team Description. Ferrein, A.; Fritz, C.; and Lakemeyer, G. In RoboCup, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004.
AllemaniACs 2004 Team Description [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
  2003 (2)
Integrating decision-theoretic planning and programming for robot control in highly dynamic domains. Fritz, C. Master's thesis, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, November 2003.
Integrating decision-theoretic planning and programming for robot control in highly dynamic domains [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Extending DTGolog with Options. Ferrein, A.; Fritz, C.; and Lakemeyer, G. In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), pages 1394–1395, Acapulco, Mexico, August 9–15 2003.
Extending DTGolog with Options [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   1 download