Thompson, R. D.; Kahn, B. H.; Green, R. O.; Chien, S. A.; Middleton, E. M.; and Tran, D. Q.
Global Spectroscopic Survey of Cloud Thermodynamic Phase at High Spatial Resolution, 2005-2015.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussion. November 2018.
title = {Global Spectroscopic Survey of Cloud Thermodynamic Phase at High Spatial Resolution, 2005-2015},
author = {R. D. Thompson and B. H. Kahn and R. O. Green and S. A. Chien and E. M. Middleton and D. Q. Tran},
year = 2018,
month = {November},
journal = {Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussion},
doi = {},
url = {},
abstract = {The distribution of ice, liquid, and mixed phase clouds is important for Earth's planetary radiation budget, impacting cloud optical properties, evolution, and solar reflectivity Most remote orbital thermodynamic phase measurements observe kilometer scales and are insensitive to mixed phases. This under-constrains important processes with outsize radiative forcing impact such as spatial partitioning in mixed phase clouds. To date, the fine spatial structure of cloud phase has not been measured at global scales. Imaging spectroscopy of reflected solar energy from 1.4 to 1.8 \mathrm{\mu}m can address this gap: it directly measures ice and water absorption, a robust indicator of cloud top thermodynamic phase, with spatial resolution of tens to hundreds of meters We report the first such global high spatial resolution survey based on data from 2005 to 2015 acquired by the Hyperion imaging spectrometer onboard NASA's Earth Observer 1 (EO-1) spacecraft Seasonal and latitudinal distributions corroborate observations by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS). For extratropical cloud systems, just 25 percent of variance observed at GCM grid scales of 100 km was related to irreducible measurement error, while 75 percent was explained by spatial correlations possible at finer resolutions.},
clearance = {CL\#18-0367},
organization = {European Geosciences Union},
project = {ase}
The distribution of ice, liquid, and mixed phase clouds is important for Earth's planetary radiation budget, impacting cloud optical properties, evolution, and solar reflectivity Most remote orbital thermodynamic phase measurements observe kilometer scales and are insensitive to mixed phases. This under-constrains important processes with outsize radiative forcing impact such as spatial partitioning in mixed phase clouds. To date, the fine spatial structure of cloud phase has not been measured at global scales. Imaging spectroscopy of reflected solar energy from 1.4 to 1.8 µm can address this gap: it directly measures ice and water absorption, a robust indicator of cloud top thermodynamic phase, with spatial resolution of tens to hundreds of meters We report the first such global high spatial resolution survey based on data from 2005 to 2015 acquired by the Hyperion imaging spectrometer onboard NASA's Earth Observer 1 (EO-1) spacecraft Seasonal and latitudinal distributions corroborate observations by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS). For extratropical cloud systems, just 25 percent of variance observed at GCM grid scales of 100 km was related to irreducible measurement error, while 75 percent was explained by spatial correlations possible at finer resolutions.
Belov, K.; Branch, A.; Broschart, S.; Castillo-Rogez, J.; Chien, S.; Clare, L.; Dengler, R.; Gao, J.; Garza, D.; Hegedus, A.; Hernandez, S.; Herzig, S.; Imken, T.; Kim, H.; Mandutianu, S.; Romero-Wolf, A.; Schaffer, S.; Troesch, M.; Wyatt, E. J.; and Lazio, J.
A Space-based Decametric Wavelength Radio Telescope Concept.
Experimental Astronomy. August 2018.
title = {A Space-based Decametric Wavelength Radio Telescope Concept},
author = {K. Belov and A. Branch and S. Broschart and J. Castillo-Rogez and S. Chien and L. Clare and R. Dengler and J. Gao and D. Garza and A. Hegedus and S. Hernandez and S. Herzig and T. Imken and H. Kim and S. Mandutianu and A. Romero-Wolf and S. Schaffer and M. Troesch and E. J. Wyatt and J. Lazio},
year = 2018,
month = {August},
journal = {Experimental Astronomy},
publisher = {Springer},
doi = {10.1007/s10686-018-9601-6},
url = {},
abstract = {This paper reports a design study for a space-based decametric wavelength telescope. While not a new concept, this design study focused on many of the operational aspects that would be required for an actual mission. This design optimized the number of spacecraft to insure good visibility of approx. 80 percent of the radio galaxies -- the primary science target for the mission. A 5,000 km lunar orbit was selected to guarantee minimal gravitational perturbations from Earth and lower radio interference. Optimal schemes for data downlink, spacecraft ranging, and power consumption were identified. An optimal mission duration of 1 year was chosen based on science goals, payload complexity, and other factors. Finally, preliminary simulations showing image reconstruction were conducted to confirm viability of the mission. This work is intended to show the viability and science benefits of conducting multi-spacecraft networked radio astronomy missions in the next few years.},
clearance = {CL\#18-4423},
project = {relic}
This paper reports a design study for a space-based decametric wavelength telescope. While not a new concept, this design study focused on many of the operational aspects that would be required for an actual mission. This design optimized the number of spacecraft to insure good visibility of approx. 80 percent of the radio galaxies – the primary science target for the mission. A 5,000 km lunar orbit was selected to guarantee minimal gravitational perturbations from Earth and lower radio interference. Optimal schemes for data downlink, spacecraft ranging, and power consumption were identified. An optimal mission duration of 1 year was chosen based on science goals, payload complexity, and other factors. Finally, preliminary simulations showing image reconstruction were conducted to confirm viability of the mission. This work is intended to show the viability and science benefits of conducting multi-spacecraft networked radio astronomy missions in the next few years.
Schaffer, S.; Chien, S.; Branch, A.; and Hernandez, S.
Automatic Orbit Selection for a Radio Interferometric Spacecraft Constellation.
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, 15(11): 627–639. 2018.
title = {Automatic Orbit Selection for a Radio Interferometric Spacecraft Constellation},
author = {S. Schaffer and S. Chien and A. Branch and S. Hernandez},
year = 2018,
journal = {Journal of Aerospace Information Systems},
volume = 15,
number = 11,
pages = {627--639},
doi = {10.2514/1.I010645},
url = {},
abstract = {A constellation of radio telescope spacecraft can leverage interferometry to accurately image distant objects throughout the universe, but mission design must balance among many interrelated constraints. In particular, the number of spacecraft and their time-varying orbital parameters determine what interferometric baselines are feasible for each target, which in turn drives the imaging capabilities of the constellation. The large combinatorics of dynamic constellation configuration and the numerous competing engineering concerns present a challenge that is not well addressed by labor-intensive manual mission design processes. This paper describes search-based optimization methods that direct mission design effort toward promising constellation geometries: those that achieve broad interferometric coverage but remain cost-effective and resilient to failures. Six families of automatic optimization algorithms with complementary search strategies were created to explore among explicit constellation configuration plans. Evaluation of each candidate constellation plan was accelerated by efficiently combining precomputed caches of orbital and interferometric data. Comparative results indicate that leveraging automated optimization for constellation mission design is practical and useful. Optimized constellations demonstrated target image reconstruction errors 10\% better than a manually designed constellation and up to 35\% better than random solutions.},
clearance = {CL\#19-4650},
eprint = {},
organization = {AIAA},
project = {relic}
A constellation of radio telescope spacecraft can leverage interferometry to accurately image distant objects throughout the universe, but mission design must balance among many interrelated constraints. In particular, the number of spacecraft and their time-varying orbital parameters determine what interferometric baselines are feasible for each target, which in turn drives the imaging capabilities of the constellation. The large combinatorics of dynamic constellation configuration and the numerous competing engineering concerns present a challenge that is not well addressed by labor-intensive manual mission design processes. This paper describes search-based optimization methods that direct mission design effort toward promising constellation geometries: those that achieve broad interferometric coverage but remain cost-effective and resilient to failures. Six families of automatic optimization algorithms with complementary search strategies were created to explore among explicit constellation configuration plans. Evaluation of each candidate constellation plan was accelerated by efficiently combining precomputed caches of orbital and interferometric data. Comparative results indicate that leveraging automated optimization for constellation mission design is practical and useful. Optimized constellations demonstrated target image reconstruction errors 10% better than a manually designed constellation and up to 35% better than random solutions.
Flexas, M. M.; Troesch, M. I.; Chien, S.; Thompson, A. F.; Chu, S.; Branch, A.; Farrara, J. D.; and Chao, Y.
Autonomous sampling of ocean submesoscale fronts with ocean gliders and numerical model forecasting.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 35 (3). March 2018.
title = {Autonomous sampling of ocean submesoscale fronts with ocean gliders and numerical model forecasting},
author = {M. M. Flexas and M. I. Troesch and S. Chien and A. F. Thompson and S. Chu and A. Branch and J. D. Farrara and Y. Chao},
year = 2018,
month = {March},
journal = {Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology},
volume = {35 (3)},
abstract = {Submesoscale fronts arising from mesoscale stirring are ubiquitous in the ocean and have a strong impact on upper-ocean dynamics. This work presents a method for optimizing the sampling of ocean fronts with autonomous vehicles at meso- and submesoscales, based on a combination of numerical forecast and autonomous planning. This method uses a 48-h forecast from a real-time high-resolution data-assimilative primitive equation ocean model, feature detection techniques, and a planner that controls the observing platform. The method is tested in Monterey Bay, off the coast of California, during a 9-day experiment focused on sampling subsurface thermohaline-compensated structures using a Seaglider as the ocean observing platform. Based on model estimations, the sampling "gain," defined as the magnitude of isopycnal tracer variability sampled, is 50 percent larger in the feature-chasing case with respect to a non-feature-tracking scenario. The ability of the model to reproduce, in space and time, thermohaline submesoscale features is evaluated by quantitatively comparing the model and glider results. The model reproduces the vertical (~50-200 m thick) and lateral (~5-20 km) scales of subsurface subducting fronts and near-bottom features observed in the glider data. The differences between model and glider data are, in part, attributed to the selected glider optimal interpolation parameters and to uncertainties in the forecasting of the location of the structures. This method can be exported to any place in the ocean where high-resolution data-assimilative model output is available, and it allows for the incorporation of multiple observing platforms.},
project = {keck\_marine}
Submesoscale fronts arising from mesoscale stirring are ubiquitous in the ocean and have a strong impact on upper-ocean dynamics. This work presents a method for optimizing the sampling of ocean fronts with autonomous vehicles at meso- and submesoscales, based on a combination of numerical forecast and autonomous planning. This method uses a 48-h forecast from a real-time high-resolution data-assimilative primitive equation ocean model, feature detection techniques, and a planner that controls the observing platform. The method is tested in Monterey Bay, off the coast of California, during a 9-day experiment focused on sampling subsurface thermohaline-compensated structures using a Seaglider as the ocean observing platform. Based on model estimations, the sampling "gain," defined as the magnitude of isopycnal tracer variability sampled, is 50 percent larger in the feature-chasing case with respect to a non-feature-tracking scenario. The ability of the model to reproduce, in space and time, thermohaline submesoscale features is evaluated by quantitatively comparing the model and glider results. The model reproduces the vertical ( 50-200 m thick) and lateral ( 5-20 km) scales of subsurface subducting fronts and near-bottom features observed in the glider data. The differences between model and glider data are, in part, attributed to the selected glider optimal interpolation parameters and to uncertainties in the forecasting of the location of the structures. This method can be exported to any place in the ocean where high-resolution data-assimilative model output is available, and it allows for the incorporation of multiple observing platforms.
Troesch, M.; Chien, S.; Chao, Y.; Farrara, J.; Girton, J.; and Dunlap, J.
Autonomous control of marine floats in the presence of dynamic, uncertain ocean currents.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 108. October 2018.
title = {Autonomous control of marine floats in the presence of dynamic, uncertain ocean currents},
author = {Troesch, Martina and Chien, Steve and Chao, Yi and Farrara, John and Girton, James and Dunlap, John},
year = 2018,
month = {October},
journal = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems},
publisher = {Elsevier},
volume = 108,
project = {apf}
Gaines, D.; Russino, J.; Doran, G.; Mackey, R.; Paton, M.; Rothrock, B.; Schaffer, S.; Agha-mohammadi, A.; Joswig, C.; Justice, H.; Kolcio, K.; Sawoniewicz, J.; Wong, V.; Yu, K.; Rabideau, G.; Anderson, R.; and Vasavada, A.
Self-Reliant Rover Design for Increasing Mission Productivity.
2018 ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics (PlanRob 2018), Delft, The Netherlands, June 2018.
Also appears at International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation in Space (ISAIRAS 2018).
title = {Self-Reliant Rover Design for Increasing Mission Productivity},
author = {Daniel Gaines and Joseph Russino and Gary Doran and Ryan Mackey and Michael Paton and Brandon Rothrock and Steve Schaffer and Ali-akbar Agha-mohammadi and Chet Joswig and Heather Justice and Ksenia Kolcio and Jacek Sawoniewicz and Vincent Wong and Kathryn Yu and Gregg Rabideau and Robert Anderson and Ashwin Vasavada},
year = 2018,
month = {June},
booktitle = {2018 ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics (PlanRob 2018)},
address = {Delft, The Netherlands},
url = {},
note = {Also appears at International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation in Space (ISAIRAS 2018).},
abstract = {Achieving consistently high levels of productivity has been a challenge for Mars surface missions. While the rovers have made major discoveries and dramatically increased our un-derstanding of Mars, they often require a great deal of effort from the operations teams, and achieving mission objectives can take longer than anticipated. The objective of this work is to identify changes to flight software and ground operations that enable high levels of productivity with reduced reliance on ground interactions. This will enable the development of Self-Reliant Rovers: rovers that make use of high-level guidance from operators to select their own situational activ- ities and respond to unexpected conditions, all without de- pendence on ground intervention. In this paper we describe the system we are developing and illustrate how it enables increased mission productivity.},
clearance = {CL\#18-2219},
project = {srr}
Achieving consistently high levels of productivity has been a challenge for Mars surface missions. While the rovers have made major discoveries and dramatically increased our un-derstanding of Mars, they often require a great deal of effort from the operations teams, and achieving mission objectives can take longer than anticipated. The objective of this work is to identify changes to flight software and ground operations that enable high levels of productivity with reduced reliance on ground interactions. This will enable the development of Self-Reliant Rovers: rovers that make use of high-level guidance from operators to select their own situational activ- ities and respond to unexpected conditions, all without de- pendence on ground intervention. In this paper we describe the system we are developing and illustrate how it enables increased mission productivity.
Jakuba, M.; German, C. R.; Bowen, A. D.; Whitcomb, L. L.; Hand, K.; Branch, A.; Chien, S.; and McFarland, C.
Teleoperation and Robotics under Ice: Implications for Planetary Exploration.
IEEE Aerospace Conference (IEEE-Aero 2018), Big Sky, MT, March 2018.
title = {Teleoperation and Robotics under Ice: Implications for Planetary Exploration},
author = {M. Jakuba and C. R. German and A. D. Bowen and L. L. Whitcomb and K. Hand and A. Branch and S. Chien and C. McFarland},
year = 2018,
month = {March},
booktitle = {IEEE Aerospace Conference (IEEE-Aero 2018)},
address = {Big Sky, MT},
project = {ice\_covered\_oceans}
Sharma, P.; Doubleday, J. R.; and Shaffer, S.
Instrument Commissioning Timeline for NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR).
IEEE Aerospace Conference (IEEE-Aero 2018), Big Sky, Montana, 2018.
title = {Instrument Commissioning Timeline for NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR)},
author = {P. Sharma and J. R. Doubleday and S. Shaffer},
year = 2018,
booktitle = {IEEE Aerospace Conference (IEEE-Aero 2018)},
address = {Big Sky, Montana},
url = {},
project = {nisar}
Doran, G.; Davies, A.; Wagstaff, K.; Anwar, S.; Blaney, D.; Chien, S.; Christensen, P.; and Diniega, S.
Onboard Detection of Thermal Anomalies for Europa Clipper.
In Proceedings of European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC), Berlin, Germany, September 2018.
title = {Onboard Detection of Thermal Anomalies for Europa Clipper},
author = {Gary Doran and Ashley Davies and Kiri Wagstaff and Saadat Anwar and Diana Blaney and Steve Chien and Phil Christensen and Serina Diniega},
year = 2018,
month = {September},
booktitle = {In Proceedings of European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC)},
address = {Berlin, Germany},
clearance = {CL\#18-4314}
Wagstaff, K.; Davies, A.; Doran, G.; Chakraborty, S.; Anwar, S.; Blaney, D.; Chien, S.; Christensen, P.; and Diniega, S.
Responsive Onboard Science for Europa Clipper.
In Proceedings of Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG), Pasadena, California, USA, September 2018.
title = {Responsive Onboard Science for Europa Clipper},
author = {K. Wagstaff and A. Davies and G. Doran and S. Chakraborty and S. Anwar and D. Blaney and S. Chien and P. Christensen and S. Diniega},
year = 2018,
month = {September},
booktitle = {In Proceedings of Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG)},
address = {Pasadena, California, USA},
clearance = {CL\#18-4849}
Chi, W.; Chien, S.; Agrawal, J.; Rabideau, G.; Benowitz, E.; Gaines, D.; Fosse, E.; Kuhn, S.; and Biehl, J.
Embedding a Scheduler in Execution for a Planetary Rover.
International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2018), Delft, Netherlands, June 2018.
Also appears at International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space (ISAIRAS 2018) as an abstract.
title = {Embedding a Scheduler in Execution for a Planetary Rover},
author = {W. Chi and S. Chien and J. Agrawal and G. Rabideau and E. Benowitz and D. Gaines and E. Fosse and S. Kuhn and J. Biehl},
year = 2018,
month = {June},
booktitle = {International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2018)},
address = {Delft, Netherlands},
url = {},
note = {Also appears at International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space (ISAIRAS 2018) as an abstract.},
abstract = {Scheduling often takes place in the context of execution. This reality drives several key design decisions: (1) when to invoke (re) scheduling, (2) what to do when the scheduler is running, and (3) how to use the schedule to execute scheduled activities. We define these design decisions theoretically in the context of the embedded scheduler and practically in the context of the design of an embedded scheduler for a planetary rover. We use the concept of a commit window to enable execution to use the previously generated schedule while (re) scheduling. We define the concepts of fixed cadence, event driven, and hybrid scheduling to control invocation of (re) scheduling. We define the concept of flexible execution to enable execution of the generated schedule to be adaptive within the response cycle of the scheduler. We present empirical results from both synthetic and planetary rover scheduling and execution model data that documents the effectiveness of these techniques at enabling the scheduler to take advantage of execution opportunities to complete activities earlier.},
clearance = {CL\#18-1223},
project = {m2020\_simple\_planner}
Scheduling often takes place in the context of execution. This reality drives several key design decisions: (1) when to invoke (re) scheduling, (2) what to do when the scheduler is running, and (3) how to use the schedule to execute scheduled activities. We define these design decisions theoretically in the context of the embedded scheduler and practically in the context of the design of an embedded scheduler for a planetary rover. We use the concept of a commit window to enable execution to use the previously generated schedule while (re) scheduling. We define the concepts of fixed cadence, event driven, and hybrid scheduling to control invocation of (re) scheduling. We define the concept of flexible execution to enable execution of the generated schedule to be adaptive within the response cycle of the scheduler. We present empirical results from both synthetic and planetary rover scheduling and execution model data that documents the effectiveness of these techniques at enabling the scheduler to take advantage of execution opportunities to complete activities earlier.
Troesch, M.; Vaquero, T.; Byon, A.; and Chien, S.
A Journey Through an Autonomous Multi-rover Coordination Scenario in Mars Cave Exploration.
International Conference on Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2018) System Demonstrations and Exhibits Track, Delft, Netherlands, June 2018.
title = {A Journey Through an Autonomous Multi-rover Coordination Scenario in Mars Cave Exploration},
author = {Martina Troesch and Tiago Vaquero and Amos Byon and Steve Chien},
year = 2018,
month = {June},
booktitle = {International Conference on Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2018) System Demonstrations and Exhibits Track},
address = {Delft, Netherlands},
clearance = {CL\#18-1881},
project = {CaveRovers},
todo = {url}
Vaquero, T.; Vander Hook, J.; Troesch, M.; and Chien, S.
A Simulation Framework for Computation Sharing in Mars Spacecraft Network.
International Conference on Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2018) System Demonstrations and Exhibits Track, Delft, Netherlands, June 2018.
title = {A Simulation Framework for Computation Sharing in Mars Spacecraft Network},
author = {Tiago Vaquero and Vander Hook, Joshua and Martina Troesch and Steve Chien},
year = 2018,
month = {June},
booktitle = {International Conference on Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2018) System Demonstrations and Exhibits Track},
address = {Delft, Netherlands},
clearance = {CL\#18-1853},
project = {mosaic},
todo = {url}
Lad, J.; Johnston, M. D.; Tran, D.; Brown, D.; Roffo, K.; and Lee, C.
Complexity-Based Link Assignment for NASA's Deep Space Network for Follow-the-Sun Operations.
International Conference On Space Operations (SpaceOps 2018), Marseille, France, May 2018.
title = {Complexity-Based Link Assignment for NASA's Deep Space Network for Follow-the-Sun Operations},
author = {Jigna Lad and Mark D. Johnston and Daniel Tran and David Brown and Kenneth Roffo and Carlyn-Ann Lee},
year = 2018,
month = {May},
booktitle = {International Conference On Space Operations (SpaceOps 2018)},
address = {Marseille, France},
url = {},
abstract = {NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) recently underwent a paradigm shift in its operations approach called Follow the Sun Operations (FtSO) in an effort to increase efficiency for forthcoming expansion of the network. This change requires each Deep Space Communications Complex (DSCC) to remotely control the other two complexes during their local day shift in contrast to locally controlling only their own antennas 24x7 . Remote operations increases the workload of each complex during their day shift, specifically that of the Link Control Operators (LCOs), and presents a new challenge for planning and managing the distribution of responsibility for each link. A new DSN software assembly, the Link Complexity and Maintenance (LCM) software, was developed to support workload management for LCOs, as well as for planning site - local maintenance activities. The LCM deployment was a vital part of the transition to FtSO in November 2017. This paper discusses the architecture of LCM, its feature set, and lessons learned during its development and roll - out.},
clearance = {CL\#18-1899},
project = {SSS}
NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) recently underwent a paradigm shift in its operations approach called Follow the Sun Operations (FtSO) in an effort to increase efficiency for forthcoming expansion of the network. This change requires each Deep Space Communications Complex (DSCC) to remotely control the other two complexes during their local day shift in contrast to locally controlling only their own antennas 24x7 . Remote operations increases the workload of each complex during their day shift, specifically that of the Link Control Operators (LCOs), and presents a new challenge for planning and managing the distribution of responsibility for each link. A new DSN software assembly, the Link Complexity and Maintenance (LCM) software, was developed to support workload management for LCOs, as well as for planning site - local maintenance activities. The LCM deployment was a vital part of the transition to FtSO in November 2017. This paper discusses the architecture of LCM, its feature set, and lessons learned during its development and roll - out.
Johnston, M. D.; and Lad, J.
Integrated Planning and Scheduling for NASA's Deep Space Network – from Forecasting to Real-time.
International Conference On Space Operations (SpaceOps 2018), Marseille, France, May 2018.
title = {Integrated Planning and Scheduling for NASA's Deep Space Network – from Forecasting to Real-time},
author = {Mark D. Johnston and Jigna Lad},
year = 2018,
month = {May},
booktitle = {International Conference On Space Operations (SpaceOps 2018)},
address = {Marseille, France},
url = {},
abstract = {Over a period of several years, the software systems that plan and schedule the use of NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) for the projects it serves have been upgraded from a disparate set of decades - old software components, to an integrated suite covering long - range planning and forecasting, all the way to real - time scheduling. The most recent component of this suite is known as LAPS, for Loading Analysis and Planning Software, and is responsible for long - term planning and forecasting, including studies and analysis of new mi ssions, changed mission requirements, downt ime, and new or changed antenna capabilities . This paper discuss es the architecture of LAPS and its interfaces with other elements of DSN planning and scheduling, its user interfaces, and some lessons learned from development and deployment.},
clearance = {CL\#18-1900},
project = {SSS}
Over a period of several years, the software systems that plan and schedule the use of NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) for the projects it serves have been upgraded from a disparate set of decades - old software components, to an integrated suite covering long - range planning and forecasting, all the way to real - time scheduling. The most recent component of this suite is known as LAPS, for Loading Analysis and Planning Software, and is responsible for long - term planning and forecasting, including studies and analysis of new mi ssions, changed mission requirements, downt ime, and new or changed antenna capabilities . This paper discuss es the architecture of LAPS and its interfaces with other elements of DSN planning and scheduling, its user interfaces, and some lessons learned from development and deployment.
Hackett, T. M.; Johnston, M. D.; and Bilen, S. G.
Spacecraft Block Scheduling for NASA's Deep Space Network.
International Conference On Space Operations (SpaceOps 2018), Marseille, France, May 2018.
title = {Spacecraft Block Scheduling for NASA's Deep Space Network},
author = {Timothy M. Hackett and Mark D. Johnston and Sven G. Bilen},
year = 2018,
month = {May},
booktitle = {International Conference On Space Operations (SpaceOps 2018)},
address = {Marseille, France},
url = {},
abstract = {Currently, NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) is responsible for uplink to, downlink from, and/or tracking of dozens of missions for space agencies across the world. The DSN scheduling process starts about four months prior to the start of the schedule week, a process in which requirements are defined and then the schedule is created, de-conflicted, and negotiated over the next 2–3 weeks with a team of mission representatives. Now scheduled for late 2019, Exploration Mission 1 (EM-1) will deploy upwards of 12 SmallSat missions that will be served by the DSN. This will increase the DSN's actively serviced spacecraft by up to 30 percent, further increasing the difficulty of meeting all mission needs via the oversubscribed network. To mitigate their impact on DSN scheduling, a block scheduling process is proposed for scheduling the SmallSats. Block scheduling consists of aggregating spacecraft together into larger pseudo-spacecraft'' based on geometric alignment that then follow the same process as any other DSN mission to receive segments of track time. These tracks are then decomposed into tracks for individual users based on their specific requirements. This paper describes a full novel scheduling toolset for building candidate blocks, evaluating the efficacy of these blocks, and optimal and suboptimal de-blocking schemes. To demonstrate these developed tools, results from three simulations are presented: a blocking example with lunar SmallSats, blocking potential in the greater DSN spacecraft catalog, and opportunistic multiple spacecraft per aperture potential for the DSN spacecraft catalog. Block scheduling has the potential to reduce overhead and scheduling resources for the EM-1 SmallSats while also providing them with a better means to meet their mission requirements.},
clearance = {CL\#18-18-1953},
project = {SSS}
Currently, NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) is responsible for uplink to, downlink from, and/or tracking of dozens of missions for space agencies across the world. The DSN scheduling process starts about four months prior to the start of the schedule week, a process in which requirements are defined and then the schedule is created, de-conflicted, and negotiated over the next 2–3 weeks with a team of mission representatives. Now scheduled for late 2019, Exploration Mission 1 (EM-1) will deploy upwards of 12 SmallSat missions that will be served by the DSN. This will increase the DSN's actively serviced spacecraft by up to 30 percent, further increasing the difficulty of meeting all mission needs via the oversubscribed network. To mitigate their impact on DSN scheduling, a block scheduling process is proposed for scheduling the SmallSats. Block scheduling consists of aggregating spacecraft together into larger pseudo-spacecraft'' based on geometric alignment that then follow the same process as any other DSN mission to receive segments of track time. These tracks are then decomposed into tracks for individual users based on their specific requirements. This paper describes a full novel scheduling toolset for building candidate blocks, evaluating the efficacy of these blocks, and optimal and suboptimal de-blocking schemes. To demonstrate these developed tools, results from three simulations are presented: a blocking example with lunar SmallSats, blocking potential in the greater DSN spacecraft catalog, and opportunistic multiple spacecraft per aperture potential for the DSN spacecraft catalog. Block scheduling has the potential to reduce overhead and scheduling resources for the EM-1 SmallSats while also providing them with a better means to meet their mission requirements.
Brown, D.; Huffman, W.; Thompson, D.; Chien, S.; and Sierks, H.
Detecting and tracking of plumes at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in OSIRIS/Rosetta image sequences: Summary Report.
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space (ISAIRAS 2018), Madrid, Spain, July 2018.
Also appears at AI in the Oceans and Space Workshop, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017)
title = {Detecting and tracking of plumes at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in OSIRIS/Rosetta image sequences: Summary Report},
author = {D. Brown and W. Huffman and D. Thompson and S. Chien and H. Sierks},
year = 2018,
month = {July},
booktitle = {International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space (ISAIRAS 2018)},
address = {Madrid, Spain},
url = {},
note = {Also appears at AI in the Oceans and Space Workshop, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017)},
also_appears_address = {Melbourne, Australia},
also_appears_booktitle = {AI in the Oceans and Space Workshop, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017)},
also_appears_month = {August},
also_appears_title = {Automatic detection and tracking of plumes from 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in OSIRIS/Rosetta image sequences: A preliminary report},
also_appears_year = 2017,
clearance = {CL\#17-4040},
project = {rosetta}
Wyatt, E. J.; Belov, K.; Castillo-Rogez, J.; Chien, S.; Fraeman, A.; Gao, J.; Herzig, S.; Lazio, T. J. W.; Troesch, M.; and Vaquero, T.
Autonomous Networking for Robotic Deep Space Exploration.
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space (ISAIRAS 2018), Madrid, Spain, July 2018.
title = {Autonomous Networking for Robotic Deep Space Exploration},
author = {E. Jay Wyatt and Konstantin Belov and Julie Castillo-Rogez and Steve Chien and Abigail Fraeman and Jay Gao and Sebastian Herzig and T. Joesph W. Lazio and Martina Troesch and Tiago Vaquero},
year = 2018,
month = {July},
booktitle = {International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space (ISAIRAS 2018)},
address = {Madrid, Spain},
url = {},
abstract = {Networked constellations of small spacecraft are emerging as novel ways to perform entirely new types of science observations that would not otherwise be possible [1], enable exploration of regions of high scientific value and that also could potentially be occupied by future human explorers (i.e., caves) [2], and demonstrate capabilities that will be useful for eventual human-robotic teams on the surface of the Moon or Mars [3]. In this paper, three mission concepts are presented and the resulting mission architectures are described. The first is a low radio frequency observatory involving tens of small spacecraft; the second is a multi-vehicle surface armada involving heterogeneous rovers (scouts, science rovers); and the third is a Lunar or Mars cave exploration scenario. Spacecraft networking architectures are determined by a unique combination of factors, including mission design constraints, mission objectives, autonomy capabilities, and networking capabilities. The combination of two technologies in particular, Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) [4, 5] and coordinated autonomy algorithms [6] can be enabling to these types of missions and are a focus for this paper. DTN can be thought of as the internet protocol for space and other critical applications where reliable and automated store-and-forward communications are needed. While particularly useful for long-haul links with large light time delays, DTN is also powerful for automating communication and maximizing throughput even when the communication delays are relatively short between the networked nodes. At the application layer, the ability to plan, replan, and coordinate autonomously among the nodes of the network can be important to achieve mission objectives, lower operations cost, and maximum data return.},
clearance = {CL\#18-2867},
project = {CaveRovers}
Networked constellations of small spacecraft are emerging as novel ways to perform entirely new types of science observations that would not otherwise be possible [1], enable exploration of regions of high scientific value and that also could potentially be occupied by future human explorers (i.e., caves) [2], and demonstrate capabilities that will be useful for eventual human-robotic teams on the surface of the Moon or Mars [3]. In this paper, three mission concepts are presented and the resulting mission architectures are described. The first is a low radio frequency observatory involving tens of small spacecraft; the second is a multi-vehicle surface armada involving heterogeneous rovers (scouts, science rovers); and the third is a Lunar or Mars cave exploration scenario. Spacecraft networking architectures are determined by a unique combination of factors, including mission design constraints, mission objectives, autonomy capabilities, and networking capabilities. The combination of two technologies in particular, Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) [4, 5] and coordinated autonomy algorithms [6] can be enabling to these types of missions and are a focus for this paper. DTN can be thought of as the internet protocol for space and other critical applications where reliable and automated store-and-forward communications are needed. While particularly useful for long-haul links with large light time delays, DTN is also powerful for automating communication and maximizing throughput even when the communication delays are relatively short between the networked nodes. At the application layer, the ability to plan, replan, and coordinate autonomously among the nodes of the network can be important to achieve mission objectives, lower operations cost, and maximum data return.
Wagstaff, K.; Chien, S.; Altinok, A.; Rebbapragada, U.; Thompson, D.; Schaffer, S.; and Tran, D.
Cloud Filtering and Novelty Detection using Onboard Machine Learning for the EO-1 Spacecraft.
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space (ISAIRAS 2018), Madrid, Spain, July 2018.
Also appears at AI in the Oceans and Space Workshop, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017)
title = {Cloud Filtering and Novelty Detection using Onboard Machine Learning for the EO-1 Spacecraft},
author = {K. Wagstaff and S. Chien and A. Altinok and U. Rebbapragada and D. Thompson and S. Schaffer and D. Tran},
year = 2018,
month = {July},
booktitle = {International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space (ISAIRAS 2018)},
address = {Madrid, Spain},
url = {},
note = {Also appears at AI in the Oceans and Space Workshop, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017)},
also_appears_address = {Melbourne, Australia},
also_appears_booktitle = {AI in the Oceans and Space Workshop, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017)},
also_appears_month = {August},
also_appears_year = 2017,
clearance = {CL\#17-2844},
project = {ASE}
Schaffer, S.; Branch, A.; Hernandez, S.; and Chien, S.
Heuristic-Guided Orbit Selection for a Radio-Interferometric Spacecraft Constellation: Summary Report.
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space (ISAIRAS 2018), Madrid, Spain, July 2018.
Also appears at AI in the Oceans and Space Workshop, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017)
title = {Heuristic-Guided Orbit Selection for a Radio-Interferometric Spacecraft Constellation: Summary Report},
author = {S. Schaffer and A. Branch and S. Hernandez and S. Chien},
year = 2018,
month = {July},
booktitle = {International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space (ISAIRAS 2018)},
address = {Madrid, Spain},
url = {},
note = {Also appears at AI in the Oceans and Space Workshop, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017)},
also_appears_address = {Melbourne, Australia},
also_appears_booktitle = {AI in the Oceans and Space Workshop, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017)},
also_appears_month = {August},
also_appears_title = {Preliminary Results on Heuristic-Guided Orbit Selection for a Radio-Interferometric Spacecraft Constellation},
also_appears_year = 2017,
clearance = {CL\#17-4089},
project = {relic}
Schaffer, S.; Chien, S.; and Ferguson, E.
Validation of Fault-Tolerant Plans for Europa Clipper.
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space (ISAIRAS 2018), Madrid, Spain, July 2018.
title = {Validation of Fault-Tolerant Plans for Europa Clipper},
author = {S. Schaffer and S. Chien and E. Ferguson},
year = 2018,
month = {July},
booktitle = {International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space (ISAIRAS 2018)},
address = {Madrid, Spain},
url = {},
clearance = {CL\#18-2114},
project = {clipper}
Vander Hook, J.; Vaquero, T.; Troesch, M.; de la Croix, J.; Schoolcraft, J.; Bandyopadhyay, S.; and Chien, S.
Dynamic Shared Computing Resources for Multi-Robot Mars Exploration.
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS 2018), Madrid, Spain, June 2018.
Also appears at the 28th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) 2018 Workshop on Planning and Robotics (PlanRob), Delft, Netherlands.
title = {Dynamic Shared Computing Resources for Multi-Robot Mars Exploration},
author = {Vander Hook, Joshua and Tiago Vaquero and Martina Troesch and Jean-Pierre de la Croix and Joshua Schoolcraft and Saptarshi Bandyopadhyay and Steve Chien},
year = 2018,
month = {June},
booktitle = {International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS 2018)},
address = {Madrid, Spain},
note = {Also appears at the 28th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) 2018 Workshop on Planning and Robotics (PlanRob), Delft, Netherlands.},
abstract = {The NASA roadmap for 2020 and beyond includes several key technologies which will have a game-changing impact on planetary exploration. The first of these is High Performance Spaceflight Computing (HPSC), which will provide orders of magnitude increases in processing power for next-generation rovers and orbiters (Doyle et al. 2013). The second is Delay Tolerant Networking, which overlays the Deep Space Network, providing internet-like abstractions and store-forward to route data through intermittent delays in connectivity. The third is a trend toward small, co-dependent robots included in flagship missions (MarCO, PUFFER, and Mars Heli). Taken together, these imply an increasing amount of communication and computing heterogeneity on Mars in coming decades. Motivated by these technological trends, we study the concept of Mars on-site shared analysis, information, and communication (MOSAIC) for Mars exploration. The key algorithmic problem associated with MOSAIC networks is simultaneous scheduling of computation, communication, and caching of data, which we illustrate using the three scenarios. We present models, preliminary solutions, and simulation results for two scenarios, showing how mission efficiency relates to communication bandwidth, processing power, geography of the environment, and optimal scheduling of computation, communication, and data caching. The third scenario illustrates future directions of this work.},
project = {mosaic},
todo = {clearance number, url}
The NASA roadmap for 2020 and beyond includes several key technologies which will have a game-changing impact on planetary exploration. The first of these is High Performance Spaceflight Computing (HPSC), which will provide orders of magnitude increases in processing power for next-generation rovers and orbiters (Doyle et al. 2013). The second is Delay Tolerant Networking, which overlays the Deep Space Network, providing internet-like abstractions and store-forward to route data through intermittent delays in connectivity. The third is a trend toward small, co-dependent robots included in flagship missions (MarCO, PUFFER, and Mars Heli). Taken together, these imply an increasing amount of communication and computing heterogeneity on Mars in coming decades. Motivated by these technological trends, we study the concept of Mars on-site shared analysis, information, and communication (MOSAIC) for Mars exploration. The key algorithmic problem associated with MOSAIC networks is simultaneous scheduling of computation, communication, and caching of data, which we illustrate using the three scenarios. We present models, preliminary solutions, and simulation results for two scenarios, showing how mission efficiency relates to communication bandwidth, processing power, geography of the environment, and optimal scheduling of computation, communication, and data caching. The third scenario illustrates future directions of this work.
Fraeman, A. A.; Castillo-Rogez, J. C.; Wyatt, E. J.; Chien, S. A.; Herzig, S. J.; Gao, J. L.; Troesch, M.; Vaquero, T. S.; Walsh, W. B.; Belov, K. V.; Mitchell, K. L.; and Lazio, J.
Assessing Martian Cave Exploration for the Next Decadal Survey.
Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG), Washington, DC, April 2018.
title = {Assessing Martian Cave Exploration for the Next Decadal Survey},
author = {A. A. Fraeman and J. C. Castillo-Rogez and E. J. Wyatt and S. A. Chien and S. J. Herzig and J. L. Gao and M. Troesch and T. S. Vaquero and W. B. Walsh and K. V. Belov and K. L. Mitchell and J. Lazio},
year = 2018,
month = {April},
booktitle = {Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG)},
address = {Washington, DC},
url = {\%5Fconstellation.pdf},
project = {CaveRovers}
Fratantoni, D.; Branch, A.; Chao, Y.; Chavez, F.; Chien, S.; Chu, S.; Clark, E.; Claus, B.; Erickson, Z.; Farrara, J.; Flexas, M.; Kepper, J.; Kieft, B.; Kinsey, J.; Hobson, B.; Thompson, A.; Troesch, M.; Yuan, W.; and Zhang, Y.
Towards Fully Autonomous Ocean Observing: Coupling Heterogeneous Robotic Arrays with Data-assimilating Models and Autonomous Path Planning.
Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR, February 2018.
title = {Towards Fully Autonomous Ocean Observing: Coupling Heterogeneous Robotic Arrays with Data-assimilating Models and Autonomous Path Planning},
author = {D. Fratantoni and A. Branch and Y. Chao and F. Chavez and S. Chien and S. Chu and E. Clark and B. Claus and Z. Erickson and J. Farrara and M. Flexas and J. Kepper and B. Kieft and J. Kinsey and B. Hobson and A. Thompson and M. Troesch and W. Yuan and Y. Zhang},
year = 2018,
month = {February},
booktitle = {Ocean Sciences Meeting},
address = {Portland, OR},
project = {keck\_marine}
Chao, Y.; Fratantoni, D.; Farrara, J.; Chien, S.; Branch, A.; Clark, E.; Fu, L.; Wang, J.; Haines, B.; Thompson, A.; Flexas, M.; Schofield, O.; Aragon, D.; Kerfoot, J.; Haldeman, C.; Lankhorst, M.; Meinig, C.; and Stalin, S.
Monterey Bay Field Experiment to Support Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission Calibration and Validation.
Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR, February 2018.
title = {Monterey Bay Field Experiment to Support Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission Calibration and Validation},
author = {Y. Chao and D. Fratantoni and J. Farrara and S. Chien and A. Branch and E. Clark and L. Fu and J. Wang and B. Haines and A. Thompson and M. Flexas and O. Schofield and D. Aragon and J. Kerfoot and C. Haldeman and M. Lankhorst and C. Meinig and S. Stalin},
year = 2018,
month = {February},
booktitle = {Ocean Sciences Meeting},
address = {Portland, OR},
project = {SWOT\_station}
Shao, E.; Byon, A.; Davies, C.; Davis, E.; Knight, R.; Lewellen, G.; Trowbridge, M.; and Chien, S.
Area Coverage Planning with 3-axis Steerable, 2D Framing Sensors.
Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop , International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS SPARK 2018), Delft, Netherlands, June 2018.
title = {Area Coverage Planning with 3-axis Steerable, 2D Framing Sensors},
author = {Elly Shao and Amos Byon and Chris Davies and Evan Davis and Russell Knight and Garett Lewellen and Michael Trowbridge and Steve Chien},
year = 2018,
month = {June},
booktitle = {Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop , International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS SPARK 2018)},
address = {Delft, Netherlands},
url = {},
abstract = {Existing algorithms for Agile Earth Observing Satellites were largely created for 1D line sensors that acquire images in linear swaths. However, imaging satellites increasingly use 2D framing sensors (cameras) that capture discrete rectangular images. We describe tiling step-stare approaches that are more suited to rectangular image footprints than are 1D swath-based algorithms. Optimal area planning for these 2D framing instruments is an NP-complete problem and intractable for large areas, so we present four approximation algorithms. Strategies are compared against a prior 2D framing instrument algorithm (Knight 2014) in three computational experiments. The impact of observer agility on schedule makespan is examined. Makespans vary more as observer agility decreases toward a critical point, then vary less after the critical point, suggesting a possible problem phase transition.},
clearance = {CL\#18-2435},
project = {EagleEye}
Existing algorithms for Agile Earth Observing Satellites were largely created for 1D line sensors that acquire images in linear swaths. However, imaging satellites increasingly use 2D framing sensors (cameras) that capture discrete rectangular images. We describe tiling step-stare approaches that are more suited to rectangular image footprints than are 1D swath-based algorithms. Optimal area planning for these 2D framing instruments is an NP-complete problem and intractable for large areas, so we present four approximation algorithms. Strategies are compared against a prior 2D framing instrument algorithm (Knight 2014) in three computational experiments. The impact of observer agility on schedule makespan is examined. Makespans vary more as observer agility decreases toward a critical point, then vary less after the critical point, suggesting a possible problem phase transition.
Chi, W.; Chien, S.; Agrawal, J.; Rabideau, G.; Benowitz, E.; Gaines, D.; Fosse, E.; Kuhn, S.; and Biehl, J.
Embedding a Scheduler in Execution for a Planetary Rover: Additional Materials.
Technical Report D-101730, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, June 2018. Jet Propulsion Laboratory
title = {Embedding a Scheduler in Execution for a Planetary Rover: Additional Materials},
author = {W. Chi and S. Chien and J. Agrawal and G. Rabideau and E. Benowitz and D. Gaines and E. Fosse and S. Kuhn and J. Biehl},
year = 2018,
month = {June},
booktitle = {Technical Report D-101730, Jet Propulsion Laboratory},
url = {},
abstract = {This document contains additional information and empirical data for the paper Embedding a Scheduler in Execution for a Planetary Rover (Chi et al. 2018).},
clearance = {CL\#18-1538},
organization = {Jet Propulsion Laboratory},
project = {m2020\_simple\_planner}
This document contains additional information and empirical data for the paper Embedding a Scheduler in Execution for a Planetary Rover (Chi et al. 2018).
German, C.; Boetius, A.; Bowen, A.; Branch, A.; Chien, S.; Jakuba, M.; Kinsey, J.; Hand, K.; Seewald, J.; and Xu, G.
Oases for Life Beneath Ice-Covered Oceans: Hydrothermal Exploration of Ocean Worlds.
The 42nd Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Scientific Assembly 2018, Pasadena, California, USA, July 2018.
title = {Oases for Life Beneath Ice-Covered Oceans: Hydrothermal Exploration of Ocean Worlds},
author = {C. German and A. Boetius and A. Bowen and A. Branch and S. Chien and M. Jakuba and J. Kinsey and K. Hand and J. Seewald and G. Xu},
year = 2018,
month = {July},
booktitle = {The 42nd Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Scientific Assembly 2018},
address = {Pasadena, California, USA}
Castillo-Rogez, J.; Fraeman, A.; Wyatt, J.; Chien, S.; Herzig, S.; Gao, J.; Troesch, M.; Vaquero, T.; and Lazio, J.
Mars Cave Exploration Concept for Science and Human Exploration.
The 42nd Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Scientific Assembly 2018, Pasadena, California, USA, July 2018.
title = {Mars Cave Exploration Concept for Science and Human Exploration},
author = {Julie Castillo-Rogez and Abigail Fraeman and Jay Wyatt and Steve Chien and Sebastian Herzig and Jay Gao and Martina Troesch and Tiago Vaquero and Joseph Lazio},
year = 2018,
month = {July},
booktitle = {The 42nd Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Scientific Assembly 2018},
address = {Pasadena, California, USA},
url = {\&type=abstract\§ion=congressbrowser},
project = {CaveRovers},
todo = {clearance, url}
Branch, A.; Flexas, M. M.; Claus, B.; Thompson, A. F.; Clark, E. B.; Zhang, Y.; Kinsey, J. C.; Chien, S.; Fratantoni, D. M.; Hobson, B.; Kieft, B.; and Chavez, F. P.
Planning and Execution for Front Delineation and Tracking with Multiple Underwater Vehicles.
Workshop on Integrated Planning, Acting and Execution, International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS INTEX 2018), Delft, Netherlands, June 2018.
title = {Planning and Execution for Front Delineation and Tracking with Multiple Underwater Vehicles},
author = {A. Branch and M. M. Flexas and B. Claus and A. F. Thompson and E. B. Clark and Y. Zhang and J. C. Kinsey and S. Chien and D. M. Fratantoni and B. Hobson and B. Kieft and F. P. Chavez},
year = 2018,
month = {June},
booktitle = {Workshop on Integrated Planning, Acting and Execution, International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS INTEX 2018)},
address = {Delft, Netherlands},
url = {},
abstract = {This work describes a planning architecture for a heterogeneous fleet of marine assets as well as a method for detecting and tracking ocean fronts using multiple autonomous underwater vehicles. Multiple vehicles --- equally-spaced along the expected frontal boundary --- complete near parallel transects orthogonal to the front. Lateral gradients are used to determine the location of the front crossing from each individual vehicle transect by detecting a change in the observed water property. Adaptive control of the vehicles ensure they remain perpendicular to the estimated frontal boundary as it evolves over time. This method was demonstrated in several experiment periods totaling weeks, in and around Monterey Bay, California in May and June of 2017. We discuss the challenges associated with the implementation of the planning system. We show the capability of this method for repeated sampling across a dynamic two-dimensional ocean front using a fleet of three types of platforms: short-range Iver AUVs, Tethys-Class Long-Range AUVs, and Seagliders. This method extends to tracking gradients of different properties using a variety of vehicles.},
clearance = {CL\#18-2730},
project = {keck\_marine}
This work describes a planning architecture for a heterogeneous fleet of marine assets as well as a method for detecting and tracking ocean fronts using multiple autonomous underwater vehicles. Multiple vehicles — equally-spaced along the expected frontal boundary — complete near parallel transects orthogonal to the front. Lateral gradients are used to determine the location of the front crossing from each individual vehicle transect by detecting a change in the observed water property. Adaptive control of the vehicles ensure they remain perpendicular to the estimated frontal boundary as it evolves over time. This method was demonstrated in several experiment periods totaling weeks, in and around Monterey Bay, California in May and June of 2017. We discuss the challenges associated with the implementation of the planning system. We show the capability of this method for repeated sampling across a dynamic two-dimensional ocean front using a fleet of three types of platforms: short-range Iver AUVs, Tethys-Class Long-Range AUVs, and Seagliders. This method extends to tracking gradients of different properties using a variety of vehicles.
Branch, A.; Xu, G.; Jakuba, M. V.; German, C. R.; Chien, S.; Kinsey, J. C.; Bowen, A. D.; Hand, K. P.; and Seewald, J. S.
Autonomous Nested Search for Hydrothermal Venting.
Workshop on Planning and Robotics, International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS PlanRob 2018), Delft, Netherlands, June 2018.
title = {Autonomous Nested Search for Hydrothermal Venting},
author = {A. Branch and G. Xu and M. V. Jakuba and C. R. German and S. Chien and J. C. Kinsey and A. D. Bowen and K. P. Hand and J. S. Seewald},
year = 2018,
month = {June},
booktitle = {Workshop on Planning and Robotics, International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS PlanRob 2018)},
address = {Delft, Netherlands},
url = {},
abstract = {Ocean Worlds represent one of the best chances for the discovery of extra-terrestrial life within our own solar system. Liquid oceans are thought to exist on these celestial bodies, often encased in a thick icy shell. In order to investigate these oceans, a new mission concept utilizing a submersible craft must be developed. This vehicle would be required to traverse the icy shell and travel hundreds or even thousands of kilometers to survey the ocean below. In doing this, the vehicle might be out of contact for weeks or months at a time, requiring it to autonomously detect, locate, and study features of interest. Hydrothermal venting is one potential target, due to the unique ecosystems it supports on Earth. We have developed an autonomous, nested search strategy to locate sources of hydrothermal venting based on currently used methods. To test this search technique a simulation environment was developed using a hydrothermal plume dispersion simulation and a vehicle model. We show the effectiveness of the search method in this environment.},
clearance = {CL\#18-2729},
project = {ice\_covered\_oceans}
Ocean Worlds represent one of the best chances for the discovery of extra-terrestrial life within our own solar system. Liquid oceans are thought to exist on these celestial bodies, often encased in a thick icy shell. In order to investigate these oceans, a new mission concept utilizing a submersible craft must be developed. This vehicle would be required to traverse the icy shell and travel hundreds or even thousands of kilometers to survey the ocean below. In doing this, the vehicle might be out of contact for weeks or months at a time, requiring it to autonomously detect, locate, and study features of interest. Hydrothermal venting is one potential target, due to the unique ecosystems it supports on Earth. We have developed an autonomous, nested search strategy to locate sources of hydrothermal venting based on currently used methods. To test this search technique a simulation environment was developed using a hydrothermal plume dispersion simulation and a vehicle model. We show the effectiveness of the search method in this environment.
Branch, A.; Flexas, M. M.; Claus, B.; Thompson, A. F.; Clark, E. B.; Zhang, Y.; Kinsey, J. C.; Chien, S.; Fratantoni, D. M.; Hobson, B.; Kieft, B.; and Chavez, F. P.
Front Delineation and Tracking with Multiple Underwater Vehicles.
Workshop on Planning and Robotics, International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS PlanRob 2018), Delft, Netherlands, June 2018.
title = {Front Delineation and Tracking with Multiple Underwater Vehicles},
author = {A. Branch and M. M. Flexas and B. Claus and A. F. Thompson and E. B. Clark and Y. Zhang and J. C. Kinsey and S. Chien and D. M. Fratantoni and B. Hobson and B. Kieft and F. P. Chavez},
year = 2018,
month = {June},
booktitle = {Workshop on Planning and Robotics, International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS PlanRob 2018)},
address = {Delft, Netherlands},
url = {},
abstract = {This work describes a method for detecting and tracking ocean fronts using multiple autonomous underwater vehicles. Multiple vehicles --- equally-spaced along the expected frontal boundary --- complete near parallel transects orthogonal to the front. Lateral gradients are used to determine the location of the front crossing from each individual vehicle transect by detecting a change in the observed water property. Adaptive control of the vehicles ensure they remain perpendicular to the estimated front boundary as it evolves over time. This method was demonstrated in and around Monterey Bay, California in May of 2017. We compare the front detection method to previously used methods. We introduce a metric in order to evaluate the adaptive control techniques presented. We show the capability of this method for repeated sampling across a dynamic two-dimensional ocean front using short-range Iver AUVs. This method extends to tracking gradients of different properties using a variety of vehicles.},
clearance = {CL\#18-2692},
project = {keck\_marine}
This work describes a method for detecting and tracking ocean fronts using multiple autonomous underwater vehicles. Multiple vehicles — equally-spaced along the expected frontal boundary — complete near parallel transects orthogonal to the front. Lateral gradients are used to determine the location of the front crossing from each individual vehicle transect by detecting a change in the observed water property. Adaptive control of the vehicles ensure they remain perpendicular to the estimated front boundary as it evolves over time. This method was demonstrated in and around Monterey Bay, California in May of 2017. We compare the front detection method to previously used methods. We introduce a metric in order to evaluate the adaptive control techniques presented. We show the capability of this method for repeated sampling across a dynamic two-dimensional ocean front using short-range Iver AUVs. This method extends to tracking gradients of different properties using a variety of vehicles.